I'd like to reduce the boilerplate needed to bind these akka actors.
At current, my code looks like this:
toProvider(new TypeLiteral[ActorProvider[MyActor]]() {}).
I'd like it too look like:
I've tried to subclass AbstractModule to squeeze this concept in to no avail.
Pertinent code:
class ActorProvider[T <: Actor] #Inject() ( val key:Key[T], val injector:Injector, val system: ActorSystem ) extends Provider[ActorRef] {
def get = {
Check out https://github.com/codingwell/scala-guice/. Here is a sample based on it. It allows for
Keep in mind you are binding a non-generic ActorRef and not Actor itself. This will create a binding for #Named("foo") ActorRef. You should never work with Actor directly.
You cannot get Key in the provider. Provider doesn't take any contextual injections like you tried with the Key or e.g. Injection Point. What you can do is create a different instance of the provider for each actor binding and inject it with ActorSystem afterwards. Alternatively you could change the API to include the actor system instance aswell.
trait AkkaModule extends AbstractModule {
// should be:
// this: AbstractModule =>
// see http://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/ticket/3564
import ScalaModule._
private def binderAccess = super.binder // shouldn't need super
def bindActor[T <: Actor](implicit m: Manifest[T]) = new ActorBindingBuilder {
//Hack, no easy way to exclude the bind method that gets added to classes inheriting ScalaModule
//So we experamentally figured out how many calls up is the source, so we use that
//Commit 52c2e92f8f6131e4a9ea473f58be3e32cd172ce6 has better class exclusion
val mybinder = binderAccess.withSource((new Throwable).getStackTrace()(3))
val self = (mybinder bind classOf[ActorRef]).asInstanceOf[AnnotatedBindingBuilder[ActorRef]]
object AkkaModule {
class ActorProvider(val name: String) extends Provider[ActorRef] {
#Inject var system: ActorSystem = _
def get = {
system.actorFor(system.name + "/user/" + name)
trait ActorBindingBuilder {
val mybinder: Binder
val self: AnnotatedBindingBuilder[ActorRef]
def withName(name: String) = {
val provider = new ActorProvider(name)
Something like this that leverages scala's type Manifest might work
where Foo is analogous to ActorRef and Bla is analogous to MyActor:
scala> import com.google.inject
import com.google.inject
scala> val binder:inject.Binder = null
binder: com.google.inject.Binder = null
scala> class Foo {}
defined class Foo
scala> class Bla extends Foo {}
defined class Bla
scala> def bind[T <: Foo:Manifest] = binder.bind( classOf[Foo] ).toProvider( new
inject.TypeLiteral[inject.Provider[T]](){} ).asEagerSingleton
bind: [T <: Foo](implicit evidence$1: Manifest[T])Unit
Maybe combine that with implicit conversion to convert a Binder to a MyBinder:
class MyBinder {
def bindActor[T <: ActorRef:Manifest]( nameToBind:String ):Unit = ...
object MyBinder {
implicit def binderToMyBinder( ...
Good luck!
I am experiencing issues making Slick's TableQuery used in a generic fashion.
Observe the regular situation:
class AccountRepository {
override protected val dbConfig = DatabaseConfigProvider.get[JdbcProfile](Play.current)
val accounts = TableQuery[Accounts]
def all = db.run(accounts.result)
The idea would be to extract everything possible into generic trait or abstract class in order to avoid repetition. For the sake of simplicity I included only the problematic code.
abstract class GenericRepository[T] extends HasDatabaseConfig[JdbcProfile] {
override protected val dbConfig = DatabaseConfigProvider.get[JdbcProfile(Play.current)
val table = TableQuery[T]
And to use it like:
class AccountRepository extends GenericRepository[Accounts] {
However, that creates a compilation error:
type arguments [T] conform to the bounds of none of the overloaded alternatives of value apply: [E <: slick.lifted.AbstractTable[]]=> slick.lifted.TableQuery[E] [E <: slick.lifted.AbstractTable[]](cons: slick.lifted.Tag => E)slick.lifted.TableQuery[E]
Trying to fix the issue by setting a boundary doesn't help as well.
abstract class GenericRepository[T <: slick.lifted.AbstractTable[T]] extends HasDatabaseConfig[JdbcProfile] {
However, we end up with a different error:
class type required but T found
at following place:
val table = TableQuery[T]
Any idea about the solution?
You have to pass table query manually,
abstract class GenericRepository[T <: slick.lifted.AbstractTable[_]](query: TableQuery[T])
and in implementation,
class AccountRepository extends GenericRepository[Accounts](TableQuery[Accounts])
I hope this will solve your problem.
I guess if you can solve the initialization of tableQuery, then you can continue your GenericRepository. I am using Slick 3.0 with PostgreSQL.
In the slick.lifted.TableQuery, there is a method like the following
// object TableQuery
def apply[E <: AbstractTable[_]](cons: Tag => E): TableQuery[E] =
new TableQuery[E](cons)
So if we can get an instance of E on the fly, then we can get a generic way to create TableQuery. So reflection seems to be a possible way to solve it.
import scala.reflect.runtime.{ universe => ru }
import slick.lifted.{ AbstractTable, ProvenShape, Tag }
import slick.driver.PostgresDriver.api._
object Reflection {
val runtimeMirror = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
def getTypeTag[T: ru.TypeTag] = ru.typeTag[T]
def createClassByConstructor[T: ru.TypeTag](args: Any*) =
.asMethod)(args: _*).asInstanceOf[T]
// context bound here is for createClassByConstructor to use
abstract class GenericTableQuery[U, T <: AbstractTable[U]: ru.TypeTag] {
import Reflection._
// look at following code: Students, if you want to initialize Students
// you're gonna need a tag parameter, that's why we pass tag here
val tableQuery = TableQuery.apply(tag => createClassByConstructor[T](tag))
// Sample Table
case class Student(name: String, age: Int)
class Students(tag: Tag) extends Table[Student](tag, "students") {
def name = column[String]("name")
def age = column[Int]("age")
override def * : ProvenShape[Student] = (name, age)
<> (Student.tupled, Student.unapply _)
// get TableQuery
object TestGenericTableQuery extends GenericTableQuery[Student, Students] {
val studentQuery = tableQuery
The codes mentioned above is just focused on the issue of generic TableQuery, try to combine it with your GenericRepository and your problem may get solved.
Anyway, hope it helps.
There is the following API for Slick CRUD (Slick-2.1.0, Scala-2.11.4):
trait HasId {
type Id
def id: Option[Id]
trait HasIdColumn[E <: HasId] {
def id: scala.slick.lifted.Column[E#Id]
trait SlickExtensions {
val driver: scala.slick.driver.JdbcProfile
import driver.simple._
trait BaseDAO[T <: Table[E], E] {
val query: TableQuery[T]
trait HasIdActions[T <: Table[E] with HasIdColumn[E], E <: HasId]
extends BaseDAO[T, E] {
//line L1: this implicit val is needed to execute query.filter(_.id === id)
// what can be done in order to save the user from the necessity
// to override this value?
implicit val mappingId: BaseColumnType[E#Id]
def findById(id: E#Id)(implicit session: Session): Option[E] =
query.filter(_.id === id).firstOption
I apply this SlickExtensions as follows:
case class Entity(id: Option[Long] = None, value: String) extends HasId {
type Id = Long }
trait EntityComponent extends SlickExtensions {
import driver.simple._
class EntitiesTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[Entity](tag, "entities")
with HasIdColumn[Entity] {
def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def value = column[String]("value", O.NotNull)
def * = (id.?, value) <>(Entity.tupled, Entity.unapply)
object Entities extends HasIdActions[EntitiesTable, Entity] {
val query = TableQuery[EntitiesTable]
/* line L2: from slick library: ImplicitColumnTypes */
override implicit val mappingId = driver.simple.longColumnType
End point to execute queries:
val c = new EntityComponent {
lazy val driver = play.api.db.slick.Config.driver
db.withSession { implicit session =>
c.Entities.findById(1) foreach println
The main question is how to get rid of "implicit val mappingId" overriding in line L2?
I tried to create a class:
abstract class IdImplicits[E<:HasId](implicit val mappingId:BaseColumnType[E#Id])
and inherited it as follows:
object Entities extends IdImplicits[EntitiesTable, Entity]
with HasIdActions[EntitiesTable, Entity] {
val query = TableQuery[EntitiesTable]
//override implicit val mappingId: driver.simple.longColumnType
However it seems to me that such approach is redundant.
It would be great if I could hide "implicit val mappingId" inside SlickExtensions.
Here is the link to the same question
In my project, I'd like to add HasName, HasValue[V] and some other mixins to construct the following DAOs:
object EntitiesDAO extends HasIdActions
with HasNameActions
with HasValueActions with NameToIdActions with ValueToIdActions {
override def nameToId(name:String):Option[E#Id]
override def valueToId(value:E#ValueType):Option[E#Id]
It leads to the following problems:
1) implicits for BaseColumnTypes, mentioned in my topic, should be taken into consideration for HasId, HasValue mixins
2) If implicits BaseColumnTypes are used as parameters of constructor of abstract classes then these classes can't be mixed in one EntityDAO object (the problem is described here).
3) If one abstract class is used for each variant of EntityDAO, then we get ugly-looking combinations, for example:
abstract class IdValueNameImplicits[E <: HasId with HasValue with HasName]
(implicit val idMapper:BaseColumnType[E#Id],
implicit val valueMapper:BaseColumnType[E#ValueType])
You can't do that because you are inside a trait and E#Id is only defined when you have a concrete implementation of it.
As you already discovered, you have to define your BaseColumnType when your trait is implemented because only then you have a defined type for E#Id.
Another option is not to have a trait but an abstract class where you can have a implicit BaseColumnType passed to the constructor.
I have a small project that does exactly what you are looking for. You can find it here: https://github.com/strongtyped/active-slick
There is also an Activator template.
You can use it as is or as inspiration for your own.
Have fun!
This is probably covered by the blog entry by Jesse Eichar—still I can't figure out how to correct the following without resorting to lazy vals so that the NPE is fixed:
trait FooLike { def foo: String }
case class Foo(foo: String) extends FooLike
trait Sys {
type D <: FooLike
def bar: D
trait Confluent extends Sys {
type D = Foo
trait Mixin extends Sys {
val global = bar.foo
First attempt:
class System1 extends Mixin with Confluent {
val bar = Foo("npe")
new System1 // boom!!
Second attempt, changing mixin order
class System2 extends Confluent with Mixin {
val bar = Foo("npe")
new System2 // boom!!
Now I use both bar and global very heavily, and therefore I don't want to pay a lazy-val tax just because Scala (2.9.2) doesn't get the initialisation right. What to do?
You can use an early initializer:
class System1 extends {
val bar = Foo("npe")
} with Mixin with Confluent {
// ...
scala> new System1
res3: System1 = System1#1d0bfedd
Most of the examples of the Cake Pattern I've come across appear to consider dependencies as singleton type services; where there is only one instance of each type in the final assembly of components. Is it possible to write a configuration that has more than one instance of a particular type, perhaps configured in different ways, when using the Cake Pattern for dependency injection?
Consider the following components. Generic HTTP service:
trait HttpService { def get(query:String):String }
trait HttpServiceComponent {
val httpService:HttpService
class HttpServiceImpl(address:String) extends HttpService {
def get(query:String):String = ...
Trade & Company services, that each depend on an HttpService, which may be different instances:
trait TradeService { def lastTrade(symbol:String):String }
trait TradeServiceComponent {
this:HttpServiceComponent => // Depends on HttpService
val tradeService:TradeService
class TradeServiceImpl extends TradeService {
def lastTrade(symbol:String):String =
httpService.get("symbol=" + symbol)
trait CompanyService { def getCompanySymbols(exchange:String):String }
trait CompanyServiceComponent {
this:HttpServiceComponent => // Depends on different HttpService instance
val companyService:CompanyService
class CompanyServiceImpl extends CompanyService {
def getCompanySymbols(exchange:String):String =
httpService.get("exchange=" + exchange)
Main app component that depends on Trade & Company services:
trait App { def run(exchange:String):Unit }
trait AppComponent {
this:CompanyServiceComponent with TradeServiceComponent =>
val app:App
class AppImpl extends App {
def run(exchange:String) =
companyService.getCompanySymbols(exchange).split(",").foreach(sym => {
val lastTrade = tradeService.lastTrade(sym)
printf("Last trade for %s: %s".format(sym, lastTrade))
Is it possible to wire up the App so that its TradeService uses a HttpService that points to one address, and its CompanySerivce uses a different HttpService instance pointing to another address?
As you can see from the answers (notably Daniel's, but also your own), it is possible, but it doesn't look elegant. The difficulty appears because when you use the Cake pattern, you mix all required traits into one object (using "with" keyword), and you cannot mix a trait more than once into one instance. That is how mixins work, and the Cake is based on them.
The fact you can force Cake to handle non-singleton dependencies doesn't mean you should do it. I would advise you to simply use plain-old constructor in such cases, that is where self-type annotation doesn't fit well:
trait HttpService { ... }
/* HttpServiceImpl has become a top-level class now,
* as the Cake pattern adds no more value here.
* In addition, trait HttpServiceComponent gets deleted */
class HttpServiceImpl(address:String) extends HttpService {
trait TradeService { def lastTrade(symbol:String):String }
trait TradeServiceComponent {
// The dependency on HttpService is no longer declared as self-type
val tradeService:TradeService
// It is declared as a constructor parameter now
class TradeServiceImpl(httpService: HttpService) extends TradeService {
def lastTrade(symbol:String):String =
httpService.get("symbol=" + symbol)
trait CompanyService { def getCompanySymbols(exchange:String):String }
trait CompanyServiceComponent {
// Again, self-type annotation deleted
val companyService:CompanyService
// Again, the dependency is declared as a constructor parameter
class CompanyServiceImpl(httpService: HttpService) extends CompanyService {
def getCompanySymbols(exchange:String):String =
httpService.get("exchange=" + exchange)
The App and AppComponent traits stay in their original form. Now you can use the all components in the following way:
object App {
def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = {
val appAssembly = new AppComponent
with TradeServiceComponent
with CompanyServiceComponent {
// Note, that HttpServiceComponent it neither needed nor mixed-in now
val tradeService = new TradeServiceImpl(
new HttpServiceImpl("http://trades-r-us.com"))
val companyService = new CompanyServiceImpl(
new HttpServiceImpl("http://exchange-services.com"))
val app = new AppImpl
Also, you may want do double-check if the Cake pattern is really best suited for your needs, as it is actually a complex pattern and dependency injection is only one part of it. If you use it only for DI, I would advise you to use a simpler solution. I've blogged about that here.
Since each "client" may need a different implementation, you could just parameterize the service.
trait HttpService { def get(query:String):String }
trait HttpServiceComponent {
def httpService(name: String):HttpService
class HttpServiceImpl(address:String) extends HttpService {
def get(query:String):String = ...
To be used like this:
trait TradeService { def lastTrade(symbol:String):String }
trait TradeServiceComponent {
this:HttpServiceComponent => // Depends on HttpService
val tradeService:TradeService
class TradeServiceImpl extends TradeService {
def lastTrade(symbol:String):String =
httpService("TradeService").get("symbol=" + symbol)
The final mix would then do something like this:
trait AppComponent {
this:CompanyServiceComponent with TradeServiceComponent =>
val httpServices = Map( "TradeService" -> new HttpServiceImpl("http://trades-r-us.com"),
"CompanyService" -> new HttpServiceImpl("http://exchange-services.com"))
def httpService(name: String) = httpServices(name)
This compiles and runs as expected, but it leaves a lot to be desired:
object App {
def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = {
val tradeServiceAssembly = new TradeServiceComponent with HttpServiceComponent {
val httpService = new HttpServiceImpl("http://trades-r-us.com")
val tradeService = new TradeServiceImpl
val companyServiceAssembly = new CompanyServiceComponent with HttpServiceComponent {
val httpService = new HttpServiceImpl("http://exchange-services.com")
val companyService = new CompanyServiceImpl
val appAssembly = new AppComponent
with TradeServiceComponent
with CompanyServiceComponent
with HttpServiceComponent {
lazy val httpService = error("Required for compilation but not used")
val tradeService = tradeServiceAssembly.tradeService
val companyService = companyServiceAssembly.companyService
val app = new AppImpl
Given a trait MyTrait:
trait MyTrait {
def doSomething = println("boo")
it can be mixed into a class with extends or with:
class MyClass extends MyTrait
It can also be mixed upon instantiating a new instance:
var o = new MyOtherClass with MyTrait
But...can the trait (or any other if that makes a difference) be added to an existing instance?
I'm loading objects using JPA in Java and I'd like to add some functionality to them using traits. Is it possible at all?
I'd like to be able to mix in a trait as follows:
var o = DBHelper.loadMyEntityFromDB(primaryKey);
o = o with MyTrait //adding trait here, rather than during construction
I have a idea for this usage:
//if I had a class like this
final class Test {
def f = println("foo")
trait MyTrait {
def doSomething = {
object MyTrait {
implicit def innerObj(o:MixTest) = o.obj
def ::(o:Test) = new MixTest(o)
final class MixTest private[MyTrait](val obj:Test) extends MyTrait
you can use this trait as below:
import MyTrait._
val a = new Test
val b = a :: MyTrait
for your example code:
val o = DBHelper.loadMyEntityFromDB(primaryKey) :: MyTrait
I hope this can help you.
object AnyTrait {
implicit def innerObj[T](o: MixTest[T]):T = o.obj
def ::[T](o: T) = new MixTest(o)
final class MixTest[T] private[AnyTrait](val obj: T) extends MyTrait
but this pattern has some restrict, you can't use some implicit helper method that defined already.
val a = new Test
val b = a :: AnyTrait
val c = "say hello to %s" :: AnyTrait
println(c.intern) // you can invoke String's method
println(c.format("MyTrait")) //WRONG. you can't invoke StringLike's method, though there defined a implicit method in Predef can transform String to StringLike, but implicit restrict one level transform, you can't transform MixTest to String then to StringLike.
val d = 1 :: AnyTrait
d.toHexString // WRONG, the same as above
An existing runtime object in the JVM has a certain size on the heap. Adding a trait to it would mean altering its size on the heap, and changing its signature.
So the only way to go would be to do some kind of transformation at compile time.
Mixin composition in Scala occurs at compile time. What compiler could potentially do is create a wrapper B around an existing object A with the same type that simply forwards all calls to the existing object A, and then mix in a trait T to B. This, however, is not implemented. It is questionable when this would be possible, since the object A could be an instance of a final class, which cannot be extended.
In summary, mixin composition is not possible on existing object instances.
Related to the smart solution proposed by Googol Shan, and generalizing it to work with any trait, this is as far as I got. The idea is to extract the common mixin functionality in the DynamicMixinCompanion trait. The client should then create a companion object extending DynamicMixinCompanion for each trait he wants to have the dynamic mixin functionality for. This companion object requires defining the anonymous trait object gets created (::).
trait DynamicMixinCompanion[TT] {
implicit def baseObject[OT](o: Mixin[OT]): OT = o.obj
def ::[OT](o: OT): Mixin[OT] with TT
class Mixin[OT] protected[DynamicMixinCompanion](val obj: OT)
trait OtherTrait {
def traitOperation = println("any trait")
object OtherTrait extends DynamicMixinCompanion[OtherTrait] {
def ::[T](o: T) = new Mixin(o) with OtherTrait
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val a = "some string"
val m = a :: OtherTrait
I usually used a implicit to mix in a new method to an existing object.
See, if I have some code as below:
final class Test {
def f = "Just a Test"
...some other method
trait MyTrait {
def doSomething = {
object HelperObject {
implicit def innerObj(o:MixTest) = o.obj
def mixWith(o:Test) = new MixTest(o)
final class MixTest private[HelperObject](obj:Test) extends MyTrait
and then you can use MyTrait method with an already existing object Test.
val a = new Test
import HelperObject._
val b = HelperObject.mixWith(a)
in your example, you can use like this:
import HelperObject._
val o = mixWith(DBHelper.loadMyEntityFromDB(primaryKey));
I am thinking out a prefect syntax to define this HelperObject:
trait MyTrait {
..some method
object MyTrait {
implicit def innerObj(o:MixTest) = o.obj
def ::(o:Test) = new MixTest(o)
final class MixTest private[MyTrait](obj:Test) extends MyTrait
//then you can use it
val a = new Test
val b = a :: MyTrait
// for your example
val o = DBHelper.loadMyEntityFromDB(primaryKey) :: MyTrait
What about an implicit class? It seems easier to me compared to the way in the other answers with a final inner class and a "mixin"-function.
trait MyTrait {
def traitFunction = println("trait function executed")
class MyClass {
* This inner class must be in scope wherever an instance of MyClass
* should be used as an instance of MyTrait. Depending on where you place
* and use the implicit class you must import it into scope with
* "import mypackacke.MyImplictClassLocation" or
* "import mypackage.MyImplicitClassLocation._" or no import at all if
* the implicit class is already in scope.
* Depending on the visibility and location of use this implicit class an
* be placed inside the trait to mixin, inside the instances class,
* inside the instances class' companion object or somewhere where you
* use or call the class' instance with as the trait. Probably the
* implicit class can even reside inside a package object. It also can be
* declared private to reduce visibility. It all depends on the structure
* of your API.
implicit class MyImplicitClass(instance: MyClass) extends MyTrait
* Usage
new MyClass().traitFunction
Why not use Scala's extend my library pattern?
I'm not sure what the return value is of:
var o = DBHelper.loadMyEntityFromDB(primaryKey);
but let us say, it is DBEntity for our example. You can take the class DBEntity and convert it to a class that extends your trait, MyTrait.
Something like:
trait MyTrait {
def doSomething = {
class MyClass() extends MyTrait
// Have an implicit conversion to MyClass
implicit def dbEntityToMyClass(in: DBEntity): MyClass =
new MyClass()
I believe you could also simplify this by just using an implicit class.
implicit class ConvertDBEntity(in: DBEntity) extends MyTrait
I particularly dislike the accepted answer here, b/c it overloads the :: operator to mix-in a trait.
In Scala, the :: operator is used for sequences, i.e.:
val x = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil
Using it as a means of inheritance feels, IMHO, a little awkward.