Does sendgrid supports sending email with "multiple" attachments using sendgrid web API (xml) and C# HTTPWebRequest? - email-attachments

When I try to send only one attachment, it works fine however when I try to send multiple attachments, it does not work.


Microsoft Graph API: Fetch attachments for a particular email not an entire email thread

I am using Microsoft Graph API to get attachments of particular email.<user-id>/messages/<message_id>/attachments
Above API returns attachments from previous conversation thread as well.
Suppose a mail was started and it had bunch of replies with attachments and my latest email contains only one attachment and in entire email there are like 5 attachments with latest message-id if i try to fetch attachment instead of returning 1 attachment, it returns all attachment.
Is there any filter available just to get that particular attachment of the given mail.
i tried to get attachments of that particular sent mail but instead i am getting attachments of entire thread

How to send attachments in mail using amazon ses in grails

I'm using
Message message = new Message(subject, body) new SendEmailRequest(source, destination, message)
to send emails from my grails application
how can I add attachments to the mails and send
It looks like sendEmail takes a Message that only allows a subject and a body. However, you can use sendRawEmail instead. In that case you can add an attachment, but first you have to craft a mime message to pass to sendRawEmail. The linked example shows formatting the mime message with the JavaMail library. Once you have this mime message you can use sendRawEmail to send the message.
Depending on your situation, you can also use any mail library that supports sending via SMTP and simply treat amazon SES like any other SMTP server. That may make dealing with attachments easier depending on the library's features.

Is it possible to send multiple email attachments with zend_mail?

I found several examples of sending a single email attachment using zend_mail. But I cannot figure out how to send multiple attachments. Can someone share how to do this if it is possible. I have sendmail installed on the server.
Yes its possible to send more than one attachment in a Zend_Mail_Message.
Depending on what method you use for creating attachments, just call $mail->createAttachment() once per attachment, or create all of your attachments as Zend_Mime_Part objects and call $mail->addAttachment($part) once for each attachment.
See Zend Mail Attachments for examples. Just repeat the example once for each file you want to attach.

Does message sent with swiftmailer and google account show anywhere in message that swiftmailer was used?

I am wondering if any email recipients may have automatically marked incoming messages as spam, only because swiftmailer was used to send the message (via google smtp, real google account)
Any info on this?
I have been using swift mailer with a gmail account to test sending emails with my web application.
Everything seems to be fine as SwiftMailer sets up the headers properly and none of my emails have ever gone into the spam folder.
When sending multipart emails, swift mailer does insert something into the headers:
multipart/alternative; boundary="_=_swift_v4_13311823894f583b352a1eb_=_
So, yes it is possible to tell if an email is sent using swift mailer as well.

Email that allows auto responses via subject line with attachments

i want to host a email client on my web server that allows messages to be processed via subject line, i looked into roundcube's autoreply but that was only a global message for all incoming emails, for example, if my customer emailed me with subject line HOSTING, it would be filtered and sent an auto response with an attached pdf file of our hosting plans
I would actually use Gmail's filters to do this, as otherwise it would be quite complicated. I would forward all the mail to Gmail, and use Gmail's filters (and canned response lab feature) to respond with the PDF attachment.