Test a variable against a set of values - perl

In perl, what's the best way of testing a variable against multiple values?
Something like this (in pseudo code):
if x is in {'q','w','e','r','t'}
# do something

This is what the "new" smart match operator could be used for:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.10.0;
my $thing = 'bar';
my #set = qw(foo bar baz);
say 'ok!' if $thing ~~ #set;
Note: this isn't available in ancient versions of perl. Before 5.10, you want to use grep as in the other answer, or, if your set is very big, first of List::Util because it wouldn't iterate over the whole list after the first match.

How about:
if (grep /^x$/, ('q', 'w','e','r','t')) {
# Do something
This works if the values you are comparing are scalars (strings or numbers).
For strings, there is a nice shorthand:
if (grep /^x$/, qw(q w e r t y)) {
# Do something
If you don't like the regex notation (/^x$/), there is:
grep {$_ eq 'x'} qw(q w e r t y)
Where you can use $_ to test for anything, not just equality.
If what you want to do is simple (can be expressed in a line), just this will do:
do_something if grep /^x$/, qw(q w e r t y)


Case Insensitive Unique Array Elements in Perl

I am using the uniq function exported by the module, List::MoreUtils to find the uniq elements in an array. However, I want it to find the uniq elements in a case insensitive way. How can I do that?
I have dumped the output of the Array using Data::Dumper:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use feature "say";
my #elements=<array is formed here>;
my #words=uniq #elements;
say Dumper \#words;
$VAR1 = [
'john john'
Expected output should be: john, john john
Only 2 elements, rest all should be filtered since they are the same word, only the difference is in case.
How can I remove the duplicate elements ignoring the case?
Use lowercase, lc with a map statement:
my #uniq_no_case = uniq map lc, #elements;
The reason List::MoreUtils' uniq is case sensitive is that it relies on the deduping characteristics of hashes, which also is case sensitive. The code for uniq looks like so:
sub uniq {
my %seen = ();
grep { not $seen{$_}++ } #_;
If you want to use this sub directly in your own code, you could incorporate lc in there:
sub uniq_no_case {
my %seen = ();
grep { not $seen{$_}++ } map lc, #_;
Explanation of how this works:
#_ contains the args to the subroutine, and they are fed to a grep statement. Any elements that return true when passed through the code block are returned by the grep statement. The code block consist of a few finer points:
$seen{$_}++ returns 0 the first time an element is seen. The value is still incremented to 1, but after it is returned (as opposed to ++$seen{$_} who would inc first, then return).
By negating the result of the incrementation, we get true for the first key, and false for every following such key. Hence, the list is deduped.
grep as the last statement in the sub will return a list, which in turn is returned by the sub.
map lc, #_ simply applies the lc function to all elements in #_.
Use a hash to keep track of the words you have already seen, but also normalize them for upper/lower case:
my %seen;
my #unique;
for my $w (#words) {
next if $seen{lc($w)}++;
push(#unique, $w);
# #unique has the unique words
Note that this will preserve the case of the original words.
UPDATE: As noted in the comments, it's not clear exactly what the OP needs, but I wrote the solution this way to illustrate a general technique for selecting unique representatives from a list under some "equivalence relation." In this case the equivalence relationship is word $a is equivalent to word $b if and only if lc($a) eq lc($b).
Most equivalence relationships can be expressed in this way, that is, the relationship is defined by a classifier function f() such that $a is equivalent to $b if and only if f($a) eq f($b). For instance, if we want to say that two words are equivalent if they have the same length, then f() would be length().
So now you might see why I wrote the algorithm this way - the classifier function may not produce values that are part of the original list. In the case of f = length, we want to select words, but f of a word is a number.

replace small numbers in Perl

In a text file, I have many lines looking like (a,b,c) where a, b, and c are double precision real numbers, for instance (8.27605704077856,0.505526531790625,1.15577754382534e-05). Is there a simple way to replace numbers smaller than 10e-4 by 0 in Perl?
Edit: For instance, the text file to be treated looks like:
and I want to write in a new file:
Perhaps I'm missing something, but perhaps use of map would help?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my #values = (8.27605704077856, 0.505526531790625, 1.15577754382534e-05);
my #filtered_values = map(($_ > 1e-4) ? $_ : 0, #values);
print Dumper \#filtered_values;
$VAR1 = [
To parse input, you could use a regular expression to extract a comma-separated string of numbers, using split on that to get a Perl list to run map upon.
You can write:
perl -pwe 's/\d[\d.e+-]+/$& < 0.001 && $& > -0.001 ? "0" : $&/ge' < INPUT > OUTPUT
(-p means to read in the input, one line at a time, into $_, run the program, print out $_, and loop again; -w enables warnings; -e means that the program is specified directly as a command-line argument; s/// is a regex-substitution; /g means that it's a "global" substitution; and /e means that the replacement-text should be treated as a full Perl expression, rather than as a string with mere variable interpolation.)

How can I determine if an element exists in an array (perl)

I'm looping through an array, and I want to test if an element is found in another array.
In pseudo-code, what I'm trying to do is this:
foreach $term (#array1) {
if ($term is found in #array2) {
#do something here
I've got the "foreach" and the "do something here" parts down-pat ... but everything I've tried for the "if term is found in array" test does NOT work ...
I've tried grep:
if grep {/$term/} #array2 { #do something }
# this test always succeeds for values of $term that ARE NOT in #array2
if (grep(/$term/, #array2)) { #do something }
# this test likewise succeeds for values NOT IN the array
I've tried a couple different flavors of "converting the array to a hash" which many previous posts have indicated are so simple and easy ... and none of them have worked.
I am a long-time low-level user of perl, I understand just the basics of perl, do not understand all the fancy obfuscated code that comprises 99% of the solutions I read on the interwebs ... I would really, truly, honestly appreciate any answers that are explicit in the code and provide a step-by-step explanation of what the code is doing ...
... I seriously don't grok $_ and any other kind or type of hidden, understood, or implied value, variable, or function. I would really appreciate it if any examples or samples have all variables and functions named with clear terms ($term as opposed to $_) ... and describe with comments what the code is doing so I, in all my mentally deficient glory, may hope to possibly understand it some day. Please. :-)
I have an existing script which uses 'grep' somewhat succesfully:
$rc=grep(/$term/, #array);
if ($rc eq 0) { #something happens here }
but I applied that EXACT same code to my new script and it simply does NOT succeed properly ... i.e., it "succeeds" (rc = zero) when it tests a value of $term that I know is NOT present in the array being tested. I just don't get it.
The ONLY difference in my 'grep' approach between 'old' script and 'new' script is how I built the array ... in old script, I built array by reading in from a file:
#array=`cat file`;
whereas in new script I put the array inside the script itself (coz it's small) ... like this:
How can that result in different output of the grep function? They're both bog-standard arrays! I don't get it!!!! :-(
addendum ... some clarifications or examples of my actual code:
The term I'm trying to match/find/grep is a word element, for example "word123".
This exercise was just intended to be a quick-n-dirty script to find some important info from a file full of junk, so I skip all the niceties (use strict, warnings, modules, subroutines) by choice ... this doesn't have to be elegant, just simple.
The term I'm searching for is stored in a variable which is instantiated via split:
foreach $line(#array1) {
chomp($line); # habit
# every line has multiple elements that I want to capture
# if a particular one of those terms is found in my other array 'array2'
if (grep(/$term2/, #array2) {
# then I'm storing a different element from the line into a 3rd array which eventually will be outputted
push(#known, $term1) unless $seen{$term1}++;
see that grep up there? It ain't workin right ... it is succeeding for all values of $term2 even if it is definitely NOT in array2 ... array1 is a file of a couple thousand lines. The element I'm calling $term2 here is a discrete term that may be in multiple lines, but is never repeated (or part of a larger string) within any given line. Array2 is about a couple dozen elements that I need to "filter in" for my output.
I just tried one of the below suggestions:
if (grep $_ eq $term2, #array2)
And this grep failed for all values of $term2 ... I'm getting an all or nothing response from grep ... so I guess I need to stop using grep. Try one of those hash solutions ... but I really could use more explanation and clarification on those.
This is in perlfaq. A quick way to do it is
my %seen;
$seen{$_}++ for #array1;
for my $item (#array2) {
if ($seen{$item}) {
# item is in array2, do something
If letter case is not important, you can set the keys with $seen{ lc($_) } and check with if ($seen{ lc($item) }).
With the changed question: If the task is to match single words in #array2 against whole lines in #array1, the task is more complicated. Trying to split the lines and match against hash keys will likely be unsafe, because of punctuation and other such things. So, a regex solution will likely be the safest.
Unless #array2 is very large, you might do something like this:
my $rx = join "|", #array2;
for my $line (#array1) {
if ($line =~ /\b$rx\b/) { # use word boundary to avoid partial matches
# do something
If #array2 contains meta characters, such as *?+|, you have to make sure they are escaped, in which case you'd do something like:
my $rx = join "|", map quotemeta, #array2;
# etc
You could use the (infamous) "smart match" operator, provided you are on 5.10 or later:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #array1 = qw/a b c d e f g h/;
my #array2 = qw/a c e g z/;
print "a in \#array1\n" if 'a' ~~ #array1;
print "z in \#array1\n" if 'z' ~~ #array1;
print "z in \#array2\n" if 'z' ~~ #array2;
The example is very simple, but you can use an RE if you need to as well.
I should add that not everyone likes ~~ because there are some ambiguities and, um, "undocumented features". Should be OK for this though.
This should work.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #array1 = qw/a b c d e f g h/;
my #array2 = qw/a c e g z/;
for my $term (#array1) {
if (grep $_ eq $term, #array2) {
print "$term found.\n";
a found.
c found.
e found.
g found.
#ar = ( '1','2','3','4','5','6','10' );
#arr = ( '1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9' ) ;
foreach $var ( #arr ){
print "$var not found\n " if ( ! ( grep /$var/, #ar )) ;
Pattern matching is the most efficient way of matching elements. This would do the trick. Cheers!
print "$element found in the array\n" if ("#array" =~ m/$element/);
Your 'actual code' shouldn't even compile:
if (grep(/$term2/, #array2) {
should be:
if (grep (/$term2/, #array2)) {
You have unbalanced parentheses in your code. You may also find it easier to use grep with a callback (code reference) that operates on its arguments (the array.) It helps keep the parenthesis from blurring together. This is optional, though. It would be:
if (grep {/$term2/} #array2) {
You may want to use strict; and use warnings; to catch issues like this.
The example below might be helpful, it tries to see if any element in #array_sp is present in #my_array:
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
#my_array = qw(20001 20003);
#array_sp = qw(20001 20002 20004);
print "#array_sp\n";
foreach $case(#my_array){
if("#array_sp" =~ m/$case/){
print "My God!\n";
use pattern matching can solve this. Hope it helps
1. grep with eq , then
if (grep {$_ eq $term2} #array2) {
print "$term2 exists in the array";
2. grep with regex , then
if (grep {/$term2/} #array2) {
print "element with pattern $term2 exists in the array";

Where is $_ being modified in this perl code?

The following perl code generates a warning in PerlCritic (by Activestate):
sub natural_sort {
my #sorted;
#sorted = grep {s/(^|\D)0+(\d)/$1$2/g,1} sort grep {s/(\d+)/sprintf"%06.6d",$1/ge,1} #_;
The warning generated is:
Don't modify $_ in list functions
More info about that warning here
I don't understand the warning because I don't think I'm modifying $_, although I suppose I must be.
Can someone explain it to me please?
Both of your greps are modifying $_ because you're using s//. For example, this:
grep {s/(^|\D)0+(\d)/$1$2/g,1}
is the same as this:
grep { $_ =~ s/(^|\D)0+(\d)/$1$2/g; 1 }
I think you'd be better off using map as you are not filtering anything with your greps, you're just using grep as an iterator:
sub natural_sort {
my $t;
return map { ($t = $_) =~ s/(^|\D)0+(\d)/$1$2/g; $t }
map { ($t = $_) =~ s/(\d+)/sprintf"%06.6d",$1/ge; $t }
That should do the same thing and keep critic quiet. You might want to have a look at List::MoreUtils if you want some nicer list operators than plain map.
You are doing a substitution ( i.e. s/// ) in the grep, which modifies $_ i.e. the list being grepped.
This and other cases are explained in perldoc perlvar:
Here are the places where Perl will
assume $_ even if you don't use it:
The following functions:
abs, alarm, chomp, chop, chr, chroot,
cos, defined, eval, exp, glob, hex,
int, lc, lcfirst, length, log, lstat,
mkdir, oct, ord, pos, print,
quotemeta, readlink, readpipe, ref,
require, reverse (in scalar context
only), rmdir, sin, split (on its
second argument), sqrt, stat, study,
uc, ucfirst, unlink, unpack.
All file tests (-f , -d ) except for -t , which defaults to STDIN.
See -X
The pattern matching operations m//, s/// and tr/// (aka y///) when
used without an =~ operator.
The default iterator variable in a foreach loop if no other variable is
The implicit iterator variable in the grep() and map() functions.
The implicit variable of given().
The default place to put an input record when a operation's result
is tested by itself as the sole
criterion of a while test. Outside a
while test, this will not happen.
Many people have correctly answered that the s operator is modifying $_, however in the soon to be released Perl 5.14.0 there will be the new r flag for the s operator (i.e. s///r) which rather than modify in-place will return the modified elements. Read more at The Effective Perler . You can use perlbrew to install this new version.
Edit: Perl 5.14 is now available! Announcement Announcement Delta
Here is the function suggested by mu (using map) but using this functionality:
use 5.14.0;
sub natural_sort {
return map { s/(^|\D)0+(\d)/$1$2/gr }
map { s/(\d+)/sprintf"%06.6d",$1/gre }
The VERY important part that other answers have missed is that the line
grep {s/(\d+)/sprintf"%06.6d",$1/ge,1} #_;
Is actually modifying the arguments passed into the function, and not copies of them.
grep is a filtering command, and the value in $_ inside the code block is an alias to one of the values in #_. #_ in turn contains aliases to the arguments passed to the function, so when the s/// operator performs its substitution, the change is being made to the original argument. This is shown in the following example:
sub test {grep {s/a/b/g; 1} #_}
my #array = qw(cat bat sat);
my #new = test #array;
say "#new"; # prints "cbt bbt sbt" as it should
say "#array"; # prints "cbt bbt sbt" as well, which is probably an error
The behavior you are looking for (apply a function that modifies $_ to a copy of a list) has been encapsulated as the apply function in a number of modules. My module List::Gen contains such an implementation. apply is also fairly simple to write yourself:
sub apply (&#) {
my ($sub, #ret) = #_;
$sub->() for #ret;
wantarray ? #ret : pop #ret
With that, your code could be rewritten as:
sub natural_sort {
apply {s/(^|\D)0+(\d)/$1$2/g} sort apply {s/(\d+)/sprintf"%06.6d",$1/ge} #_
If your goal with the repeated substitutions is to perform a sort of the original data with a transient modification applied, you should look into a Perl idiom known as the Schwartzian transform which is a more efficient way of achieving that goal.

How would I do the equivalent of Prototype's Enumerator.detect in Perl with the least amount of code?

Lately I've been thinking a lot about functional programming. Perl offers quite a few tools to go that way, however there's something I haven't been able to find yet.
Prototype has the function detect for enumerators, the descriptions is simply this:
Enumerator.detect(iterator[, context]) -> firstElement | undefined
Finds the first element for which the iterator returns true.
Enumerator in this case is any list while iterator is a reference to a function, which is applied in turn on each element of the list.
I am looking for something like this to apply in situations where performance is important, i.e. when stopping upon encountering a match saves time by disregarding the rest of the list.
I am also looking for a solution that would not involve loading any extra module, so if possible it should be done with builtins only. And if possible, it should be as concise as this for example:
my #result = map function #array;
You say you don't want a module, but this is exactly what the first function in List::Util does. That's a core module, so it should be available everywhere.
use List::Util qw(first);
my $first = first { some condition } #array;
If you insist on not using a module, you could copy the implementation out of List::Util. If somebody knew a faster way to do it, it would be in there. (Note that List::Util includes an XS implementation, so that's probably faster than any pure-Perl approach. It also has a pure-Perl version of first, in List::Util::PP.)
Note that the value being tested is passed to the subroutine in $_ and not as a parameter. This is a convenience when you're using the first { some condition} #values form, but is something you have to remember if you're using a regular subroutine. Some more examples:
use 5.010; # I want to use 'say'; nothing else here is 5.10 specific
use List::Util qw(first);
say first { $_ > 3 } 1 .. 10; # prints 4
sub wanted { $_ > 4 }; # note we're using $_ not $_[0]
say first \&wanted, 1 .. 10; # prints 5
my $want = \&wanted; # Get a subroutine reference
say first \&$want, 1 .. 10; # This is how you pass a reference in a scalar
# someFunc expects a parameter instead of looking at $_
say first { someFunc($_) } 1 .. 10;
Untested since I don't have Perl on this machine, but:
sub first(\&#) {
my $pred = shift;
die "First argument to "first" must be a sub" unless ref $pred eq 'CODE';
for my $val (#_) {
return $val if $pred->($val);
return undef;
Then use it as:
my $first = first { sub performing test } #list;
Note that this doesn't distinguish between no matches in the list and one of the elements in the list being an undefined value and having that match.
Just since its not here, a Perl function definition of first that localizes $_ for its block:
sub first (&#) {
my $code = shift;
for (#_) {return $_ if $code->()}
my #array = 1 .. 10;
say first {$_ > 5} #array; # prints 6
While it will work fine, I don't advocate using this version, since List::Util is a core module (installed by default), and its implementation of first will usually use the XS version (written in C) which is much faster.