How can I make a short screen as a pop-up menu? - iphone

I attached a sample screen shot taken from the Skype app. How can I replicate the pop-up menu?

This is an instance of UIActionSheet. Here is an tutorial on how to use it.


JSSOR thumbail click event

Is there a thumbnail click event for JSSOR?
I want to run some code when a thumbnail is clicked. I looked into EVT_CLICK but it only seems to work with the main slide and not the thumbnails.
Newbie here
I resolved my issue by using .click function. Thanks

Facebook Setting Page

I want to create a Setting page in iPhone.
If you used Facebook in iPhone. You see that when we click on the Setting button on the navigationBar, the main page just go to right, but not disappear, and Setting page comes up.
When we click on the setting button again, we go back to the main page.
Do you know how can I create this functionality in iPhone? I appreciate that you give me some tutorial links.
You can grab this JTRevealSidebarDemo and personalize as per your requirement.
There are plenty of other demo available like,
I've been using ViewDeck with good success. It's light (2 classes) and easy to implement.

iTunes U style download/progress/stop/play button

iTunes U for the iPhone has these wonderful buttons that show
the download progress
the stop button and the
play button (well, the "i" button)
in one place - see attached screenshot. Is this a system icon which can be called by code, or is it something thats not available for developers?
Anyhow: if someone has a source, that describes how to get such kind of buttons, I'd be very happy. It's clear to me, that the icons are controlled by a state-pattern in view-controller.
Thanks in advance.
There is DACircularProgress on github, it looks just like the circular progress bar on the Facebook app, I think you can take that, modify it to put the stop button on top and change the color and use it. check it out:

iPhone/iPad custom menu

I was trying to find out how Facebook's application MENU works on iPhone and iPad. Once you press the button at the top left, the main screen moves on the right and the menu appears.
I was trying to create the same menu/effect on xCode but I had no luck.
Do anyone here knows how I can do this? can you redirect me to any website that has that kind of information? Or can you please guide me through on how to make such a menu?
the facebook app was created with this open source framework three20
also if you cannot find what you want in the framework, I suggest building your own UI elements inside UIViews, that appear, dissappear as you want,
good luck!

What is the iPhone ringer alert popup name?

what is the iPhone ringer alert popup name? and could implement that ? i mean like this :
alt text
It's not a built-in control, but there is an open source project ( which creates a rounded translucent view. Although used for showing progress, it can be adapted.
It will take some tinkering with, but hopefully it's a push in the right direction.