how to change silex form factory name attribute - forms

How do i change the default name attribute for an input in my form that is created using the form factory?
here is an example of the simple form i am using:
$form = $app['form.factory']->createBuilder('form')
->add('longitude', 'hidden')
->add('latitude', 'hidden')
i have tried putting the attributes into an array without successfully changing the name, although with this method i could change the label or class etc:
->add('latitude', 'text', array('attr'=>array("name"=>'newname')))
it seems like a very simple request to be able to change the name of an input, so you would have thought there would be an obvious way to do it. With the code above it would still show the name as name=form[latitude]

Use createNamedBuilder instead createBuilder to overwrite the fields name. The name will be the first argument in add function.
$personal_form = $app['form.factory']->createNamedBuilder(null, 'form')
->add('name', 'text', array(
'label' => 'Nombre',
'data' => 'Nombre'
->add('surname', 'text', array(
'label' => 'Apellidos',
'data' => 'Apellidos'
->add('email', 'email', array(
'label' => 'E-mail',
'data' => 'E-mail'


Provide default data in collection child form

I have a nested form with prototype feature in Symfony 2. Here is the parent form which contains the collection:
->add('rooms', 'collection', array(
'type' => new RoomForm(),
'allow_add' => true,
'allow_delete' => true,
'data' => array(new RoomForm()),
As you can see, no data_class is defined. After the form submission $form->getData() correctly return associative array.
RoomForm is a simple form class composed by two fields:
$builder->create('dateAvailabilityStart', 'text', array(
'label' => 'label.from'
$builder->create('dateAvailabilityEnd', 'text', array(
'label' => 'label.until'
I would like find a way to populate my collection with existing RoomForm (for edit mode) and associate data in correct fields.
Any ideas?
You could do it from within your controller. Given that above form type is named as RoomFormCollection you could do something like this:
// This should be an array
$rooms = ... // Either from database or...
$form = $this->createForm(new RoomFormCollection(), array(
'rooms' => rooms
Another thing, 'data' => array(new RoomForm()), is not valid. RoomForm as its name suggests is a form type, not data struct. You should remove it...
Hope this helps...

How to change default name in form Symfony2

I have this builder at FormType class:
->add('fkTblSources', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'BlaBlaBundle:TblSources',
'property' => 'name',
->add('save', 'submit');`
This form shows "fkTblSources" as name of row. I need to put this name because it is the field name of the entity "TblTicket" that i want to create with this form.
How can I change this name?
Ok, it's easy, sorry.
Name of field is changed by 'label' option.
->add('fkTblSources', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'BlaBlaBundle:TblSources',
'property' => 'name',
'label' => 'name for field here'

symfony2 form entity option value

i need to create a form with symfony that has an entity type, so this is im using
->add('assignee', 'entity', array(
'label' => 'Assignee',
'class' => 'PortalBundle:TrnUser',
'property' => 'username',
in the generated html it assigns userid as the option value, but i need the username as the option value. something like,
<option value="admin">admin</option>
how can i do this? please help.
You need data transformers. They help you to show data in form as you want.
There you can find all information about Data Transformers in Symfony2:
You could use the 'choice_value' option with the name of the field you want to use instead of the id.
->add('user', 'entity', [
'class' => 'YourBundle\Entity\Locations',
'property' => 'name',
'choice_value' => 'name',
'required' => true,

Symfony2 - Translate entity field type options

I'm using the FormBuilder to create my form. That works fine. The problem is my "Licence Object" which creates an select field with options. These options should be translated. But how to do that?
$form = $this ->createFormBuilder($request)
->add('title', 'text',
array( 'label' => $this->get('translator')->trans('form.title', array(), 'client_request_a_photo'))
->add('description', 'textarea',
array( 'label' => $this->get('translator')->trans('form.description', array(), 'client_request_a_photo'))
array('class'=>'WunschbildBundle\Document\Licence', 'property'=>'options',
'label' => $this->get('translator')->trans('form.licence', array(), 'client_request_a_photo'))
In any case, you don't provide what is the 'document' field type, so we can't help much. However, from what I understand the options are fetched through the attribute 'options' of the 'Licence' object. If you want those to be translated, the object 'Licence' must be translatable and the attribute 'options' must have translations. You can do this by using the doctrine extensions bundle. The documentation about Translatable can be found here. Hope this help.

Zend: Form validation: value was not found in the haystack error

I have a form with 2 selects. Based on the value of the first select, it updates the values of the second select using AJAX. Doing this makes the form not being valid. So, I made the next change:
$form=$this->getAddTaskForm(); //the form
if(!$form->isValid($_POST)) {
//get the options and put them in $options
if($form->isValid($_POST)) {
//save in the database
}else {
//redisplay the form
Basically, I check if it is valid and it isn't if the user changed the value of the first select. I get the options that populated the second select and populate the form with them. Then I try to validate it again. However this doesn't work. Anybody can explain why? The same "value was not found in the haystack" is present.
You could try to deactivate the validator:
in your Form.php
$field = $this->createElement('select', 'fieldname');
$field->setLabel('Second SELECT');
The third line will deactivate the validator and it should work.
You can also disable the InArray validator using 'disable_inarray_validator' => true:
For example:
$this->add( array(
'name' => 'progressStatus',
'type' => 'DoctrineModule\Form\Element\ObjectSelect',
'options' => array(
'disable_inarray_validator' => true,
Additionaly you should add you own InArray Validator in order to protect your db etc.
In Zend Framework 1 it looks like this:
$this->addElement('select', $name, array(
'required' => true,
'label' => 'Choose sth:',
'filters' => array('StringTrim', 'StripTags'),
'multiOptions' => $nestedArrayOptions,
'validators' => array(
'InArray', true, array(
'haystack' => $flatArrayOptionsKeys,
'messages' => array(
Zend_Validate_InArray::NOT_IN_ARRAY => "Value not found"
Where $nestedArrayOptions is you multiOptions and $flatArrayOptionsKeys contains you all keys.
You may also add options to select element before checking for the form validation. This way you are insured the select value is in range.