I am trying to find all files in a directory that match 'hello'. i have the following code:
fileData = dir();
m_file_idx = 1;
fileNames = {fileData.name};
index = regexp(filenames,'\w*hello\w*','match') ;
inFiles = fileNames(~cellfun(#isempty,index));
Ex. if my directory has 3 files with the word hello in it, inFiles returns me
inFiles =
[1x23 char] [1x26 char] [1x25 char]
instead i want inFiles to return me the name of the file,ex thisishello.m,hiandhello.txt
how can i do this in a simple way?
This code:
fileData = dir();
fileNames = {fileData.name};
disp('The full directory...')
index = regexp(fileNames,'\w*hello\w*','match');
inFiles = fileNames(~cellfun(#isempty,index));
disp('Print out the file names')
generates this output:
>> script
The full directory...
Columns 1 through 6
'.' '..' 'andsevenyears.txt' 'fourscore.txt' 'hello1.txt' 'hello2.txt'
Column 7
Print out the file names
ans =
ans =
To me it looks as if you were having some issues with understanding cell arrays. Here's a specific tutorial that works through them. (jerad's link also looks like a good resource)
I think what's going on here is that when an element of a cell array is longer than a certain length (appears to be 19 characters for strings), matlab doesn't print the actual element, it prints a description of the content instead (in this case, "[1x23 char]").
For example:
>> names = {'1234567890123456789' 'bar' 'car'}
names =
'1234567890123456789' 'bar' 'car'
>> names = {'12345678901234567890' 'bar' 'car'}
names =
[1x20 char] 'bar' 'car'
celldisp might work better for your situation:
>> celldisp(names)
names{1} =
names{2} =
names{3} =
I have a .txt file which includes 300 lines. For example the first line is:
ANSWER: correct: yes, time: 6.880674, guess: Lay, action: Lay, file: 16
or the second line is:
ANSWER: correct: no, time: 7.150422, guess: Put on top, action: Stir, file: 18
Only 'time' and 'file' values are numbers and the others are string.
I want to store the values of "correct", "time", "guess", "action" and "file" of the whole 300 lines in the different variables (like some arrays).
How can I do this in the Matlab?
Option 1:
You can use textscan with the following formatSpec:
formatSpec = 'ANSWER: correct:%s time:%f guess:%s action:%s file: %f';
data = textscan(fileID,formatSpec,'Delimiter',',');
where fileID is the file identifier obtained by fopen.
Option 2:
Another option is to use readtable, with the formatting above (directly with the file name, no fileID):
data = readtable('53485991.txt','Format',formatSpec,'Delimiter',',',...
% the next lines are just to give the table variables some meaningful names:
varNames = strsplit(fmt,{'ANSWER',':','%s',' ','%f'});
data.Properties.VariableNames = varNames(2:end-1);
The result (ignore the values, as I messed that example a little bit while playing with it):
data =
4×5 table
correct time guess action file
_______ ______ _______________ ______ ____
'yes' 6.8888 'Lay' 'Lay' 16
'no' 7.8762 'Put on top' 'Stir' 18
'no' 7.1503 'Put on bottom' 'Stir' 3
'no' 7.151 'go' 'Stir' 270
The advantage in option 2 is that a table is a much more convenient way to hold these data than a cell array (which is the output of textscan).
Use fgetl to get a line of the file and while loop to read all of the lines.
For each line, use regexp to partition the string into cells by : and , delimiter. Then, use strip to remove leading and trailing whitespace for each cell.
Here is the solution:
f = fopen('a.txt');
aline = fgetl(f);
i = 1;
while ischar(aline)
content = strip(regexp(aline,':|,','split'));
correct{i} = content{3};
time(i) = str2double(content{5});
guess{i}= content{7};
action{i} = content{9};
file(i) = str2double(content{11});
i = i + 1;
aline = fgetl(f);
Suppose a.txt file looks like this
ANSWER: correct: yes, time: 6.880674, guess: Lay, action: Lay, file: 16
ANSWER: correct: no, time: 7.150422, guess: Put on top, action: Stir, file: 18
After executing the script, the results are
correct =
1×2 cell array
'yes' 'no'
time =
6.8807 7.1504
guess =
1×2 cell array
'Lay' 'Put on top'
action =
1×2 cell array
'Lay' 'Stir'
file =
16 18
How to only access the file names in a directory?
>> files = dir('*.png');
>> disp(class(dir('*.png')))
>> fields
fields =
>> for i=1:numel(fields)
Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object.
>> for i=1:numel(fields)
Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there were 11 results.
File names are in the field names of the struct array returned by dir. So:
files = dir('*.png');
for k = 1:numel(files)
f = files(k).name; % f contains the name of each file
You can use ls like this
for ii=1:size(list,1)
s = strtrim(list(ii,:)); % a string containing the name of each file
ls works with chars instead of cells.
I have a cell array of full file names and I want to find the lowest common directory where it makes sense to store accumulated data and what not.
Here is an example hierarchy of test data:
In Matlab, the paths are stored in a cell array as follows (each run shares a row):
filePaths = {...
'C:\Test\Run1\data1','C:\Test\Run1\data2','C:\Test\Run1\data3'; ...
I want to write a routine that outputs the common path C:\Test\Run1 so that I can store relevant plots in a new directory there.
Previously, I was only concerned with two files in an x-by-2 cell, so the regiment below worked; however, strcmp lost it's appeal since I can't (AFAIK) index the whole cell at once.
d = 1;
while strcmp(filePaths{1}(1:d),filePaths{2}(1:d))
d = d + 1;
common_directory = filePaths{1}(1:d-1);
As suggested by #nekomatic, I'm posting my comment as an answer.
filePaths = {...
'C:\Test\Run1\data1','C:\Test\Run1\data2','C:\Test\Run1\data3'; ...
% Sort the file paths
temp = sort(filePaths(:));
% Take the first and the last one, and split by '\'
first = strsplit(temp{1}, '\');
last = strsplit(temp{end}, '\');
% Compare them up to the depth of the smallest. Find the 'first N matching values'
sizeMin = min(numel(first), numel(last));
N = find(~[cellfun(#strcmp, first(1:sizeMin), last(1:sizeMin)) 0], 1, 'first') - 1;
% Get the smallest common path
commonPath = strjoin(first(1:N), '\');
You just need to compare the first d characters of any path in the array - e.g. path 1 - with the first d characters of the other paths. The longest common base path can't be longer than path 1 and it can't be shorter than the shortest common base path between path 1 and any other path.
There must be several ways you could do that, but a concise one is using strfind to match the strings and cellfun with isempty to check which ones didn't match:
% filePaths should contain at least two paths
filePaths = {...
'C:\Test\Run1\data1','C:\Test\Run1\data2','C:\Test\Run1\data3'; ...
path1 = filePaths{1};
filePaths = filePaths(2:end);
% find longest common left-anchored substring
d = 1;
while ~any(cellfun(#isempty, strfind(filePaths, path1(1:d))))
d = d + 1;
% find common base path from substring
[common_directory, ~, ~] = fileparts(path1(1:d));
Your code leaves d containing the length of the longest common left-anchored substring between the paths, but that might be longer than the common base path; fileparts extracts the actual base path from that substring.
I have several *.txt files with 3 columns information, here just an example of one file:
namecolumn1 namecolumn2 namecolumn3
name1.jpg someinfo1 name
name2.jpg someinfo2 name
name3.jpg someinfo3 name
othername1.bmp info1 othername
othername2.bmp info2 othername
othername3.bmp info3 othername
I would like to extract from "namecolumn1" only the names starting with name but from column 1.
My code look like this:
file1 = fopen('test.txt','rb');
c = textscan(file1,'%s %s %s','Headerlines',2);
tf = strcmp(c{3}, 'name');
info = c{1}{tf};
the problem is that when I do disp(info) I got only the first entry from the table: name1.jpg and I would like to have all of them:
You're pretty much there. What you're seeing is an example of MATLAB's Comma Separated List, so MATLAB is returning each value separately.
You can verify this by entering c{1}{tf} in the command line after running your script, which returns:
>> c{1}{tf}
ans =
ans =
ans =
Though sometimes we'd want to concatenate them, I think in the case of character arrays it is more difficult to work with than retaining the cell arrays:
>> info = [c{1}{tf}]
info =
>> info = c{1}(tf)
info =
The former would require you to reshape the result (and whitespace pad, if the strings are different lengths), whereas you can index the strings in a cell array directly without having to worry about any of that (e.g. info{1}).
I am looping through a lot of files and I need to remove the '.jpg' from each name.
Example file name:
but I just need the
All the file names end with 'y' if that helps.
One way is with regular expressions:
filename = 'myfilename.jpg';
pattern = '.jpg';
replacement = '';
ans =
If you have the filenames in a cell array feed the cell array to regexprep. As the documentation explains, "If str is a cell array of strings, then the regexprep return value s is always a cell array of strings having the same dimensions as str."
myfilenames = {'myfilename.jpg' 'afilename.jpg' 'anotherfilename.jpg' };
newfilenames= regexprep(myfilenames,'.jpg','');
newfilenames =
'myfilename' 'afilename' 'anotherfilename'
files = dir('*y.jpg');
% Loop through each
for id = 1:length(files)
% Get the file name (minus the extension)
[p, f] = fileparts(files(id).name); % f will just give you file name
% Use following to rename the files
% I think you don't want to rename them
% movefile(files(id).name, f);