Struts 2 ModelDriven Action suporting both a list and individual items - rest

I have inherited some struts2 REST-plugin based code, and the following construct puzzles me:
public class MerchantAction extends ActionSupport implements ModelDriven<Object> {
private Merchant merchant = new Merchant(); // A Model
private Iterable<Merchant> merchants; // A list of models
public HttpHeaders index() {
merchants = merchantService.findAllMerchants();
return new DefaultHttpHeaders("index");
public Object getModel() {
return (merchant != null ? merchant : merchants);
public void setId(String id) {
merchant = merchantService.findMerchant(id));
In other words, it seems to be toggling between returning a list and returning an individual item in the getModel() call. Is this kosher ? Looks a bit strange to me

I've considered your approach, but finally gave it up. IMO, it lost the advantage of strong typed action.
My solution is, creating a ViewModel for each action. In the view models, there can be the single model, the list of the model, and other items for pages usage, such as items for drop down list or radio buttons.
So the UserViewModel is like:
public class UserViewModel implements IViewModel<User> {
private User model;
private List<User> list;
public void setModel(User user) {
this.model = user;
public User getModel() {
return model;
public void setList(List<User> list) {
this.list = list;
public List<User> getList() {
return list;
And the actions are like:
public class UserController implements ModelDriven<UserViewModel> {
private int id;
private UserViewModel model = new UserViewModel();
public String index() {
return "success";
public String show() {
return "success";
public void setId(int id) { = id;
public int getId() {
public UserViewModel getModel() {
return model;
But in this way, I still lose the shortcut way in jsp files. I should write long model.userName instead of short userName.
I'm still finding the best solution of it.


Prism proper handling of viewmodel collections

I'm using the prism framework for my Xamarin.Forms application.
This is a common scenario, but it caused me headache.
- MainPageViewModel
- ObserveableCollection<SomePageViewModel>
public class MainPageViewModel : BaseViewModel
private ObservableCollection<SomePageViewModel> viewModels;
public MainPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService) : base(navigationService)
SomePageSelectedCommand = DelegateCommand.FromAsyncHandler(NavigateToSomePage);
public ICommand SomePageSelectedCommand { get; private set; }
public ObservableCollection<SomePageViewModel> ViewModels
get { return viewModels; }
set { SetProperty(ref viewModels, value); }
private async Task NavigateToSomePage(SomePageViewModel viewModel)
var navParams = new NavigationParameters
{viewModel.typeof(SomePageViewModel).Name, viewModel}
await Navigation.NavigateAsync(NavigationConstants.SomePageUri, navParams, false);
public class SomePageViewModel : BaseViewModel
protected SomeModel someModel;
public SomePageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService) : base(navigationService)
someModel = new SomeModel();
EditCommand = DelegateCommand.FromAsyncHandler(Edit);
public ICommand EditCommand { get; private set; }
public string Name
get { return SomeModel.Name; }
set { SetProperty(ref SomeModel.Name, value); }
public string Description
get { return SomeModel.Description; }
set { SetProperty(ref SomeModel.Description, value); }
public override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationParameters parameters)
if (parameters.ContainsKey(typeof(SomePageViewModel).Name))
var viewModel = (SomePageViewModel)parameters[typeof(SomePageViewModel).Name];
Name = viewModel.Name;
Description = viewModel.Name;
private async Task Edit()
var navParams = new NavigationParameters
{viewModel.typeof(SomePageViewModel).Name, this}
await Navigation.NavigateAsync(NavigationConstants.SomePageEditUri, navParams, false);
public class SomePageEditViewModel : BaseViewModel
public SomePageEditViewModel(INavigationService navigationService) : base(navigationService)
SaveCommand = DelegateCommand.FromAsyncHandler(Save);
public ICommand SaveCommand { get; private set; }
private async Task Save()
await Navigation.GoBackAsync();
So lets navigate from the MainPage to a SomePage. We want to edit it so we navigate to SomePageEdit afterwards and save finally.
What is a proper way to make the changes visible to the SomePage and the MainPage according mvvm/prsim? For the first one I could pass the changes as NavigationParameter into GoBackAsync. But what about the MainPage?
Well it appears you have a bit of a design problem. To properly architect your app you want something closer to:
public class TodoItem : ObservableObject
private string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
set { SetProperty(ref _name, value); }
private bool _done;
public bool Done
get { return _done; }
set { SetProperty(ref _done, value); }
Model Collection Page ViewModel
public class TodoItemListPageViewModel : BaseViewModel, INavigationAware
private INavigationService _navigationService { get; }
public TodoItemListViewModel(INavigationService navigationService)
_navigationService = navigationService;
TodoItems = new ObservableRangeCollection<TodoItem>();
AddTodoItemCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnAddTodoItemCommandExecuted);
EditTodoItemCommand = new DelegateCommand<TodoItem>(OnEditTodoItemCommandExecuted);
public ObservableRangeCollection<TodoItem> TodoItems { get; }
public DelegateCommand AddTodoItemCommand { get; }
public DelegateCommand<TodoItem> EditTodoItemCommand { get; }
public void OnNavigatingTo(NavigationParameters parameters)
// Initialize your collection
public void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationParameters parameters)
if(parameters.GetValue<NavigationMode>(KnownNavigationParameters.NavigationMode) == NavigationMode.Back)
// Option 1
// Fetch an updated list of TodoItems from your data source
// Option 2
// Replace the updated item or add a new item
Edit Model Page ViewModel
public void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationParameters parameters)
private async void OnAddTodoItemCommandExecuted() =>
await _navigationService.NavigateAsync("AddTodoItemPage");
private async void OnEditTodoItemCommandExecuted(TodoItem item) =>
await _navigationService.NavigateAsync("EditTodoItemPage", new NavigationParameters { { "item", item } });
public class EditTodoItemPageViewModel : BaseViewModel
private INavigationService _navigationService { get; }
public EditTodoItemPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService)
_navigationService = navigationService;
SaveCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnSaveCommandExecuted, () => IsNotBusy)
.ObservesProperty(() => IsBusy);
private TodoItem _model;
public TodoItem Model
get { return _model; }
set { SetProperty(ref _model, value); }
public DelegateCommand SaveCommand { get; }
public void OnNavigatingTo(NavigationParameters parameters)
Model = parameters.GetValue<TodoItem>("item");
private async void OnSaveCommandExecuted()
IsBusy = true;
// Persist any changes
// Option 1
await _navigationService.GoBackAsync();
// Option 2
await _navigationService.GoBackAsync(new NavigationParameters { { "updatedItem", Model } });
IsBusy = false;
The Why...
Your ObservableCollection should be where T : TModel not where T : TViewModel. Another issue you would have immediately is that the INavigationService is dependent on knowing what Page you're navigating to/from. So you cannot follow the pattern you're doing there.
Now a couple of notes here.
You'll notice this sample is actually using some helpers from the MvvmHelpers library. The BaseViewModel class from that library gives you the IsBusy/IsNotBusy property as well as a Title property and the ObservableRangeCollection.
ObservableRangeCollection vs ObservableCollection
The ObservableRangeCollection gives you a little better performance particularly when working with larger datasets. You may have noticed the Option 1 where we simply get the updated dataset and replace the entire dataset. This is where the ObservableRangeCollection really shines in my opinion since you're able to ensure you have an up to date dataset while minimizing the notifications to the UI resulting in fewer CPU cycles taken up.
Models, Views, ViewModels
I do not mean for this to an authoritative answer but to at least provide food for thought. From a high level overview of MVVM patterns you generally are working with a View which provides the UX, a ViewModel which provides the business logic for who/what/why/when/where/etc, and a Model which is the data we want to work with. In some cases it can become necessary to introduce a DTO which further abstracts our raw data from the Model we want to work with as a logical unit.

Is Realm's .where faster than filtering a list manually?

I am creating a project using a realm database.
I also have a lot of lists which I wish to filter while the user types.
The biggest one of them will probably be the list of customers
Currently I am using realm by using a wrapper class for each object (if anyone has a better suggestion I'm definitely open to it)
The objects I am using are like this:
public class Customer_Realm extends RealmObject{
private int _id;
private String _name; //...etc
public int get_id(){ return _id; }
public void set_id(int id) { _id = id;}
Public class Customer() {
Customer_Realm _base;
public Customer(Customer_Realm base) { _base = base;}
public int get_id(){ return _base.get_id(); }
public void set_id(int id) { _base.set_id(id);}
Along with this I have an ArrayListAdapter for customer objects. My question is, would this:
public class CustomerAdapter extends ArrayListAdapter<Customer> {
List<Customer> _customers;
String _filter = null;
public void set_filter(string name) {
_filter = name;
public int getCount(){
return get_visible().count();
public Customer getItem(int position){
return get_visible().get(position);
public List<Customer> get_visible() {
if (_filter == null)
return _customers;
List<Customer> visible = new ArrayList<Customer> ();
foreach (Customer c : _customers){
if (c.get_name().contains(_filter)
return visible;
Or would this be better?
public class CustomerAdapter extends ArrayListAdapter<Customer> {
Realm _database;
String _filter = null;
public void set_filter(string name) {
_filter = name;
public int getCount(){
return get_visible().count();
public Customer getItem(int position){
return get_visible().get(position);
public List<Customer> get_visible() {
RealmResults<Customer_Realm> result = null;
if (_filter == null)
result = _database.allObjects(Customer_Realm.class);
result = _database.where(Customer_realm.class).contains("_name",_filter);
List<Customer> visible = new ArrayList<Customer> ();
foreach (Customer_Realm c : result){
visible.add(new Customer(c));
return visible;
Unfortunately my database contains only a small sample of data(and realm for windows does not have an editor so I can enter data manually) so when I try either implementation I do not see any difference, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with what happens when you use such an implementation with a large number of data
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide

Wicket - Load method in LoadableDetachableModel is not called after changing the value of the dropdown list

I am facing a problem with the update of a list that is filtered depending on the value of a dropdown.
This is a description of my model:
I have a list of users
When I click on a user, another list of orders of this user is
The list of orders is filtered according to the value of a dropdown
containig a list of status
Please, see the image below:
Users With orders
The filter is working well, but the problem that I am facing is that once I choose an element from the dropdown, the list of orders is no longer updated when the user is changed.
This is a snippet of my code:
Construction of the Order Panel and instantiation of the list:
public OrdersPanel(String id)
IModel<List<Order>> orderListModel = new OrderListModel();
orderListView = new orderListView("orderListView", orderListModel);
private final class OrderListModel extends LoadableDetachableModel<List<Order>> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected List<Order> load() {
//We set the variable allOrders in order to be used later in the filtering process
Construction of the dropdown:
private class StatusDropDown extends CustomDropDown<String> implements IAjaxIndicatorAware {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private StatusDropDown(String id) {
StatusListModel statusModel = new StatusListModel();
setChoiceRenderer(new StatusChoiceRenderer(statusModel));
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
if (target != null) {
new StatusDropDownRefreshEvent(this, target).fire();
* disable ajax marker for the form fields
public String getAjaxIndicatorMarkupId() {
return null;
CustomDropDown (Must be used by the context of the project on which I am working):
public class CustomDropDown<V> extends DropDownChoice<V> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public CustomDropDown(String id) {
this(id, id);
public CustomDropDown(String id, String property) {
setModel(new CustomComponentPropertyModel<V>(property));
add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
new UpdateEvent(CustomDropDown.this, target).fire();
if (target != null) {
protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) {
if (!isValid()) {
tag.append("class", "invalid", " ");
FeedbackMessage message = getFeedbackMessage();
if (message != null) {
tag.put("title", message.getMessage().toString());
} else if (isRequired()) {
tag.append("class", "red-background", " ");
public void setWidth(String width) {
this.add(new AttributeAppender("style", true, new Model<String>("width:" + width), ";"));
public CustomDropDown<V> setChoices(V... choices) {
return this;
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
StatusDropDownRefreshEvent listener:
public void statusDropDownRefreshPanel(StatusDropDownRefreshEvent event){
if (event.getTarget() != null) {
Changing of the user:
When the user is changed, an update event is fired from the users panel, and then cached in the orders panel:
public void refreshPanel(CustomerOrderRefreshEvent event) {
if (event.getTarget() != null) {
onBeforeRender() to determin the visibility of the panel (if no order is available then the orders panel is not visible)
public void onBeforeRender() {
Finally, the checkVisibility Method:
private boolean checkVisibility() {
if (isUserChanged()) {
List<Order> src = orderListView.getModelObject();
return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(src);
return true;
My main problem is that the changing of the selected user doesn't update the list of orders once a status is chosen from the list.
Thank you very much for your replies and your time.
Best regards.
I found a solution to my problem.
The list of orders wasn't updated because The method getObject was called on the wrong object.
The call of the load() method can be done via getObject(), but the condition is: The object must be detached (See the implementation of getObject() at this link)
The detached object in my case is the orderListModel and not the orderListView, so this is what I added to my code:
//Set the content of the list model
List<Order> orders = orderListModel.getObject(); //This invokes the load method
//Update the content of the list

POJO information lost during RPC call (GWT)

I am having issues with RPC calls and GWT. Essentially, I have a Person class (common code between client and server) that is created in the client side web code, sent to the server code via an RPC call, and then saved to a DB (OrientDB). I have verified that the following work:
RPC call - I am able to send info to the server and retrieve info from the server
save to DB - have verified that a Person object is saved to the DB
Where I am having issues is the transfer of the POJO from the client to the server. I have verified that the POJO's properties are intact right before it is sent to the server, however, the object passed to the server contains null values for all properties. Essentially, the class is transferred but the information is not. It then saves to the DB, but obviously without any relevant information contained within it.
I will copy what I feel is relevant below, please let me know what else I can provide to make this problem easier to identify. Note these are still in a testing state, so mind the comments :)
Any idea why my POJO's information is being lost in translation?
Person object, followed by the abstract class it inherits from:
public class Person extends org.matesweb.shared.AbsPerson implements Serializable
//sets new user details
public void setPerson(String fIrstName, String mIdInit, String lAstName, String email, String password)
firstName = fIrstName;
middleInitial = mIdInit;
lastName = lAstName;
/*getter and setter methods - required for every
* field due to restrictions imposed by OrientDB*/
public Object getId()
String tmp;
tmp = id.toString();
return tmp;
//end class
public class AbsPerson implements Serializable
String firstName;
String middleInitial;
String lastName;
// public sys.Login login;
public org.matesweb.shared.Group[] groups;
private org.matesweb.shared.Purchase[] purchases;
/*this method adds a new purchase to the purchases variable*/
/* public void addPurchase(float price, String description)
people.Purchase newPurchase = new people.Purchase(login, price, description);
/*adds a person to a group by comparing the passed in group ID and PWD*/
public void addGroup(String groupID, String groupPWD)
//compare group ID with group PWD to add a user to the group
/*getter and setter methods - required for every
* field due to restrictions imposed by OrientDB*/
public String getFirstName()
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String name)
firstName = name;
public String getMiddleInitial()
return middleInitial;
public void setMiddleInitial(String midInit)
middleInitial = midInit;
public String getLastName()
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String ln)
lastName = ln;
public sys.Login getLogin()
return login;
public void setLogin(sys.Login log)
login = log;
public org.matesweb.shared.Group[] getGroups()
return groups;
public void setGroups(org.matesweb.shared.Group[] gro)
groups = gro;
public org.matesweb.shared.Purchase[] getPurchases()
return purchases;
public void setPurchases(org.matesweb.shared.Purchase[] purch)
purchases = purch;
package org.matesweb.client;
import org.matesweb.shared.Person;
public interface PeopleService extends RemoteService {
//test services
String stringTest(String outgoingString);
Person getPerson(String persId);
//production services
String savePerson(Person p);
import org.matesweb.shared.Person;
public interface PeopleServiceAsync
void stringTest(String outgoingString, AsyncCallback<String> incomingString);
void getPerson(String persId, AsyncCallback<Person> retPerson);
//production services
void savePerson(Person p , AsyncCallback<String> st);
ServiceImpl call for this particular method:
//production calls
public String savePerson(Person p) {
String st = ioObj.saveObj(p);
return "Your information has been saved successfully!";
} else{
return "Something has gone wrong on our end... Sorry! Error:<br /> " + st;
and finally, the call itself
private static void savePerson(Person p)
// Initialize the service proxy.
if (peopleSvc == null) {
peopleSvc = GWT.create(PeopleService.class);
//resets status
// Set up the callback object.
AsyncCallback<String> callback = new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
st = caught.getMessage();
Label stLabel= new Label(st);
public void onSuccess(String result) {
st = result;
HTML stLabel= new HTML(st);
// Make the call to the people service.
peopleSvc.savePerson(p, callback);
I was able to fix this issue by implementing GWT's IsSerializable interface. I also removed the Serializable interface from the Person class and let it inherit IsSerializable from the abstract class it inherits from.

How to respond to URLs with GWT's built-in MVP-framework?

I'm building a very simple calendar app to get familiar with the MVP-framework introduced with the 2.1 version of GWT.
What I want to achieve is being able to switch between a list of scheduled appointments and a list of the avialable time.
I have created the a CalendarPlace, CalendarActivity, CalendarView and CalendarViewImpl.
I know that to navigate to a different place i would call PlaceController.goTo(Place), so in my calendar app I would call:
clientFactory.getPlaceController.goTo(new CalendarPlace("freeTime");
The URL would be index.html#CalendarPlace:freeTime for the list of free time or
clientFactory.getPlaceController.goTo(new CalendarPlace("appointments");
for the list of scheduled appointments. The URL would be index.html#CalendarPlace:appointments
But the question is where do I respond to the different tokens? I guess the CalendarPlace would be the right place, but how would I do that?
Here is my source code(I took most of the boilerplate from the tutorial here:
public class CalendarPlace extends Place {
private String calendarName;
public CalendarPlace(String token) {
this.calendarName = token;
public String getCalendarName() {
return calendarName;
public static class Tokenizer implements PlaceTokenizer<CalendarPlace> {
public CalendarPlace getPlace(String token) {
return new CalendarPlace(token);
public String getToken(CalendarPlace place) {
return place.getCalendarName();
public class CalendarActivity extends AbstractActivity
CalendarView.Presenter {
private ClientFactory clientFactory;
private String name;
public CalendarActivity(CalendarPlace place, ClientFactory clientFactory) { = place.getCalendarName();
this.clientFactory = clientFactory;
public void goTo(Place place) {
public void start(AcceptsOneWidget containerWidget, EventBus eventBus) {
CalendarView calendarView = clientFactory.getCalendarView();
public class CalendarViewImpl extends Composite implements CalendarView {
private VerticalPanel content;
private String name;
private Presenter presenter;
private OptionBox optionBox;
public CalendarViewImpl() {
//optionBox is used for navigation
//optionBox is where I call PlaceController.goTo() from
optionBox=new OptionBox();
content=new VerticalPanel();
public void setPresenter(Presenter listener) {
public void setName(String calendarName) { = calendarName;
public void displayFreeTime() {
//called from somewhere to display the free time
public void getAppointments() {
//called from somewhere to display the appointments
In your CalendarActivity constructor you have access to the place, and therefore the token. Tuck it aside, and then in your start() method you can use it. Activities are meant to be lightweight objects, created for each new navigation.