How to use Type calculated in Scala Macro in a reify clause? - scala

I've been working with Scala Macros and have the following code in the macro:
val fieldMemberType = fieldMember.typeSignatureIn(objectType) match {
case NullaryMethodType(tpe) => tpe
case _ => doesntCompile(s"$propertyName isn't a field, it must be another thing")
new TypeBuilder() {
type fieldType = fieldMemberType.type
As you can see, I've managed to get a c.universe.Type fieldMemberType. This represents the type of certain field in the object. Once I get that, I want to create a new TypeBuilder object in the reify. TypeBuilder is an abstract class with an abstract parameter. This abstract parameter is fieldType. I want this fieldType to be the type that I've found before.
Running the code shown here returns me a fieldMemberType not found. Is there any way that I can get the fieldMemberType to work inside the reify clause?

The problem is that the code you pass to reify is essentially going to be placed verbatim at the point where the macro is being expanded, and fieldMemberType isn't going to mean anything there.
In some cases you can use splice to sneak an expression that you have at macro-expansion time into the code you're reifying. For example, if we were trying to create an instance of this trait:
trait Foo { def i: Int }
And had this variable at macro-expansion time:
val myInt = 10
We could write the following:
reify { new Foo { def i = c.literal(myInt).splice } }
That's not going to work here, which means you're going to have to forget about nice little reify and write out the AST by hand. You'll find this happens a lot, unfortunately. My standard approach is to start a new REPL and type something like this:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
trait TypeBuilder { type fieldType }
showRaw(reify(new TypeBuilder { type fieldType = String }))
This will spit out several lines of AST, which you can then cut and paste into your macro definition as a starting point. Then you fiddle with it, replacing things like this:
With this:
And FINAL with Flag.FINAL, and so on. I wish the toString methods for the AST types corresponded more exactly to the code it takes to build them, but you'll pretty quickly get a sense of what you need to change. You'll end up with something like this:
Ident(newTypeName("TypeBuilder")) :: Nil,
Apply(Select(New(Ident(anon)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), Nil)
Where anon is a type name you've created in advance for your anonymous class, and constructor is a convenience method I use to make this kind of thing a little less hideous (you can find its definition at the end of this complete working example).
Now if we wrap this expression up in something like this, we can write the following:
scala> TypeMemberExample.builderWithType[String]
res0: TypeBuilder{type fieldType = String} = $1$$1#fb3f1f3
So it works. We've taken a c.universe.Type (which I get here from the WeakTypeTag of the type parameter on builderWithType, but it will work in exactly the same way with any old Type) and used it to define the type member of our TypeBuilder trait.

There is a simpler approach than tree writing for your use case. Indeed I use it all the time to keep trees at bay, as it can be really difficult to program with trees. I prefer to compute types and use reify to generate the trees. This makes much more robust and "hygienic" macros and less compile time errors. IMO using trees must be a last resort, only for a few cases, such as tree transforms or generic programming for a family of types such as tuples.
The tip here is to define a function taking as type parameters, the types you want to use in the reify body, with a context bound on a WeakTypeTag. Then you call this function by passing explicitly the WeakTypeTags you can build from universe Types thanks to the context WeakTypeTag method.
So in your case, that would give the following.
val fieldMemberType: Type = fieldMember.typeSignatureIn(objectType) match {
case NullaryMethodType(tpe) => tpe
case _ => doesntCompile(s"$propertyName isn't a field, it must be another thing")
def genRes[T: WeakTypeTag] = reify{
new TypeBuilder() {
type fieldType = T


Can Scala infer the actual type from the return type actually expected by the caller?

I have a following question. Our project has a lot of code, that runs tests in Scala. And there is a lot of code, that fills the fields like this:
production.setProduct(new Product)
production.setSubProduct(new SubProduct)
Eventually, I grew tired from this code, since all those fields are actually subclasses of the basic class that has the uuid field, so, after thinking a while, I wrote the auxiliary function like this:
def createUuid[T <: GenericEntity](uuid: String)(implicit m : Manifest[T]) : T = {
val constructor = m.runtimeClass.getConstructors()(0)
val instance = constructor.newInstance().asInstanceOf[T]
Now, my code got two times shorter, since now I can write something like this:
That's good, but I am wondering, if I could somehow implement the function createUuid so the last bit would like this:
// Is that really possible?
Can scala compiler guess, that setProduct expects not just a generic entity, but actually something like Product (or it's subclass)? Or there is no way in Scala to implement this even shorter?
Scala compiler won't infer/propagate the type outside-in. You could however create implicit conversions like:
implicit def stringToSubProduct(uuid: String): SubProduct = {
val n = new SubProduct
and then just call
and the compiler will automatically use the stringToSubProduct because it has applicable types on the input and output.
Update: To have the code better organized I suggest wrapping the implicit defs to a companion object, like:
case class EntityUUID(uuid: String) {
uuid.matches("[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}") // possible uuid format check
case object EntityUUID {
implicit def toProduct(e: EntityUUID): Product = {
val p = new Product
implicit def toSubProduct(e: EntityUUID): SubProduct = {
val p = new SubProduct
and then you'd do
so anyone reading this could have an intuition where to find the conversion implementation.
Regarding your comment about some generic approach (having 30 types), I won't say it's not possible, but I just do not see how to do it. The reflection you used bypasses the type system. If all the 30 cases are the same piece of code, maybe you should reconsider your object design. Now you can still implement the 30 implicit defs by calling some method that uses reflection similar what you have provided. But you will have the option to change it in the future on just this one (30) place(s).

Reify a ValDef from compile to runtime

I want to reify a ValDef into runtime, but i does not work directly. If i encapsulate the ValDef into a Block, everything works perfectly, like in the following example:
case class Container(expr: Expr[Any])
def lift(expr: Any): Container = macro reifyValDef
def reifyValDef(c: Context)(expr: c.Expr[Any]): c.Expr[Container] = {
import c.universe._
expr.tree match {
case Block(List(v: ValDef), _) =>
val asBlock = q"{$v}"
val toRuntime = q"scala.reflect.runtime.universe.reify($asBlock)"
lift {
val x: Int = 10
If i would use v directly, instead of wrapping it into a block, I get the error:
Error:(10, 11) type mismatch;
found :
required: Any
Note that extends Any, not AnyRef.
Such types can participate in value classes, but instances
cannot appear in singleton types or in reference comparisons.
val x: Int = 10
Is it just not working directly with ValDefs or is something wrong with my code?
That's one of the known issues in the reflection API. Definitions are technically not expressions, so you can't e.g. pass them directly as arguments to functions. Wrapping the definition in a block is a correct way of addressing the block.
The error message is of course confusing, but it does make some twisted sense. To signify the fact that a definition by itself doesn't have a type, the tpe field of the corresponding Tree is set to NoType. Then the type of the argument of a macro is checked against Any and the check fails (because NoType is a special type, which isn't compatible with anything), so a standard error message is printed. The awkward printout is an artifact of how the prettyprinter behaves in this weird situation.

Scala: Why use implicit on function argument?

I have a following function:
def getIntValue(x: Int)(implicit y: Int ) : Int = {x + y}
I see above declaration everywhere. I understand what above function is doing. It is a currying function which takes two arguments. If you omit the second argument, it will invoke implicit definition which returns int instead. So I think it is something very similar to defining a default value for the argument.
implicit val temp = 3
scala> getIntValue(3)
res8: Int = 6
I was wondering what are the benefits of above declaration?
Here's my "pragmatic" answer: you typically use currying as more of a "convention" than anything else meaningful. It comes in really handy when your last parameter happens to be a "call by name" parameter (for example: : => Boolean):
def transaction(conn: Connection)(codeToExecuteInTransaction : => Boolean) = {
conn.startTransaction // start transaction
val booleanResult = codeToExecuteInTransaction //invoke the code block they passed in
//deal with errors and rollback if necessary, or commit
//return connection to connection pool
What this is saying is "I have a function called transaction, its first parameter is a Connection and its second parameter will be a code-block".
This allows us to use this method like so (using the "I can use curly brace instead of parenthesis rule"):
transaction(myConn) {
//code to execute in a transaction
//the code block's last executable statement must be a Boolean as per the second
//parameter of the transaction method
If you didn't curry that transaction method, it would look pretty unnatural doing this:
transaction(myConn, {
//code block
How about implicit? Yes it can seem like a very ambiguous construct, but you get used to it after a while, and the nice thing about implicit functions is they have scoping rules. So this means for production, you might define an implicit function for getting that database connection from the PROD database, but in your integration test you'll define an implicit function that will superscede the PROD version, and it will be used to get a connection from a DEV database instead for use in your test.
As an example, how about we add an implicit parameter to the transaction method?
def transaction(implicit conn: Connection)(codeToExecuteInTransaction : => Boolean) = {
Now, assuming I have an implicit function somewhere in my code base that returns a Connection, like so:
def implicit getConnectionFromPool() : Connection = { ...}
I can execute the transaction method like so:
transaction {
//code to execute in transaction
and Scala will translate that to:
transaction(getConnectionFromPool) {
//code to execute in transaction
In summary, Implicits are a pretty nice way to not have to make the developer provide a value for a required parameter when that parameter is 99% of the time going to be the same everywhere you use the function. In that 1% of the time you need a different Connection, you can provide your own connection by passing in a value instead of letting Scala figure out which implicit function provides the value.
In your specific example there are no practical benefits. In fact using implicits for this task will only obfuscate your code.
The standard use case of implicits is the Type Class Pattern. I'd say that it is the only use case that is practically useful. In all other cases it's better to have things explicit.
Here is an example of a typeclass:
// A typeclass
trait Show[a] {
def show(a: a): String
// Some data type
case class Artist(name: String)
// An instance of the `Show` typeclass for that data type
implicit val artistShowInstance =
new Show[Artist] {
def show(a: Artist) =
// A function that works for any type `a`, which has an instance of a class `Show`
def showAListOfShowables[a](list: List[a])(implicit showInstance: Show[a]): String =", ")
// The following code outputs `Beatles, Michael Jackson, Rolling Stones`
val list = List(Artist("Beatles"), Artist("Michael Jackson"), Artist("Rolling Stones"))
This pattern originates from a functional programming language named Haskell and turned out to be more practical than the standard OO practices for writing a modular and decoupled software. The main benefit of it is it allows you to extend the already existing types with new functionality without changing them.
There's plenty of details unmentioned, like syntactic sugar, def instances and etc. It is a huge subject and fortunately it has a great coverage throughout the web. Just google for "scala type class".
There are many benefits, outside of your example.
I'll give just one; at the same time, this is also a trick that you can use on certain occasions.
Imagine you create a trait that is a generic container for other values, like a list, a set, a tree or something like that.
trait MyContainer[A] {
def containedValue:A
Now, at some point, you find it useful to iterate over all elements of the contained value.
Of course, this only makes sense if the contained value is of an iterable type.
But because you want your class to be useful for all types, you don't want to restrict A to be of a Seq type, or Traversable, or anything like that.
Basically, you want a method that says: "I can only be called if A is of a Seq type."
And if someone calls it on, say, MyContainer[Int], that should result in a compile error.
That's possible.
What you need is some evidence that A is of a sequence type.
And you can do that with Scala and implicit arguments:
trait MyContainer[A] {
def containedValue:A
def aggregate[B](f:B=>B)(implicit ev:A=>Seq[B]):B =
ev(containedValue) reduce f
So, if you call this method on a MyContainer[Seq[Int]], the compiler will look for an implicit Seq[Int]=>Seq[B].
That's really simple to resolve for the compiler.
Because there is a global implicit function that's called identity, and it is always in scope.
Its type signature is something like: A=>A
It simply returns whatever argument is passed to it.
I don't know how this pattern is called. (Can anyone help out?)
But I think it's a neat trick that comes in handy sometimes.
You can see a good example of that in the Scala library if you look at the method signature of Seq.sum.
In the case of sum, another implicit parameter type is used; in that case, the implicit parameter is evidence that the contained type is numeric, and therefore, a sum can be built out of all contained values.
That's not the only use of implicits, and certainly not the most prominent, but I'd say it's an honorable mention. :-)

Varargs with different type parameters in scala

I'm new to Scala...
Anyway, I want to do something like:
val bar = new Foo("a" -> List[Int](1), "b" -> List[String]("2"), ...)
bar("a") // gives List[Int] containing 1
bar("b") // gives List[String] containing "2"
The problem when I do:
class Foo(pairs: (String, List[_])*) {
def apply(name: String): List[_] = pairs.toMap(name)
pairs is gonna be Array[(String, List[Any]) (or something like that) and apply() is wrong anyway since List[_] is one type instead of "different types". Even if the varargs * returned a tuple I'm still not sure how I'd go about getting bar("a") to return a List[OriginalTypePassedIn]. So is there actually a way of doing this? Scala seems pretty flexible so it feels like there should be some advanced way of doing this.
That's just the nature of static type systems: a method has a fixed return type. It cannot depend on the values of the method's parameters, because the parameters are not known at compile time. Suppose you have bar, which is an instance of Foo, and you don't know anything about how it was instantiated. You call bar("a"). You will get back an instance of the correct type, but since that type isn't determined until runtime, there's no way for a compiler to know it.
Scala does, however, give you a convenient syntax for subtyping Foo:
object bar extends Foo {
val a = List[Int](1)
val b = List[String]("2")
This can't be done. Consider this:
val key = readStringFromUser();
val value = bar(key);
what would be the type of value? It would depend on what the user has input. But types are static, they're determined and used at compile time.
So you'll either have to use a fixed number of arguments for which you know their types at compile time, or use a generic vararg and do type casts during runtime.

Scala type alias including companion object [beginner]

I'd like to write a type alias to shorten, nice and encapsulated Scala code.
Suppose I got some collection which has the property of being a list of maps, the value of which are tuples.
My type would write something like List[Map[Int, (String, String)]], or anything more generic as my application allows it. I could imagine having a supertype asking for a Seq[MapLike[Int, Any]] or whatever floats my boat, with concrete subclasses being more specific.
I'd then want to write an alias for this long type.
class ConcreteClass {
type DataType = List[Map[Int, (String, String)]]
I would then happily use ConcreteClass#DataType everywhere I can take one, and use it.
Now suppose I add a function
def foo(a : DataType) { ... }
And I want to call it from outside with an empty list.
I can call foo(List()), but when I want to change my underlying type to be another type of Seq, I'll have to come back and change this code too. Besides, it's not very explicit this empty list is intended as a DataType. And the companion object does not have the associated List methods, so I can't call DataType(), or DataType.empty. It's gonna be even more annoying when I need non-empty lists since I'll have to write out a significant part of this long type.
Is there any way I can ask Scala to understand my type as the same thing, including companion object with its creator methods, in the interest of shortening code and blackboxing it ?
Or, any reason why I should not be doing this in the first place ?
The answer was actually quite simple:
class ConcreteClass {
type DataType = List[String]
object ConcreteClass {
val DataType = List
val d = ConcreteClass.DataType.empty
This enables my code to call ConcreteClass.DataType to construct lists with all the methods in List and little effort.
Thanks a lot to Oleg for the insight. His answer is also best in case you want not to delegate to List any call to ConcreteClass.DataType, but control precisely what you want to allow callers to do.
What about this?
class ConcreteClass {
type DataType = List[String]
object DataType {
def apply(): ConcreteClass#DataType = Nil
val a = DataType()