How to use apply to multiple keyword func in Racket? - racket

I meet such a question:
I want to use (send my-list-box set data) to refresh list-box%'s data on runtime. But I
can't write it like this:
send my-list-box set
(map ....))
This is invalid. But I know max func can do this:
(map ...))
The only difference is "send my-list-box set" have multiple keyword, not a single keyword
func like max.
How solve this?

Use send/apply to apply multiple arguments to send:
(send/apply my-list-box set (map ...))
The (apply send my-list-box set (map ...)) (that you were trying to use) is only invalid because send is a syntax (macro), not because there are multiple preceding arguments. For example, this works:
(apply + 1 2 3 '(4 5 6))


how can I flatten a list to its values?

I'd like to call set-union from a list of sets. How can I convert it into a form that set-union would take?
(define (return-set-list) (list (set 1) (set 2)))
(set-union (set) (return-set-list))
This returns an error for instance.
You could use apply
(apply set-union (cons (set) (return-set-list)))

How do I create a version of filter using map (racket ISL)

I am Tasked (in exercise 8) with creating a function in Intermediate Student Language (Racket) that receives a list of numbers and a list of lists of numbers; each list is the same length. Name the first list breakpoints and the second LoR (list of rows). This function should be defined using map and should filter each row in LoR so that only numbers larger than that the n'th row in LoR only contains values larger than the n'th value in breakpoints-- here is an example for clarity:
(define breakpoints (list 7 2 15))
(define LoR (list (list 3 25 13)
(list 1 2 11)
(list 22 4 8)))
would output...
(list (list 25 13) (list 11) (list 22))
Doing this without using map would be fine and I understand the problem in that sense, but I am having trouble figuring out how to use map. I was thinking recursively in the sense that if the list of rows is not empty, I would cons the (filtered first row) to the (recursive call of the function using the rest of breakpoints and LoR) as so:
(define (parallel-filter breakpoints LoR)
(cond((empty? breakpoints) empty)
(else (cons ...
(parallel-filter (rest breakpoints) (rest LoR))))))
However, I'm not sure how to replace the ellipse with a map statement that would make the function work correctly-- as I understand, map's first parameter must be a one-parameter function and I'm not sure how to use map for this purpose. How do I proceed?
edited to correct output
We can solve this problem by combining map and filter, but first bear in mind this:
You can't use just map, because it will always return a list of the same length as the original. For excluding some elements we must use filter (or alternatively: use foldr to implement our own version of filter)
map can receive more than one list as parameter, as long as its function receives enough parameters - one from each list
Your sample output is wrong for the first sublist
With all of the above in mind, here's one possible solution:
(define (parallel-filter breakpoints LoR)
(map (lambda (brk lst) ; `brk` is from `breakpoints` and `lst` is from `LoR`
(filter (lambda (ele) (> ele brk)) ; filter each sublist from `LoR`
It works as expected:
(parallel-filter breakpoints LoR)
=> (list (list 25 13) (list 11) (list 22))

Racket, execute arbitrary function with arbitrary number of parameters

I would like to define a general function along the lines of:
(define (gen-func other-func)
that will execute the function passed to it. But, I want to be able to pass parameters with other-func.
So if I had:
(define (add-test a b c d)
(+ a b c d))
(define (divide-test a b)
(/ a b))
then I could do
(gen-func divide-test 3 4)
(gen-func add-test 1 2 3 4)
but it would actually do what I want (which is execute the function with passing along the arbitrary number of arguments). This is part of my process of learning Racket.
What you are looking for is apply and rest arguments:
(define (gen-func func . args)
(apply func args))
The dotted parameter list func . args results in all args after the first one being collected into the list args. The reason that this works is that (func . args) is the same as (cons func args), so when the function is called, func is set to (car arglist), and args are set to (cdr arglist) which is the list of arguments after the first one.

create racket accumulator "variable"

Im really having problems understanding how I can create variable that would act as an accumulator in racket. This is definitely a really stupid question....but racket's documentation is pretty difficult for me to read.
I know I will use some kind of define statement or let statement.
I want to be able to pass a number to a variable or function and it adds the current value with the new value keeps the sum...How would I do this....?? Thank you..
(define (accumulator newvalue) "current=current+newvalue"
something like this..
An accumulator is generally just a function parameter. There are a few chapters in How to Design Programs (online, starting here) that cover accumulators. Have you read them?
For example, the reverse function is implemented using an accumulator that remembers the prefix of the list, reversed:
;; reverse : list -> list
(define (reverse elems0)
;; reverse/accum : list list -> list
(define (reverse/accum elems reversed-prefix)
(cond [(null? elems)
(reverse/accum (cdr elems)
(cons (car elems) reversed-prefix))]))
(reverse/accum elems null))
Note that the scope of the accumulator reversed-prefix is limited to the function. It is updated by calling the function with a new value for that parameter. Different calls to reverse have different accumulators, and reverse remembers nothing from one call to the next.
Perhaps you mean state variable instead. In that case, you define it (or bind it with let or lambda) at the appropriate scope and update it using set!. Here's a global state variable:
;; total : number
(define total 0)
;; add-to-total! : number -> number
(define (add-to-total! n)
(set! total (+ total n))
(add-to-total! 5) ;; => 5
(add-to-total! 31) ;; => 36
Here's a variation that creates local state variables, so you can have multiple counters:
;; make-counter : -> number -> number
(define (make-counter)
(let ([total 0])
(lambda (n)
(set! total (+ total n))
(define counterA (make-counter))
(define counterB (make-counter))
(counterA 5) ;; => 5
(counterB 10) ;; => 10
(counterA 15) ;; => 20
(counterB 20) ;; => 30
But don't call state variables accumulators; it will confuse people.
Do you mean something like this?
(define (accumulator current newvalue)
(let ((current (+ current newvalue)))
You can close over the accumulator variable:
(define accumulate
(let ((acc 0))
(λ (new-val)
(set! acc (+ acc new-val))
(accumulate 10) ;=> 10
(accumulate 4) ;=> 14

Treating the values from a list of slots and strings

I want to do a macro in common lisp which is supposed to take in one of its arguments a list made of slots and strings. Here is the prototype :
(defclass time-info ()
((name :initarg name)
(calls :initarg calls)
(second :initarg second)
(consing :initarg consing)
(gc-run-time :initarg gc-run-time)))
(defun print-table (output arg-list time-info-list) ())
The idea is to print a table based on the arg-list which defines its structure. Here is an example of a call to the function:
(print-table *trace-output*
'("|" name "||" calls "|" second "\")
This print a table in ascII on the trace output. The problem, is that I don't know how to explicitely get the elements of the list to use them in the different parts of my macro.
I have no idea how to do this yet, but I'm sure it can be done. Maybe you can help me :)
I would base this on format. The idea is to build a format string
from your arg-list.
I define a helper function for that:
(defun make-format-string-and-args (arg-list)
(let ((symbols ()))
(values (apply #'concatenate 'string
(mapcar (lambda (arg)
(ctypecase arg
(cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "~" arg "~~"))
(push arg symbols)
(nreverse symbols))))
Note that ~ must be doubled in format strings in order to escape them.
The printing macro itself then just produces a mapcar of format:
(defmacro print-table (stream arg-list time-info-list)
(let ((time-info (gensym)))
(multiple-value-bind (format-string arguments)
(make-format-string-and-args arg-list)
`(mapcar (lambda (,time-info)
(format ,stream ,format-string
,#(mapcar (lambda (arg)
(list arg time-info))
You can then call it like this:
(print-table *trace-output*
("|" name "||" calls "|" second "\\")
Please note the following errors in your code:
You need to escape \ in strings.
Second is already a function name exported from the common-lisp
package. You should not clobber that with a generic function.
You need to be more precise with your requirements. Macros and Functions are different things. Arrays and Lists are also different.
We need to iterate over the TIME-INFO-LIST. So that's the first DOLIST.
The table has a description for a line. Each item in the description is either a slot-name or a string. So we iterate over the description. That's the second DOLIST. A string is just printed. A symbol is a slot-name, where we retrieve the slot-value from the current time-info instance.
(defun print-table (stream line-format-description time-info-list)
(dolist (time-info time-info-list)
(terpri stream)
(dolist (slot-or-string line-format-description)
(princ (etypecase slot-or-string
(string slot-or-string)
(symbol (slot-value time-info slot-or-string)))
> (print-table *standard-output*
'("|" name "||" calls "|" second "\\")
(list (make-instance 'time-info
:name "foo"
:calls 100
:second 10)
(make-instance 'time-info
:name "bar"
:calls 20
:second 20)))
First, you probably don't want the quote there, if you're using a macro (you do want it there if you're using a function, however). Second, do you want any padding between your separators and your values? Third, you're probably better off with a function, rather than a macro.
You also seem to be using "array" and "list" interchangeably. They're quite different things in Common Lisp. There are operations that work on generic sequences, but typically you would use one way of iterating over a list and another to iterate over an array.