How to implement Inapp Purchase for multiple products? - iphone

I want to implement Inapp purchase for multiple products in my app.
Do I need to register All the products at iTunes? and is the code procedure is same for multiple as for single product?
I don't know what is the requirement of restore button in Inapp.
If anyone having tutorial or code for multiple product inApp then please provide.

You need to read this. You will get all your answers InApp Purchase

You need to register all your product in iTunes store for multiple InApp purchase.
What is the requirement of restore button in Inapp ?
If user accidentally deleted the app from their device. If he/she again downloaded or installed the App. They won't get the previously purchased items, then he/she should again purchase them for using it. In that case you need to provide an option for restoring the already purchased items.
This is a nice tutorial


How can I configure Apple in-app purchases

I need help implementing in-app purchases. In my app, users can buy individual audios or packs that include these audios. The individual audios always have the same price, while the packs have different prices. Can I create a generic in-app purchase for individual audios (for example "Individual audio: €5") and an in-app purchase for each pack?
It may also be the case that a user wants to buy a pack of which they already have an individual audio, in this case a percentage discount would be applied. How should I manage this?
Flutter has created an official package for in-app purchases
On that package page you will find all the information you need for implementation, as well as the official Google Play and App Store links on how in-app purchases are managed.

Using a non-consumable in-App purchase with ID's

I'm using in-App purchases in my App on behave of getting some sounds from the App to the iPhone as a ringtone.
I've used 'Consumable' as the type for in-App purchase so that the user would be able to buy a ringtone and download it directly.
However this App got rejected by Apple because they want this function to be non-Consumable (so you would be able to retrieve this ringtone more than once). I only don't know how to set this up in my App because there are more than 200 possible ringtones. The actual buying is not the difficult part but as a criteria for in-App purchases you need to be able to restore previous transactions. As I'm only using one product identifier I think I would not be able to identify which ringtone has been purchases when restoring.
So my final questions:
1. How can I identify which item is bought (i.e. by using tags in the purchase)?
2. Am I able to use only 1 product identifier for this In-App purchase. Or do I need to make a productIdentifier for each and every ringtone?
You have to create a non-Consumable product for each ringtone, each one with a different identifier, if Apple is refusing your app I think you have no other choice.

In-app purchase confusion in iPhone: is it possible to use both type of in-app purchases in a single application?

I have an application which is using a consumable in app purchase for the products. Now I want to add some more portions to the existing application which can be used only if the user is subscribed for that option. So is it possible to use both type of inapp purchases in a single application. And can anybody provide an idea about how I can achieve this.
So you want to hide some in apps unless they have purchased a special in app?
Can't you just check in your code if the first one has been bought? Then display the rest.
You just go to iTunes Connect, to your app, and then to manage in-app purchase section.
You can add any amount of purchases there. Then your new in-app will be reviewd by Apple and you would be able to update your app with new code for retrieving that new in-app.

Tracking in-app purchases & multiple devices (iOS)

I want to implement in-app purchases to my app. I will be using the built-in product model where the IAP will unlock features within the code. My questions are:
how do I track the a purchase on a device (as to unlock the feature)? NSUserDefaults? The guide vaguely states "application preferences". They are not referring the Info.plist, as this can't be written once on the device. I also (obviously) want the user to back this up.
how do I enable the feature across mutiple devices on the same iTunes account? Do they have to "purchase" the feature on the other devices, or is there another way?
Thanks and regards,
1) NSUSerDefaults is a good solution
2) Use a non consumable product for that
User have to re-buy the product in each device but pay just the first time. A pop up "you've already buy this item" appear and you receive the same receipt.

inApp purchase in an iPad/iPhone App

I have an App that allows for an inApp purchase. Works great, except if a user purchases it from the App Store (not from within my app), and then goes into my App, it does not know it was purchased. How can I tell if it was purchased already?
My App is live but I have this newly discovered bug so hopefully someone can answer this for me soon!! -:)
Thanks for the help!
You could use the restoreCompletedTransactions of the SKPaymentQueue Class to lookup which items the user already purchased and take further actions to deliver the items/functions to your user.
The documentation is your friend ;-)