How does one use 4 pulldown selections to display a result text? - forms

If I need to use 4 different drop boxes and the value of each dropbox selection which when combined would allow me to equate a textbox output --how would I do that?
I select from drop box 1, then from dropbox 2, then from dropbox 3, then from dropbox 4 and the combined selections (if drpbx1selected value = 1, and drpbx2selected value=3, and...) allows me to assign a text output to it?
I set each dropdown list in a form with a Function Option1,2,3,4 and a variable of sel1,2,3,and 4 to indicate the selected 4 possible values:
function setOption1(chosen) {
if (chosen == "1") {
var e1 = document.getElementById("e27");
var sel1 = e1.options[e1.selectedIndex].value;
else if (chosen == "2") {
var e2 = document.getElementById("e27");
var sel2 = e2.options[e2.selectedIndex].value;
I then used the selx variable of the functions to display the part number resulting from the 4 selected values. Here's where I'm stuck --I don't know what to use to be able to display the part number derived from the four values. There are 15 possible part numbers with 15 possible value selections.
function displaysel()
if (sel1 == "1" , sel3 == "3", sel7 == "7", sel9 == "9") {
var partno = "600-618";
I am new at this and really need to get this resolved. Any help is appreciated!!


Better way to find sums in a grid in Swift

I have an app with a 6x7 grid that lets the user input values. After each value is obtained the app checks to find if any of the consecutive values create a sum of ten and executes further code (which I have working well for the 4 test cases I've written). So far I've been writing if statements similar to the below:
func findTens() {
if (rowOneColumnOnePlaceHolderValue + rowOneColumnTwoPlaceHolderValue) == 10 {
//code to execute
} else if (rowOneColumnOnePlaceHolderValue + rowOneColumnTwoPlaceHolderValue + rowOneColumnThreePlaceHolderValue) == 10 {
//code to execute
} else if (rowOneColumnOnePlaceHolderValue + rowOneColumnTwoPlaceHolderValue + rowOneColumnThreePlaceHolderValue + rowOneColumnFourPlaceHolderValue) == 10 {
//code to execute
} else if (rowOneColumnOnePlaceHolderValue + rowOneColumnTwoPlaceHolderValue + rowOneColumnThreePlaceHolderValue + rowOneColumnFourPlaceHolderValue + rowOneColumnFivePlaceHolderValue) == 10 {
//code to execute
That's not quite halfway through row one, and it will end up being a very large set of if statements (231 if I'm calculating correctly, since a single 7 column row would be 1,2-1,2,3-...-2,3-2,3,4-...-67 so 21 possibilities per row). I think there must be a more concise way of doing it but I've struggled to find something better.
I've thought about using an array of each of the rowXColumnYPlaceHolderValue variables similar to the below:
let rowOnePlaceHolderArray = [rowOneColumnOnePlaceHolderValue, rowOneColumnTwoPlaceHolderValue, rowOneColumnThreePlaceHolderValue, rowOneColumnFourPlaceHolderValue, rowOneColumnFivePlaceHolderValue, rowOneColumnSixPlaceHolderValue, rowOneColumnSevenPlaceHolderValue]
for row in rowOnePlaceHolderArray {
//compare each element of the array here, 126 comparisons
But I'm struggling to find a next step to that approach, in addition to the fact that those array elements then apparently because copies and not references to the original array anymore...
I've been lucky enough to find some fairly clever solutions to some of the other issues I've come across for the app, but this one has given me trouble for about a week now so I wanted to ask for help to see what ideas I might be missing. It's possible that there will not be another approach that is significantly better than the 231 if statement approach, which will be ok. Thank you in advance!
Here's an idea (off the top of my head; I have not bothered to optimize). I'll assume that your goal is:
Given an array of Int, find the first consecutive elements that sum to a given Int total.
Your use of "10" as a target total is just a special case of that.
So I'll look for consecutive elements that sum to a given total, and if I find them, I'll return their range within the original array. If I don't find any, I'll return nil.
Here we go:
extension Array where Element == Int {
func rangeOfSum(_ sum: Int) -> Range<Int>? {
for start in 0..<count-1 {
let slice = dropFirst(start)
for n in 2...slice.count {
let total = slice.prefix(n).reduce(0,+)
if total == sum {
return start..<(start+n)
if total > sum {
continue newstart
if n == slice.count && total < sum {
return nil
return nil
[1, 8, 6, 2, 8, 4].rangeOfSum(10) // 3..<5, i.e. 2,8
[1, 8, 1, 2, 8, 4].rangeOfSum(10) // 0..<3, i.e. 1,8,1
[1, 8, 3, 2, 9, 4].rangeOfSum(10) // nil
Okay, so now that we've got that, extracting each possible row or column from the grid (or whatever the purpose of the game is) is left as an exercise for the reader. 🙂

Default dictionary value in Swift

I know I can have a default dictionary value in swift, but I am struggling to do this for a tuple
var freq = [Int:(Int,Int,Int)]()
I want to make a default value
freq[num.element, default: (0, num.offset, num.offset) ] = (7, 0, 0 )
This produces the frequency table with 7,0,0 for every value when the key does not exist.
Can I use the default for a more complicated dictionary?
For an example if we have an array of numbers [1,2,2,3,3,3]
we can count the number of elements using a frequency table
var freq = [Int:Int]()
for num in nums {
freq[num, default: 0] += 1
We want to store the initial position of each number, and the final position of each number in the frequency table so use
var freq = [Int:(Int,Int,Int)]()
for num in nums.enumerated() {
if freq[num.element] == nil {
freq[num.element] = (1,num.offset, num.offset)
} else {
freq[num.element] = (freq[num.element]!.0 + 1, freq[num.element]!.1, num.offset)
For this code I want to use a default value.
I am looking for a way of using a default value on a frequency list containing more than just a single value. It is not relevant that I am using a tuple rather than an array of values, for an example I want to find out how to use default with a tuple using arrays.
I tried to use the example above to make a default value, and on testing it does not work. I have looked at previous questions, a Google Search and looked at Apple's documentation.
Question: How to use default for a dictionary var freq = Int:(Int,Int,Int)
Is this what you looking for? Just get the current value with default value and store it in a variable first makes life easier.
var freq = [Int:(Int,Int,Int)]()
var nums = [1,2,2,3,3,3]
for num in nums.enumerated()
let currentTuple = freq[num.element, default: (0,num.offset,num.offset)]
freq[num.element] = (currentTuple.0 + 1, currentTuple.1,num.offset)
print(freq) //output: [1: (1, 0, 0), 2: (2, 1, 2), 3: (3, 3, 5)]

Swift: how to change a integer variable name within a method and reassign its value

I am a complete beginner at Swift/programming and am making a noughts and crosses app as part of an online course. I wanted to do this on my own before I saw the solution so my logic may be a bit weird.
I have a function which is called each time a button is pressed (there are 9, one for each square). The function acts to:
i) update the number of turns (which allows me to see who's go it is)
ii) change the picture to X or O
iii) deactivate the button after each turn
iv) calculate is anyone has won by changing the value of that squares potential lines. The numbers I have chosen to do this are 3 and 4 (for noughts and crosses), hence the c = 3 or 4 below. This means that if any winning line adds up to 9 or 12, the game stops as someone has won.
I have 9 variables (Int) that hold the score for each square - they are a1o, a2o, a3o, b1o... i.e all end in "o". In the function I want to add the string of "a1" in front of the "o", meaning each button is only relevant to itself with only one line of code above the function (within the button parentheses).
The function looks like this at the moment; calling it by: button(a1, buttonValue: "a1")
func button(buttonName: UIButton, buttonValue: NSString) -> String {
let a = buttonName
var b = buttonValue
b = (b as String) + "o"
// the above prints "a1o", the name of the variable, but it is a string...
index += 1
print("Go number \(index)")
if index % 2 == 0 {
// show a nought
a.setImage(UIImage(named: "nought.png"), forState: UIControlState.Normal)
c = 3
// the above line doesn't work as its a string, but I am attempting to set the squares value to 3 (i.e. a1o = 3)
a.userInteractionEnabled = false
} else {
// show a cross
a.setImage(UIImage(named: "cross.png"), forState: UIControlState.Normal)
c = 4
// the above line doesn't work as its a string
a.userInteractionEnabled = false
return "done"
What I can't figure out is how to change the common stem of the variable *a1*o by not making it a string, or if I do, how I convert it back to a variable.
I am struggling with definitions and as a result looking for an answer has been hard. The variable a1o is an integer, but how do I refer to a1o itself?
Thank you in advance,
It is not possible to access variables dynamically by name like you want to do. However, there are better ways to accomplish the same goal. How about a two-dimensional array?
var scores: [[Int]] = [[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]]
scores[0][1] = 4 //this is the new version of "a2o = 4"
Unlike with variable names, the indices to the array ("0" and "1" in this case) can be dynamically chosen. Or, if you really want to keep your buttons' values exactly the same, you could use a dictionary:
var scores: [String: Int] = [:]
scores[buttonValue as String] = 4

How to automatically generate sequent numbers when using a form

Ahab stated in 2010: the complex looking number based on the Timestamp has one important property, the number can not change when rows are deleted or inserted.
As long as the submitted data is not changed by inserting deleting rows the simple formula =ArrayFormula(ROW(A2:A) - 1) may be the easiest one to use.
For other situations there is no nice reliable solution. :(
Now we live in 2015. Maybe times have changed?
I need a reliable way to number entries using a form.
Maybe a script can do the trick? A script that can add 1 to each entry?
That certain entry has to keep that number even when rows are deleted or inserted.
I created this simple spreadsheet in which I added 1,2, and 3 manually,please have a look:
The script has to find the maximum of the former entries, which is 3, and then add 1 automatically.
Who can help me with this?
Grtz, Bij
Maybe a script can do the trick? A script that can add 1 to each
Yes, that would be what you need to resort to. I took the liberty of entering this in your example ss:
function onEdit(e) {
var watchColumns = [1, 2]; //when text is entered in any of these columns, auto-numbering will be triggered
var autoColumn = 3;
var headerRows = 1;
var watchSheet = "Form";
var range = e.range;
var sheet = range.getSheet();
if (e.value !== undefined && sheet.getName() == watchSheet) {
if (watchColumns.indexOf(range.getColumn()) > -1) {
var row = range.getRow();
if (row > headerRows) {
var autoCell = sheet.getRange(row, autoColumn);
if (!autoCell.getValue()) {
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var temp = 1;
for (var i = headerRows, length = data.length; i < length; i++)
if (data[i][autoColumn - 1] > temp)
temp = data[i][autoColumn - 1];
autoCell.setValue(temp + 1);
For me the best way is to create a query in a second sheet pulling everything from form responses in to second column and so on. then use the first column for numbering.
In your second sheet B1 you would use:
In your second sheet A2 you would use:
I made a second sheet in your example spreadsheet, have a look at it.

How to remove all array items except at indexes at multiples of x - Swift

I have an array of coordinates (965 in total). I want to use these coordinates in Google Roads API however the limit is 100.
I have a function that determines how many items in the array and then gets the value to use.
round(Double(userCoordinatesHardCoded.count / 100))
produces 9.
I would like to remove ALL items that are not at indexes that are multiples of, in this case, 9. So in theory I will only ever have no more than 100 items in the array.
If possible, I would like to keep the first and last array item.
I know this has already been answered, but this is a great use case for using the filter function built into Swift:
let newCoordinates = oldCoordinates.filter { coord in
return (coord % 9 != 0)
If space is not a problem, you can create another array with the desired multiples.
var oldCoordinates // Imagine it having all those elements
var newCoordinates : GoogleCoordinates = [] // This one will have new ones
var x = 1
for (x; x < oldCoordinates.count ; x++ ) {
if (x % 5 == 0) {
if (x != (oldCoordinates.count - 1)) {
newCoordinates.append(oldCoordinates[oldCoordinates.count - 1])