Should this PostgreSQL query use the indexes? - postgresql

I have two tables:
project_id TEXT,
technician_id TEXT
CREATE INDEX soils_idx
ON soils
USING btree
(sample_id COLLATE pg_catalog."default");
mo_ppm NUMERIC
CREATE INDEX assays_idx
ON assays
USING btree
(sample_id COLLATE pg_catalog."default");
Each table contains about a half million records, and, in reality, about 20 additional columns each, of type TEXT (omitted in the DDL posted above to save time here).
When I perform the query:
s.sample_id, s.project_id, s.technician_id, a.mo_ppm
soils AS s INNER JOIN assays AS a ON s.sample_id = a.sample_id
I get 2 SEQ SCANs, rather than a lookup to the index. Is that expected behaviour?

Since you have no WHERE conditions, you effectively read the whole table. It's cheaper to run sequential scans and not involve any indexes at all.
SELECT s.sample_id, s.project_id, s.technician_id, a.mo_ppm
FROM soils s
JOIN assays a USING (sample_id)
WHERE <some condition that returns few rows>;
... and an index matching the WHERE condition should be used.
You don't need to define an index on a PRIMARY KEY column. A PK constraint is implemented with a unique index automatically. Your additional index is redundant and of no use.
An index on a foreign key column would be a good idea, but there isn't one in your example, which looks odd. Like the two tables could be combined into one. Probably just over-simplification for the test case.
Finally, for big tables, I would consider using a simple integer primary key instead of text, possibly a serial column. That's typically faster.

Yes, that's expected behaviour. On the other hand it depends on your random_page_cost, seq_page_cost and effective_cache_size settings. Your query doesn't have WHERE clause hence it might be faster to read everything sequentially. You can try to penalise sequential scan:
set enable_seqscan = off;
explain analyse <your query>;
and then compare plan/cost/IO wait (it is not possible to disable seq-scan but it gets very high cost -- ~1e7 (or 1e8)).
If you have SSD and WHERE clause in your query then you can lower random_page_cost to 1.5..2.5 and encourage PG to use index.


Index required for basic joins on foreign key that references a primary key

I have a question about a fundamental aspect of PostgreSQL.
Suppose I have two tables along the lines of the following:
create table source_data_property (
source_data_property_id integer primary key generated by default as identity,
property_name text not null
create table source_data_value (
source_data_value_id integer primary key generated by default as identity,
source_data_property_id integer not null references source_data_property,
data_value numeric not null
Suppose I write a very simple query that just performs a basic join:
from source_data_property as sdp
join source_data_value as sdv using (source_data_property_id)
For optimal query performance, is it necessary to add an index on the source_data_property_id column in the source_data_value table? My original thought was no, because the source_data_property_id is already indexed in the source_data_property table, but after thinking about it a bit I'm not so sure.
For optimal query performance, is it necessary to add an index on the source_data_property_id column in the source_data_value table?
In general yes, make indexes for your foreign keys. However...
A very small table won't get any advantage from indexes and Postgres will do a seq scan instead.
Similarly it depends on what sort of queries you're doing. In your example you're fetching every row in source_data_property which will also fetch every row in source_data_value. Using an index is slower and Postgres will do a seq scan instead.

SQL Top Function with a clustered index

The order that the records come in is not always guaranteed unless I use an order by clause.
If I throw a clustered index on a table and then do a select top 100, for example, would the 100 rows returned always be the same?
I am asking this because a clustered index sorts the data physically on the key value.
I am lead to believe so from my observations, but wanted to see what others thought.
No. The rule is simple: SQL tables and result sets represent unordered sets. The only exception is a result set associated with a query that has an ORDER BY in the outermost SELECT.
A clustered index affects how data is stored on each page. However, it does not guarantee that a result set built on that table will even use the clustered index.
Consider a table that has a primary, clustered key on id and a query that returns:
select top (100) othercol
from t;
This query could use an index on othercol -- avoiding the clustered index altogether.

Index to query sorted values in keyed time range

Suppose I have key/value/timerange tuples, e.g.:
CREATE TABLE historical_values(
key TEXT,
value NUMERIC,
from_time TIMESTAMPTZ,
and would like to be able to efficiently query values (sorted descending) for a specific key and time, e.g.:
SELECT value
FROM historical_values
key = [KEY]
AND from_time <= [TIME]
AND to_time >= [TIME]
What kind of index/types should I use to get the best lookup performance? I suspect my solution will involve a tstzrange and a gist index, but I'm
not sure how to make that play well with the key matching and value ordering requirements.
Edit: Here's some more information about usage.
Ideally uses features available in Postgres v9.6.
Relation will contain approx. 1k keys and 5m values per key. Values are large integers (up to 32 bytes), mostly unique. Time ranges between few hours to a couple years. Time horizon is 5 years. No NULL values allowed, but some time ranges are open-ended (could either use NULL or a time far into the future for to_time).
The primary key is the key and time range (as there is only one historical value for a time range, per key).
Common operations are a) updating to_time to "close" a historical value, and b) inserting a new value with from_time = NOW.
All values may be queried. Partitioning is an option.
DB design
For a big table like that ("1k keys and 5m values per key") I would suggest to optimize storage like:
CREATE TABLE hist_keys (
key_id serial PRIMARY KEY
, key text NOT NULL UNIQUE
CREATE TABLE hist_values (
hist_value_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY -- optional, see below!
, key_id int NOT NULL REFERENCES hist_keys
, value numeric
, from_time timestamptz NOT NULL
, to_time timestamptz NOT NULL
, CONSTRAINT range_valid CHECK (from_time <= to_time) -- or < ?
Also helps index performance.
And consider partitioning. List-partitioning on key_id. Maybe even add sub-partitioning on (range partitioning this time) on from_time. Read the manual here.
With one partition per key_id, (and constraint exclusion enabled!) Postgres would only look at the small partition (and index) for the given key, instead of the whole big table. Major win.
But I would strongly suggest to upgrade to at least Postgres 10 first, which added "declarative partitioning". Makes managing partition a lot easier.
Better yet, skip forward to Postgres 11 (currently beta), which adds major improvements for partitioning (incl. performance improvements). Most notably, for your goal to get the best lookup performance, quoting the chapter on partitioning in release notes for Postgres 11 (currently beta):
Allow faster partition elimination during query processing (Amit Langote, David Rowley, Dilip Kumar)
This speeds access to partitioned tables with many partitions.
Allow partition elimination during query execution (David Rowley, Beena Emerson)
Previously partition elimination could only happen at planning time,
meaning many joins and prepared queries could not use partition elimination.
From the perspective of the value column, the small subset of selected rows is arbitrary for every new query. I don't expect you'll find a useful way to support ORDER BY value DESC with an index. I'd concentrate on the other columns. Maybe add value as last column to each index if you can get index-only scans out of it (possible for btree and GiST).
Without partitioning:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hist_btree_idx ON hist_values (key_id, from_time, to_time DESC);
UNIQUE is optional, but see below.
Note the importance of opposing sort orders for from_time and to_time. See (closely related!):
Optimizing queries on a range of timestamps (two columns)
This is almost the same index as the one implementing your PK on (key_id, from_time, to_time). Unfortunately, we cannot use it as PK index. Quoting the manual:
Also, it must be a b-tree index with default sort ordering.
So I added a bigserial as surrogate primary key in my suggested table design above and NOT NULL constraints plus the UNIQUE index to enforce your uniqueness rule.
In Postgres 10 or later consider an IDENTITY column instead:
Auto increment table column
You might even do with PK constraint in this exceptional case to avoid duplicating the index and keep the table at minimum size. Depends on the complete situation. You may need it for FK constraints or similar. See:
How does PostgreSQL enforce the UNIQUE constraint / what type of index does it use?
A GiST index like you already suspected may be even faster. I suggest to keep your original timestamptz columns in the table (16 bytes instead of 32 bytes for a tstzrange) and add key_id after installing the additional module btree_gist:
CREATE INDEX hist_gist_idx ON hist_values
USING GiST (key_id, tstzrange(from_time, to_time, '[]'));
The expression tstzrange(from_time, to_time, '[]') constructs a range including upper and lower bound. Read the manual here.
Your query needs to match the index:
SELECT value
FROM hist_values
WHERE key = [KEY]
AND tstzrange(from_time, to_time, '[]') #> tstzrange([TIME_FROM], [TIME_TO], '[]')
It's equivalent to your original.
#> being the range contains operator.
With list-partitioning on key_id
With a separate table for each key_id, we can omit key_id from the index, improving size and performance - especially for the GiST index - for which we then also don't need the additional module btree_gist. Results in ~ 1000 partitions and the corresponding indexes:
CREATE INDEX hist999_gist_idx ON hist_values USING GiST (tstzrange(from_time, to_time, '[]'));
Store the day of the week and time?

Which index is used to answer aggregates when we have several indexes?

I have a table which is partitioned on daily basis, each partition has certainly a primary key, and several other indexes on columns which are not null. If I get the query plane for the following:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM parent_table;
I can see different indexes are used, sometimes the primary key index is used and some times others. How postgres is able to decide which index to use. Note that, my table is not clustered and never clustered before. Also, the primary key is serial.
What are the catalog / statistics tables which are used to make this decision.

Index on foreign keys

I'm just trying to best understand index.
On pg 106 of 70-461 - Querying Microsoft Sql Server 2012,
it says when a primary or unique constraint SQL Sever will automatically create a unique index.
But no index are created for foreign keys.
Therefore to make joins more efficient is it best to just create a non_clustered index on the foreign keys?
Not sure what part is the question.
An index is used to enforce a unique constraint.
A FK by nature does not require an index.
But if the FK has an index the query optimizer will often use it in the join.
In this query docMVEnum1.valueID is a FK with an index.
The query optimizer used that index.
Even with the index it was still the most expensive part of the query.
select docMVEnum1.sID, docEnum1.value
from docMVEnum1
join docEnum1
on docEnum1.valueID = docMVEnum1.valueID
Also by nature a FK is often used in a where clause.
Indexes are not free.
They improve select but slow down insert and update.
No, you don't need to create a index for the foreign keys, it will not promise that it will make joins more efficient.
The indexes for unique and PK are created to improve the INSERT and UPDATE performance.
While you are querying with JOIN it will use zero or one index to seek / scan the table.
Lets say that you have couple of tables like
ID int (PK),
Description varchar(max),
ColumnFK int (FK to LookupTable)
Table LookupTable
ID int (PK),
Description varchar(max)
SELECT MyTable.ID, MyTable.Description, MyTable.ColumnFK, LookupTable.Description
FROM MyTable
INNER JOIN LookupTable
on LookupTable.ID = MyTable.ColumnFK,
WHERE ID between 5 and 10000
most probably is that the profiler will use index scan to find all the relevant IDs in MyTable so it will pick from Mytable columns ColumnFK1 and Description.
if you were thinking of adding the FK to the unique or pk just evaluate what happens if you are going to have many FK in the same table?
Note that intentionally I added to the predicate MyTable.Description and made it varchar(max) to show that you will reach the data for such a query.