GWT Expand/Collapse boxes? - gwt

Im looking to create something like the image( ) using GWT-UiBinder method. I cannot use a tree becoz i need the collapsed view to have - Title, a single field value , icons that that are like status symbols. The expanded view than contains the Title and icon like the collapsed but the value + additional values are displayed in detail.
please let me know your ideas! Examples would be great!!

Are you looking for the DisclosurePanel? (with a custom header widget)

This looks like a use case for DeckLayoutPanel.
You should then embed any widget Image/Input/CellTable/DataGrid in each container per "Deck".
You might have some good example here -
Edit - I probably did not understand the requirement correctly. Check out these demos.
T Broyers Suggestion -


flutter::how is it possible replace the image with _showTopCard and the list with _buildListView (using silverappbar or anything else)

enter image description here
please help me is it possible replace the image with card view and the list with ListView (using silverappbar or anything else)
You can use the Visibility class.
It has a replacement attribute.
Its great that should work.
The code for it can be used like this:
visible: bool_var,
replacement: _showTopCard,
child: image,
When bool_var is true, the child widget will be shown and when the bool_var is false the replacement widget will shown.
But make sure that you use widgets as the parameters for replacement and child
The official documentation is:
And if you want to know more about this class in detail and how to use it in different ways, this link might help:

VerticalLayout dynamically hiding visibility

I was wondering whats the best way around dynamically hiding some menu items. At the moment I have 6 items just in a matrix layout row. I want to have 3 items aligned left and 3 items alligned right. If one of the items is set to not visible I want it to move accross. I've done something similiar in a horizontal layout and setting the visibility to hidden. I was wondering if this would work with a vertical layout? Having trouble trying to figure out exactly how I would do it as I'm quite new to UI5 xml css and javscript. Any help would be great.
Also I'm having one other issue unrelated to this, I cant seem to bind my json model to my xml fragment, if I use the same code on my normal xml view it prints out the model data. But on my fragment it just prints it like {person>/fullName} any ideas ?
Belongs to your second question.
Maybe your binding was quoted on copy and paste? Check the native XML Code.
If no data are shown (not "{person>/fullName}"), add dependent to connect the models of your view
var oFragment = sap.ui.xmlfragment(sFragment, "fragmentName", this);

How to layout controlArea and mainArea horizontally

I am trying to create a new widget for Orange 3. I see that it provides some default areas (controlArea and mainArea) to which I can add my components. As far as I can tell, places both of these inside 'self.leftWidgetPart' which uses vertical orientation for its layout. From
self.leftWidgetPart = gui.widgetBox(self.topWidgetPart,
orientation="vertical", margin=0)
if self.want_main_area:
self.mainArea = gui.widgetBox(self.topWidgetPart,
I would like to layout controlArea and mainArea horizontally instead. I believe this is possible because the OWBoxPlot widget appears to do it, but I can't work out what/where the relevant code snippet is (I guess my Python is weak).
Any help appreciated,
In PyQt in general, you can change the orientation by removing the existing layout and replacing it with another (hopefully before you populate it).
For self.controlArea in Orange, you can do something like this.
from PyQt4.QtGui import QHBoxLayout
import sip

PPTX - Finding out whether text is bulleted from OpenXML

I have not been able to find any indicator which could tell me whether text in txBody tag is bulleted or not, can you please me in identifying which indicator should I use to understand whether the text is bulleted or plain ?
-Thank you
Inside the txBody tag, you can look for the tags "a:buFont" and "buChar" which helps you identify that the text is bulleted. eg.
<a:buFont typeface="Arial" pitchFamily="34" charset="0"/>
<a:buChar char="•"/>
Hi, +1 For posting this question, learnt a lot from it.
After googling I found this link which addresses similar issue, the resoponse from Adamm clears this,
"Ok, so i think ive got this figured out. Basically if no formatting
is specified in the layout or the slide, it goes to the master, and if
its a 'title' or 'ctrTitle' shape it uses the formatting in
and it defaults to lvl1. Same goes for text that is not
in a title shape, for these it defaults to the formatting in
and if no lvl is specified it defaults to lvl1. And
another piece of advice, although not pertinent to my original
question, there is another txStyle in the slideMaster,
which is used for text in a shape that is not in a txBody."
Now the slide in your pptx is using "Office Theme" and the text you are interested in is in the format shape within the slide design. The bulletted text is inheriting from the slideMaster1.xml in SlideMasters.
As mentioned in the above quote the buletted text is getting inherited from "a:lvl1pPr" of "p:bodyStyle" in the slideMaster1.xml, also you can see the level 2 bullet is defaulted to "-" for the office Theme slide master there.
I tried to confirm this by changing the char = "•" to ">" to see the bulleting changed to ">" in the below line
<a:lvl1pPr marL="342900" indent="-342900" algn="l" defTabSz="914400" rtl="0" eaLnBrk="1" latinLnBrk="0" hangingPunct="1">
<a:spcPct val="20000"/>
<a:buFont typeface="Arial" pitchFamily="34" charset="0"/>
<a:buChar char="•"/>
Now if you want to change it programatically you can do this from slide master 1. But the only problem here is When we change the bulletted style here(like above), it is changing for all the slides and also for the future slides you will be creating with the same theme within your ppt.
Hope this helps.

Dashcode - how to register and use my own filterPredicate procedurally

In my Dashcode mobile app I have a listView that is bound to a datasource. By default it shows everything in the datasource. If I add a search field the user may limit the list to just the records that match their search text.
I want to create my own preset searches attached to buttons that would be able to load a list view and show only the records from my datasource that match my custom search.
It seems like this ought to be possible, but so far I haven't figured out how to register my own filterPredicate and then use it.
I'm guessing this is what I want to do because it seems like this is what the search field part does.
Has anyone figured out how to do this?
Any help would be appreciated
According to the dashcode starter section, you could use something along the lines of:
itemDescription = Class.create(DC.ValueTransformer, {
transformedValue: function(value){
return "Page: " + value;