Hashing and salting in a PDO prepared statement - hash

Can someone show me the proper format to use for hashing and salting in a PDO prepared statement? I'm switching from php and trying to get this to work in a simple INSERT statement before worrying about the more complex functions, and nothing that I've seen online has worked.
In php I was doing this: '".sha1($salt + $_POST['password'])."'
I've tried:
$password = '123456';
$hash = hash('sha1', $password);
$pass1 = hash('sha1', $salt . $hash . $password);
$salt is defined in config.php, referenced correctly, and works properly in php insert statements.
This is the INSERT statement that I'm using:
$stmt = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO customer_info (fname...) VALUES(:fname...)');
$stmt->bindParam(':fname', $_POST['fname'], PDO::PARAM_STR);

Most database systems do not have decent passwort hash functions available, so you cannot generate the hash value with SQL. I'm not sure what you mean with "switching from PHP", but let the development language generate the hash, not the database system.
The salt should be different for every password, a global salt cannot fulfill it's purpose. Your "salt" is actually a key (or pepper), it is always the same. A salt has to be stored (plaintext) together with the hash-value, you need it to compare the stored hash with the hash of the entered password.
PHP 5.5 will have it's own functions password_hash() and password_verify() ready, to simplify generating BCrypt password hashes. I strongly recommend to use this excellent api, or it's compatibility pack for earlier PHP versions. Then i would invite you to read more about correct password storing with salt and pepper in this tutorial.
Normally an insert with PDO looks something like this:
$password = $_POST['password'];
$hashedPassword = sha1($password . $salt);
$sql = 'INSERT INTO user (name, passwordhash) VALUES (?, ?)';
$sth = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(array('Jack Cornfield', $hashedPassword));
Of course your statement will look different, but i don't know your table and fields. In the example, the generation of the hash is done in pure PHP, and the resulting $hash is added parameterized to the sql statement with placeholders.


Connectivity issue to Sybase DB from Perl script

I have to connect my Perl script to a newly constructed Sybase server version -
Error - login Failed (due to encrypt password issue)
Previously the script was written in Perl:
$conn = Sybase::DBlib->new($user,$pass,$server,"$dbase Handle");
$conn->sql("use $dbase");
I searched online every where it is written put EncryptPassword=1.
I tried two ways shown below, but couldn't succeed.
$conn = Sybase::DBlib->new($user,$pass,$server,"$dbase Handle","EncryptPassword=1");
$conn = Sybase::DBlib->new("EncryptPassword=1",$user,$pass,$server,"$dbase Handle");
My question is, where to use EncryptPassword=1 in Perl script. Am I using it in correct place.
Wow! DBlib - that takes me back. When I last worked with DBlib (in about 1995), one of the tasks on my list was to replace all use of DBlib with CTlib - which was Sybase's new technology that was intended to replace DBlib. Soon after that, the system was rewritten again to use DBI and DBD::Sybase - which has been the recommended way to talk to Sybase databases from Perl programs for over twenty years. You'll note that the most recent release of sybperl (which is the CPAN distribution containing Sybase::DBlib and Sybase::CTlib) was over ten years ago. I'm pretty sure that Sybase themselves haven't supported DBlib since about the start of this millennium.
So, bearing in mind that you're using ancient technology that is largely dead and shouldn't be used, is there anything that can be done to help you without rewriting the whole system?
Looking at the documentation for Sybase::DBlib, I see this example of how to write calls to new():
$dbh = new Sybase::DBlib [$user [, $pwd [, $server [, $appname [, {additional attributes}]]]]]
Ignore the fact that it's using the new Class syntax that any rational programmer would avoid - the Class->new() version is this:
$dbh = Sybase::DBlib->new([$user [, $pwd [, $server [, $appname [, {additional attributes}]]]]])
Note the "additional attributes" field at the end. I bet that's where your stuff needs to go. Note also, that it's { additional attributes } - so it looks like it expects a hash reference.
So it seems likely that the syntax you want is this:
$conn = Sybase::DBlib->new($user, $pass, $server, "$dbase Handle", {
EncryptPassword => 1,
Note that there are huge caveats in this. Not least, given that Sybase::DBlib has been unsupported for ten years, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it didn't support encrypted passwords at all.
But it might work. It's probably your best hope.
And please do whatever you can to update your codebase to use tools and libraries that haven't been unsupported for such a long time.

Avoiding SQL injections with prepare and execute

A line of code like
my $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user='$user';";
might introduce an SQL injection vulnerability into your program. To avoid this one could use something like
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user='?';");
However, in the code I am currently working on the following is used
$sql_query = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user='" . $user . "';";
Does this actually work? If yes, are there any differences to what I would have done? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user='?'");
This won't work because it's searching for a literal '?' character — not a parameter. If you try to send a value for the parameter, MySQL will be like, "what do you want me to do with this?" because the query has no parameter placeholder.
If you want to use a parameter, you must NOT put the parameter placeholder inside string delimiters in the SQL query, even if the parameter will take string or datetime value:
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user=?");
The next example:
$sql_query = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user='" . $user . "'";
That will run the query, but it's NOT safe. You can prepare any query even if it has no parameters.
Using prepare() is not what makes queries safe from SQL injection. What makes it safer is using parameters to combine dynamic values instead of doing string-concatenation like you're doing in this example.
But using parameters does require the use of prepare().
PS: You don't need to put ; at the end of your SQL queries when you run them one at a time programmatically. The separator is only needed if you run multiple queries, like in an SQL script, or in a stored procedure. In your examples, the ; is harmless but MySQL doesn't require it, and it will just ignore it.

Get Matching SHA256 Algorithm - Perl

Hi I'm trying to generate a similar sha256 hex, but I can't seem to get a matching one. I want to generate just about any password using a random key.
In this case, I'm using test123 : ecd71870d1963316a97e3ac3408c9835ad8cf0f3c1bc703527c30265534f75ae
Here is my code:
print "Final Hash: " . generateHash("ecd71870d1963316a97e3ac3408c9835ad8cf0f3c1bc703527c30265534f75ae", "fx4;)#?%") . chr(10);
sub generateHash {
my ($strPass, $strLoginKey) = #_;
my $strHash = encryptPass(uc($strPass), $strLoginKey);
return $strHash;
sub encryptPass {
my ($strPassword, $strKey) = #_;
my $strSalt = 'Y(02.>\'H}t":E1';
my $strSwapped = swapSHA($strPassword);
print "First Swap: " . $strSwapped . chr(10);
my $strHash = sha256_hex($strSwapped . $strKey . $strSalt);
print "Hashed Into: " . $strHash . chr(10);
my $strSwappedHash = swapSHA($strHash) . chr(10);
print "Last Swapped: " . $strSwappedHash . chr(10);
return $strSwappedHash;
sub swapSHA {
my ($strHash) = #_;
my $strSwapped = substr($strHash, 32, 32);
$strSwapped .= substr($strHash, 0, 32);
return $strSwapped;
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The output I get:
Original Hash: ecd71870d1963316a97e3ac3408c9835ad8cf0f3c1bc703527c30265534f75ae
Hashed Into: 34b6bdd73b3943d7baebf7d0ff54934849a38ee09c387435727e2b88566b4b85
Last Swapped: 49a38ee09c387435727e2b88566b4b8534b6bdd73b3943d7baebf7d0ff549348
Final Hash: 34b6bdd73b3943d7baebf7d0ff54934849a38ee09c387435727e2b88566b4b85
I am trying to make the output have final value same as input
Final Hash: ecd71870d1963316a97e3ac3408c9835ad8cf0f3c1bc703527c30265534f75ae
and I want to do this by reversing the "Hashed Into" value.
SHA, as a hashing algorithm, is designed to prevent collisions. i.e. part of its power, and usefulness, is in limiting the strings which will hash to the same resultant value.
It sounds like you want to find a second string which will hash to the same hashed value as test123 hashes to. This kind of goes the intent of using SHA in the first place.
It is possible to brute force the values with SHA, i.e. given a hashed value, you can brute force the value that was hashed by computing hashes and comparing the hashed value to the target value. This will take some time. Other algorithms, such as bcrypt, are more difficult to brute force, but are more computationally expensive for you also.
Here is another post related to brute forcing SHA-512, which is effectively equivalent in algorithm to SHA-256. The linked post is Java as opposed to Perl, but the concepts are language agnostic. How long to brute force a salted SHA-512 hash? (salt provided)
You're badly misunderstanding what a hash is for. It's a ONE WAY street by design. It's also designed to have a very low probability of 'collision' - two source values that hash to the same result. And by 'very low' I mean 'for practical purposes, it doesn't'. A constrained string - such as a password - simply won't do it.
So what typically happens for passwords - my client takes my password, generates a hash, sends it to the server.
The server compares that against it's list - if the hash matches, we assume that my password was correct. This means at no point is my password sent 'in the clear' nor is possible to work out what it was by grabbing the hash.
To avoid duplicates showing up (e.g. two people with the same password) usually you'll hash some unique values. Simplistically - username + password, when hashed.
The purpose of authenticating against hashes, is to ensure the cleartext password is never required to be held anywhere - and that is all. You still need to secure you communication channel (to avoid replay attacks) and you still need to protect against brute force guessing of password.
But brute forcing hashes is by design an expensive thing to attempt. You will see places where 'rainbow tables' exist, where people have taken every valid password string, and hashed it, so they can rapidly crack retrieved hashes from the server. These are big, and took a long time to generate initially though, and are defeated at least partially by salting or embedding usernames into the hash.
But I cannot re-iterate strongly enough - don't ever hand roll your own security unless you're REALLY sure what's going on. You'll build in weaknesses that you didn't even know existed, and your only 'security' is that no one's bothered to look yet.
You should not do this. It is insecure and vulnerable to dictionary attacks.
The correct way to turn passwords into things you store, is to use a PBKDF like "bcrypt" (password-based-key-derivation-function).
Check out Digest::Bcrypt
Word of caution: if anyone ever tells you (or helps you) to use a "hash" for storing passwords, they do not know anything about security or cryptography. Smile at them, and ignore everything they say next.

Map a string (usernames) to UUID's in perl

How would you do a one may mapping between a string and a UUID in perl.
I need integrate a legacy perl system that assigns users usernames, with a java system that assigns users a UUID.
(Only needs to be one way, that is, username to UUID, I don't need to go back the other way)
I was thinking something like this, although I bet theres a much simpler way:
use strict;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $username = "bob";
my $hash = md5_hex($username);
my $uuid = substr($hash, 0, 8)."-".substr($hash,8,4)."-".substr($hash,12,4)."-".substr($hash,16,4)."-".substr($hash,20,32);
print "$uuid\n";
I would suggest following RFC 4122's guidelines on generating UUIDs from names.
First, generate a random UUID and store it as part of your app / configuration.
use Data::UUID;
my $ug = Data::UUID->new;
my $namespace = $ug->from_string("65faad2c-7841-4b60-a7f4-560db1c5e683");
my $uuid = $ug->create_from_name_str($namespace, $username);
Where you replace "65faad2c-7841-4b60-a7f4-560db1c5e683" with your own randomly generated UUID.
This is guaranteed to generate valid UUIDs (your md5 method isn't), and if you ever have another legacy app that needs to be imported into the new system, conflicts will be avoided just by giving that app its own random UUID to use as a seed.

Password hashing (crackstation.net)

I have a question regarding password hashing. I found a great tutorial on http://crackstation.net/hashing-security.htm. This is how I create a hash from the password using this code:
$hashed_password = create_hash(form_password);
The problem with this code is that it creates a different hash for the same password every time. I guess it's because of adding a random salt to the password:
function create_hash($password)
// format: algorithm:iterations:salt:hash
$salt = base64_encode(mcrypt_create_iv(PBKDF2_SALT_BYTES, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
return PBKDF2_HASH_ALGORITHM . ":" . PBKDF2_ITERATIONS . ":" . $salt . ":" .
So due to this, I cannot compare the hash created from the password typed by the user at the login with the hash retrieved from the database, because that hash will never be the same with the one stored in the database. The only way I see that it can be done is to store the salt in another column, or am I wrong?
A thing also annoys me. The format of the hast is e.g. sha256:1000:u9p+OqAZgVkIBtlTBkr9ZxhFvtt+zjcA:PvhJY+oesrdBeD5pjeXMQ/3wficCU0EG. A hacker obviously knows this form of hash so the algorythm that created this hash is clear for him. Let's suppose the database has been compromised and thousands of these hash codes were revealed. Doesn't having this form of hash code raise security issues? I guess a simple OqAZgVkIBtlTBkr9ZxhFvtt+zjcA:PvhJY+oesrdBeD5pjeXMQ/3wfic would be better because it reveals nothing about the encryption mechanism.
Read this link to Wikipedia here
It explains more about the use of a random salt. The key information there is that the random salt is stored in the same database as the hashed password. It is only created randomly a few time, when the user creates or changes their password. It is used whenever authentication is required.
Leaving the info about which algorithm it used to create the password hash leaves you the option of changing the algorithm at some time in the future without interrupting your users. If you decide up upgrade the hash algorithm you wait until a user logs in. At that point you have their password in plain text. Once you authenticate against the old algorithm, you rehash and store the new hash in their database row. It may take months or years for all users to log in but once they have they will accrue the benefits of better hashing. So you would then send out an email asking them to login and read your special news about better security (and as a side effect, improve their hashed password).
Here is an interesting discussion of password hashing StackOverflow:Passwords Storage Hash ...
The reason two hashes of the same password don't match for you is because the result of create_hash() includes the salt, which is randomly generated.
To get the same hash, you have to provide the salt as you validate. The code CrackStation.net provides makes this super simple - just store the result of create_hash() in your database, exactly as-is. To confirm a user entered the correct password, use
This will return a boolean of whether the password was correct. Using this method is better than writing your own, because it is specifically designed to prevent certain hints at what the correct password might be based on the time it takes to return an answer. This is a minor weakness, but better to avoid it anyway, especially since the provided function takes care of it for you.
The provided functions give you a solid implementation, so don't mess with it too much. The hash includes those extra details - sha256:1000 - in order to allow future changes to your hashing without affecting the ability of existing users to login; it will simply use the method provided in the hash, no matter what the current method is.
As far as showing a potential attacker how the hash was created: the format does show everything about how, but this doesn't matter very much at all. An attacker can easily figure out the method used from one or two known password:hash pairs. Far more important than this is using a good algorithm. The goal is to make it difficult to impossible to crack the password even with all the details, as security by obscurity is poor security.
Finally, just to reiterate, you do not need to store the salt in a separate column, just leave the big 70-80 character chunk it returns alone as your hash and let the functions take care of everything for you - anything else is a waste of time and resources
To add a bit more to the excellent accepted answer:
The point about salting the hash is to make it impossible for someone to come along with a huge pile of pre-encrypted hashes and try them one by one. Even with the salt in your database, they'd have to hash every possible dictionary entry against that salt to successfully match a hash. And the salt needs to be different every time to prevent duplicate entries (they hack one password, they have that same password that other users have entered).
As for not being able to compare the login hash to the stored hash, that is on purpose: you use a validation function to check the login password against the stored password, not a string comparison function.
Store the salt then add the salt to the password then turn it into a hash then store it.
Then to compare the passwords you retrieve the salt and add it to he password, convert it into a hash and then compare the two hashes.
(python example, the indentation is messed up when I copied the code from my code)
def Createpassword():
import random
import hashlib
username = input("type your username")
newpassword = input("type your new password? ")
#adds some salt
b = random.randint(1, 2000000000000)
randomsalt = str(b)
saltedpassword = (newpassword + randomsalt)
#hashes the newpassword
saltedpassword = saltedpassword.encode('utf-8')
h = hashlib.sha256(saltedpassword)
finsh = h.hexdigest()
#creates file names
saltname = username + "salt.txt"
username = username + ".txt"
#saves the hashedpassword and the salt
text_file = open(username, "w")
text_file = open(saltname, "w")
print("your new password has been saved")
def EnterPassword():
trys = 0
while (trys < 3):
username = input("type your username: ")
#takes password input
password = input("type your password: ")
#gets file names
saltname = username + "salt.txt"
username = username + ".txt"
#opens salt file
text_file = open(saltname, "r")
salt1 = text_file.read(50)
#opens the hashed passwords file
text_file = open(username, "r")
correctpassword = text_file.read(500)
#adds the salt to the password input
saltedpassword = password + salt1
#hashes the saltedpassword
saltedpassword = saltedpassword.encode('utf-8')
m = hashlib.sha256(saltedpassword)
hashedpassword = m.hexdigest()
#compears hashed passwords
if hashedpassword != correctpassword:
trys += 1
print("your password or username is incorrect")
if trys == 3:
print("you have been locked out for using to many failed trys")
if hashedpassword == correctpassword:
print ("Password Correct ")
#done give access
trys = 0
(I'm new to programming so feel free to correct me)