GWT rpc failing - base url not what I expected - gwt

I am trying to become familiar with using the GWT api to create web based applications. I have been following some tutorials on GWT and have not yet been able to make an RPC call. Looking at the problem with a broad scope, my goals are to make a server call to run a series of database tests that I know work (ive tested this code).
I think that the problem here is that the resource is being looked for here:
when I think it should be looked for here:
Here is the info and code I feel is relevant:
-using netbeans
-error that I am getting is "/MatesWeb/org.matesweb.Main/PeopleService - description - The requested resource is not available."
-GWT.getModuleBaseURL() returns: :8080/MatesWeb/org.matesweb.Main/
-URL in browser is: :8080/MatesWeb/
from web.xml file
From PeopleService Service
package org.matesweb.client;
public interface PeopleService extends RemoteService {
String[] saveGetPerson(String[] persInfo);
int runTests();
From PeopleServiceImpl
package org.matesweb.server;
import org.matesweb.client.PeopleService;
import org.matesweb.server.tests.DbTest;
class PeopleServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements PeopleService {
public String[] saveGetPerson(String[] persInfo) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public int runTests()
int retInt;
DbTest dbTest = new DbTest();
retInt = dbTest.runTests();
return retInt;
From PeopleServiceAsync
package org.matesweb.client;
public interface PeopleServiceAsync
void saveGetPerson(String[] persInfo, AsyncCallback<String[]> persInformation);
void runTests(AsyncCallback<Integer> retInt);
Any idea of whats going on here?

The #RemoteServiceRelativePath annotation is used to decide what url to hit. This path to the server is relative to the compiled module itself - the gwt app loaded from the path /MatesWeb/org.matesweb.Main/, so the service is being sought out at /MatesWeb/org.matesweb.Main/PeopleService. I assume this means you have an html file in the MatesWeb/ directory (probably the .war file is called MatesWeb?), and inside of there exists the compiled app in org.matesweb.Main/, including the initial JS file, org.matesweb.Main.nocache.js.
If you want to tell the service to be found at /MatesWeb/peopleService, you have two options. The first is to modify the annotation to back up a directory, something like this:
Using .., I indicate the parent directory, and I also changed the case of the path part 'peopleService' - this may or may not matter. A second option is to set the url programmatically:
PeopleServiceAsync service = GWT.create(PeopleService.class);
As referenced in the #RemoteServiceRelativePath javadocs
If, instead, you want to leave the client as is and tell the server that this service should be at the path the client expects, you can modify the web.xml to make the servlet available at the path that the client is currently expecting to find it:
Note again that I've changed the case - it may not matter, but I generally like to be consistent.

First hunch is PeopleService must be peopleService in the #RemoteServiceRelativePath . Please use firebug to monitor your rpc requests. You can observe and verify request url issues like these easily.
Update your URL pattern in web.xml as in here


Keycloak: Add custom extension io.undertow.servlet.ServletExtension

I wanted to add a custom servlet extension to Keycloak which would install a http handler that gets invoked on every request sent to Keycloak and sets up some logging MDC context that our custom SPI code can use for logging the incoming request traces correctly.
Following the docs here I created a custom extension class:
public class UndertowHandlerExtension implements ServletExtension {
public void handleDeployment(DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo, ServletContext servletContext) {
And have defined my custom http handler TraceIdCapturingHandler in the same JAR file. I also added a file to META-INF/services/io.undertow.servlet.ServletExtension and set the fully qualified reference to the extension class. I also updated my deployments jboss-deployment-structure.xml and added the following 2 entries as dependencies:
<module name="io.undertow.servlet" />
<module name="javax.servlet.api" />
However, when my deployment is created the extension is not being invoked and my filter is not executing. Is there something I am missing in terms of how to configure Wildfly for Keycloak so that my extension and handler are installed and used correctly?
After doing a bit of digging I realized I was headed down the wrong path. Looked at this repository and I think I need a custom RealResourceProvider as shown here which in turn can install my filter by obtaining an instance of ResteasyProviderFactory and invoking getContainerRequestFilterRegistry().registerSingleton().
Will try this out and report back.
Please see the edit above for my question. I was able to implement a RealmResourceProviderFactory instance that initialized the filters I needed on startup in the init() method:
public void init(Config.Scope scope) {"Initializing");
private void initializeKeycloakFilters() {
ResteasyProviderFactory providerFactory = ResteasyProviderFactory.getInstance();
TraceIdCapturingFilter filter = new TraceIdCapturingFilter();

Initialize swagger without web.xml to disable it in production

I am using Swagger with Jersey 2 and spring bootstrap. Currently I'm looking a solution to disable swagger on production as it will be concern in case any user
uses the API's with the swagger UI.
I'm registering io.swagger.jersey.config.JerseyJaxrsConfig servlet in web.xml and passing init parameters to it like api.version and swagger.api.basepath. Along with this I'm registering package to scan as io.swagger.jaxrs.listing so that org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig will take care to prepare swagger UI.
I got to know from internet that we can achive this byb using #profile annotations. But I experienced that If we register any class in Web.xml, even though you are using #Profile on that class level, it will not work as the class going to be loaded at context load.
I have static contents in my project like swagger-ui-min.js, swagger-ui.js, index.html etc to load the swagger.
With this setup, how can I disable swagger UI in production? Also if some one have experience on , should swagger could be disabled in production or not?
You could have a flag which allows to load the Swagger Servlet only when you are not in production (here for Swagger 2):
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import io.swagger.jaxrs2.integration.resources.OpenApiResource;
#ApplicationPath("") // no application path after the context root
public class MyApp extends Application {
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<>();
classes.add(...); // your main service
if (notInProduction) { // a flag telling that you are not in production
return classes;
Below code worked for me.
String enable_swagger_ui = System.getenv("ENABLE_SWAGGER_UI");
if( enable_swagger_ui != null && enable_swagger_ui.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
You just need to add the ENABLE_SWAGGER_UI in system environment variable where you want to enable swagger.

how to minimize servlet declarations for gwt-rpc in web.xml?

Sorry I am still a beginner in GWT. I have noticed that when my project was grow up , the declarations of servlets for rpc in web.xml file are many, many and many. For a single *ServiceImpl class , we need to define in web.xml as
If if have 30 *ServiceImpl class, they may take about 200 lines in web.xml for rpc calls. So , I would like to know
Is web.xml file the only place to declare rpc servlets ?
Has someways to skip declarative styles (I mean via annotations '#' etc) ?
GWT works pretty well without these declarations in web.xml, using Annotations:
* this is your server-side rpc-implementation
#WebServlet(name = "YourService", urlPatterns = {"/path/to/yourservice"})
public class YourServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements YourService {
public void doSomething() {
//some code
* this is the corresponding rpc-interface
public interface YourService implements RemoteService {
void doSomething();
The resulting path to your servlet depends on you project structure. If your project is deployed in your servers root, you will find your servlet there (with the path you specified with urlPatterns above). However, if you deployed your project under its own URI, you will have to prepend this to the urlPattern.
If you use Guice, this case can be easy solved using ServletModule.
In this module you may programmatically define (and test in JUnit) all your RPC servlets and filters as well.
public class WebModule extends ServletModule {
protected void configureServlets() {
// configure filters
// bind XSRF servlet
// configure servlet mapping

Servlet: forward request to Servlet by its name when using annotations instead of web.xml?

I have an entry servlet (called DispatcherServlet) which redirects all incoming GET and POST requests at /* to other servlets depending on a configuration parameter. In order to dispatch the request to other servlets, I use their name instead of a path, because my DispatcherServlet would end up in an endless loop while listening to /*.
The "old" way was to give servlets a name in the web.xml descriptor:
Afterwards, one is able to address the servlet by its name, for example, when using a RequestDispatcher. The code in my DispatcherServlet looks like this:
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getNamedDispatcher("MyServlet");
dispatcher.forward(request, response);
This works perfectly. But, I would like to use the "new" Servlet 3 annotations without the web.xml, hence I do this:
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
But now, getServletContext().getNamedDispatcher("MyServlet") within my DispatcherServlet returns null instead of the appropriate dispatcher for MyServlet, although I expect that #WebServlet(name="MyServlet") behaves the same like <servlet-name>MyServlet</servlet-name>
I have tested this on Tomcat 7.
Is this because MyServlet has not been loaded yet by the time when DispatcherServlet is called and hence the name of MyServlet is not known? If so, what sense does the #WebServlet(name="...") annotation make ;)
Please don't answer with something like "why don't you use filters?" etc. This is more about the background of annotations vs. web.xml
Thanks in advance!
(ps. please change the title if you find a more suitable one ;))
If you do not specify the urlMapping with the name, you will need do add the full class name. Like
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().
It works for me if the servlet is annotated as:
#WebServlet(urlPatterns="/Servlet", name="Servlet")
or better:
#WebServlet(urlPatterns="/Servlet", displayName="Servlet", name="Servlet")
Also, you can try to get your servlet name with:
By just comment with #WebServlet is not enough to load a Servlet into the Web container; you must include at least one URL pattern, and if you don't want to expose the Servlet to keep it for internal forward only, set the URL to start with '/WEB-INF/'.
And keep in mind that the 'name' property is buggy, so not use it.
#WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/WEB-INF/thisServlet")
public class FooServlet extends HttpServlet {
and to forward the request, call something like this:
servletContext.getNamedDispatcher(FooServlet.class.getName()).forward(request, response);

GWT Maven build with maven profiles

I'm attempting to use capabilities provided by maven profiles to build customized builds for different server environments. What I'm attempting to do is combine maven resource filtering
with it's profile mechanism
to convert this value in a file named server.cfg
to something I can use here:
public interface ServerResource extends ClientBundle {
public static final ServerResource INSTANCE = GWT.create(ServerResource.class);
public TextResource server();
I can see that the value's been replaced in WEB-INF/classes but it doesn't appear that GWT used the file with the replacement to create the application javascript. How can I do this?
Using GWT compiler permutations to apply this kind of configuration is in my opinion a very bad idea. One of the most common complaints about GWT is the time it takes to compile, and by doing this you're just adding to the problem.
Configuration should usually be read from configuration files (surprise!), like shown here.
Anyway, what you're trying to do seems to me impossible. You cannot tell the client-side code to which server it should connect. This would violate the same-origin policy! The app can only communicate with the server it came from.
To have different apps running in different URLs, you would need to deploy several GWT apps with different names (even if they are basically the same). Then, you would just have to type the correct URL for each app (version) in the browser, and it will "look" at the right app. So you could have URLs like this:
In order to make a request to a different app running in the same server as the GWT application, you can do something like this:
String serviceUrl = "/app2/someService"; // or some other String sourced from a config file, using a GWT ClientResource for example
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET,
try {
// send request from app1 to app2
rb.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
public void onResponseReceived(Request request,
Response response) {"Response: " + response.getStatusText());
// if response is 200 it's ok, you can read the outputStream to see what's in there
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
log.warning("Request Error", exception);
// do something more
} catch (RequestException e) {
log.warning("Request Exception", e);
// getting here means trouble with the connection or service!
I solved what I was trying to accomplish without the use of maven profiles or the GWT ClientBundle (which I never did get to work in the way I had intended when I wrote the question).
Here were the main issues I hoped to solve using maven profiles and the workaround I employed to solve the issue at hand:
Use Mock MVP Models in Hosted Mode
// inside the initialization for my model locator
boolean hostedMode = GWT.getPermutationStrongName().equals("HostedMode");
if (hostedMode) {
// instantiate mock models
} else {
// instantiate real models to call REST web services
Provide real models with correct RESTful server URL
I was able to accomplish this because my GWT app and the RESTful web service url follow a set naming convention. I basically strip the trailing '/' from the URL and append '_services"
String createServicesBaseUrl() {
StringBuffer baseUrl = new StringBuffer(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL());
int length = baseUrl.length();
baseUrl.replace(length-1, length, "_services");
return baseUrl.toString();
Enable testing of as much of the MVP Presenter (Activities & Places) as I could
I was already injecting the model locator into my Activity classes, so replacing that with a mock model locator for use by JUnit was straightforward. I did the same for my views and abstracted away some of the other code which didn't seem to work outside of the browser (like the GWT PlaceController).
All in all my build is much the same, but I learned how to gain a lot of flexibility in testing, configuring the server instance my GWT application connects with, and which model my application uses (dependent on hosted vs server mode).