Matlab: OOPS : Event Block: Dynamically (Programmatically) adding events at run-time - matlab

I am trying to write a matlab class which accepts request for financial data and later asynchronously provides the data by triggering events. The whole logic can be defined as following.
1) Get request for data on Security (SecId) with a callback func handle (#func)
2) Add a listener with event name "evnt_SecId" and callback func #func.
3) Collect all data, filter them by securities and fire event specific to a particular security.
Now everything seems to be easy and doable in Matlab except that I cannot dynamically define events. Currently, I must define events for each SecId in the { events ... end } block.
Does anyone knows of a way to dynamically declare events as the request arrive?
Alternate Solution that I thought of : I can have one update "event" and all listener associated with it while the filtering for SecId takes place in the callbacks. This solution is unacceptable due to performance reasons.

How about this:
make SecId a subclass of dynamicprops
instead of adding a regular listener, add a PostSet propListener and dynamically add a
new property
send the message by setting the value of the property.
I have no idea about the performance characteristics of that solution, but it might do what you need.

How about filtering for the SecId in the "master" event firing method? This way the filtering only happens once per fired event. The class must than associated the listeners it has with the SecId it was registered for.


version of aggregate event sourcing

According to event sourcing. When a command is called, all events of a domain have to be stored. Per event, system must increase the version of an aggregate. My eventstore is something like this:
(AggregateId, AggregateVersion, Sequence, Data, EventName, CreatedDate)
(AggregateId, AggregateVersion) is key
In some cases it does not make sense to increase the version of an aggregate. For example,
a command register an user and raises RegisteredUser, WelcomeEmailEvent, GiftCardEvent.
how can I handle this problem?
how can I handle this problem?
Avoid confusing your representation-of-information-changes events from your publishing-for-use-elsewhere events.
"Event sourcing", as commonly understood in the domain-drive-design and cqrs space, is a kind of data model. We're talking specifically about the messages an aggregate sends to its future self that describe its own changes over time.
It's "just" another way of storing the state of the aggregate, same as we would do if we were storing information in a relational database, or a document store, etc.
Messages that we are going to send to other components and then forget about don't need to have events in the event stream.
In some cases, there can be confusion when we haven't recognized that there are multiple different processes at work.
A requirement like "when a new user is registered, we should send them a welcome email" is not necessarily part of the registration process; it might instead be an independent process that is triggered by the appearance of a RegisteredUser event. The information that you need to save for the SendEmail process would be "somewhere else" - outside of the Users event history.
Event changes the state of an aggregate, and therefore changes its version. If state is not changed, then there should be no event for this aggregate.
In your example, I would ask myself - if WelcomeEmailEvent does not change the state of the User aggregate, then whose state it chages? Perhaps some other aggregate - some EmailNotification service that cares about successful or filed email attempt. In this case I would make it event of those aggregate which state it changes. And it will affect version of that aggregate.

Accessing per-key state store in Apache Flink that changes dynamically

I have a stream of messages with different keys. For each key, I want to create an event time session window and do some processing on it only if:
MIN_EVENTS number of events has been accumulated in the window (essentially a keyed state)
For each key, MIN_EVENTS is different and might change during runtime. I am having difficulty implementing this. In particular, I am implementing this logic like so:
trigger(new MyCustomCountTrigger()).
apply(new MyProcessFn())
I am trying to create a custom MyCustomCountTrigger() that should be capable of reading from a state store such as MapState<String, Integer> stateStore that maps key to it's MIN_EVENTS parameter. I am aware that I can access a state store using the TriggerContext ctx object that is available to all Triggers.
How do I initialize this state store from outside the CountTrigger() class? I haven't been able to find examples to do so.
You can initialize the state based on parameters sent to the constructor of your Trigger class. But you can't access the state from outside that class.
If you need more flexibility, I suggest you use a process function instead of a window.

CQRS/Event Sourcing: Should events (types) be shared?

Should events be shared? I am experimenting with CQRS and Event Sourcing and am wondered if events (the types) should be shared/defined between services.
A request comes in and a new createUser command is pushed into the 'commands' event log. Service A (business logic) fetches this command and generates the data of the new user. Once the new user is created it pushes the new data into the 'events' event log with the event name newUser. Service B (projector) notices the new event and starts processing it.
Here lays my question. Should we define for every event type (in this case newUser) the logics that needs to be ran in order to update the materialised view? In the example below do we have 2 types of events and is for every event the actions defined that need to happen. In this case are the event types defined in the logics service and the projector service.
# <- onEvent
switch event.type
case "newUser"
putUsers(firstName=data.firstName, lastName=data.lastName) # put this data in the database
case "updateUserFirstName"
updateUsers(where id = 1, firstName=data.firstName)
Or is it a good idea to define in the event the type of operation that needs to be preformed? In that case are event types not shared and is the projector service able to handle unknown/new events, without any modification.
# <- onEvent
switch event.operation
case "create"
case "update"
updateUser(...) # update only the data defined in the event
Is options 2 a viable option? Or will I be running into issues when choosing this strategy?
Events reflect something that has happened. They are usually named in the past tense - userCreated.
Generic events (or one event type per entity) have a number of drawbacks:
Finding proper past tense names for event types becomes more difficult
You lose some of the expressivity since the whole domain meaning is no longer immediately apparent just looking at the event type
Impossible to subscribe to events in a fine grained, streamlined way because you need to "open the envelope" to find out which specific event you're dealing with
Discrepancy between events you talk about with domain experts (for instance during Event Storming sessions) and the way they are encoded in your types, messages, etc.
I wouldn't recommend it except maybe in a very free-form/dynamic system where the entities are not known in advance.
I recommend using event type to determine what type of business logic/rules will consume the event.
As #guillaume31 mentioned, use past tense to name your events. But if you want to plan for the future, you should also version your event types. For example, you can name your event types like this "userCreated_v1" or "userFirstNameChanged_v1". This gives you the ability to change the structure of event messages in the future and easily associate new business logic/rules with the new events.

What are Reactors/Reactions in Event-Sourcing?

I am new in CQRS and I read about projections and projectors also reactors but my resource does not cover it thoroughly. Can someone define reactors thoroughly in Event sourcing or give me a link or book to read? my main questions are:
what are reactors?
what is the structure of reactors?
how do we implement reactors?
A projection is a function that receives a domain event and transforms it to an action on a list, tree, graph, whatever…
The idea here is that you want the semantic domain events to store them, and to be able to replay them, but that you need various interpretations of them to efficiently query them. Hence you need a projection that says that domain event X means INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE for a given view.
So, a projection is basically a mapping between domain events and CRUD operations. You might also say that a projection is one of many interpretations of a domain event.
Now, there may be actions requires in response to a domain event that are not related to updating a table. E.g., whenever you receive a userLoggedIn event, you may want to send an email to the user. It's like a simple if this then that rule. This is basically what you call a reaction. You just react to the domain event in some custom way.
The structure of a reactor (the component that reacts) is hence pretty similar to the one of a projector. The only difference is that a reactor does not update the read model, but does any arbitrary action you want to.
In other words: A projection is a special kind of a reaction, where it is always about updating the read model. Since this is so common, you have a dedicated pattern for this, but generally speaking: Whenever you do something in response to receiving an event, this is a reaction.
The question of how to implement reactors is hard to answer without having more details. In wolkenkit, a CQRS and event-sourcing framework for JavaScript and Node.js, reactors are nothing but flows. Flows can either be stateless flows or stateful flows, depending on whether they contain state themselves.
A simple example (which is of course specific to wolkenkit) may look like this:
'use strict';
const when = {
'userManagement.user.loggedIn' (event, mark) {
// ...
module.exports = { when };
(Disclaimer: I am one of the authors of wolkenkit, so please take the examples with a grain of salt.)

SO style reputation system with CQRS & Event Sourcing

I am diving into my first forays with CQRS and Event Sourcing and I have a few points Id like some guidance on. I would like to implement a SO style reputation system. This seems a perfect fit for this architecture.
Keeping SO as the example. Say a question is upvoted this generates an UpvoteCommand which increases the questions total score and fires off a QuestionUpvotedEvent.
It seems like the author's User aggregate should subscribe to the QuestionUpvotedEvent which could increase the reputation score. But how/when you do this subscription is not clear to me? In Greg Youngs example the event/command handling is wired up in the global.asax but this doesn't seem to involve any routing based on aggregate Id.
It seems as though every User aggregate would subscribe to every QuestionUpvotedEvent which doesn't seem correct, to make such a scheme work the event handler would have to exhibit behavior to identify if that user owned the question that was just upvoted. Greg Young implied this should not be in event handler code, which should merely involve state change.
What am i getting wrong here?
Any guidance much appreciated.
I guess what we are talking about here is inter-aggregate communication between the Question & User aggregates. One solution I can see is that the QuestionUpvotedEvent is subscribed to by a ReputationEventHandler which could then fetch the corresponding User AR and call a corresponding method on this object e.g. YourQuestionWasUpvoted. This would in turn generated a user specific UserQuestionUpvoted event thereby preserving replay ability in the future. Is this heading in the right direction?
See also the discussion on google groups here.
My understanding is that aggregates themselves should not be be subscribing to events. The domain model only raises events. It's the query side or other infrastructure components (such as an emailing component) that subscribe to events.
Domain Services are designed to work with use-cases/commands that involve more than one aggregate.
What I would do in this situation:
VoteUpQuestionCommand gets invoked.
The handler for VoteUpQuestionCommand calls:
IQuestionVotingService.VoteUpQuestion(Guid questionId, Guid UserId);
This then fecthes both the question & user aggregates, calling the appropriate methods on both, such as user.IncrementReputation(int amount) and question.VoteUp(). This would raise two events; UsersReputationIncreasedEvent and QuestionUpVotedEvent respectively, which would be handled by the query side.
My rule of thumb: if you do inter-AR communication use a saga. It keeps things within the transactional boundary and makes your links explicit => easier to handle/maintain.
The user aggregate should have a QuestionAuthored event... in that event is subscribes to the QuestionUpvotedEvent... similarly it should have a QuestionDeletedEvent and/or QuestionClosedEvent in which it does the proper handling like unsibscribing from the QuestionUpvotedEvent etc.
EDIT - as per comment:
I would implement the Question is an external event source and handle it via a gateway. The gateway in turn is the one responsible for handling any replay correctly so the end result stays exactly the same - except for special events like rejection events...
This is the old question and tagged as answered but I think can add something to it.
After few months of reading, practice and create small framework and application base on CQRS+ES, I think CQRS try to decouple components dependencies and responsibilities. In some resources write for each command you Should change maximum one aggregate on command handler (you can load more than one aggregate on handler but only one of them can change).
So in your case I think the best practice is #Tom answer and you should use saga. If your framework doesn't support saga (Like my small framework) you can create some event handler like UpdateUserReputationByQuestionVotedEvent. In that, handler create UpdateUserReputation(Guid user id, int amount) OR UpdateUserReputation(Guid user id, Guid QuestionId, int amount) OR
UpdateUserReputation(Guid user id, string description, int amount). After command sends to handler, the handler load user by user id and update states and properties. In this type of handling you can create a more complex scenario or workflow.