jscript IntelliSense is not working and jscript is not listed as a Text Editor language in VS2008 - javascript-intellisense

I am using VS2008 Version 3.5 SP1 and IntelliSense is not working for JScript. Also, JScript is not even listed as a language under Tools->Options->Text Editor. Do I need to do something special to define JScript as a language under VS2008?


How to get Visual Studio Code language support to recognize new functions in SQL syntax highlighting

I develop SQL scripts on Visual Studio Code for Mac (version 1.74.3). In writing dbt models (which are SQL scripts), Visual Studio Code does not recognize certain functions (INITCAP) in one instance as a built-in function and does not highlight this as such. Not the biggest deal, but this got me wondering if I can add INITCAP or other functions to a file or something to get VSC to treat it as a function name. Please help! I search though many Microsoft documentations, but cannot find it. Oh, my files have a .SQL extension so for the most part, the file is recognized as a SQL script.

No option found to change the language of the Python extension in Visual Studio Code

My visual studio is configured to be in english but the extension is getting installed in spanish. I would like to switch it to english also.
I have seen that there are many languages supported for the commands extension, but I can't seem to find an option in the extension settings. And could not find any relevant information about this appart from the mention of the support of the languages in the readme.

Does Visual Studio Professional support Perl?

There appears to be no support for Perl projects in Visual Studio 2017 Professional. Is there an extension to bring syntax highlighting and reference detection (known as "Navigate To" in Visual Studio)?
VS 2017 supports Perl syntax highlighting according to this release note:
Language file types listed by support level:
Supports only Syntax Colorization and Autocomplete:
.., Objective-C, Perl, PowerShell, ...
Supports Code Snippets (in addition to Syntax Colorization and Autocomplete):
..., Lua, Perl, PHP, ...
Supports Navigate To (in addition to Syntax Colorization and Autocomplete):

Using Powershell ISE's intellisense in other terminal

I'm a big fan of powershell ISE as a terminal. It has intellisense and syntax highlighting built in the shell and I just use it instead of the regular shell for everyday commands.
I would like to use Visual Studio Code instead, because the editor is much more powerfull and has support for a whole lot of languages and format. However the integrated shell is you basic Powershell terminal : no intellisense, no coloring (even with Powershell 5 installed on my computer).
Is there any way to add intellisense and coloring to my terminal, or use ISE's terminal in VSCode? or is there a plugin somewhere adressing these issues?
The integrated PowerShell terminal on Visual Studio Code does have intellisense, so I'm unclear what you require here, are you sure it's not set to cmd.exe instead ?
On another note, follow this setup guide. In case you haven't already installed the PowerShell Extension.

Drupal 8 in visual studio code

I'm using Visual Studio Code for different web development. Recently I'm using Drupal 8 to develop new websites. Drupal 8 has some theme file to place some PHP code in it to changes some parts of theming. How can I debug this theme files in Visual Studio Code? I can't place any breakpoints in my code.
If you find yourself here in future, you might want to look at Drupal Configuring for Visual Studio Code available on drupal site docs.
The URL is: https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/development-tools/configuring-visual-studio-code
It explans in depth how you can configure:
phpcs: provides integration for PHP CodeSniffer (phpcs) code linting.
Debugger for Chrome: is a Microsoft official extension that adds JavaScript debugging support.
PHP DocBlocker: provides auto-complete for PHP docblocks.
Empty Indent: removes indent of empty lines on save.
PHP Debug: provides launch configuration support for XDebug. Requires XDebug.
And most important Editor Settings.
Happy coding
If you want to use Drupal with vscode I suggest you to install VS-code-drupal extension. It makes .module files recognizable as php files.
If you want to debug php code I suggest you to install vscode-php-debug extension. It's a bit tricky to configure, but if you follow the guide you will succeed.
Another useful extension is vscode-code-runner. It runs portions of code for testing it on the fly.
Unfortunately I have not found yet a good extension for php intellisense.