does AutoMoqCustomization work for abstract classes? - interface

Please note, I'm somewhat new to TDD, so I will take general advice as well as specific answer.
Neither abstract classes nor interfaces can be instantiated. Clearly Moq can give me a mocked up instance of the ADataFeed in the second test. Why does AutoMoqCustomization work for interfaces IDataFeed but not for abstract classes ADataFeed, instead throwing an InvalidOperationException?
Secondarily, what would be the AutoFixture approach (or TDD generally) be to drive a design that might call for an abstract class with a constructor to require and guarantee certain values, such as a connection string in this case?
[Theory, AutoMoqData]
public void AllDataFeedsHaveAConectionString(
IDataFeed sut)
var result = sut.GetConnectionString();
public void AllDataFeedsRequireAConnectionString()
var expected = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var sut = new Mock<ADataFeed>(expected);
var result = sut.Object.GetConnectionString();
Assert.Equal(expected, result);
[Theory, AutoMoqData]
public void AllDataFeedsRequireAConnectionString2(
[Frozen] string expected,
ADataFeed sut)
var result = sut.GetConnectionString();
Assert.Equal(expected, result);

Abstract classes with constructors must be marked protected. AutoFixture will not program against abstract classes when the constructor is marked public, as this is a design error.


Singleton per string ctor parameter value, for both class A and dependent class B instances

I need to create a single instance, not based on the type or a lifetime scope decl, but on the value of a string parameter to the ctor. I also need this same effect for a dependent instance of another class, using the same string in its own unrelated ctor.
class A {
public A(string appId, B b) {}
class B {
public B(string appId) {}
In the above example, I need to create an A singleton and a B singleton, for unique values of appId.
I can resolve A and B with a TypedParameter, but the singleton-per-appId-value part I can't figure out. I tried just A alone to simplify (without dependent B involved). I looked at Keyed, Indexed, etc in the docs but none seemed to fit singleton-per-some-user-defined-key-value, unless I write my own Register lambda that uses my own memory cache of unique appId keys.
Does Autofac have a built-in terse way to enforce this?
There is not going to be a good solution to this because dependency injection is generally based on types, not parameter values. It's not the same as, say, setting up caching for a web app based on parameter values. More specifically, Autofac does not have anything "baked in" that will help you. (Nor, to my knowledge, does any other DI framework.)
Likely what you're going to need to do is create a tiny factory that does the caching for you and use that.
Here's an example that I'm not compiling and not testing but is coming off the top of my head to get you unblocked.
First, you'd need to create a little factory for your B class.
public class BFactory
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, B> _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, B>();
public B GetB(string appId)
return this._cache.GetOrAdd(
a => new B(a));
Now you'll register BFactory as singleton, which will get you the one-instance-per-app-ID behavior you want. Register B as a lambda and it can use parameters.
builder.Register((c, p) =>
var appId = p.Named<string>("appId");
var factory = c.Resolve<BFactory>();
return factory.GetB(appId);
Now you can resolve a B as long as there's a parameter passed to Resolve, like
using var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope();
var b = scope.Resolve<B>(new NamedParameter("appId", "my-app-id"));
You can build something similar for A, but the AFactory can take a BFactory as a parameter so it can get the right instance of A.
public class AFactory
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, B> _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, B>();
private readonly BFactory _factory;
public AFactory(BFactory factory)
this._factory = factory;
public A GetA(string appId)
return this._cache.GetOrAdd(
a => new A(a, this._factory.GetB(a)));
Same thing here, register the factory as a singleton and get A from the factory.
builder.Register((c, p) =>
var appId = p.Named<string>("appId");
var factory = c.Resolve<AFactory>();
return factory.GetA(appId);
You can get fancy with it, too, like using the Func relationships if there are some things that need to come from the container. For example, let's say your B class really looks like this:
public class B
public B(string appId, IComponent fromContainer) { /* ... */ }
In there, maybe IComponent needs to come from the container but the appId comes from a parameter. You could make the BFactory be like this:
public class BFactory
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, B> _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, B>();
private ILifetimeScope _scope;
public BFactory(ILifetimeScope scope)
// This will be the CONTAINER / root scope if BFactory
// is registered as a singleton!
this._scope = scope;
public B GetB(string appId)
return this._cache.GetOrAdd(
a => {
// Auto-generated factory! It will get IComponent from
// the container but let you put the string in as a parameter.
var func = this._scope.Resolve<Func<string, B>>();
return func(a);
Be aware if you use that auto-generated factory thing (the Func<string, B> thing) that you will need to register B by itself, like:
// You can't register the factory as the provider for B
// because it's cyclical - the BFactory will want to resolve
// a Func<string, B> which, in turn, will want to execute the
// BFactory.
That means you'd have to switch your code around to take a BFactory instead of a B. You can probably monkey with it to make it work, but you get the idea - you're going to have to make the caching mechanism yourself and that's what you'll hook into Autofac. Hopefully the above snippets can give you some ideas you can expand on and get you unblocked.

Flutter, when to use Factory fromJson and constructor fromJson

I've been struggling with this for a long time.
For sure, what I currently know is that you should use a factory or static fromJson when you need only one object and a Constructor named .fromJson when you need to create multiple instances.
So.. when?? when we need a one instance and when we need multiple instances??
I'm creating a model class for API response right now, and I'm deeply troubled about whether to use the factory or not.
Factory constructor allows returning already created instances. It allows us easily make singletons and multitones. From the call side, it looks like the usual constructor, but from inside implementation, it varies. Also, the factory constructor doesn't force you to return only one instance (object) as you stated. You can create as many as you need. It allows returning already created instances. That's the difference with an ordinary constructor that always returns a new instance. So this feature gives us some flexibility and in some cases performance improvements.
An example:
class Logger {
static Logger _instance;
Logger._() {
print('Logger created');
factory Logger() {
return _instance ??= Logger._();
void log(String msg) => print('${}: $msg');
void main() {
class A {
Logger _logger;
void initialize() {
_logger = Logger();
_logger.log('A initialized');
class B {
Logger _logger;
void initialize() {
_logger = Logger();
_logger.log('B initialized');
If we run this code it will produce output like that:
Logger created
2021-09-27 21:59:23.887: A initialized
2021-09-27 21:59:23.887: B initialized
Where you can see that only one instance of Logger class has been created. Despite from calling side we've requested to create two instances.
In most cases, if your task it to create a modal class for API response an ordinary constructor with a static fromJson method is enough.

RxAndroid: How to add additional methods in Observer and Observable

Observer has onNext(), OnError() and onComplete().
Is there a way to add an additional method?
There is a possibility that the object received via the stream is of two types instead of the same type. And both possibilities are a success scenario. They are just handled differently by the observer.
Now, with callbacks, one would add a new method to handle this.
But not sure how this would be done with Rx.
Or is there another way of handling this without having to add a new method?
I think the best way to achieve this is by using a common super class which can hold both objects.
In Kotlin you can do this with sealed class in Java do it with a simple POJO. One downside is that you have to use instanceOf and casting to use the actual type.
public class Result<T> {
public T result;
public Result(T result) {
this.result = result;
public class Result1 extends Result<Object1> {
public Result1(Object1 result) {
public class Result2 extends Result<Object2> {
public Result2(Object2 result) {
Your Observable can emit Result objects, and you can cast to either result based on what you got on the onNext method.

How to mock Entity Framework in a N-Layer Architecture

I have a N-Layer application with Entity Framework (Code-First approach). Now I want to automatize some tests. I am using Moq framework. I am finding some problem about writing the tests. Perhaps my architecture is wrong? With wrong, I mean that I wrote components that are not well isolated and so they are not testable. I do not really like this... Or perhaps, I simply cannot use correctly moq framework.
I let you see my architecture:
At every level I inject my context in the constructor of the class.
The Facade:
public class PublicAreaFacade : IPublicAreaFacade, IDisposable
private UnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public PublicAreaFacade(IDataContext context)
_unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(context);
The BLL:
public abstract class BaseManager
protected IDataContext Context;
public BaseManager(IDataContext context)
this.Context = context;
The Repository:
public class Repository<TEntity>
where TEntity : class
internal PublicAreaContext _context;
internal DbSet<TEntity> _dbSet;
public Repository(IDataContext context)
this._context = context as PublicAreaContext;
IDataContext is an interface that is implemented by my DbContext:
public partial class PublicAreaContext : DbContext, IDataContext
Now, how I mock EF and how I write the tests:
public void Init()
this._mockContext = ContextHelper.CreateCompleteContext();
Where ContextHelper.CreateCompleteContext() is:
public static PublicAreaContext CreateCompleteContext()
//Here I mock my context
var mockContext = new Mock<PublicAreaContext>();
//Here I mock my entities
List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>()
new Customer() { Code = "123455" }, //Customer with no invoice
new Customer() { Code = "123456" }
var mockSetCustomer = ContextHelper.SetList(customers);
mockContext.Setup(m => m.Set<Customer>()).Returns(mockSetCustomer);
return mockContext.Object;
And here how I write my test:
public void Success()
#region Arrange
PrepareEasyPayPaymentRequest request = new PrepareEasyPayPaymentRequest();
request.CodiceEasyPay = "128855248542874445877";
request.Servizio = "MyService";
#region Act
PublicAreaFacade facade = new PublicAreaFacade(this._mockContext);
PrepareEasyPayPaymentResponse response = facade.PrepareEasyPayPayment(request);
#region Assert
Assert.IsTrue(response.Result == it.MC.WebApi.Models.ResponseDTO.ResponseResult.Success);
Here It seems It works everything correctly!!! And It looks like my architecture is correct. But what if I want to insert/update an Entity? Nothing work anymore! I explain why:
As you can see I pass a *Request object (it is the DTO) to the facade, then in my TOA I generate my entity from the propertiess of the DTO:
private PaymentAttemptTrace CreatePaymentAttemptTraceEntity(string customerCode, int idInvoice, DateTime paymentDate)
PaymentAttemptTrace trace = new PaymentAttemptTrace();
trace.customerCode = customerCode;
trace.InvoiceId = idInvoice;
trace.PaymentDate = paymentDate;
return trace;
PaymentAttemptTrace is the Entity I will inserto to Entity Framework.. It is not mocked and I cannot inject it. So even if I pass my mocked context (IDataContext), when I try to insert an Entity that is not mocked my test fails!
Here that doubt about I have a wrong architecture has raised!
So, what's wrong? The architecture or the way I use moq?
Thank you for help
Here how I test my code.. For example, I want to test the trace of a payment..
Here the test:
public void NoPaymentDate()
TracePaymentAttemptRequest request = new TracePaymentAttemptRequest();
request.AliasTerminale = "MyTerminal";
//I create my request object
//You can see how I create _mockContext above
PublicAreaFacade facade = new PublicAreaFacade(this._mockContext);
TracePaymentAttemptResponse response = facade.TracePaymentAttempt(request);
//My asserts
Here the facade:
public TracePaymentAttemptResponse TracePaymentAttempt(TracePaymentAttemptRequest request)
TracePaymentAttemptResponse response = new TracePaymentAttemptResponse();
request.EsitoPagamento + " - " + request.DescrizioneEsitoPagamento,
response.Result = ResponseResult.Success;
catch (Exception ex)
response.Result = ResponseResult.Fail;
response.ResultMessage = ex.Message;
return response;
Here how I developed the PaymentsManager:
public PaymentAttemptTrace SavePaymentAttemptResult(string customerCode, string transactionCode, ...)
//here the problem... PaymentAttemptTrace is the entity of entity framework.. Here i do the NEW of the object.. It should be injected, but I think it would be a wrong solution
PaymentAttemptTrace trace = new PaymentAttemptTrace();
trace.customerCode = customerCode;
trace.InvoiceId = idInvoice;
trace.PaymentDate = paymentDate;
trace.Result = result;
trace.Email = email;
trace.Terminal = terminal;
trace.EasypayCode = transactionCode;
trace.Amount = amount;
trace.creditCardId = idCreditCard;
trace.PaymentMethod = paymentMethod;
Repository<PaymentAttemptTrace> repository = new Repository<PaymentAttemptTrace>(base.Context);
return trace;
In the end how I wrote the repository:
public class Repository<TEntity>
where TEntity : class
internal PublicAreaContext _context;
internal DbSet<TEntity> _dbSet;
public Repository(IDataContext context)
//the context is mocked.. Its type is {Castle.Proxies.PublicAreaContextProxy}
this._context = context as PublicAreaContext;
//the entity is not mocked. Its type is {PaymentAttemptTrace} but should be {Castle.Proxies.PaymentAttemptTraceProxy}... so _dbSet result NULL
this._dbSet = this._context.Set<TEntity>();
public virtual void Insert(TEntity entity)
//_dbSet is NULL so "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception is raised
Your architecture looks good, but the implementation is flawed. It is leaking abstraction.
In your diagram the Façade layer depends only on the BLL but when you look at the PublicAreaFacade's constructor you will see that in reality it has a direct dependency to an interface from the Repository layer:
public PublicAreaFacade(IDataContext context)
_unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(context);
This should not be. It should only take its direct dependency as input -- the PaymentsManager or -- even better -- an interface of it:
public PublicAreaFacade(IPaymentsManager paymentsManager)
The concequence is that your code becomes way more testable. When you look at your tests now you see that you have to mock the most inner layer of your system (i.e. the IDataContext and even its entity accessors Set<TEntity>) altough you are testing one of the most outer layers of your system (the PublicAreaFacade class).
This is how a unit test for the TracePaymentAttempt method would look like if the PublicAreaFacade only depended on IPaymentsManager:
public void CallsPaymentManagerWithRequestDataWhenTracingPaymentAttempts()
// Arrange
var pm = new Mock<IPaymentsManager>();
var pa = new PulicAreaFacade(pm.Object);
var payment = new TracePaymentAttemptRequest
// Act
// Assert that we call the correct method of the PaymentsManager with the data from
// the request.
pm.Verify(pm => pm.SavePaymentAttemptResult(
payment.EsitoPagamento + " - " + payment.DescrizioneEsitoPagamento,
Pass IUnitOfWork into the Facade or BLL layer constructor, whichever one makes calls on the unit of work directly. Then you can setup what the Mock<IUnitOfWork> is returning in your tests. You should not need to pass IDataContext to everything except maybe the repo constructors and the unit of work.
For example, if the Facade has a method PrepareEasyPayPayment that makes a repo call through a UnitOfWork call, setup the mock like this:
// Arrange
var unitOfWork = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
unitOfWork.Setup(x => x.PrepareEasyPayPaymentRepoCall(request)).Returns(true);
var paymentFacade = new PaymentFacade(unitOfWork.Object);
// Act
var result = paymentFacade.PrepareEasyPayPayment(request);
Then you've mocked out the data call and can more easily test your code in the Facade.
For the insert testing, you should have a Facade method like CreatePayment which takes a PrepareEasyPayPaymentRequest. Inside that CreatePayment method, it should reference the repo, probably through the unit of work, like
var result = _unitOfWork.CreatePaymentRepoCall(request);
if (result == true)
// yes!
// oh no!
What you want to mock for unit testing is that this create/insert repo call returns true or false so you can test the code branches after the repo call has completed.
You can also test that the insert call was made as expected, but that's usually not as valuable unless the parameters for that call have a lot of logic involved in building them.
it sounds like you need to change the code a little bit. Newing things introduces hardcoded dependencies and makes them untestable, so try to abstract them away. Maybe you can hide everything to do with EF behind another layer, then all you have to do is mock that particular layer layer and never touch EF.
You can use this open source framework for unit testing which is good to mock entity framework dbcontext
Try this will help you to mock your data efficiently.

Why does Eclipse Compiler lose fixed type parameter?

I struggled to find a proper title for this question because the phenomenon I observed is very strange. Hence I skip explaining my problem literally and instead show you some (hopefully) self-describing code. Consider the following parameterized class:
public class GenericOptional<T> {
public GenericOptional(T someValue) {}
public T getValue() { return null; }
public Optional<String> getOptionalString() { return Optional.empty(); }
What I like to emphasize is that the return type Optional<String> of the method getOptionalString() does not depend on the type-parameter T.
Now have a look at the following code, which gets compiled inside Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 using Java 8u45:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object obj = new GenericOptional<>(Boolean.TRUE);
GenericOptional go = (GenericOptional) obj;
Optional os = go.getOptionalString();
The local variable os has the type Optional without the type-parameter String! The Eclipse compiler has lost the information about the fixed type-parameter. Does anyone know why?
Now look at a second code example:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object obj = new GenericOptional<>(Boolean.TRUE);
GenericOptional<?> go = (GenericOptional) obj;
Optional<String> os = go.getOptionalString();
By declaring the local variable go as GenericOptional<?> the return type of the method getOptionalString() now is Optional<String> as expected.
May anyone explain this behavior?
You are facing the behavior of raw types. When you are using a raw type, Generics are effectively turned off completely, regardless of whether there is a connection between the generic signature of the member and the type parameter of the class.
The reasoning behind this is that raw types are a feature for backward compatibility with pre-Generics code only. So either you have Generics or your don’t.
If the Generic method does not depend on the actual type parameter of the class, the problem is easy to fix:
GenericOptional<?> go = (GenericOptional<?>) obj;
Optional<String> os = go.getOptionalString();
Using <?> implies “I don’t know the actual type parameter and I don’t care but I’m using Generic type checking”.
It's not about Eclipse or anything, but about raw types.
Let's review this snippet:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object obj = new GenericOptional<>(Boolean.TRUE);
GenericOptional go = (GenericOptional) obj;
Optional os = go.getOptionalString();
Here, you're creating a raw instance of GenericOptional, which means that the type-parameter information will be completely turned off. So, instantiating a raw GenericOptional means that the instance will expose the methods as following:
public class GenericOptional {
public GenericOptional(Object someValue) {}
public Object getValue() { return null; }
public Optional getOptionalString() { return Optional.empty(); }
However, if we now review the second snippet
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object obj = new GenericOptional<>(Boolean.TRUE);
GenericOptional<?> go = (GenericOptional) obj;
Optional<String> os = go.getOptionalString();
we can see that you're making a generic instance of GenericOptional. Even it's type-parameter is <?>, the compiler will not turn-off caring about type-parameters, so the instance will expose the getOptionalString() method parameterized, like this:
public Optional<String> getOptionalString() { return Optional.empty(); }