How to define multiple subsections for methods with Pod::Weaver? - perl

I have some Moose classes that define several small groups of related methods. I would like to make these groups obvious in the package POD.
I use Dist::Zilla and Pod::Weaver with the =method command. Is it possible to insert some =head2-like commands between my =method commands to achieve the desired effect?

I wrote a post on how I did it for Redis::Client here: Falling in Love with Pod::Weaver.
The simplest thing to do is add custom Collect directives to your weaver.ini and organize your methods by giving each type a different custom POD command, like so:
[Collect / FOO METHODS]
command = foo_method
[Collect / BAR METHODS]
command = bar_method
[Collect / BAZ METHODS]
command = baz_method
Then write your POD like this
=foo_method blah blah
and Weaver will automatically collect them under their own =head1.
If you want to do something more complicated than that, you can write your own Pod::Weaver plugin. The gist is to search through the parsed POD for a custom command name and transform them by returning Pod::Elemental objects. Here's the plugin I wrote:
package Pod::Weaver::Plugin::RedisLinks;
# ABSTRACT: Add links to Redis documentation
use Moose;
with 'Pod::Weaver::Role::Transformer';
use Data::Dumper;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use aliased 'Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Ordinary';
sub transform_document {
my ( $self, $doc ) = #_;
my #children = $doc->children;
my #new_children;
foreach my $child( #{ $children[0] } ) {
if ( $child->can( 'command' )
&& $child->command =~ /^(?:key|str|list|hash|set|zset|conn|serv)_method/ ) {
my $meth_name = $child->content;
$meth_name =~ s/^\s*?(\S+)\s*$/$1/;
my $cmd_name = uc $meth_name;
$cmd_name =~ tr/_/ /;
my $link_name = $meth_name;
$link_name =~ tr/_/-/;
my $new_para = Ordinary->new(
content => sprintf 'Redis L<%s|%s> command.',
$cmd_name, '' . $link_name );
push #new_children, $child, $new_para;
push #new_children, $child;
$doc->children( \#new_children );
The transform_document method gets passed the parsed document as a parameter. It then goes through the top-level commands looking for elements labeled /^(?:key|str|list|hash|set|zset|conn|serv)_method/, munges the name a bit, and then builds a new POD paragraph containing the formatted POD content that I want.


How can I apply a method modifier to a method generated by AUTOLOAD?

I have a very interesting predicament. I am working on a Perl script interface to the CVS repository and have created Perl Objects to represent Modules,Paths, and Files. Since Modules, Paths, and Files can all have CVS commands issued on them, I set up the AUTOLOAD routine to take any unidentified methods and issue them on the object as if they were CVS commands.
All of these CVS commands are executed exactly the same way, but some of them need special processing done with the output to get the result i desire.
For example, I want to take the output from the diff command and reformat it before I return it.
I am using Moose, so typically this special processing could be done as follows:
after 'diff' => sub {
# Reformat output here
The problem is... I never explicitly created the diff method since it is being generated by AUTOLOAD and Perl won't let me create a method modifier for it since it technically doesn't exist!
Is there a way to get this to work how I want?
Apply after to your AUTOLOAD method.
after 'AUTOLOAD' => sub {
my $method = $The::Package::AUTOLOAD;
$method =~ s/.*:://;
if ($method eq 'diff') {
# do after diff stuff
} elsif ($method eq 'foo') {
# do after foo stuff
} else {
# never mind, don't want to do anything after this function
I found that I may want even more control over the diff command so I have added more detail to your answer. Hopefully someone will find this information useful.
For even more control you can use around!
around 'AUTOLOAD' => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
(my $command = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s{.+::}{};
# Special processing
if ($command eq 'diff') {
# Add "before" special processing here
my $output = $self->$orig(#_);
# Add "after" special processing here
else {
return $self->$orig(#_);
This allows you to do special processing before the function is called AND after.
For more information see: Moose::Manual::MethodModifiers
Depending on how well the AUTOLOAD-using class is implemented, you may find that it respects the can method too, and that simply calling can is enough to create the method.
__PACKAGE__->can( "diff" );
after diff => sub { ... };
I'd suggest that you re-architect your system to use traits, instead of relying on AUTOLOAD behavior. The maintainability and intent will be much more obvious, if you don't have behavior scattered all over the place.
As an example, you can do what you want with something like the following:
package Trait::CVSActions;
use Moose::Role;
sub commit { print 'in commit for ' . shift . "\n" }
sub diff { print 'diffing for ' . shift . "\n" }
package Module;
use Moose;
with 'Trait::CVSActions';
package Path;
use Moose;
with 'Trait::CVSActions';
after commit => sub { print "after commit on Path\n" };
package main;
my $module = new Module;
my $path = new Path;
If you're looking to use AUTOLOAD to dispatch to unknown commands, then this is dangerous, since there may be some that you will have to have special handling for that you aren't aware of, so you may be causing yourself future problems.

Get list of methods/functions defined explicitly in a module

After realizing the sad state of code coverage on our unit tests at work I am trying to create a utility that will scan our code base and flag files that don't have 100%. I found two approaches that get all of the methods:
Access symbol table directly:
for my $classname ( #ARGV ) {
eval "require $classname";
die "Can't load $classname $EVAL_ERROR"
no strict 'refs';
for my $sym ( keys %{ "${classname}::" } ) {
next METHODS unless defined &{"${classname}::${sym}"};
print "$sym\n";
Use the Class::Inspector module from CPAN:
for my $classname ( #ARGV ) {
my #methods = Class::Inspector->methods($classname, 'public');
print Dumper \#methods;
these two approaches produce similar results; The problem with these is that they show all of the methods available to the entire module, not just the methods defined inside of that module.
Is there some way to distinguish between methods accessible to a module and methods defined explicitly inside of a module?
Note: I am not attempting to create a full code coverage test, for my use case I just want to test that all of the methods have been called at least once. Complete coverage tests like Devel::Cover are overkill for us.
Each sub (or more specifically, each CV), remembers which package it was originally declared in. Test case:
package Foo;
sub import {
*{caller . "::foo"} = sub{};
package Bar;
use Foo;
our $bar; # introduces *Bar::bar which does not have a CODE slot
sub baz {}
Accessing the symbol table now gives both foo and baz. By the way, I'd write that code like this (for reasons that will become clear in a moment):
my $classname = 'Bar';
for my $glob (values %{ "${classname}::" }) {
my $sub = *$glob{CODE} or next;
say *$glob{NAME};
Next, we have to look into the B module to introspect the underlying C data structure. We do this with the B::svref_2object function. This will produce a B::CV object which has the convenient STASH field (which returns a B::HV object which has a NAME field):
use B ();
my $classname = 'Bar';
for my $glob (values %{ "${classname}::" }) {
my $sub = *$glob{CODE} or next;
my $cv = B::svref_2object($sub);
$cv->STASH->NAME eq $classname or next;
say *$glob{NAME};
Add a few sanity checks, and this should work quite well.
Dynamic class/module loading should not be done via string eval. Instead I recommend Module::Runtime:

Implementing Feature Toggles in Perl5

i'd like to be able to create "ghost" packages and subs. I have a configuration (ini) file with entries like this:
sys.ext.latex = off
gui.super.duper.elastic = off
user.login.rsa = on
This file is parsed, and later developers can ask questions like:
if ( MyApp::Feature->enabled ( 'user.login.rsa' ) { ... }
(The whole idea is based on Martin Fowler's FeatureToggle
Using AUTOLOAD for catching calls in MyApp::Feature, and BEGIN block for parsing ini file we are able to provide this API:
if ( MyApp::Feature->user_login_rsa ) { ... }
The question is: Is it possible to create following API:
if ( MyApp::Feature::User::Login::RSA ) { ... }
having only MyApp::Feature?
Lower,upper case can be modified in the config file, that's not the issue here. And make it clear, implementation is decoupled from the configuration, there is no MyApp::Feature::User::Login::RSA and never will be. Implementation for this feature lies f.e. in MyApp::Humans.
I am aware that putting MyApp::Feature::Foo::Bar suggests there must be such Package. But developers know the convention that Feature package manages feature toggles and they would have no problems with that. I find the first example (using enabled( $string ) bit too complex to read
if ( package::package->method ( string ) )
the second one better:
if ( package::package->method )
the third would be even easier:
if ( package::package::package )
So, is it possible to simulate AUTOLOAD on the package level?
So it sounds like you have a list of multi-word keys that you want to install into a namespace.
my %states = ( # the values that should be transformed
on => sub () {1},
off => sub () {''},
sub install_config {
my ($package, $config) = #_;
for my $key (keys %$config) {
my #parts = map ucfirst, split /\./, $key;
my $name = join '::' => $package, #parts;
no strict 'refs';
*{$name} = $states{$$config{$key}} # use a tranformed value
|| sub () {$$config{$key}} # or the value itself
my %config = qw(
sys.ext.latex off
gui.super.duper.elastic off
user.login.rsa on
some.other.config other_value
install_config 'MyApp::Feature' => \%config;
say MyApp::Feature::Sys::Ext::Latex ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; # OFF
say MyApp::Feature::Gui::Super::Duper::Elastic ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; # OFF
say MyApp::Feature::User::Login::Rsa ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; # ON
say MyApp::Feature::Some::Other::Config; # other_value
The constant subroutines installed here are will be inlined by perl when applicable.
You can make install_config a bit easier to use by putting it into a package's import function:
BEGIN {$INC{'Install/'}++} # fool require
sub Install::Config::import {shift; goto &install_config}
use Install::Config 'MyApp::Feature' => {qw(
sys.ext.latex off
gui.super.duper.elastic off
user.login.rsa on
some.other.config other_value

Perl Class::Accessor failure, trivial example - why?

Can someone tell me why the main does not find the methods generated by Class::Accessor in this very small and trivial example ?
These few lines of code fail with
perl codesnippets/
Can't locate object method "color" via package "Critter" at
codesnippets/ line 6.
see the code:
# The whole Class::Accessor thing does not work !!
my $a = Critter->new;
exit 0;
package Critter;
use base qw(Class::Accessor );
Critter->mk_accessors ("color" );
sub display {
my $self = shift;
print "i am a $self->color " . ref($self) . ", whatever this word means\n";
Your code is out of order. If you want the color accessor to be available, you need to invoke mk_accessors before you create your object and start doing stuff with it. For example:
package Critter;
use base qw(Class::Accessor);
sub display {
my $self = shift;
print $self->color, ' ', ref($self), "\n";
package main;
my $c = Critter->new;
More commonly, the Critter code would be in its own module (, and all of the mk_accessor magic would happen when your main script runs use Critter -- well before your script starts working with Critter and Varmint objects.
FM is giving you good advice. mk_accessors needs to run before the other code. Also, normally you'd put Critter in a separate file and use Critter to load the module.
This works because use has compile time effects. Doing use Critter; is the same as doing BEGIN { require Critter; Critter->import; } This guarantees that your module's initialization code will run before the rest of the code even compiles.
It is acceptable to put multiple packages in one file. Often, I will prototype related objects in one file, since it keeps everything handy while I am prototyping. It's also pretty easy to split the file up into separate bits when the time comes.
Because of this, I find that the best way to keep multiple packages in one file, and work with them as if I were using them, is to put the package definitions in BEGIN blocks that end in a true value. Using my approach, your example would be written:
my $a = Critter->new;
package Critter;
use base qw(Class::Accessor );
use strict;
use warnings;
Critter->mk_accessors ("color" );
sub display {
my $self = shift;
# Your print was incorrect - one way:
printf "i am a %s %s whatever this word means\n", $self->color, ref $self;
# another:
print "i am a ", $self->color, ref $self, "whatever this word means\n";
I just wanted to provide you with a better solution -- feel free to downvote this to oblivion if the solution isn't welcome, but C::A is really a bad idea this day and age, use Moose:
package Critter;
use Moose;
has 'color' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw' ); # Notice, this is typed
sub display {
my $self = shift;
printf (
"i am a %s %s whatever this word means\n"
, $self->color
, $self->meta->name
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $c = Critter->new; # or my $c = Critter->new({ color => blue });

Separating configuration data and script logic in Perl scripts

I find the following anti-pattern repeated in my Perl scripts: the script contains some machine/setup specific settings which I store in-line as constants in the script whereas the rest of the script is general in nature:
use strict;
use warnings;
# machine specific settings at the start of the script.
my $SETTING_1 = "foo";
my #SETTING_2 = ("123", "456");
my $SETTING_3 = "something";
# general part of script follows.
This pattern is somewhat okay when running on one machine, but as soon as I want to distribute the script to multiple machines the trouble starts since I must keep track so that I do not overwrite the settings part with new updates in the general part.
The correct solution is obviously to have one general script file and have it read a configuration file which is specific to the environment that the script runs in.
My question is: What CPAN module would you recommend for solving this problem? Why?
For configuration files, I like to use YAML. Simple, cross-platform, human-readable, and no danger of your configuration accidentally morphing into an actual program.
My favorite is Config::Std. I like the way it handles multi-line and multi-part configuration values.
You have to be careful when a variable is potentially multi-valued: If a single value exists in the configuration file, it will store the value in a scalar; if multiple values exist, you will get an array reference.
I find it convenient to have two configuration files: One for values that describe the operating environment (where to find libraries etc) and another for user-modifiable behavior.
I also like to write a wrapper around it. For example (updated to include autogenerated read-only accessors):
package My::Config;
use strict; use warnings;
use Config::Std;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catfile );
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($config_file) = #_;
$config_file = catfile($Bin, 'config.ini');
read_config $config_file => my %config;
my $object = bless \%config => $class;
single => {
install => [ qw( root ) ],
multi => {
template => [ qw( dir ) ],
return $object;
sub gen_accessors {
my $config = shift;
my %args = #_;
my $class = ref $config;
no strict 'refs';
for my $section ( keys %{ $args{single} } ) {
my #vars = #{ $args{single}->{$section} };
for my $var ( #vars ) {
*{ "${class}::${section}_${var}" } = sub {
for my $section ( keys %{ $args{multi} } ) {
my #vars = #{ $args{multi}->{$section} };
for my $var ( #vars ) {
*{ "${class}::${section}_${var}" } = sub {
my $val = $config->{$section}{$var};
return [ $val ] unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $val;
return $val;
package main;
use strict; use warnings;
my $config = My::Config->new;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper($config->install_root, $config->template_dir);
C:\Temp> cat config.ini
root = c:\opt
dir = C:\opt\app\tmpl
dir = C:\opt\common\tmpl
$VAR1 = 'c:\\opt';
$VAR2 = [
The Config:Properties library is good for reading and writing key/value pair property files.
I prefer YAML and YAML::XS for configuration data. It's simple, readable, and has bindings for almost any programming language. Another popular choice is Config::General.
The usual low-tech method is to simply do EXPR a configuration file. Have you looked into this?
At the risk of being laughed out of class, one solution is to store the config in XML (or for more adventurous, JSON). Human-consumable, interoperable outside of Perl, doesn't have to live on local PC (both XML and JSON can be requested off of a "config URL") and a bunch of standard modules (XML::Simple is usually good enough for config XML files) exist on CPAN.
For simple configuration like this, especially for trivial things where I don't expect this data to change in the real world, I often simply use YAML. The simplicity cannot be beat:
First, write your Perl data structure containing your configuration.
use YAML;
my $SETTINGS = {
'1' => "foo",
'2' => ["123", "456"],
'3' => "something",
Then, pass it to YAML::DumpFile();
YAML::DumpFile("~/.$appname.yaml", $SETTINGS);
Delete the data structure and replace it with
my $SETTINGS = YAML::LoadFile("~/.$appname.yaml");
And then forget about it. Even if you don't know or want to learn YAML syntax, small changes to the config can be made by hand and more major ones can be done in Perl and then re-dumped to YAML.
Don't tie yourself to a format -- use Config::Any, or for a little more whizbang DWIM factor, Config::JFDI (which itself wraps Config::Any). With them you buy yourself the ability to support INI, YAML, XML, Apache-style config, and more.
Config::JFDI builds on this by trying to capture some of the magic of Catalyst's config loader: merging of instance-local config with app-wide config, environment variable support, and a limited macro facility (__path_to(foo/bar)__ comes in handy surprisingly often.)