How to resend a GWT RequestFactory request - gwt

Is it possible to resend a RequestFactory transmission? I'd like to do the equivalent of this: How to resend a GWT RPC request when using RequestFactory. It is fairly simple to resend the same payload from a previous request, but I also need to place a call to the same method. Here's my RequestTransport class, and I am hoping to just "refire" the original request after taking care of, in this case, a request to the user for login credentials:
package org.greatlogic.rfexample2.client;
* Every request factory transmission will pass through the single instance of this class. This can
* be used to ensure that when a response is received any global conditions (e.g., the user is no
* longer logged in) can be handled in a consistent manner.
public class RFERequestTransport extends DefaultRequestTransport {
private IClientFactory _clientFactory;
private final class RFERequestCallback implements RequestCallback {
private RequestCallback _requestCallback;
private RFERequestCallback(final RequestCallback requestCallback) {
_requestCallback = requestCallback;
} // RFERequestCallback()
public void onError(final Request request, final Throwable exception) {
_requestCallback.onError(request, exception);
} // onError()
public void onResponseReceived(final Request request, final Response response) {
if (response.getStatusCode() == Response.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
else {
_requestCallback.onResponseReceived(request, response);
} // onResponseReceived()
} // class RFERequestCallback
protected void configureRequestBuilder(final RequestBuilder builder) {
} // configureRequestBuilder()
protected RequestCallback createRequestCallback(final TransportReceiver receiver) {
return new RFERequestCallback(super.createRequestCallback(receiver));
} // createRequestCallback()
void initialize(final IClientFactory clientFactory) {
_clientFactory = clientFactory;
} // initialize()
public void send(final String payload, final TransportReceiver receiver) {
String actualPayload = _clientFactory.getLastPayload();
TransportReceiver actualReceiver;
if (actualPayload == null) {
actualPayload = payload;
actualReceiver = receiver;
else {
actualReceiver = _clientFactory.getLastReceiver();
super.send(actualPayload, actualReceiver);
} // send()

Based upon Thomas' suggestion I tried sending another request, and just replaced the payload and receiver in the RequestTransport.send() method, and this worked; I guess there is no further context retained by request factory, and that the response from the server is sufficient for RF to determine what needs to be done to unpack the response beyond the request and response that are returned to the RequestCallback.onResponseReceived() method. If anyone is interested in seeing my code then just let me know and I'll post it here.

It's possible, but you have a lot to do.
I had the same idea. And i was searching for a good solution for about 2 days. I tried to intercept the server call on and on other classes. But if you do that you have to make your own implementation for nearly every class of gwt requestfactories. So i decided to go a much simpler approach.
Everywhere where I fired a Request, i handled the response and fired it again.
Of course you have to take care, that you don't get in to a loop.


Micronaut: Test POST request

In my Micronaut app I have a simple REST controller:
public class Response {
private String code;
public Response(String code) {
this.code = code;
public class TestController {
public Response index() {
return new Response("OK");
How can I tests this edpoint? I tried using
public class TestControllerTest {
EmbeddedServer server;
HttpClient client;
void testResponse() {
String response = client.toBlocking()
.retrieve(HttpRequest.POST("/api/test/")); // FIXME `HttpRequest.POST` requires body
assertEquals("{\"code\": \"OK\"}", response);
but HttpRequest.POST requires an additional body argument to be specified. In my case there is no body to be sent. (In the real code it is a request to initialize a new object and thus it has to be POST).
Usually, when you implement a POST action, you expect that there is a body sent with the request. In your example, you don't accept any POST body, but you still need to pass anything in the unit test.
You can instantiate the HttpRequest object in the following way:
HttpRequest.POST("/api/test/", "");
You can't pass null, it has to be some non-null value (like an empty string.)

Loading Resty-GWT

How can I show load widget, when client send json on server.
From example in GWTP exmaple I found such method
* We display a short lock message whenever navigation is in progress.
* #param event The {#link LockInteractionEvent}.
public void onLockInteraction(LockInteractionEvent event) {
How do I show in the loading resty-gwt, when it sent the request? Can I use onLockInteraction with resty-gwt?
You can use RestyGWT custom Dispatcher to track request lifecycle. Dispatcher can be configured manually or using annotations ( Example setting it manually:
RootRestService rest = GWT.create(RootRestService.class);
((RestServiceProxy) rest).setDispatcher(new DefaultDispatcher() {
#Override public Request send(Method m, RequestBuilder rb) throws RequestException {
RequestCallback callback = rb.getCallback();
rb.setCallback(new RequestCallback() {
#Override public void onResponseReceived(Request req, Response res) {"request success (stop event)");
callback.onResponseReceived(req, res);
#Override public void onError(Request req, Throwable ex) {"request error (stop event)");
callback.onError(req, ex);
try {"request initialized (start event)");
return request = super.send(m, rb);
} finally {"request fail to initialize error (stop event)");
Instead of logging, you can send an event using the eventBus, and use this event to keep track of the number of active request, and finally show a loading indicator if the number of active request is grater than 0.

Resty-GWT custom callback on async start and end

I use resty gwt for all server communication. I would like some indicator that would show the operation is in progress.
I consider 2 aproaches:
progressbar, which will show in progress percentage;
animation, that will be showed while operation is in progress, but without any percantage.
I've assumed that I need to add custom filter with callback.
I would like to fire events like: RestyGwtComunicationStart and RestyGwtComunicationEnd, or callback to fire onComunicationStarted and
onComunicationEnded. I would like to have this declared in one place, RestyGWT Dispatcher configuration. Also if there was an error I would like to fetch the error.
But I don't know where to start. There is no word about it in documentations.
Can I ask You for help? How can I do this?
So if you want to know that a request has been sent it is up to you in your GWT app to treat that. You can send an event when you trigger your request. You have multiple way of doing this.
Have a look at Request Dispatcher inside the doc
Then if you want to get progress info, as HTTP calls are synchronous. So there is no way to do this easily.
The way I have been doing it is the following:
1) Create a first call to initiate a processing on the backend with a POST, this will return the ID of your processing
2) Then do a GET on your processing ID that will return the progress. Once the progress is 100% it will return the ID of the result
3) GET the result with the result ID
(You can mix 2 and 3 together eventually and return result when progress is 100% in the same DTO)
Another option is to replace 2) by pushing info from backend to front end (html5 websocket)
Someone already did it as a pull-request to resty. Guess you can give it a try:
Unfortunately "Dispatcher/Callback filters" feature does not described in the official documentation. But I can suggest next solution (this code should be placed in EntryPoint implementation of your module):
public void onModuleLoad() {
//used to show busy indicator before send HTTP request
DispatcherFilter busyIndicatorDispatcherFilter = new DispatcherFilter() {
public boolean filter(Method method, RequestBuilder builder) {;
return true;
//used to show busy indicator after HTTP response recieved
CallbackFilter busyIndicatorCallbackFilter = new CallbackFilter() {
public RequestCallback filter(Method method, Response response, RequestCallback callback) {
return callback;
//registering FilterawareDispatcher (and busy indicator filters) as default Dispatcher
Defaults.setDispatcher(new DefaultFilterawareDispatcher(
new DefaultDispatcherFilter(new DefaultCallbackFactory(busyIndicatorCallbackFilter))));
Unfortunately I did not get adequate answer, So I developed my own solution.
At first I've added Resty configuration RestyGwtConfig to my Module configuration
public class ClientModule extends AbstractPresenterModule {
protected void configure() {
install(new DefaultModule.Builder()
install(new AppModule());
install(new GinFactoryModuleBuilder().build(AssistedInjectionFactory.class));
then I've set Custom distpatcher for all my comunication requests of resty gwt.
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Defaults;
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Resource;
import pl.korbeldaniel.cms.shared.ServiceRouting;
public class RestyGwtConfig {
public RestyGwtConfig(RestyDispatcher dispatcher) {
Then I've added custom filter (ProgressIndicatorFilter) to handle communication's start and end callbacks:
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Method;
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.dispatcher.DefaultFilterawareDispatcher;
public class RestyDispatcher extends DefaultFilterawareDispatcher {
public RestyDispatcher(ProgressIndicatorFilter progressIndicatorFilter) {
in filter class method overriden filter I've added an event trigger (eventBus.fireEvent(new IndicatorEvent("Rest-Gwt Comunication started"));) and registered callback, here is whole code:
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Method;
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.dispatcher.DispatcherFilter;
import pl.korbeldaniel.cms.client.template.progressIndicator.IndicatorEvent;
class ProgressIndicatorFilter implements DispatcherFilter {
private AssistedInjectionFactory factory;
private EventBus eventBus;
public ProgressIndicatorFilter(AssistedInjectionFactory factory, EventBus eventBus) {
this.factory = factory;
this.eventBus = eventBus;
public boolean filter(Method method, RequestBuilder builder) {
eventBus.fireEvent(new IndicatorEvent("Resty-Gwt Comunication started"));
return true;
Registering a callback couldn't be done straight forward, like
new ProgressIndicatorDispatcherCallback()
cause I use dependency injection. So I've created a factory to assist injection as follow:
public interface AssistedInjectionFactory {
ProgressIndicatorDispatcherCallback createProgressIndicatorCallback(Method method);
Here and here You can find more Assisted Injection info.
Here is the callback code:
class ProgressIndicatorDispatcherCallback implements RequestCallback {
private RequestCallback requestCallback;
private EventBus eventBus;
public ProgressIndicatorDispatcherCallback(#Assisted Method method, EventBus eventBus) {
this.requestCallback = method.builder.getCallback();
this.eventBus = eventBus;
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
requestCallback.onResponseReceived(request, response);
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
requestCallback.onError(request, exception);
private void endComunicationFireIvent() {
eventBus.fireEvent(new IndicatorEvent("Rest-Gwt Comunication ended"));

Best way to handle incoming messages with XMPP

Is there a work-around to get Spring to handle incoming messages from XMPP? I have tried many different configurations to get an inbound-channel-adapter to respond to incoming XMPP messages and nothing happens. I know that they show up at the Spring Integration layer (I can see that in the logs) but they are ignored. Is there any way to get them into my application layer? I hope to avoid needing to make changes to Spring Integration itself if I can.
Here is my integration configuration:
<int-xmpp:inbound-channel-adapter id="gcmIn"
<bean id="inboundBean" class="example.integration.GcmInputHandler"/>
<int:service-activator input-channel="gcmInChannel" output-channel="nullChannel" ref="inboundBean" method="handle"/>
Using the outbound-channel-adapter works fine. I can send messages over GCM 100% easily. But inbound does nothing, even though I know the messages are coming in.
Not a very clean one, you would need to overwrite the ChatMessageListeningEndpoint, which drops all empty body messages.
This one needs then to be used as inbound-channel adapter in your config.
In addition you need to register the GCM package extension on the Smack Provider Manager, otherwise you lose the JSON message.
Working on a sample project -- so if you need more help let me know and I will post a link as soon it works somehow in a understandable way.
Here a sample GCM Input Adapter
public class GcmMessageListeningEndpoint extends ChatMessageListeningEndpoint {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GcmMessageListeningEndpoint.class);
protected PacketListener packetListener = new GcmPacketListener();
protected XmppHeaderMapper headerMapper = new DefaultXmppHeaderMapper();
public GcmMessageListeningEndpoint(XMPPConnection connection) {
ProviderManager.addExtensionProvider(GcmPacketExtension.GCM_ELEMENT_NAME, GcmPacketExtension.GCM_NAMESPACE,
new PacketExtensionProvider() {
public PacketExtension parseExtension(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception {
String json = parser.nextText();
return new GcmPacketExtension(json);
public void setHeaderMapper(XmppHeaderMapper headerMapper) {
this.headerMapper = headerMapper;
if (this.headerMapper == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null XmppHeaderMapper isn't supported!");
public String getComponentType() {
return "xmpp:inbound-channel-adapter-gcm";
protected void doStart() {
Assert.isTrue(this.initialized, this.getComponentName() + " [" + this.getComponentType() + "] must be initialized");
this.xmppConnection.addPacketListener(this.packetListener, null);
protected void doStop() {
if (this.xmppConnection != null) {
class GcmPacketListener implements PacketListener {
public void processPacket(Packet packet) throws NotConnectedException {
if (packet instanceof org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message) {
org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message xmppMessage = (org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message) packet;
Map<String, ?> mappedHeaders = headerMapper.toHeadersFromRequest(xmppMessage);
} else {
LOG.warn("Unsuported Packet {}", packet);
And here the new configuration for the inbound-channel-adapter remove the one in XML:
public GcmMessageListeningEndpoint inboundAdpater(XMPPConnection connection, MessageChannel gcmInChannel) {
GcmMessageListeningEndpoint endpoint = new GcmMessageListeningEndpoint(connection);
return endpoint;

Using HeaderResponseContainer: No FilteringHeaderResponse is present in the request cycle

I'm trying to add a custom HeaderResponseContainer in my wicket application. The tutorial looks quite simple (see Positioning of contributions), but when I add these lines and run the application I alwas get an IllegalStateException:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No FilteringHeaderResponse is present in the request cycle. This may mean that you have not decorated the header response with a FilteringHeaderResponse. Simply calling the FilteringHeaderResponse constructor sets itself on the request cycle
at org.apache.wicket.markup.head.filter.FilteringHeaderResponse.get(
at org.apache.wicket.markup.head.filter.HeaderResponseContainer.onComponentTagBody(
at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.DefaultMarkupSourcingStrategy.onComponentTagBody(
Yes, I already saw the note about FilteringHeaderResponse. But I am not sure where I should call the constructor. I already tried to add it in renderHead before calling response.render but I still get the same exception:
public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
FilteringHeaderResponse resp = new FilteringHeaderResponse(response);
resp.render(new FilteredHeaderItem(..., "myKey"));
You can create a decorator that wraps responses in a FilteringHeaderResponse:
public final class FilteringHeaderResponseDecorator implements IHeaderResponseDecorator {
public IHeaderResponse decorate(IHeaderResponse response) {
return new FilteringHeaderResponse(response);
And that set it during application initialization:
public void init() {
setHeaderResponseDecorator(new FilteringHeaderResponseDecorator());
I just ran into this same problem and found that the Wicket In Action tutorial leaves out the part about setting up a custom IHeaderResponseDecorator in your main Wicket Application init. The Wicket guide has a more thorough example:
Apache Wicket User Guide - Put JavaScript inside page body
You need something like this in your wicket Application:
public void init()
setHeaderResponseDecorator(new JavaScriptToBucketResponseDecorator("myKey"));
* Decorates an original IHeaderResponse and renders all javascript items
* (JavaScriptHeaderItem), to a specific container in the page.
static class JavaScriptToBucketResponseDecorator implements IHeaderResponseDecorator
private String bucketName;
public JavaScriptToBucketResponseDecorator(String bucketName) {
this.bucketName = bucketName;
public IHeaderResponse decorate(IHeaderResponse response) {
return new JavaScriptFilteredIntoFooterHeaderResponse(response, bucketName);