Tooltips in Eclipse RCP window toolbar menus - eclipse

I created a window with a toolbar with menus. Now I want menu items to have tooltips, and I did not succeed.
I'm on Ubuntu 12.04.
What I've already tryed:
Set the 'tooltip' for menu contribution in plugin.xml
Set the 'description' for the command
Setup tooltip text in the actions in submenus that I create programmatically using ManuManager and Action.

According to the description of the popupMenus extension point tooltips are only shown when the action is part of a toolbar. There exists an Eclipse Bug considering this problem.


Eclipse IDE - What are breadcrumbs, and how do I disable them? [duplicate]

How can I disable the Java editor breadcrumb in Eclipse?
If you are referring to the breadcrumbs in the help file of a RCP application, there is only a manual way to do it.
Since Ganymede 3.4M5:
Michael Borgwardt mentions the toolbar icon
Slava Semushin provides a native shortcut based on Ctrl+3+bread, which points directly to the Toggle Java Editor Breadcrumb option.
Shachi reminds us below that you can right-click on any icon on the breadcrumb, and select the entry named "Hide Breadcrumb".
Original answer (manual way, through key mapping)
Find the file\advanced\breadcrumbs.css and replace its contents with.
.help_breadcrumbs {
display: none;
For the Java Editor breadcrumb, you need to assign a shortcut to the "Toggle Java Editor Breadcrumb" command (I have tested Alt+B, for instance)
That shortcut will make the breadcrumb bar appear/disappear at will.
With the editor window focussed, look for this icon in your toolbar:
And click on it. That's all. The icon is present by default, but can be deactivated, in which case you have to activated as in MvanGeest's answer.
Another way which works for me at Eclipse Indigo (3.7): press Ctrl+3 and type bread, after that click on item Toggle Java Editor Breadcrumb.
RightClick on any icon on breadcrumb.
There is an option named HIDE BREADCRUMB.
Click it and you are done. :D
Look for this icon in the toolbar:
This button toggles the Breadcrumb view on/off.
(I'm using Eclipse 3.7, and it's there by default)
Here it is :
In the toolbar, toggle bread crumb option.
Something like
Customize Perspective, choose the
Commands tab. In the Available command
group, choose Java Editor
Presentation. The Toolbar details
shows the button for Toggle
Breadcrumbs, which looks like a folder
with a C in a circle with a black
triangle on top of it.
Despite my absolute lack of experience with Eclipse, I suppose this setting must appear in other Presentation items too. After the button's enabled, all you have to do is click it. Or not?
Change property from true to false
in your org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs file.
In Juno: type 'Bread' and select 'Toggle Java Editor Breadcrumb'
It very simple just right click in your class editor then select bread crumb or directly right click in top of your class in tool bar then select hide breadcrumb then its done.
When you see the BreadCrumb toolbar, right-click on the green class icon and then from the menu options click on Hide Breadcrumb.

Adding action item to a treeview's toolbar of eclipse plugin

There is a an eclipse plugin (I don't have source code of it) that I want to contribute to.
Plugin has an Editor, in this editor there is a TreeView with a toolbar.
I want to add new button to this toolbar with my action.
Can it be done?
I wasn't able to get useful information using Plugin Spy.
(Alt-Shift-F1 shows info about the editor and not about the view inside the editor,)
Or it's possible to add toolbar buttons only to eclipse 'core' views like 'Navigator'?
No, you can't add to the Toolbar from outside of the plugin unless the plugin has provided extension points to allow this.

Eclipse RCP - remove command from the popup

I am working on a tool (which is built over Eclipse). In that there is a popup menu called "Edit Properties" if a object is right clicked. I need to hide this menu command. Provided that it should not be gets hided from the standard menu, should only be hide from the popup.
How to do this? Can anyone suggest me?

eclipse plugin development-adding button to toolbar and its behaviour

Using eclipse plugin, I am trying to add some buttons in toolbar and want to perform some action onclick to that button.
so what i did in extension tab i added org.eclipse.ui.menus and so added a menucontribution to it with URI location- toolbar:org.eclipse.ui.main.toolbar.And then a toolbar in it with a command lets say Design
so by doing this a got a button on toolbar with name Design.
now i want it should be clickable (as for now it is inactive) and on click i can add some behavior/action to it.
please help.
You can use "Hello,World Command" plug-in template which adds a "Sample Menu" in the toolbar and start from that point.

How to enable duplicate tabs in Eclipse? (i.e. duplicate windows)

If there's one thing I miss about emacs it's having 4 windows of the same file open, each at a different location in that file, for super quick referencing. Is there a way to get Eclipse to present multiple tabs of the same file?
On the Window menu choose Editor, then Clone (since 4.4.x) or New Editor (earlier versions). You can then drag the title bar around to get side-by-side views.
Another way would be to split the code editor view twice
But this will only be possible with Eclipse Luna 4.4 M4, as detailed by Lars Vogel in "Split editor implemented in Eclipse M4 Luna", in Bug 8009:
The split editor functionality has been developed in Bug 378298, and will be available as of Eclipse Luna M4. The Note & Newsworthy of Eclipse Luna M4 will contain the announcement.
Current shortcut for splitting is:
Ctrl + _ for split horizontally, and
Ctrl + { for split vertically.
Depending on your keyboard layout:
Andrew adds in the comments that you can need Ctrl + Shift .
el-teedee mentions (also in the comments) that, when pressing CTRL+{ in my Javascript editor, it inserts ''.
To fix this, I need to press CTRL+ALTGR+{ (Linux Ubuntu French keyboard),
Yeah, just right-click on the editor tab you want, and select "New Editor". It'll create a new tab editing the same file. You can then drag this new tab to the left or right edge of the view to get them in a "split screen" state. It's really very flexible.
I figured it out. Right-click tab > New Editor.
Other answers explain how to open multiple editors or split editor. If we are talking about other tabs/views that are not editor, it depends on the implementation.
TLDR: search for pin toggle or create new view button/option in view!
History view, Search view and other pinnable tabs - have "Pin this XXX View" toggle:
If you pin it it will keep the content and new Search (or history show) will show in new history view.
History view also has "Reuse Compare Editor" option so compares can be opened in same or separate tabs:
Markers view has option "New Markers View":
This view can be named and you can set custom filter for each view.
Similar is "Terminal View" that has button to open new terminal view:
Some tabs do not have any option to be duplicated. Tested with Eclipse 2019-12 (4.14.0)
I faced similar problem, but not with the main edit tabs: I wanted to have duplicate tabs in additional view panel (exactly: two junit views to compare different test runs).
In my case the only possible way to achive such thing was creating separate window: Window > New Window and openning new view there.
p.s. I'm using eclipse kepler 4.3.1.
For eclipse kepler , you can try right-click > open-with > any other like text editor
select window menu, then editor option, then clone