Year In Review - Facebook Graph / FQL - facebook

Is it possible to get all of the info used by FB in Year In Review (for a specific year) - all at once? Rather than merging by calling various Graph API calls and filter accordingly. Is there a direct way to get complete Year In review of any friend of mine?
/me/yearInReview/2012/friendID ?

As stated by Igy, there was never documentation anywhere that stated this was an API call. This is not possible


How to scrape Facebook posts from certain location?

We have spent several days looking into FB Graph API and third party tools for scraping FB data but cant figure out if it is even possible to scrape what we are looking for and if it falls into FB policies (really not looking forward to start a lawsuit with FB).
We need to obtain statistic of how often is specific question (read - problem that we will try to solve) posted on Facebook. We need to get all FB posts filtered by three criterium:
Location - country or city of user that posted the post
Time - Some reasonable period of time, for example a full month, week or day
Keyword - keyword that can be associated with questions that we are looking for
We would then takes this data set and manually go over it in order to distinguish whats relevant to us and what is not. Maybe use some language processing engine like or to use data set to teach app to regonize which posts are relevant and which not. But thats on us, later.
So the question: Is it possible (technically and also from FB policies point of view) and what would be the steps to get FB posts filtered by three criterium stated above?

Legal ways to get all recent posts of multiple Facebook pages as soon as possible?

I want to get all the newest posts from 10 (or let's say 1xxxxx) Facebook pages (which I do not own) as soon as they there published without manual refreshing all 10 pages every second. What legal tools should I use?
Use the Facebook Graph API. It allows you to get your application notified via callback HTTP posts whenever certain updates occur. You'll find the API documentation for this feature here:
Based on your usage, you may have to pay for that service.

How to read Facebook post based on updated time using API

How to read Facebook comments based on updated time through API?
I tried "since" and "until" but both are reading the data based on created time.
for example let us assume a user created a post on his timeline two days back and someone commented on the post today. If I try to read the comment done on today using the following query /me/feed?since=2014-09-08 it doesn't return anything because the created date is two days back.
There's unfortunately no way to query the Graph API concerning the upate timestamp IMHO. since and until reference the created_time, as you said.
If you have a Graph API v2.0 app, you could theoretically use FQL to query by comment creation timestamp. Have a look at the comment table at and the field time. I guess you'd have to in conjunction with the stream table to get the post_is list.
To be able to use FQL you'll need an app which is an Graph API v2.0 app. And FQL will only work until April 30th 2016.

Fetching friendlist with new Graph API

Can anyone tell me how will i be able to fetch the friendlist using a simple HTTP request call like mentioned below,
This was working for me using the access_token generated before the new update of Graph API on April 30th.
Can anyone help me out in getting this done?
This is like the 50th question about this topic. Please use the search of SO next time first.
It's no longer possible for an app which was created after 30th of April 2014 to get the complete user list. For an app which was created before that, you can prepend /me/friends with /v1.0 to get the friend list. This will only work until 30th April 2015!
My answer to this question: retrieve full list of friends using facebook API
Also, see the docs:

FQL - List comments of a post

I'm looking to run a competition on Facebook for my company by posting a question and entering the commenters into a random draw.
I was wondering if it was possible using either FQL or graph to list people who have commented on a particular post, along with the date of their comment?
Using the Graph API Explorer, if you use the following
You can access all the comments on the 10 recent posts. Tinker around - you'll find what you need.