MKPinAnnotationView draggable option - iphone

I am using MKMapView in my iPhone app. I want to implement the pin annotation dragging feature. How can I implement this. The function setCoordinate: shows warning, MKPinAnnotationView may not responds to setCoordinate:. Please help.

That is due to that the MKPinAnnotationView doesn't implement the coordinate, however the annotation does.
Try using:
[pin.annotation setCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)];
That should to the trick (given that you call your MKPinAnnotationView for "pin".


How do I show multiple MKAnnotations with the callout?

I want to add multiple MKAnnotations with the callout showing. I searched a few different threads on S.O and could not find a way to do it. Has anyone figured out how to add multiple pins with the callout visible?
You should use [mapView selectAnnotation:currentAnnotation animated:FALSE]
But be sure to place this in the - (void)mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:(MKMapView *)mapView
delegate method
Trigger MKAnnotationView callout

Show callout when tapping overlay

I have an MKMapView with several overlays. Works all just fine, and it's incredible how simple it works. There is, however, one thing I can't get to work. The idea is simple: when a user taps within the area that is covered by an overlay, a callout with some information about that overlay has to come up. The overlays are all MKPolygons, which follow the MKOverlay protocol and therefore the MKAnnotation protocol.
The MKOverlay protocol conforms to the
MKAnnotation protocol. As a result,
all overlay objects are also
annotation objects and can be
treated as one or both in your code.
If you opt to treat an overlay object
as both, you are responsible for
managing that object in two places. If
you want to display both an overlay
view and annotation view for it, you
must implement both the
mapView:viewForOverlay: and
mapView:viewForAnnotation: methods in
your application delegate. It also
means that you must add and remove the
object from both the overlays and
annotations arrays of your map.
This comes from the Apple docs. I tried something like this:
- (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>)annotation {
MKAnnotationView *aView = [[MKAnnotationView alloc] initWithAnnotation:annotation reuseIdentifier:nil];
aView.canShowCallout = YES;
But that doesn't seem to work. I've tried using gesture recognizers, but I have no idea how to show a callout other than by using the canShowCallOut property...
I suppose you have to add the MKOverlays as annotations also
[self.mapView addAnnotations:myOverlays];
Then return a MKAnnotationView in (mapView:viewForAnnotation) that's not hidden, either a graphic (tap-able) or zero alpha view. Next, add a UITapGestureRecognizer for each MKOverlayView, make sure it works with the map's gestures (UIGestureRecognizerDelegate implementation for simultaneous recognition). Finally when your gesture recognizer fires do this
[self.mapView setSelectedAnnotations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:myOverlayView.overlay]];
I'm not certain that this actually triggers the callOut showing though.
Also make sure your return title and/or subtitle from your overlay object.

HowTo detect tap on map annotaition Pin?

I want to detect tap on annotation pin(of mapkit) so that I can perform action on that event.
Now the default annotation flag pops up in case I touch the annotation pin. I want to customise that to call my method when pin is touched.
You need to implement the following delegate method
(MKAnnotationView) mapView viewForAnnotation:(id) annotation
Then just declare following in this method
MKPinAnnotationView *view=[[MKPinAnnotationView alloc]initWithAnnotation:annotation reuseIdentifier:#"abc"];
view.calloutOffset=CGPointMake(-20,10); //As per your choice
Then you can add UI to your callout eg UIButton or UIImage as
As pin on map is MKAnnotationView you can add UITapGestureRecognizer on it(of yours), but if it already has some GestureRecognizer than you will need to remove it first.

MKAnnotationView image property

I have an MKAnnotationView (draggable property is set to YES) with a custom image, set via the image property. When the annotation is added to the map it has the custom image. But the image turns back to the default pin when the annotation is dragged. I also tried to overwrite the image propery everytime the dragState changes. No luck here also.
You're using an MKPinAnnotationView instance instead of using an MKAnnotationView instance.
You should use an MKAnnotationView, not a MKPinAnnotationView. Also consider my answer on your other question regarding dragging. Pretty cool stuff.
An MKPinAnnotationView is a ready made annotation view, just like the MKPointAnnotation is a concrete implementation of the MKAnnotation protocol.
These two classes could be used together to get quick, uncustomised results.
I believe you may be using MKPinAnnotationView which will always default to a pin as it's lifecycle occurs.

What is the delegate method that is called when an MKPinAnnotationView is touched?

I have been searching for this all night and I have just so frustrated. When a MKPinAnnotationView is clicked, the name and the subtitle comes up. I also want to center that point on the view. I figured there was some method I had to override because the information that pops up happened without me having to code it. Hopefully this was clear enough for you all.
And in the mean time, I feel like there is some hidden guide on this use of MKMaps and other classes. Either that or it is terribly documented because I am having a lot of trouble finding information. Thanks.
Have you tried overriding setSelected:animated:? (defined in MKAnnotationView)
-(void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView1 didSelectAnnotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view{
This is the method that is called when you tap on a pin.