App runs on iphone only once then xcode cannot find the Iphone anymore - iphone

So this is the issue I am having. When I plug in my iphone xcode recognizes the iphone and everything checks out fine. I can then build my project and run it on the device. It works fine, for the first time. If I build the project again and try to run it again xcode gives this error:
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
Also instead of my phone name in the top left it changes to iOS device.
Any ideas?

This is caused by your versionnumber of your iPhone/iPod/iPad. If you've set up the Deploeyment target to high like if you have an iPhone with IOS5 and the target is IOS6 this error occurs. You may had simply to decrease the value to something under your device IOS versionnumber or the same BUT not above the value otherwise it won't work.
Go to your project > traget> deployment target > set to something that you want.
Thats all you need to do.

I figured out my issue. It turns out that my Cord was bad. Once I switched out the cord everything worked great.
Thanks for any help anyone gave.


How to test my ios app in ios 4.3 version?

i am running with the latest IOS Xcode and itunes versions now.
i have released one of my apps one week ago and 4.3 users have a crash a a specific point.
there is no option to test my app on the simulator, its gotta run on a real device, any ideas how can i do it?
That link can show you how to downgrade
Otherwise the simulator should be a good place to test unless your game has a "power" attribute, like a game, in that case the simulator (which is essentially the iMac) will perform better and different than a device. Otherwise you can go into the project/target settings and change the build version type to a lower version

how to set minimum os required in iphone

I have to check whether my app is compatible with iOS 4.0 or not.
I have tried looking out for certain forums but all I can see is to change the iOS deployment target.
I have done doing so also but still my app is running fine. I have changed my deployment target to 3.0 but still it works fine. Since I have used Gesture recognition which was introduced later. It must crash my app (but still it is working fine).
So I want to know Is there any other way out to check my compatability.
Or is it the problem because I am running it on Simulator rather than on device(my device has iOS version 4.2).
Any comments or answers are really appreciated.
Yes thats the reason that your app is not crashing because you are running it over simulator which has the ios version 4.2.Because now your ios version is updated on the simulator so you are able to test the Gesture Recognition over that.You are correct .
If you have an iPhone that is certified for distribution you can just run it on your device and test your firmware versions from there. Hope that helps...

Why does XCode say that my iPhone app is only able to run on iPad?

I have a project in XCode with two targets. One target is for the iPhone only and the other is for iPad only.
The iPad target works as expected, but the iPhone target does not.
If I try to run it in the simulator, it starts the iPad simulator every time, but in iPhone compatibility mode with the 2x button.
If I try to run in on my iPhone 4 device, I get this message:
Can’t install application. The application at /Users/jacob/Documents/code/Projects/TVGuide/build/Debug-iphoneos/ can only be installed on iPads.
This is XCode 3.2.6 and the iOS 4.3 SDK.
I have TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY defined at the target level and it looks like it is set correctly. The problem is the same for debug/release/...
have you selected the simulator as iphone?
most iphone apps are supposed to work on ipad too.
otherwise you may need to go to the project tab and go to project settings. there are some setting involving the choice of ios. i have not tried this since i havent recieved the error but i hope that it works.
Actually it turned out that I had Armv7 selected as architecture for my iPhone build. After changing that to armv6, I can now install and run the build on my device.

iPad App Keeps Running as an iPhone App?

I recently upgraded XCode to run iOS 4.2 from iOS 3.2. However, now, when I try to run my iPad app, it appears as an iPhone app in the simulator! It appears as the smaller box with the option to expand 2x. Does anyone know why this would be so?
In addition, although the application builds and runs (albeit incorrectly), XCode still says that the Base SDK is missing. I have gone into the Build Info for the target and the project and set the following:
Base SDK: Latest iOS (currently set to iOS 4.2)
Targeted Device Family: iPad
iOS Deployment Target: iOS 3.2
Edit Thanks a lot for the comments; now there is no longer a Base SDK missing, but unfortunately, the app still runs as an iPhone app...
When I load a UISplitViewController, I get an exception 'UISplitViewController is only supported when running under UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad'.
This all seems very strange to me. Any help is greatly appreciated.
The installed app could be broken.
What happens when you delete the app from the Simulator and do a clean build and run?
The Simulator could be broken.
What happens when you create a new different iPad app from an Xcode template?
You configuration could be broken, or you could have different settings for different targets and builds than you want, or the wrong plist or plist keys, or the wrong xib. If the new template app works, compare these one by one.
I eventually was able to fix this problem. I attempted all the methods outlined by the other answerers, but none of them worked. However, when I upgraded to XCode 4, the problem fixed itself.
I honestly don't know what changes to my app were made by this upgrade, and I am still baffled at why the project was not compiling before. I suppose upgrading your environment is one (somewhat unsatisfying) way to fix this sort of bug....
Check that you have set the appropriate settings for the current build target as well as the base project. So from the project menu:
Edit Project Settings
Edit Active Target blah
I have often forgotten to check the settings for the current target and had a similar experience.

No simulator option while running the code

I am not able to see Simulator option in my XCODE for one of my project (Only device is there) but it is coming for other one. What setting I need to do?
This was because I was trying to build the app on IOS 4.0 which was missing in my XCODE.