Why sbt resolver with Resolver method doesn't work? - scala

I've installed a jarjar:jarjar:1.0 in my local maven repo, and my build.sbt is
name := "test"
version := "1.0"
libraryDependencies += "jarjar" % "jarjar" % "1.0"
resolvers += Resolver.file("maven-l", file("/Volumes/Data/Repo/Maven"))
It says jarjar cannot be resolved, and show resolvers gives:
> show resolvers
[info] List(FileRepository(maven-l,FileConfiguration(true,None),sbt.Patterns#30ea6dbc))
This does not look right.
Using resolvers += "maven-l" at "/Volumes/Data/Repo/Maven"
It works just fine.
> show resolvers
[info] List(maven-l: /Volumes/Data/Repo/Maven)
I'm wondering why is this? is this a bug, or specified?
I'm using sbt 0.12.1
Reference: http://www.scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Detailed-Topics/Resolvers.html


How to add Google ML Kit dependency to SBT project?

When adding the Google ML Kit dependency to our SBT project, it successfully compiles, yet it cannot resolve imports to the com.google.mlkit package.
Here is a sample build.sbt file, using barcode-scanning as an example:
ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.13.8"
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
name := "test-google-mlkit"
resolvers += "Google Maven" at "https://maven.google.com/"
libraryDependencies += "com.google.mlkit" % "barcode-scanning" % "17.0.2" // % "runtime"
This successfully compiles, but we cannot resolve an import to com.google.mlkit, with or without the "runtime" flag (as indicated on the maven repo).
object mlkit is not a member of package com.google
Is it possible to use Google's ML Kit in a Scala project? What are we missing? Any help is appreciated.
To solve the import problem just change the resolvers to:
resolvers += "google repository" at "https://dl.google.com/android/maven2"

IntelliJ: Symbol 'type org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion' is missing from the classpath

Writing scala tests, I am encountering an error:
Symbol 'type org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion' is missing from the classpath.
This symbol is required by 'type org.scalatest.Assertion'.
Make sure that type Assertion is in your classpath and check for conflicting dependencies with `-Ylog-classpath`.
A full rebuild may help if 'package.class' was compiled against an incompatible version of org.scalatest.compatible.
My build.sbt is very simple:
import sbt.Keys.libraryDependencies
ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.13.2"
ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
ThisBuild / organization := "com.example"
ThisBuild / organizationName := "example"
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
name := "myproj",
libraryDependencies += "org.scalactic" %% "scalactic" % "3.2.9",
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.2.9" % "test",
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest-funsuite" % "3.2.9" % "test",
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-parser-combinators" % "1.1.2",
This problem only occurs when I build my project within IntelliJ. Using sbt itself it compiles well.
sbt version in this project: 1.3.10
sbt script version: 1.3.6
Any idea of how to fix it in IntelliJ?
Most of the problems related to IntelliJ being broken I resolve by doing so:
sbt clean compile in terminal on root folder
View -> Tool Windows -> sbt and within tab Reload SBT project (right click on project)

Using IntelliJ, how to add dependency in an sbt project

I'm new to sbt and I wanted to learn it with a small Scala project in IntelliJ.
I started with the official sbt Getting Started guide, to learn the sbt basics on the console (https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.x/docs/sbt-by-example.html). Following the guide, everything compiles fine.
Then I created an sbt project in IntelliJ, trying to do the same thing there. When I add the org.scalatest depenpency to the build.sbt file the project can no longer compile. The error message is:
module not found: org.scalatest#scalatest_2.13;3.0.5
When I created the fresh sbt project in IntelliJ, first the build.sbt looked something like this:
name := "sbtTest"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.13.0"
Then I added the dependency:
name := "sbtTest"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.13.0"
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.5" % Test
After reloading the build file and getting the error when compiling, I tried to change the biuld.sbt according to the code which already worked in the sbt Getting Started guide:
ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.13.0"
ThisBuild / organization := "me"
ThisBuild / version := "1.0"
lazy val sbtTest = (project in file("."))
name := "sbtTest",
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.5" % Test
This has again the same error after reloading and compiling.
My sbt version is 1.2.8.
Is something wrong with my build.sbt? Or is the sbt version too new for IntelliJ? Is IntelliJ probably not the recommended IDE to create Sala sbt projects?
Structure of both your build.sbt is ok. The thing seems to be in versions.
Scalatest 3.0.5 is currently unavailable for Scala 2.13.0. It's available for Scala 2.13.0-M2.
It's Scalatest 3.0.8 that is available for Scala 2.13.0.
After you fix versions in build.sbt re-import IntelliJ project in pop-up window
or in sbt tool window
or in sbt shell

sbt package command: [error] Error parsing expression. Ensure that settings are separated by blank lines

I am trying to run a simple command sbt package but its get failed due to following error given below(bold command below). I will be thankful if anyone solve my problem? My spark version is 2.0 and scala version is 2.11.8 and using jdk 1.7 on centOS cloudera
[root#hadoop first]# vim build.sbt
name := "First Spark"
version := "1.0"
organization := "in.goai"
scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "1.6.1"
resolvers += Resolver.mavenLocal
[root#hadoop first]# ls
build.sbt project src
**[root#hadoop first]# sbt package**
[info] Loading project definition from /home/training/Documents/workspace_scala/first/project
[info] Updating {file:/home/training/Documents/workspace_scala/first/project/}first-build...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
/home/training/Documents/workspace_scala/first/build.sbt:2: error: eof expected but ';' found.
version := "1.0"
[error] Error parsing expression. Ensure that settings are separated by blank lines.
Project loading failed: (r)etry, (q)uit, (l)ast, or (i)gnore? q
Just enter blank spaces between each line in your debt file. Hope that helps.
name := "First Spark"
version := "1.0"
organization := "in.goai"
scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "1.6.1"
resolvers += Resolver.mavenLocal

Resolution failure for plugin when added to libraryDependencies in project?

When I run sbt publishLocal, the plugin will be generated in <ivy-repository>/<org>/<plugin>/<scala-version>/<sbt-version>/<plugin-version>/...
For example:
[info] published sbt-cloudengine to /Users/hanxue/.ivy2/local/net.entrypass/sbt-cloudengine/scala_2.10/sbt_0.13/0.2.1/jars/sbt-cloudengine.jar
How can I exclude <scala-version> and <sbt-version> from the output path?
This path is causing resolution failure when I add the plugin as a dependency in build.sbt:
[warn] ==== Local Ivy Repository: tried
[warn] file:///Users/hanxue/.ivy2/local/net/entrypass/sbt-cloudengine/0.2.1/sbt-cloudengine-0.2.1.pom
Plugin's build.sbt is:
sbtPlugin := true
name := "sbt-cloudengine"
organization := "net.entrypass"
version := "0.2.1"
description := "sbt plugin for managing Google Cloud Engine resources"
licenses := Seq("BSD License" -> url("https://github.com/hanxue/sbt-cloudengine/blob/master/LICENSE"))
scalacOptions := Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked")
publishArtifact in (Compile, packageBin) := true
publishArtifact in (Test, packageBin) := false
publishArtifact in (Compile, packageDoc) := false
publishArtifact in (Compile, packageSrc) := false
publishMavenStyle := false
Update 1
This is how the plugin is referenced in a project's <rootdir>/build.sbt
resolvers += "Local Ivy Repository" at "file://"+Path.userHome.absolutePath+"/.ivy2/local"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"net.entrypass" % "sbt-cloudengine" % "0.2.1"
This is the directory listing
$ ls -R ~/.ivy2/local/net.entrypass/sbt-cloudengine/scala_2.10/sbt_0.13/0.2.1/
ivys jars poms
ivy.xml ivy.xml.md5 ivy.xml.sha1
sbt-cloudengine.jar sbt-cloudengine.jar.sha1
sbt-cloudengine.pom sbt-cloudengine.pom.sha1
Since you're publishing a sbt plugin and not a library, the path will correctly contain the sbt version and the scala version.
Your problem comes from the fact you're trying to load the plugin using the libraryDependencies. Instead, you have to use the file project/plugins.sbt with the following inside:
addSbtPlugin("net.entrypass" % "sbt-cloudengine" % "0.2.1")
This way, sbt will search the plugin using the correct path with the help of the current scala and sbt versions.