Adding Camera Preview in CCGLSurfaceView (Android Cocos2d) - android-camera

I want to have Camera Preview as background in CCLayer so how I can add camera preview in CCGLSurfaceView?
I am able to add camera preview in FrameLayout which is part of main xml file but to work with cocos2d I have to set the ContentView as CCGLSurfaceView not the Android Surface View with XML.


Transparent video in Android AR Scene

I am looking to solve the problem of displaying a transparent video in the AR scenes using Unity ARFoundation and Android platform.
I mean, accurately with a simple effect presented for the iOS platform:
In the normal 3D application I use the transcoded .Webm file and I achieve the intended purpose.
Using the same solution in the AR (ARCore) scene the background color is visible.
Can you use specialized/dedicated assets? Or should I stop dreaming about such a result using Unity and Android?
You need to make sure that your video clip does have an alpha channel then just click keep alpha property in video importing section and hit apply. However it will only show if your video does have an alpha.
Then just attach a Video player component to the gameobject which has a Mesh renderer.
Make sure the Render mode is Material override and Material property tells unity on which map of the material video output will be displayed.
If you want to play it on UI, just make a render texture and assign it to RawImage and assign the Video player with following settings.
Lastly make sure the render texture you created does have support for alpha.

How to add a Camera to a GameObject

I am new to Unity and am working on a UI project. I want to add a Camera targeted on a GameObject in the Canvas. There is a Camera with the same hierarchy of the Canvas and when I clicked it the preview is blank but when I play the project everything is shown, including all the buttons texts images.
How does the Camera work with UI and is it possible to add a camera targeted on a GameObject?
For your main Canvas, you do not need a Camera. Please see the Unity Manual for information regarding the Canvas. Take note of the Render Mode option on the Canvas Component. If this is set to Screen Space - Overlay then you will not need a camera to view UI Items or GameObjects that are placed as children to this GameObject. It will also inherently not appear in your Camera Preview if it is located under a Canvas of this type.
If you would like to have other GameObjects show up in the Camera Preview, add them to your scene and ensure that they are not under the Canvas GameObject. Then ensure that they are in range of your Camera.
Hope this helps!

How can I add a camera over a canvas ui?

The main goal is to show a main menu with a preview window that show live camera for example the player camera.
I created a Render Texture named it MainMenuRenderTexture.
This screenshot show the Canvas settings :
This screenshot show the GUI Camera settings :
And rawimage I added over the Canvas.
I want to show on the rawimage another camera I have not the GUI Camera but another camera I have in the hierarchy.

How can I turn off camera video background in Unity ARKit

I'm trying to build a "lights-off" feature in my ARKit app, where I basically turn off the camera video background and only show my 3D content, sort of like VR.
Could someone please help me figure out how to turn off the the video background. I can see that a material called YuVMaterial is being used to render the camera texture but setting that to single color actually covers the entire screen and doesn't show my 3D content either.
You can uncheck the UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.ARCameraBackground component under the main AR camera, it will just render a black background.
In Unity, you can switch between cameras while using ARKit. The main camera has a run time spherical video applied to it, so it's not actually your device camera, but a rendering of what the device camera sees. By switching cameras, you can effectively "turn off" the background video image, but still take advantage of the ARKit properties. Have fun.

Rendering video overlay with other unity cameras

I have a question about video overlay function of tango in unity.
I want to display video overlay image with NGUI elements.
When I turn on 'Enable video overlay' options in TangoApplication script, displays of other camera in unity scene are disappeared except UI created by Unity itself.(OnGUI and UGUI componets)
Is there a way to use other unity cameras with video overlay?
please, answer.
Thank you.