i'm a newbie and i'm terrible at english but hopefully you can understand my problem
i create a simple space shooting game with easeljs, when i tried to create multiple bullets and assign an onTick handle to each one, i relize just one bullet fire out. Here is the code:
//handle fire(shooting)
if(fire && cd === 0){
for(var i=0; i<5; i++){
//codartjs.Bullet is a class extend createjs.Bitmap
var b = new codartjs.Bullet(bullet_img);
b.x = 200;
b.y = 200;
b.onTick = function(){
//this event handler work for only first instance
b.y -= 10;
cd = 100;
cd = 0;
What you can also try is having a central ticker and loop through each bullet element and update its position that way. Here is quick demo that will illustrate my point.
var canvas, stage;
var bullets;
var speed;
function init() {
stage = new createjs.Stage("test");
bullets = [];
var bg = new createjs.Shape();
bg.graphics.beginFill("#FFFFFF").drawRect(0, 0, stage.canvas.width, stage.canvas.height).endFill();
bg.cache(0, 0, stage.canvas.width, stage.canvas.height);
speed = 15;
stage.onClick = handleClick;
stage.mouseEnabled = true;
function getSprite() {
var s = new createjs.Shape();
s.graphics.beginFill("#000000").drawCircle(0, 0, 10).endFill();
return s;
function tick() {
for(var i=0;i<bullets.length;i++) {
var s = bullets[i];
s.x += speed;
function handleClick(event) {
var s = getSprite();
s.x = event.stageX;
s.y = event.stageY;
Hope this helps.
I have a script that spawns endless tiles (3D) and i want it to stop at after a certain number (e.g. 100) and at the end of the last tile (the 100th) i want to spawn an other prefab like a portal.
I have no clue how to do that.
Any answer i have found on google couldnt help.
Any help is much appreciated.
void Start()
nextTileLocation = startPoint;
nextTileRotation = Quaternion.identity;
for (int i = 0; i < initSpawnNum; ++i)
SpawnNextTile (i >= initNoObstacles);
public void SpawnNextTile(bool spawnObstacles = true)
var newTile = Instantiate (tile, nextTileLocation, nextTileRotation);
var nextTile = newTile.Find ("Next Spawn Point");
nextTileLocation = nextTile.position;
nextTileRotation = nextTile.rotation;
if (!spawnObstacles)
var obstacleSpawnPoints = new List<GameObject> ();
foreach (Transform child in newTile) {
if (child.CompareTag ("ObstacleSpawn")) {
obstacleSpawnPoints.Add (child.gameObject);
if (obstacleSpawnPoints.Count > 0) {
var spawnPoint = obstacleSpawnPoints [Random.Range (0, obstacleSpawnPoints.Count)];
var spawnPos = spawnPoint.transform.position;
var newObstacle = Instantiate (obstacle, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity);
newObstacle.SetParent (spawnPoint.transform);
You could do something like pass in a bool to tell the function to spawn a portal.
void Start()
nextTileLocation = startPoint;
nextTileRotation = Quaternion.identity;
for (int i = 0; i < initSpawnNum; ++i)
// Pass in true for the last tile
SpawnNextTile (i >= initNoObstacles, i == initSpawnNum - 1);
public void SpawnNextTile(bool spawnObstacles = true, bool shouldSpawnPortal = false)
Edit to show adding the tiles to a list:
class YourScript : MonoBehaviour
private List<GameObject> tiles = new List<GameObject>();
private void SpawnNextTile(bool spawnObstacles = true, bool shouldSpawnPortal = false)
var newTile = Instantiate (tile, nextTileLocation, nextTileRotation);
// The rest of your code
I have some error related to IndexOutOfRangeException. The number of errors is over 200 and the error comes up when I play the game.
Error shown like this:
IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. GameController.OnGUI () (at Assets/MicroRacers Assets/Scripts/GameController.js:67)
Here is the code of my game controller.
var CheckPoints:Transform[];
var LapsToWin:int = 5;
var PointsPerPlace:Array = new Array(8,4,2,1);
var CountDownToStart:float = 5;
var Items:Transform[];
var ItemCopy:Object;
var SpawnTime:Vector2 = Vector2(5,10);
private var SpawnTimeCount:float = 0;
var MaximumItems:int = 5;
private var ItemCount:int = 0;
private var FinishPlace:int = 0;
private var Players:int = 1;
var RaceEndDelay:float = 5;
//~ function Awake()
//~ {
//~ Application.targetFrameRate = 30;
//~ }
function Start()
SpawnTimeCount = Random.Range(SpawnTime.x, SpawnTime.y);
function Update ()
if ( SpawnTimeCount > 0 )
SpawnTimeCount -= Time.deltaTime;
else if ( ItemCount < MaximumItems )
SpawnTimeCount = Random.Range(SpawnTime.x, SpawnTime.y);
ItemCopy = Instantiate(Items[Mathf.Floor(Random.Range(0, Items.length - 1))], CheckPoints[Mathf.Floor(Random.Range(0, CheckPoints.length - 1))].position + Vector3.up * 0.3, Quaternion.identity);
ItemCopy.transform.Translate(Vector3.right * Random.Range(-3,3), Space.Self);
if ( Players == 0 )
RaceEndDelay -= Time.deltaTime;
if ( RaceEndDelay <= 0 )
//This script displays the HUD, with current weapon, ammo left, Health, Shield, and score
var GUIskin:GUISkin; //The skin gui we'll use
var CountdownTextures:Texture2D[];
private var CountdownTextureIndex:int = 0;
function OnGUI()
GUI.skin = GUIskin; //The skin gui we'll use
if ( CountDownToStart > Time.timeSinceLevelLoad )
GUI.DrawTexture(Rect( (Screen.width - CountdownTextures[Mathf.Round(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad)].width) * 0.5, (Screen.height - CountdownTextures[Mathf.Round(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad)].height) * 0.5, CountdownTextures[Mathf.Round(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad)].width, CountdownTextures[Mathf.Round(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad)].height), CountdownTextures[Mathf.Round(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad)]); //Draw the HUD texture
Mathf.Round(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad) is just bigger CountdownTextures array size.
Maybe try adding this:
Debug.Log("Index: "+Mathf.Round(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad)+", Array size: "+ CountdownTextures.Length);
And you should see that index is bigger than size.
You can also add kind of safety check inside if, something like this:
if(Mathf.Round(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad) < CountdownTextures.Length && <your second statement>)
I have this code (not originally my invention) that is working fine, but I have hit upon a problem with it. I can't seem to render the second submesh, with another material.
I can't figure out the problem lies in [renderer] part or the 2nd "submesh" that is perhaps never combining.
#script RequireComponent(MeshFilter)
#script RequireComponent(MeshRenderer)
private var matarray : Material[] = new Material[2];
var mat : Material;
var mat2 : Material;
function Start () {
matarray[0] = mat;
matarray[1] = mat2;
for (var child in transform)
child.position += transform.position;
transform.position = Vector3.zero;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
var meshFilters = GetComponentsInChildren(MeshFilter);
var combine : CombineInstance[] = new CombineInstance[meshFilters.Length-1];
var index = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < meshFilters.Length; i++) {
if (meshFilters[i].sharedMesh == null)
combine[index].mesh = meshFilters[i].sharedMesh;
combine[index++].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
renderer.sharedMaterials = matarray;
meshFilters[i].active = false;
GetComponent(MeshFilter).mesh = new Mesh();
renderer.active = true;
//here seems to be the trouble.
renderer.sharedMaterials = matarray;
Alternatively I have tried,
renderer.sharedMaterials[1] = matarray[1];
In short, I'm in trouble. I have to save few draw calls, which is not looking good unless this gets fixed.
I have created a game that has 16 spheres in it and they are swapping on mouse click. But I want to have 15 spheres and one empty gameobject, so as to make them slide with the help of an empty gameobject.and i also want to shuffle the spheres when game starts each time. How is it possible?
I follow this tutorial
After that I tried to make it, but my cubes get overlapped on one another while changing their position on start.
var xtemp ;
var ytemp ;
var slot : Transform;
var cubesPosition : Vector3[] = new Vector3[16];
var cubeGameObjects: GameObject[] = new GameObject[16];
function Start ()
function ChangePosition()
for(var i=0;i<cubeGameObjects.length;i++)
slot.transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range (1,4),Random.Range (1,4),10);
function AssignPositions()
for (var i = 0; i < cubesPosition.length; ++i)
cubeGameObjects[i].transform.position = cubesPosition[i];
function OnMouseUp() {
xtemp = transform.position.x;
ytemp = transform.position.y;
slot.position.x = xtemp;
slot.position.y = ytemp;
OVERALL GOAL: Have the camera change target to the selected car
I'm new to the unity game engine and got a bit of a problem.
So, I have a successful car selector which changes between cars and starts the match with that car. Everything there works. The only issue is that my "CarCameraScript" has a transform variable which is always 1 of the 3 cars. I want it to change dependant on the selected car.
Here is the look at the code of the CarCameraScript
#pragma strict
var car : Transform;
var distance: float = 6.4;
var height: float = 1.4;
var rotationDamping : float = 3.0;
var heightDamping: float = 2.0;
var zoomRatio : float = 0.5;
var DefaultFOV : float = 60;
private var rotationVector : Vector3;
function Start () {
function LateUpdate () {
var wantedAngel = rotationVector.y;
var wantedHeight = car.position.y + height;
var myAngel = transform.eulerAngles.y;
var myHeight = transform.position.y;
myAngel = Mathf.LerpAngle(myAngel,wantedAngel,rotationDamping*Time.deltaTime);
myHeight = Mathf.Lerp(myHeight,wantedHeight,heightDamping*Time.deltaTime);
var currentRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,myAngel,0);
transform.position = car.position;
transform.position -= currentRotation*Vector3.forward*distance;
transform.position.y = myHeight;
function FixedUpdate () {
var localVilocity = car.InverseTransformDirection(car.rigidbody.velocity);
if (localVilocity.z<-0.5) {
rotationVector.y = car.eulerAngles.y + 180;
} else {
rotationVector.y = car.eulerAngles.y;
var acc = car.rigidbody.velocity.magnitude;
camera.fieldOfView = DefaultFOV + acc*zoomRatio;
This is what it looks like on the side panel.
The area that says none (transform) is the place that should be variable dependant on the currently selected car.
Now, Here is my other script being the CharacterSelectScript
#pragma strict
//this is the currently selected Player. Also the one that will be saved to PlayerPrefs
var selectedPlayer : int = 0;
function Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp (0)) {
var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
var hit : RaycastHit;
if (Physics.Raycast (ray, hit, 100))
// The pink text is where you would put the name of the object you want to click on (has attached collider).
if(hit.collider.name == "Player1")
SelectedCharacter1(); //Sends this click down to a function called "SelectedCharacter1(). Which is where all of our stuff happens.
if(hit.collider.name == "Player2")
if(hit.collider.name == "Player3")
function SelectedCharacter1() {
Debug.Log ("Character 1 SELECTED"); //Print out in the Unity console which character was selected.
selectedPlayer = 1;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("selectedPlayer", (selectedPlayer));
function SelectedCharacter2() {
Debug.Log ("Character 2 SELECTED");
selectedPlayer = 2;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("selectedPlayer", (selectedPlayer));
function SelectedCharacter3() {
Debug.Log ("Character 3 SELECTED");
selectedPlayer = 3;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("selectedPlayer", (selectedPlayer));
How would I get it so that the SelectedPlayer changes the transform in the first script?
Any ideas?
I also have the prefab script which probably isnt important.
Also, should I join both scripts into one?
OVERALL GOAL: Have the camera change target to the selected car