using findAndModify in mongodb using grails gorm - mongodb

I need to use findAndModify in my application with grails and mongoDB.
I used this code :
public static String getNextId(DB db, String seq_name) {
String sequence_collection = "seq"; // the name of the sequence collection
String sequence_field = "seq"; // the name of the field which holds the sequence
DBCollection seq = db.getCollection(sequence_collection); // get the collection (this will create it if needed)
// this object represents your "query", its analogous to a WHERE clause in SQL
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
query.put("_id", seq_name); // where _id = the input sequence name
// this object represents the "update" or the SET blah=blah in SQL
DBObject change = new BasicDBObject(sequence_field, 1);
DBObject update = new BasicDBObject("$inc", change); // the $inc here is a mongodb command for increment
// Atomically updates the sequence field and returns the value for you
DBObject res = seq.findAndModify(query, new BasicDBObject(), new BasicDBObject(), false, update, true, true);
return res.get(sequence_field).toString();
and it work successful. But now I want use findAndModify without native mongodb object, and with using GORM.
Is there any solution for this work?

There is not way to accomplish this without native API, you can however write your code a bit more compact like this:
def collection = Seq.collection
collection.findAndModify([_id: seq_name ], [ "\$inc": [seq:1] ])

Config your DataSource.groovy with db configurations.
Then define a Domain class:
Class Seq{
int seq
And use dynamic finder in a sevice:
Class SeqService {
String findAndModify(String seq_name) {
def seqInstance = Seq.get(seq_name)
seqInstance.seq ++
return seqInstance.seq.toString()
return '' //instance not found
Then make a call when you need that action:
def seqService
def id
def result = seqService.findAndModify(id)


Checking if an Index exists in mongodb

Is there a command that i can use via javascript in mongo shell that can be used to check if the particular index exists in my mongodb. I am building a script file that would create indexes. I would like that if I run this file multiple number of times then the indexes that already exists are not recreated.
I can use db.collection.getIndexes() to get the collection of all the indexes in my db and then build a logic to ignore the ones that already exists but i was wondering if there is command to get an index and then ignore a script that creates the index. Something like:
If !exists(db.collection.exists("indexname"))
create db.collectionName.CreateIndex("IndexName")
Creating indexes in MongoDB is an idempotent operation. So running db.names.createIndex({name:1}) would create the index only if it didn't already exist.
The deprecated (as of MongoDB 3.0) alias for createIndex() is ensureIndex() which is a bit clearer on what createIndex() actually does.
Thanks to ZitRo for clarifying in comments that calling createIndex() with the same name but different options than an existing index will throw an error MongoError: Index with name: **indexName** already exists with different options as explained in this question.
If you have other reasons for checking, then you can access current index data one of two ways:
As of v3.0, we can use db.names.getIndexes() where names is the name of the collection. Docs here.
Before v3.0, you can access the system.indexes collection and do a find as bri describes below.
Use db.system.indexes and search on it.
If, for example, you have an index called 'indexname', you can search for it like this:
If you need to search for that index on a specific collection,then you need to use the ns property (and, it would be helpful to have the db name).
db.system.indexes.find({'name':'indexname', 'ns':'dbname.collection'});
Or, if you absolutely hate including the db name...
db.system.indexes.find({'name':'indexname', 'ns': {$regex:'.collection$'}});
Pulling that together...
So, you're finished check would be:
if(db.system.indexes.find({name:'indexname',ns:{$regex:'.collection$'}}).count()==0) {
Using nodeJS MongoDB driver version 2.2:
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
exports.dropOldIndexIfExist = dropOldIndexIfExist;
async function dropOldIndexIfExist() {
try {
const mongoConnection = MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test');
const indexName = 'name_1';
const isIndexExist = await mongoConnection.indexExists(indexName);
if (isIndexExist === true) {
await mongoConnection.dropIndex(indexName);
} catch (err) {
console.error('dropOldIndexIfExist', err.message);
throw err;
I've created a custom method in c# to check if the index exists, using mongo driver:
public bool IndexExists<TDocument>(
IMongoCollection<TDocument> collection, string name)
var indexes = collection.Indexes.List().ToList();
var indexNames = indexes
.SelectMany(index => index.Elements)
.Where(element => element.Name == "name")
.Select(name => name.Value.ToString());
return indexNames.Contains(name);
maybe we can use something like to check if the collection have an index equal to something ?
if yes then drop and add the new one or add the new one directly
In my case i did as follows.
DBCollection yourcollectionName = mt.getCollection("your_collection");
if (yourcollectionName.getIndexInfo() == null || yourcollectionName.getIndexInfo().isEmpty()) {
DBObject indexOptions = new BasicDBObject();
indexOptions.put("pro1", 1);
indexOptions.put("pro2", 1);
yourcollectionName.createIndex(indexOptions, "name_of_your_index", true);
Here is a Python 3.5+ and pymongo >= 4.1 (type hints) function that I wrote which checks to see if the index name exists (other details about the index are omitted).
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pymongo.collection import Collection
def check_collection_indexes(db: MongoClient, collection_name: str, index_name: str) -> bool:
coll: Collection = db[collection_name]
indexes: dict = coll.index_information()
# assume false
found = False
# get length of the index name for substring
l = len(index_name)
for k in indexes.keys():
# Substring the keys and check for match
if k[:l] == index_name:
found = True
found = False
return found
If the index exists it will return True, otherwise you can use the False output to call another function that creates/recreates the indexes.

Copying a mongo collection using Java Driver

I want to copy the contents from one collection to another.
in mongod this can be done:
db.tempMongoItem.find().forEach( function(x){db.mongoItem.insert(x)} )
Using Java Mongo Driver, I try:
DB db = mongoClient.getDB("mydb")
CommandResult result = db.command("db.tempMongoItem.find().forEach( function(x){db.mongoItem.insert(x)} )")
But I get:
result = [serverUsed:localhost:27017, ok:0.0, errmsg:no such cmd: db.tempMongoItem.find().forEach( function(x){db.mongoItem.insert(x)} ), code:59, bad cmd:[db.tempMongoItem.find().forEach( function(x){db.mongoItem.insert(x)} ):true]]
Any ideas?
You need to emulate the same thing JS is doing in Java, which means getting a cursor and iterating over it, inserting each document into new collection.
Something like this (coll is current, coll2 is new collection):
DBCursor cursor = coll.find();
try {
while(cursor.hasNext()) {
} finally {
Both coll and coll2 are assumed to be DBCollection type.
Since it appears you are copying within the same DB, there is another way to do this if you are using 2.6 MongoDB using aggregation framework $out stage:
Note that this is limited to outputting into the same DB that original collection is in.
The following JAVA code will copy the collection from source to destination for a given database name (using mongodb-driver 3.0.4)
/** Clone a collection.
* #param fromCollectionName - The name of collection to be cloned
* #param toCollectionName - The name of the cloned collection
* #param dbName - The name of the database
public void cloneCollection(String fromCollectionName, String toCollectionName, String dbName) throws MongoException {
MongoCollection toCol = this.getCollection(toCollectionName, dbName);
if (toCol != null) {
throw new MongoException("The destination collection already exists.");
List<Document> ops = new ArrayList<>();
ops.add(new Document("$out",toCollectionName));
MongoCollection sourceCollection = this.getCollection(fromCollectionName, dbName);
public MongoCollection getCollection(String collection, String dbName) {
MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress("localhost", Integer.parseInt(port)));
MongoDatabase database = mongo.getDatabase(dbName);
return curdb.getCollection(collection);
Please note that this will not copy over the indices that you have created in source collection. You will have to copy the indices seperately
Following up on Asya's response, you can use Java 8 Lambda functions to do:
collSource.find().forEach((Block<Document>) collTarget::insertOne);

mongodb cursor map function in java

i have a collection 'placements', each document has fields: placement_id, program_id, category, ... i need to find all placements what has program_id = 3 and only return a list of placement_id,
i can do it from mongo command line like this:
db.placements.find({program_id:{$in: [3]}}, {placement_id:1, _id:0}).map( function(doc){return doc.placement_id})
it return placement_ids in a array:
[196, 197, 198...]
but how can i implement the above query in Java, i checked the mongodb java api's DBCursor class, it doesn't have any function as 'map' or 'forEach'.
The returns DBOBject which has a get method which you can use to push the values to an array.
I am thinking of something like this. (Not tested)
List<Integer> placementIdList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
DBObject obj =;
int id = obj.get("placement_id");
The implementation on the database side for the map implementation is very similar to above.
mongos> db.test.find().map
function ( func ){
var a = [];
while ( this.hasNext() )
a.push( func( ) );
return a;
So either you do it in db or in the Java layer.
Advantage of doing it in db would be transmitting a slimmer packet across the wire (lesser serialization/deserialization costs), whereas doing it in Java you can take advantage of the processing power of a JVM.

MongoDB C# Remove doesn't work

i have this code for removing an item froma a mongofb collation
private MongoCollection<T> GetCollection()
connectionString = "mongodb://localhost/?safe=true";
server = MongoServer.Create(connectionString);
database = server.GetDatabase("CSCatalog");
return database.GetCollection<T>("myCollectionName");
public bool Delete(T entity)
var id = typeof(T).GetProperty("Id").GetValue(entity,null).ToString();
var query = Query.EQ("_id",id);
var finded = GetCollection().Find(query); // return null
var result= GetCollection().Remove(query, MongoDB.Driver.RemoveFlags.Single); // no errors, but don't remove
return esito.Ok; //return true but donn't remove.
the GetCollection() method retrive the right collection, i have tested it width debug.
In the collection there is the item that i want remove, it have the same id that i have retrived in first line.
the entity have some fields and a Objectid filed called "Id"
the type of _id you created is ObjectId class and you are trying to equate with string so its not able to remove. use
var queryId = new ObjectId(id);
Your finded variable should not be null if the .find() has returned something from your database. That it is null means that you have not found anything, and therefore nothing is to be removed.
What it looks like is happening here is that you are querying on _id for the ObjectId, while you are storing that ObjectId in the database as Id.

MongoDB udate query using class object in C#?

I am storing class object in mongodb like below,
Sample risk = new Sample();
risk.Name = "ABC";
risk.Enable = true;
risk.Sender = "IBM";
risk.Target = "CITI";
MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create("mongodb://localhost");
MongoDatabase db = server.GetDatabase("DATABASE");
catch (Exception e)
now i want to to update that same class instance like db.GetCollection<StockQuote>("SMAPLETABLE").Insert(risk); how can i do this one.
There is two approaches two update document:
1.Via Save method and update etire document
2.Via atomic update: update part of document. For example if you need update Enable field of document with Name "ABC":
Query.EQ("Name", "ABC"),
Update.Set("Enable", false));
Some notes:
With atomic updates you can avoid concurrency issues. Atomic update it is like transaction within one document.