Correct way to return function value instead of binding in Coffeescript - coffeescript

I can't seem to find a concise answer to this question. What is the correct coffeescriptic way to return the value from _otherInstanceMethod when calling #_instanceMethod instead of the function binding itself?
x = _instanceMethod: () ->
#_otherInstanceMethod key: 'value'
Edit (thanks commenters)
This returns:
x = function () {
[...] # function body omitted
Instead of
x = 'some value returned by _otherInstanceMethod'
I would like the value to be returned instead of the function binding to _otherInstanceMethod

Being totally new to Coffeescript, this was my fault. I was calling the instance method like:
instead of
Sorry for the trouble, voting to delete

In CoffeeScript #something translated into this.something regardless of the underlying variable type. This means you can use # only in conjuction with properties, with methods you still ought to use good old this.


dart gRPC: what the meaning of the function?

I'm new in flutter(dart) gRPC. I'm learing the tutorial given by But I got confused about the dart syntax in this function.
Future<Feature> getFeature(grpc.ServiceCall call, Point request) async {
return featuresDb.firstWhere((f) => f.location == request,
orElse: () => Feature()..location = request);
Actually, I don't understand what argument f means and why there is an orElse. I have found => means arrow function and it can be simply understood as return sentence, but I can't say I figure it out toally. Any explanation would be appreciated.
firstWhere method takes a Predicate. A Predicate is just a function that takes in an object, and returns true or false. So basically it's saying "give me the first object from this list where the function I'm giving you returns true. The orElse is an optional, named parameter that says, if you've gotten to the end of the list and not a single object returned true when passed through the function I just supplied, then execute this function as a last resort and return whatever value it produces. You can think of a Predicate like a filter. It takes an object and returns true if it should pass through the filter, or false if it should not pass through the filter. firstWhere basically goes through each element checking to see if it passes through the filter, and the first time something does, it returns that element. If nothing makes it through the filter, it uses the orElse producer function to generate some value to return, since nothing made it through on it's own.
(f) => f.location == request is a function that returns true or false based on it's argument - it's a Predicate
() => Feature()..location = request is a Producer. A function that has no argument, but produces a value. In this case, a value that is equal to a new Feature with a location value equal to request. An assignment evaluates to the value that was assigned. The cascade .. ensures that the Feature will be returned, instead of the Point object, request.
So basically you can think of it like this:
list.giveMeTheFirstObjectWhere(thisFunctionReturnsTrue, orElse: giveMeTheValueThisFunctionProvidesIfNoneOfTheElementsReturnedTrueUsingTheOtherFunction)
So the purpose of this code seems to be, checking if a Feature already exists, and if it does, it returns the first such Feature. If it doesn't exist, it creates a new Feature and returns it (however, this newly created one isn't automatically added to the list/db)

Return value is not the same as predicted from a defined function

james=open('C:/Users/skora da_bura/Documents/data.txt')
def Read(numblist,charlist):
for i in range(0,len(jake),4):
for i in range(2,len(jake),4):
Bring = numblist,charlist
james = open('C:/Users/skora da_bura/Documents/data.txt')
jake22 = james.readlines()
back='Number of lines read',len(jake22)
return back
the charlist returns [] even though I had appended values to it to make a list when I was defining the function Read.
I don't seem to see what the problem is with the code
The charlist you define in the signature of Read shadows the global charlist. They're different variables that happen to have the same name. If you intend to modify the global variable, you shouldn't try to pass it as a parameter.

When does Chapel pass by reference and when by constant?

I am looking for examples of Chapel passing by reference. This example works but it seems like bad form since I am "returning" the input. Does this waste memory? Is there an explicit way to operate on a class?
class PowerPuffGirl {
var secretIngredients: [1..0] string;
var bubbles = new PowerPuffGirl();
bubbles.secretIngredients.push_back("everything nice");
proc kickAss(b: PowerPuffGirl) {
b.secretIngredients.push_back("Chemical X");
return b;
bubbles = kickAss(bubbles);
And it produces the output
sugar spice everything nice
sugar spice everything nice Chemical X
What is the most efficient way to use a function to modify Bubbles?
Whether Chapel passes an argument by reference or not can be controlled by the argument intent. For example, integers normally pass by value but we can pass one by reference:
proc increment(ref x:int) { // 'ref' here is an argument intent
x += 1;
var x:int = 5;
writeln(x); // outputs 6
The way that a type passes when you don't specify an argument is known as the default intent. Chapel passes records, domains, and arrays by reference by default; but of these only arrays are modifiable inside the function. ( Records and domains pass by const ref - meaning they are passed by reference but that the function they are passed to cannot modify them. Arrays pass by ref or const ref depending upon what the function does with them - see array default intent ).
Now, to your question specifically, class instances pass by "value" by default, but Chapel considers the "value" of a class instance to be a pointer. That means that instead of allowing a field (say) to be mutated, passing a class instance by ref just means that it could be replaced with a different class instance. There isn't currently a way to say that a class instance's fields should not be modifiable in the function (other than making them to be explicitly immutable data types).
Given all of that, I don't see any inefficiencies with the code sample you provided in the question. In particular, here:
proc kickAss(b: PowerPuffGirl) {
b.secretIngredients.push_back("Chemical X");
return b;
the argument accepting b will receive a copy of the pointer to the instance and the return b will return a copy of that pointer. The contents of the instance (in particular the secretIngredients array) will remain stored where it was and won't be copied in the process.
One more thing:
This example works but it seems like bad form since I am "returning" the input.
As I said, this isn't really a problem for class instances or integers. What about an array?
proc identity(A) {
return A;
var A:[1..100] int;
In this example, the return A in identity() actually does cause a copy of the array to be made. That copy wasn't created when passing the array in to identity(), since the array was passed by with a const ref intent. But, since the function returns something "by value" that was a reference, it's necessary to copy it as part of returning. See also arrays return by value by default in the language evolution document.
In any case, if one wants to return an array by reference, it's possible to do so with the ref or const ref return intent, e.g.:
proc refIdentity(ref arg) ref {
return arg;
var B:[1..10] int;
Now there is no copy of the array and everything is just referring to the same B.
Note though that it's currently possible to write programs that return a reference to a variable that no longer exists. The compiler includes some checking in that area but it's not complete. Hopefully improvements in that area are coming soon.

Can't Access Destructuring Assignment from Complex Object

Given the input value:
input =
When I try to destructure the input via a function like this:
simplify: (input)->
{ name, ref, id } = input
...the return value is still the full input or a copy of the input.
Am I missing something simple here? How can I access the destructured value. If you can't access the value via a return, it seems that destructuring has little value outside of locally scoped values.
While this isn't necessarily an advantage, the only way I was able to transpile and get the correct answer was to assign the destructure values to the local scope using # (aka this).
input =
id: 12314
f = (input)->
{ #name, #id } = input
r = {}, input)
console.log r # Object {name: "foo", id: 12314}
working example - link
If someone has a better way to approach this, please add an answer so I can select it as this doesn't seem like the best way.

What does () => mean in C#?

I've been reading through the source code for Moq and I came across the following unit test:
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => Times.AtLeast(0));
And for the life of me, I can't remember what () => actually does. I'm think it has something to do with anonymous methods or lambdas. And I'm sure I know what it does, I just can't remember at the moment....
And to make matters isn't being much help and neither is stackoverflow
Can someone give me a quick answer to a pretty noobish question?
Search StackOverflow for "lambda".
() => Console.WriteLine("Hi!");
That means "a method that takes no arguments and returns void, and when you call it, it writes the message to the console."
You can store it in an Action variable:
Action a = () => Console.WriteLine("Hi!");
And then you can call it:
()=> is a nullary lambda expression. it represents an anonymous function that's passed to assert.Throws, and is called somewhere inside of that function.
void DoThisTwice(Action a) {
Action printHello = () => Console.Write("Hello ");
// prints "Hello Hello "
It's a lambda expression. The most common syntax is using a parameter, so there are no parentheses needed around it:
n => Times.AtLeast(n)
If the number of parameters is something other than one, parentheses are needed:
(n, m) => Times.AtLeast(n + m)
When there are zero parameters, you get the somewhat awkward syntax with the parentheses around the empty parameter list:
() => Times.AtLeast(0)
() => Times.AtLeast(0)
() indicates that the lambda function has no parameters or return value.
=> indicates that a block of code is to follow.
Times.AtLeast(0) calls the Times class's static method AtLeast with a parameter of 0.
That's the definition of a lambda (anonymous) function. Essentially, it's a way to define a function inline, since Assert.Throws takes a function as an argument and attempts to run it (and then verify that it throws a certain exception).
Essentially, the snippet you have there is a unit test that makes sure Times.AtLeast(0) throws a ArgumentOutOfRangeException. The lambda function is necessary (instead of just trying to call the Times.AtLeast function directly from Assert.Throws) in order to pass the proper argument for the test - in this case 0.
MSDN KB article on the topic here:
I don't program in C#, but Googling "C# Lambda" provided this link that answers your question!!!