API pagination best practices - rest

I'd love some some help handling a strange edge case with a paginated API I'm building.
Like many APIs, this one paginates large results. If you query /foos, you'll get 100 results (i.e. foo #1-100), and a link to /foos?page=2 which should return foo #101-200.
Unfortunately, if foo #10 is deleted from the data set before the API consumer makes the next query, /foos?page=2 will offset by 100 and return foos #102-201.
This is a problem for API consumers who are trying to pull all foos - they will not receive foo #101.
What's the best practice to handle this? We'd like to make it as lightweight as possible (i.e. avoiding handling sessions for API requests). Examples from other APIs would be greatly appreciated!

I'm not completely sure how your data is handled, so this may or may not work, but have you considered paginating with a timestamp field?
When you query /foos you get 100 results. Your API should then return something like this (assuming JSON, but if it needs XML the same principles can be followed):
"data" : [
{ data item 1 with all relevant fields },
{ data item 2 },
{ data item 100 }
"paging": {
"previous": "http://api.example.com/foo?since=TIMESTAMP1"
"next": "http://api.example.com/foo?since=TIMESTAMP2"
Just a note, only using one timestamp relies on an implicit 'limit' in your results. You may want to add an explicit limit or also use an until property.
The timestamp can be dynamically determined using the last data item in the list. This seems to be more or less how Facebook paginates in its Graph API (scroll down to the bottom to see the pagination links in the format I gave above).
One problem may be if you add a data item, but based on your description it sounds like they would be added to the end (if not, let me know and I'll see if I can improve on this).

If you've got pagination you also sort the data by some key. Why not let API clients include the key of the last element of the previously returned collection in the URL and add a WHERE clause to your SQL query (or something equivalent, if you're not using SQL) so that it returns only those elements for which the key is greater than this value?

You have several problems.
First, you have the example that you cited.
You also have a similar problem if rows are inserted, but in this case the user get duplicate data (arguably easier to manage than missing data, but still an issue).
If you are not snapshotting the original data set, then this is just a fact of life.
You can have the user make an explicit snapshot:
POST /createquery
Which results:
HTTP/1.1 301 Here's your query
Location: http://www.example.org/query/12345
Then you can page that all day long, since it's now static. This can be reasonably light weight, since you can just capture the actual document keys rather than the entire rows.
If the use case is simply that your users want (and need) all of the data, then you can simply give it to them:
GET /query/12345?all=true
and just send the whole kit.

There may be two approaches depending on your server side logic.
Approach 1: When server is not smart enough to handle object states.
You could send all cached record unique id’s to server, for example ["id1","id2","id3","id4","id5","id6","id7","id8","id9","id10"] and a boolean parameter to know whether you are requesting new records(pull to refresh) or old records(load more).
Your sever should responsible to return new records(load more records or new records via pull to refresh) as well as id’s of deleted records from ["id1","id2","id3","id4","id5","id6","id7","id8","id9","id10"].
If you are requesting load more then your request should look something like this:-
"isRefresh" : false,
"cached" : ["id1","id2","id3","id4","id5","id6","id7","id8","id9","id10"]
Now suppose you are requesting old records(load more) and suppose "id2" record is updated by someone and "id5" and "id8" records is deleted from server then your server response should look something like this:-
"records" : [
{"id" :"id2","more_key":"updated_value"},
{"id" :"id11","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id12","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id13","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id14","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id15","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id16","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id17","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id18","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id19","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id20","more_key":"more_value"}],
"deleted" : ["id5","id8"]
But in this case if you’ve a lot of local cached records suppose 500, then your request string will be too long like this:-
"isRefresh" : false,
"cached" : ["id1","id2","id3","id4","id5","id6","id7","id8","id9","id10",………,"id500"]//Too long request
Approach 2: When server is smart enough to handle object states according to date.
You could send the id of first record and the last record and previous request epoch time. In this way your request is always small even if you’ve a big amount of cached records
If you are requesting load more then your request should look something like this:-
"isRefresh" : false,
"firstId" : "id1",
"lastId" : "id10",
"last_request_time" : 1421748005
Your server is responsible to return the id’s of deleted records which is deleted after the last_request_time as well as return the updated record after last_request_time between "id1" and "id10" .
"records" : [
{"id" :"id2","more_key":"updated_value"},
{"id" :"id11","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id12","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id13","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id14","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id15","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id16","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id17","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id18","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id19","more_key":"more_value"},
{"id" :"id20","more_key":"more_value"}],
"deleted" : ["id5","id8"]
Pull To Refresh:-
Load More

It may be tough to find best practices since most systems with APIs don't accommodate for this scenario, because it is an extreme edge, or they don't typically delete records (Facebook, Twitter). Facebook actually says each "page" may not have the number of results requested due to filtering done after pagination.
If you really need to accommodate this edge case, you need to "remember" where you left off. jandjorgensen suggestion is just about spot on, but I would use a field guaranteed to be unique like the primary key. You may need to use more than one field.
Following Facebook's flow, you can (and should) cache the pages already requested and just return those with deleted rows filtered if they request a page they had already requested.

Option A: Keyset Pagination with a Timestamp
In order to avoid the drawbacks of offset pagination you have mentioned, you can use keyset based pagination. Usually, the entities have a timestamp that states their creation or modification time. This timestamp can be used for pagination: Just pass the timestamp of the last element as the query parameter for the next request. The server, in turn, uses the timestamp as a filter criterion (e.g. WHERE modificationDate >= receivedTimestampParameter)
"elements": [
{"data": "data", "modificationDate": 1512757070}
{"data": "data", "modificationDate": 1512757071}
{"data": "data", "modificationDate": 1512757072}
"pagination": {
"lastModificationDate": 1512757072,
"nextPage": "https://domain.de/api/elements?modifiedSince=1512757072"
This way, you won't miss any element. This approach should be good enough for many use cases. However, keep the following in mind:
You may run into endless loops when all elements of a single page have the same timestamp.
You may deliver many elements multiple times to the client when elements with the same timestamp are overlapping two pages.
You can make those drawbacks less likely by increasing the page size and using timestamps with millisecond precision.
Option B: Extended Keyset Pagination with a Continuation Token
To handle the mentioned drawbacks of the normal keyset pagination, you can add an offset to the timestamp and use a so-called "Continuation Token" or "Cursor". The offset is the position of the element relative to the first element with the same timestamp. Usually, the token has a format like Timestamp_Offset. It's passed to the client in the response and can be submitted back to the server in order to retrieve the next page.
"elements": [
{"data": "data", "modificationDate": 1512757070}
{"data": "data", "modificationDate": 1512757072}
{"data": "data", "modificationDate": 1512757072}
"pagination": {
"continuationToken": "1512757072_2",
"nextPage": "https://domain.de/api/elements?continuationToken=1512757072_2"
The token "1512757072_2" points to the last element of the page and states "the client already got the second element with the timestamp 1512757072". This way, the server knows where to continue.
Please mind that you have to handle cases where the elements got changed between two requests. This is usually done by adding a checksum to the token. This checksum is calculated over the IDs of all elements with this timestamp. So we end up with a token format like this: Timestamp_Offset_Checksum.
For more information about this approach check out the blog post "Web API Pagination with Continuation Tokens". A drawback of this approach is the tricky implementation as there are many corner cases that have to be taken into account. That's why libraries like continuation-token can be handy (if you are using Java/a JVM language). Disclaimer: I'm the author of the post and a co-author of the library.

Pagination is generally a "user" operation and to prevent overload both on computers and the human brain you generally give a subset. However, rather than thinking that we don't get the whole list it may be better to ask does it matter?
If an accurate live scrolling view is needed, REST APIs which are request/response in nature are not well suited for this purpose. For this you should consider WebSockets or HTML5 Server-Sent Events to let your front end know when dealing with changes.
Now if there's a need to get a snapshot of the data, I would just provide an API call that provides all the data in one request with no pagination. Mind you, you would need something that would do streaming of the output without temporarily loading it in memory if you have a large data set.
For my case I implicitly designate some API calls to allow getting the whole information (primarily reference table data). You can also secure these APIs so it won't harm your system.

Just to add to this answer by Kamilk : https://www.stackoverflow.com/a/13905589
Depends a lot on how large dataset you are working on. Small data sets do work on effectively on offset pagination but large realtime datasets do require cursor pagination.
Found a wonderful article on how Slack evolved its api's pagination as there datasets increased explaining the positives and negatives at every stage : https://slack.engineering/evolving-api-pagination-at-slack-1c1f644f8e12

I think currently your api's actually responding the way it should. The first 100 records on the page in the overall order of objects you are maintaining. Your explanation tells that you are using some kind of ordering ids to define the order of your objects for pagination.
Now, in case you want that page 2 should always start from 101 and end at 200, then you must make the number of entries on the page as variable, since they are subject to deletion.
You should do something like the below pseudocode:
page_max = 100
def get_page_results(page_no) :
start = (page_no - 1) * page_max + 1
end = page_no * page_max
return fetch_results_by_id_between(start, end)

Another option for Pagination in RESTFul APIs, is to use the Link header introduced here. For example Github use it as follow:
Link: <https://api.github.com/user/repos?page=3&per_page=100>; rel="next",
<https://api.github.com/user/repos?page=50&per_page=100>; rel="last"
The possible values for rel are: first, last, next, previous. But by using Link header, it may be not possible to specify total_count (total number of elements).

I've thought long and hard about this and finally ended up with the solution I'll describe below. It's a pretty big step up in complexity but if you do make this step, you'll end up with what you are really after, which is deterministic results for future requests.
Your example of an item being deleted is only the tip of the iceberg. What if you are filtering by color=blue but someone changes item colors in between requests? Fetching all items in a paged manner reliably is impossible... unless... we implement revision history.
I've implemented it and it's actually less difficult than I expected. Here's what I did:
I created a single table changelogs with an auto-increment ID column
My entities have an id field, but this is not the primary key
The entities have a changeId field which is both the primary key as well as a foreign key to changelogs.
Whenever a user creates, updates or deletes a record, the system inserts a new record in changelogs, grabs the id and assigns it to a new version of the entity, which it then inserts in the DB
My queries select the maximum changeId (grouped by id) and self-join that to get the most recent versions of all records.
Filters are applied to the most recent records
A state field keeps track of whether an item is deleted
The max changeId is returned to the client and added as a query parameter in subsequent requests
Because only new changes are created, every single changeId represents a unique snapshot of the underlying data at the moment the change was created.
This means that you can cache the results of requests that have the parameter changeId in them forever. The results will never expire because they will never change.
This also opens up exciting feature such as rollback / revert, synching client cache etc. Any features that benefit from change history.

Refer to API Pagination Design, we could design pagination api through cursor
They have this concept, called cursor — it’s a pointer to a row. So you can say to a database “return me 100 rows after that one”. And it’s much easier for a database to do since there is a good chance that you’ll identify the row by a field with an index. And suddenly you don’t need to fetch and skip those rows, you’ll go directly past them.
An example:
GET /api/products
{"items": [...100 products],
"cursor": "qWe"}
API returns an (opaque) string, which you can use then to retrieve the next page:
GET /api/products?cursor=qWe
{"items": [...100 products],
"cursor": "qWr"}
Implementation-wise there are many options. Generally, you have some ordering criteria, for example, product id. In this case, you’ll encode your product id with some reversible algorithm (let’s say hashids). And on receiving a request with the cursor you decode it and generate a query like WHERE id > :cursor LIMIT 100.
The query performance of db could be improved through cursor
Handle well when new content was inserted into db while querying
It’s impossible to generate a previous page link with a stateless API


Nosql database design - MongoDB

I am trying to build an app where I just have these 3 models:
topic (has just a title (max 100 chars.))
comment (has text (may be very long), author_id, topic_id, createdDate)
author (has just a username)
Actually a very simple db structure. A Topic may have many comments, which are created by authors. And an author may have many comments.
I am still trying to figure out the best way of designing the database structure (documents). First I though to put everything to its own schema like above. 3 Documents. But since this is a nosql db, I should actually try to eliminate the needs for a join. And now I am really thinking of putting everything to a single document, which also sounds crazy.
These are my actually queries from ui:
Homepage query: Listing all the topics, which have received the most comments today (will run very often)
Auto suggestion list for search field: Listing all the topics, whose title contains string "X"
Main page of a topic query: Listing all the comments of a topic, with their authors' username.
Since most of my queries need data from at least 2 documents, should I really just use them all together in a single document like this:
Comment (text, username, topic_title, createdDate)
This way I will not need any join, but also save i.e. the title of topics multiple times.. in every comment..
I just could not decide.
I appreciate any help.
You can do the second design you suggested but it all comes down to how you want to use the data. I assume you’re going to be using it for a website.
If you want the comments to be clickable, in such that clicking on the topic name will redirect to the topic’s page or clicking the username will redirect to the user’s page where you can see all his comments, i suggest you keep them as IDs. Since you can later use .populate(“field1 field2”) and you can select the fields you would like to get from that ID.
Alternatively you can store both the topic_name and username and their IDs in the same document to reduce queries, but you would end up storing more redundant data.
Revised design:
The three queries (in the question post) are likely to be like this (pseudo-code):
select all topics from comments, where date is today, group by topic and count comments, order by count (desc)
select topics from comments, where topic matches search, group by topic.
select all from comments, where topic matches topic_param, order by comment_date (desc).
So, as you had intended (in your question post) it is likely there will be one main collection, comments.
The user and topic collections with one field each, are optional, to maintain uniqueness.
Note the group-by queries will be aggregation queries, for example, the main query will be like this:
db.comments.aggregate( [
{ $match: { date: ISODate("2019-11-15") } },
{ $group: { _id: "$topic", count: { $sum: 1 } } },
{ $sort: { count: -1 } }
] )
This will give you all the topics names, today and with highest counted topics first.
You could also take a bit different approach. Storing information redundant is not a bad thing in all cases.
1. Homepage query: Listing all the topics, which have received the most comments today (will run very often)
You could implement this as two extra fields in your Topic entity. One describing the last date a comment was added and the second to count the amount of comments added that day. By doing so you do not need to join but can write a query that only looks at the Topic collection.
You could also store these statistics independently of the other data and update it when required. Think of this as having a document that describes your database its current state (at least those parts relevant to you).
This might give you a time penalty on storing information but it improves reading times.
2. Auto suggestion list for search field: Listing all the topics, whose title contains string "X"
Far as I understand this one you only need the topic title. Meaning you can query the database once and retrieve all titles. If the collection grows so big this becomes slow you could trigger a refresh of the retrieval query that only returns a subset (a user is not likely to go through 100 possible topics).
3. Main page of a topic query: Listing all the comments of a topic, with their authors' username.
This is actually the tricky one. If this is really what it is you want to do then you are most likely best off storing all data in one document. However I would ask you: what is the problem making more than one query? I doubt you will be showing all comments at once when there are thousands (as you say). Instead of storing each in a separate document or throwing all in one document, you could also bucket them and retrieve only the 20 most recent ones (if you would create buckets of size 20). Read more about the bucket pattern here and update the ones shown when required.
You said:
"Since most of my queries need data from at least 2 documents, should I really just use them all together in a single document like this..."
I"ll make an argument from a 'domain driven design' point of view.
Given that all your data exists within the same bounded context (business domain). Then it is acceptable to encapsulate it all within the same document!

REST API: Can nested URI co-exist with lookup by ID?

Suppose I have a collection of "Orders".
(a) Orders are divided into three categories: "pending", "confirmed", "completed".
(b) Naturally, orders can be looked up by ID
Initially I thought of this URI scheme:
For (a):
GET /orders/:id
For (b):
GET /orders/pending
GET /orders/confirmed
GET /orders/completed
The problem with this approach is that there is a (very very rare) chance that an order will receive the ID "pending" (or "confirmed" or "completed"), in which case the URI /orders/pending becomes ill-defined.
The other alternative is to use: GET /orders_pending but this seems less elegant.
Any suggestions?
A solution that immediately came to mind was to use
GET /orders?category=pending HTTP/1.1
This works with a query and should be easy to implement on any server.
Resource's properties should not be used as url segments because ideally, every url segment represents a resource (or multiple), not a property. I think you already know that because you said it yourself
The problem with this approach is that there is a (very very rare)
chance that an order will receive the ID "pending" (or "confirmed" or
"completed"), in which case the URI /orders/pending becomes
If you want to filter results based on the value of a property, using a query in the url is the way to go.
Also, as #mahemoff pointed out
It's possible to build on this, e.g. ?category=pending&paid=true, and
you can't really extend /orders/pending style of URL to cover all
possible query inputs.

POST to get REST resource - three approaches - which one would you recommend?

I have REST resource (Ex: Tickets). To be able to obtain a set of Tickets that match a given set of constraints (Ex: start date, end date, price and other criterion) a user will need to pass information. This information can be included as query parameters and the protocol can define:
GET: Tickets?start-date=date&end-date=date&price=someprice...
The set of constraints to pass could be a lot.
In such situations, is it better to use a POST and pass the set of constraints as JSON object within the body?
POST: Tickets
"start-date": "date"
"end-date" : "date"
. . .
What are the drawbacks of such an approach? Does it still agree with the REST guidelines?Ref: http://roy.gbiv.com/untangled/2008/rest-apis-must-be-hypertext-driven
Another alternative is the client could create a new resource called "Constraints" on the server, obtain a constraint-id (ex:123) as a response. Then it could use:
GET: Tickets?constraints-id=123
But this will mean that the server will periodically have to expire and delete "Constraint" objects, as clients might keep creating those without completing the business flow (ex: without confirming a Ticket in the end)
A third approach could be still use POST, but not create any resource. We can use a URI scheme like this:
POST: Tickets\Constraints
"start-date": "date"
"end-date" : "date"
. . .
200 OK ...
This will mean that allthough no resource was created on the server, the need to POST the constraints to obtain Tickets is still made clear.
Which of these approaches would you recommend? What is most intuitive? Or is other any other alternative you would recommend?
Simply according to the HTTP spec, a POST is not a valid method to send a large amount of data for a query, as the intention is that the body of the request is to be stored by the server in some way, which is not the case in your example.
My current project faced the same problem and we decided to go with the more correct GET with many templated query parameters. Despite supporting over a dozen query params which can be quite long in length, most servers specify a GET request maximum length of 8KB, which I would expect to be an ample amount. I suppose this limit could be reached if you were attempting to send a GET with a large amount of the same query parameter to describe a long list, but if this is this case then it would suggest taking a step back and seeing how this has become a requirement of the API.
In my opinion a GET is the most intuitive and clearest use, and definitely seems to be the "correct" RESTful implementation. If the size of the request is an issue for you and you control the environment you are deploying to, you can even increase your server's max request size.
Yes, definitely OK and a good idea, especially if the post data is large, as it may exceed the max url length. It is better as part of the body of the message rather than on the url.

Handling long queries without violating REST

We have a REST api, and we've done a pretty good job at sticking to the spirit of REST. However, we have an important consumer, and they're requesting a way to reconcile their datastore. The flow works like this:
Consumer makes a GET call to retrieve all inventory objects created within a date range. Lets say this returns 1 million inventory VINs.
Consumer compares the payload with their own datastore, see's that they're missing 5,000 inventory objects
Consumer would like to make a request with the 5,000 VIN id's, and return those 5,000 objects.
The problem is that the long query string (JSON array of vins) bumps into the query string length limits imposed by our server. Possbile ideas - make 5k separate calls (seems horrible), increase querystring length limit on server (would like not to do this), use POST instead (not RESTful?).
So, I'm wondering what Roy Fielding would do...
What about a POST submitting the JSON file with the id's list to a new resource, e.g. called /inventory/difference?
If the computation goes any long, you can answer with 202 Accepted and the id of the resource being generated, then point back to it at /inventory/difference/:id.
Somewhat similar to what moonwave99 suggested, but instead you create a resource called a "set".
You POST to /set a list of identifiers that you wish to be in the set. The result of the POST is a redirect URL to the resource that names the specific set.
POST /set
301 Moved Permanently
Location: /set/123
GET /set/123
Returns the list of items in the set.
Sets are orthogonal to the use case of "fetching differences", they're simply a compilation of items.
If the creation of a set takes a long time, and you consider the set itself to be a snapshot of the data, when the user tries to do the GET /set/123 can simply reply with a 202 Accepted until the actual dataset has been completed.
You can then use:
GET /set/123/identifiers
To get a collection of the actual identifiers in the set, for example, if you like.
You can do something like
POST /setfromquery
and send a list of criteria (name like "John*", city = "Los Angeles", etc.). This doesn't really need its own specific resource, just define your query "language" to include both simple lists of IDs as well as perhaps other filter criteria.
Set operations (unions, differences, etc.). Lots of powerful things can be done with a set resource.
Finally, of course, there's the ever popular:
DELETE /set/123
I don't think anyone would fault you in working around GET not accepting a request body by using POST for a request that needs a request body. You are just being pragmatic.
I agree, making 5000 individual requests or upping the query string limit are ugly. POST is the way forward.
Using a post without creating a resource just seemed too dirty for me. In the end, we made it so that there was a limit of 100 ids requested in a "chunk". In practice, these requests will rarely be > 100, so hacking REST principles to accomodate an edge case seemed like a bad idea. I made sure the limitation was clearly defined in our API docs, done and done...

How to implement robust pagination with a RESTful API when the resultset can change?

I'm implementing a RESTful API which exposes Orders as a resource and supports pagination through the resultset:
GET /orders?start=1&end=30
where the orders to paginate are sorted by ordered_at timestamp, descending. This is basically approach #1 from the SO question Pagination in a REST web application.
If the user requests the second page of orders (GET /orders?start=31&end=60), the server simply re-queries the orders table, sorts by ordered_at DESC again and returns the records in positions 31 to 60.
The problem I have is: what happens if the resultset changes (e.g. a new order is added) while the user is viewing the records? In the case of a new order being added, the user would see the old order #30 in first position on the second page of results (because the same order is now #31). Worse, in the case of a deletion, the user sees the old order #32 in first position on the second page (#31) and wouldn't see the old order #31 (now #30) at all.
I can't see a solution to this without somehow making the RESTful server stateful (urg) or building some pagination intelligence into each client... What are some established techniques for dealing with this?
For completeness: my back-end is implemented in Scala/Spray/Squeryl/Postgres; I'm building two front-end clients, one in backbone.js and the other in Python Django.
The way I'd do it, is to make the indices from old to new. So they never change. And then when querying without any start parameter, return the newest page. Also the response should contain an index indicating what elements are contained, so you can calculate the indices you need to request for the next older page. While this is not exactly what you want, it seems like the easiest and cleanest solution to me.
Initial request: GET /orders?count=30 returns:
From this the consumer calculates that he wants to request:
Next requests: GET /orders?start=1009&count=30 which then returns:
Instead of raw indices you could also return a link to the next page:
This approach breaks if items get inserted or deleted in the middle. In that case you should use some auto incrementing persistent value instead of an index.
The sad truth is that all the sites I see have pagination "broken" in that sense, so there must not be an easy way to achieve that.
A quick workaround could be reversing the ordering, so the position of the items is absolute and unchanging with new additions. From your front page you can give the latest indices to ensure consistent navigation from up there.
Pros: same url gives the same results
Cons: there's no evident way to get the latest elements... Maybe you could use negative indices and redirect the result page to the absolute indices.
With a RESTFUL API, Application state should be in the client. Here the application state should some sort of time stamp or version number telling when you started looking at the data. On the server side, you will need some form of audit trail, which is properly server data, as it does not depend on whether there have been clients and what they have done. At the very least, it should know when the data last changed. No contradiction with REST here.
You could add a version parameter to your get. When the client first requires a page, it normally does not send a version. The server replies contains one. For instance, if there are links in the reply to next/other pages, those links contains &version=... The client should send the version when requiring another page.
When the server recieves some request with a version, it should at least know whether the data have changed since the client started looking and, dependending of what sort of audit trail you have, how they have changed. If they have not, it answer normally, transmitting the same version number. If they have, it may at least tell the client. And depending how much it knows on how the data have changed, it may taylor the reply accordingly.
Just as an example, suppose you get a request with start, end, version, and that you know that since version was up to date, 3 rows coming before start have been deleted. You might send a redirect with start-3, end-3, new version.
WebSockets can do this. You can use something like pusher.com to catch realtime changes to your database and pass the changes to the client. You can then bind different pusher events to work with models and collections.
Just Going to throw it out there. Please feel free to tell me if it's completely wrong and why so.
This approach is trying to use a left_off variable to sort through without using offsets.
Consider you need to make your result Ordered by timestamp order_at DESC.
So when I ask for first result set
This is the case when you ask for the first page (in terms of URL probably the request that doesn't have any
Then When receiving your data set. just grab the timestamp of last viewed item. 2015-12-21 13:00:49
Now to Request next 25 items go to: yoursomething.com/orders?limit=25&left_off=2015-12-21 13:00:49 (to lastly viewed timestamp)
In Sql you would just make the same query and say where timestamp is equal or less than $left_off
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM Orders ORDER BY order_at DESC) as a
WHERE a.order_at < '2015-12-21 13:00:49' LIMIT 25;
You should get a next 25 items from the last seen item.
For those who sees this answer. Please comment if this approach is relevant or even possible in the first place. Thank you.