magento checkout button url - checkout

i'm not good at programming.. In my shopping cart when users click on the "checkout" button it directly goes to
when i turn off the onepagecheckout via admin panel, my "checkout" button goes to
But i want to use the with onepagecheckout.
All i want is, when users click on the "checkout" button it should go to and then from there it should go to the "onepagecheckout".
help me please!
thanks alot.

Use this for checkout url

For you
But default for lint Proceed to Checkout has used:


problem in opencart in Terms & Conditions popup

I have a website built in OpenCart and have a problem in a popup when you add an element to Shopping cart and then click on checkout and you will see Terms & Conditions When you click on it, it will show you Popup But the text is unclear
how I can solve this problemHomePage,Terms & Conditions,popup,
link website:website
Kindly check the followig URL. There is the problem in scripting error to display inner code in content id. You can fix this issue, content will be set as per display box.

redirection to cart and not home, after click on order history link of my order (prestashop 1.7

I work on prestashop
In the order history, two links (detail & reorder) are available.
When I click on reorder, the items are added directly to the cart, but I am redirected to the homepage of the site ! I would like to be redirected to the cart directly. How can I change that? an override ?
Thanks for helping me !
This issue is on TODO.
You can follow this ticket:
Best regards, Khouloud
Issue still on TODO but now on GitHub :

"Create Paypal button" interface

When I try to create / modify a "Paypal button", I always arrive on a page that:
Looks the same as 10 years ago
Recommends to use "Internet Explorer 7 (!), Firefox 3 or Safari 4" for best results
In this button creation page, I cannot find how to choose the style among the "Custom payment page styles" created in this page: What is this page useful for, then, if we cannot use them when creating a button?
Did I miss a new interface somewhere (URL?) for button creation or is this very old interface still up to date?
The button creation page, which you are seeing is valid and it still appears the same.
However, the customization of the checkout page is no longer available through the Custom Payment pages( This feature is deprecated).
You may still add a logo, but that has to be done through coding. You will need to add the variable "image_url" with the value of the logo URL. For Express Checkout payments, you may use LOGOIMG .
For more details, kindly refer to this link:

Paypal checkout opens on a separate tab - how to change this?

I have found that the Paypal generated buttons is a very good solution for my wife's website. However, whenever someone presses on the "add to cart" button, he/she is taken to a separate Internet Explorer tab. That's fine. However, if they chose to "continue shopping", IE tries to close the Paypal tab and asks the user's permission to do so. This is not really ideal from the user experience point of view.
Can I force the Paypal Checkout to open in the same IE tab as the main website?
Thank you.
The PayPal Standard shopping cart will always function that way. I highly recommend you go with your own shopping cart instead. That way there are no new windows/tabs at all, and the redirection doesn't happen until the person is ready to pay.
There are lots of options for doing this. You could build a cart into your site as a custom solution, or what would be even better would be to go with something like WordPress and WooCommerce.
To avoid redirecting to a different tab, you can use minicart PayPal plugin.
You just need to include the following lines of code inside your
MiniJS Demo
I had this issue as well, in your check out button you should have target="_self" like this:
<form id="paypal-checkout-button" target="_self" action="" method="post">
Don't mess around guys!
Just remove target="paypal" attribute from the paypal form.
<form target="paypal" action="" >
change to
<form action="" >
This will now open paypal in the same tab/page of the browser.

How to find out browser back button click using gwt history

I m using history listener for forward and back browser button.But i m not able to find out history back button click.If any idea plz rply..urgent for me...Thank you..
Your code can use the tokens sent by History management system to determine what kind of action you want to take. Suppose you are at page1 and that page is identified by the token 'page1'. Now, you move to page2. If you click the back button, you will receive the token 'page1'. You can use this to set the state related to page1. See this Google doc for more info.