An error occurred while collecting items to be installed: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.sdk,4.2.0.v201206081400 - eclipse

I am trying to export an Xtext project as an Eclipse Product. The launch configuration works flawlessly if launched from within Eclipse, but I am unable to export it to make a self-contained product. I get:
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=profile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.sdk,4.2.0.v201206081400.
org.eclipse.sdk-4.2.0.v201206081400 is already imported as project in the workspace. I'm trying to export using "all workspace and enabled target plugin" rather than selecting the plugins one by one.
I'm on Linux 64bit (Sabayon).

Building for the running platform should not be a problem. Did you create a product and try to run that in a eclipse? I suspect you are running the project as an eclipse instance not from the product project
Can you make sure you change the splash screen on your product and run it in eclipse?
If you see the splash screen you changed and it works, it should be
working when you try to build the product.
If not you need to check what is missing between run config and the
product configuration.


Module not found error (JavaFX) -- running a cloned repo on my Eclipse

Please help. I am trying to run an app that is cloned from a GitHub repository. I could run it fine from the terminal (with ./gradlew run (I'm using MacOS)), but if I open the project in Eclipse and run it from there, it fails. (My goal is not just to run the app on my computer but to run it from Eclipse so that I could add a feature or two in the future for personal use).
I searched for solutions all day and tried different things, but solving one error led to another.
What I've done in detail:
Open the project from "Open Projects from File System.."
Right click on the project and "Configure" -> "Add Gradle Nature" (Not sure if this is the right step to take)
Right click on project -> build path -> library -> move the "project and external dependencies" library (includes all jar files such as javafx-controls-17-mac.jar) from classpath to modulepath (This step gets rid of all errors except one within the src/test/java folder, which I believe does not directly affect running the app).
If I run the app I get the following error:
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.controls not found
I tried adding
--module-path /Users/julie/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.openjfx/javafx-controls--add-modules javafx.controls
under VM Arguments in Run Configurations but it would give me this error:
Error: Could not find or load main class javafx.controls
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javafx.controls
The path is what I found by looking at "project and external dependencies" library that came with the code (provided by the author). Not sure if that's the right way to do it, but I thought it makes sense to use something within the cloned repo rather than downloading a new javafx and use that path.
I've tried many more things for 8+ hrs.. I don't recall all of them but here are some different error messages I got:
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.FindException: Error reading module: . . .
module-info 2.class found in top-level directory
I think the last error has to do with creating second .class files in bin folder.. I don't know what's causing it but I had to delete all duplicate .class files manually many times. (If somebody can tell me why this is happening, it will be greatly appreciated...)
I've never used Gradle nor JavaFX in my life so this might be a dumb question but please help me out.
FYI, the repo I cloned is

Error while trying to update p2 site with Buckminster

I am really new in buckminster.
I have just downloaded from our repository an Eclipse RCP project that needs a plugin update (placed in its Target Platform). We are currently using a remote target platform.
I have downloaded the remote target platform configuring its path in the targetplatform.source project, then I did the update and reload it checking the plugin's version. I have changed the version number in feature.xml on my targetplatform.feature project (that contains the file).
The problem comes when I right-click on the targetplatform.feature project, select Buckminster > Invoke action... > site.p2. This just rise an error and the console shows the Buckminster log with the same error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: case variants of key: awt.toolkit: case variants of key: awt.toolkit
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
I finally had to stop using a remote target platform as I could not solve the Buckminster problem. The workaround described below covered my plugin update needs.
In order to have a control version system, the plugin update problem can be managed by having a repository manager (for example Nexus). Then you can simply upload a zip of your target platform with the updated plugins. Nevertheless, this forces the configuration to set the target platfom as local and therefore you need to download and unzip it previously.

Why is Eclipse (Kepler) attempting to run this Weblogic class when saving my HTML?

Every time I make a change to some HTML I am editing, this error
comes up:
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Faceted Project Validation Builder' on project 'CateredToYou'.
Could not initialize class
I'd like to figure out why the error comes up despite the fact that I am not doing any J2EE development at the moment
how can I shut off whatever is trying to execute this command.
This sounds like a builder that is configured on the project is having problems.
Open the Properties for the project and look in Builders. You will see a list of the builders configured for the project which should include 'Faceted Project Validation Builder'. You can disable it by clearing the check box or remove it entirely.
I accidentally deleted the Java 1.6 needed for Eclipse when I allowed the Java auto update.
As it turns out, the jdk1.6 was not deleted from the system but it was not in the "Installed JRE's" list
I added the JRE, but was still getting the error. I added the jdk to the config and the error went away.

Grails dependencies 'empty' in java build path STS

My coworker is attempting to install STS, groovy/grails onto his PC. He has imported a TFS project which grabbed the source fine. However he is getting lots of build errors that appear to be the result of the Grails Dependencies library being empty. He cleared .ivy2 cache and restarted STS which repopulated the .ivy2 cache. However, the dependencies are still empty under the build path (right click project, build path, libraries tab, expand Grails Dependencies).
He might be able to add them manually, but that doesn't seem like the appropriate solution and may cause issues down the line. Any ideas?
Select "Grails Tools -> Refresh dependencies" from the context menu of your project. Then the dependencies are added.
I had the same problem. It turned out that an undeclared class was causing the problem. One of the STS engineers responded that "if the command "grails compile" fails, then STS will not have the dependency data. This data is produced as a side effect of the compile command. So it doesn't get generated if the compile fails."
Basically, the entire Grails Dependency issue was a red herring. If you look at the Error Log (Window->View->Error Log or Window->View->Other: General->Error Log) check to see there is an undefined that is stopping the grails compile.

Eclipse RCP: build product able to load all plugins in plugins directory

I need to configure my eclipse product to load all features/plugins in features/plugins directory. Now my product loads just plugins that are listed in metadata, so if I export some plugin directly from eclipse tool as "deployable plugins" it's loaded in my product, but if I put a plugin jar directly in plugins directory It doesn't appear (the same if I work with features)
I simply make new product configurations, put the feature that contains my application plugin and then exporting product I have this problem.
My eclipse version is 3.6.1
I think the problem is in the launcher configuration but I don't know what I have to change
In theory, your exported RCP application should simply pick up any new features and plugins you add later. However, make sure you put the extra stuff in the dropins folder of your RCP, since this is the expected location for manually installed features since the introduction of p2.
If for some reason it still doesn't work, try launching Eclipse with the -clean command line argument.
According to The Eclipse runtime options page, the -clean argument has the following effect:
[...] any cached data used by the OSGi framework and eclipse runtime will be wiped clean. This will clean the caches used to store bundle dependency resolution and eclipse extension registry data. Using this option will force eclipse to reinitialize these caches.
In my experience this can resolve many mysterious cases, where newly added plugins are not loaded by Equinox.