Get an object list from an HQL query with joint - jpa

I have two tables: Customers and Commands, it's a #OneToMany relation from Client to Commands, one client have many Commands.
the table commands contain : idCommand, date, nameCommande, idCustomer.
the table customers contain: idCustomer, nameClient, email.
All the JPA and EJB are set up and I can easily get a list of Commands or Clients using an HQL query in a managed bean and list them in a JSP using this code.
public List<Commande> selectAllCommandes() {
List<Commande> commandes = em.createQuery("select c from Commande c").getResultList();
return commandes;
public List<Customer> selectAllCustomers() {
List<Customer> customers = em.createQuery("select cu from Customer cu").getResultList();
return customers;
How do I join the two tables with the idCustomer column in a way to show the name of client instead his id? I've used this HQL query
SELECT, Commande, cu.nameClient FROM Commande AS c, Customer AS cu WHERE cu.idCustomer = c.idCustomer
But I have no idea about the List<> type that I need to use to get the result/

If you map the reverse relation in the Commande entity ...
public class Commande {
private Client client;
// getter and setter ...
(Here, mappedBy is getting the name of the #OneToMany property set up at the
other side of the relationship)
Then after executing your query SELECT c FROM Commande c you would get a list of Commande objects, and for each one of them you could get the name of the client using: thisCommande.getClient().getName().


Is it possible to return custom Java objects combining multiple aggregates in Spring Data JDBC?

I have multiple aggregate classes, such as Request, Scribe, Candidate, and Exam.
Sample schema:
Request (id, scribe_id, candidate_id, exam_id, status)
Scribe (id, name)
Candidate (id, name)
Exam (id, name, schedule)
As you can see, Request table has references to Scribe, Candidate, and Exam tables.
For one of the requirements, I need to return all requests based on a condition by including all the corresponding details of scribe, candidate, and exam.
For this, the query in my repository class will be similar to the following:
SELECT, r.status,,,
FROM request r
JOIN candidate c ON
JOIN scribe s ON
JOIN exam e ON
WHERE <some-condition>
Now, is there a way to map the result of this query directly to a custom Java object and return the same in Spring Data JDBC?
I believe another alternative is to use the Spring JDBC template.
Curious, any out-of-the-box support from Spring Data JDBC?
I am able to return custom Java object by setting rowMapperClass value of annotation. For this need to define RowMapper for custom Java object.
Changes look similar to the following:
public class RequestResourceRowMapper implements RowMapper<RequestResource> {
public RequestResource mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int rowNumber) throws SQLException { ... }
In repository class, need to set rowMapper value.
#Query(value = """
SELECT, r.status,,,
FROM request r
JOIN candidate c ON
JOIN scribe s ON
JOIN exam e ON
WHERE <some-condition>
rowMapperClass = RequestResourceRowMapper.class)
List<RequestResource> searchRequestResources(...);
This could have even been possible without using a custom row mapper as well, but in that case, you will have to assign different names to the columns across the tables. You could have defined a simple class and defined all the fields in there and for mapping the java fields with the corresponding columns in the table, you could have used the #Column attributes example:
public class RequestData {
private Integer requestId;
private String scribeId;
private Integer candidateId;
private String scribeName;
private String candidateName;
private String examName;
private String examSchedule;
However, for such case, you need to have different column names across the schema's which might not be possible in your case as you have same column names in multiple schemas.

Spring data JPA JPQL query on child property

I am using spring-data jpa. When querying parent object with child object property,I was expecting parent with aggregated child objects.I have OneToMany relation between User and Phone. Just typing some part of code.
#Query(select u from User u inner join ph where
Page<User> getAllUsers(#Param("active") int active);
List<Phone> phone;
User user;
My query returns multiple User object based on active phone quantity. I was expecting one User object and all aggregated phone object in the list as part of User object. Is my assumption is wrong or am I doing something wrong?
#Query(select distinct u from User u inner join ph where
Page<User> getAllUsers(#Param("active") int active);

Finding an inherited entity over a jointable with NamedQuery

How can I use a NamedQuery to find an entity over a jointable?
I have an abstract parent class/entity with #Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) and two subclasses/subentities.
Hence, in the database I have a parent table (sdrs) and two subtables (xSdrs and ySdrs).
There is another table reservations which shall have a Many-to-Many relationship to table sdrs. That's why I created a jointable between reservations and sdrs.
I intend to have a NamedQuery in the parent entity Sdr to be able to find the key for a record/entity of XSdr or YSdr respectively over the jointable.
In class Sdr I have:
#NamedQuery(name="Sdr.findBySdrId", query="SELECT s FROM Sdr s "
+ "INNER JOIN s.reservations res WHERE res.sdrs = :transactionId")
#ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
joinColumns = {
#JoinColumn(name="sdrs_id", referencedColumnName="sdrId", nullable=false)
}, inverseJoinColumns={
#JoinColumn(name="reservations_id", referencedColumnName="reservationId", nullable=false)
private List<Reservation<T>> reservations;
But, of course, this sets the transactionId to reservationId which consequentially fails.
On the inverse side I have:
#ManyToMany(mappedBy="reservations", fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Sdr<T>> sdrs;
So, how do I have to implement the named query in class/entity Sdr to be able to get the proper Sdr (and its related reservations) with an Sdr ID to be set as query parameter?
SELECT sdr FROM Reservation r JOIN r.sdrs sdr WHERE

Troubles with JPA criteria API and multiple subqueries

I am struggling with the JPA Criteria API for formulating a query for my data structure. Ok, my entities are as follows. I have users and groups (both share a common base class OrgEntity). Logically, users can be members in multiple groups of course. Finally, I have an entity representing a task, which has a list of potential owners (that can be either single users or whole groups). The domain model is summarized below and is given, so I cannot change it.
abstract public class OrgEntity {
public String name;
public class User extends OrgEntity {
public String displayName;
public List<Group> groups;
public class Group extends OrgEntity {
public List<User> members;
public class Task {
public String uuid;
public List<OrgEntity> potentialOwners;
The starting point for my query is a single instance of User. I want to know all the tasks where the user is a potential owner (regardless if the user is directly contained in the potentialOwners collection or member of a group that is contained in potentialOwners).
My first attempt using a named query was as follows
SELECT DISTINCT t FROM Task AS t JOIN t.potentialOwners po
WHERE (po IN (SELECT g FROM User u JOIN u.groups g WHERE u = :user)
OR po IN (SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u = :user))
It works, but I don't know if this is the most efficient way to do this. Any suggestions?
However, I have no idea how to implement this using the criteria API. Can somebody please help me with that.
Ok, I finally figured out how to do it. If you are interested in my solution, here it is. u is the User object, basically the query parameter and em is the EntityManager instance.
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
// specifies the result value of the query
CriteriaQuery<Task> cq = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Task.class);
// start with the navigation at the task entity
Root<Task> from = cq.from(Task.class);
// join the potential owner organizational entities
Join<Task,OrgEntity> potentialOwners = from.join("potentialOwners");
// select the tasks but remove duplicates
CriteriaQuery<Task> select =;
// definition for subquery1: fetch the user instance
Subquery<User> subquery1 = cq.subquery(User.class);
// start at the User entities
Root<User> from1 = subquery1.from(User.class);
// select the whole user;
// based on the specified user
subquery1.where(criteriaBuilder.equal(from1, u));
// definition for subquery2: fetch all groups for given user
Subquery<Group> subquery2 = cq.subquery(Group.class);
// we start at the User entity
Root<User> from2 = subquery2.from(User.class);
// join to Group entities via the groups collection
Join<User, Group> groups = from2.join("groups");
// select the group entities only;
// and finally restrict to all groups of the specified user
subquery2.where(criteriaBuilder.equal(from2, u));
// order in descending order based on the unique task id
// here we restrict to those tasks that have the potential
// owners either in the result set of subquery2 or subquery1
// additionally I've tried to filter for another restriction
// in the task (based on a like statement of the uuid)
criteriaBuilder.or(,,<String>get("uuid"), "1%")));
TypedQuery<Task> typedQuery = em.createQuery(select);
List<Task> resultList = typedQuery.getResultList();

JPA OneToMany relations and performace

I have two entities: parent Customer and child Order.
Each Customer has 1,000,000 Orders for example, so it is not needed in any given time to load a Customer with all Orders but I want to have this ability to make join query on these two entities in JPA.
So because of this, I must create #OneToMany relationship for making join queries.
My question is: how to get query without making joinColumn because even in Lazy mode it is possible to load 1,000,000 objects!
I just want to get query on these object with where restrictions like native join.
If you don't want the #OneToMany relationship implicitly set in your Customer class than you don't have to. You can execute JPQL queries (in very precise manner) without the marked relationship.
Assume you have:
public class Customer {
// all Customer-related fields WITHOUT #OneToMany relationship with Order
public class Order {
private Customer owner;
Then if you want to get all Orders for particular Customer you can execute a simple JPQL query like that:
// Customer customer = ...
// EntityManager em = ...
String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o WHERE o.owner = :customer";
TypedQuery<Order> query = em.createQuery(jpql, Order.class);
query.setParameter("customer", customer);
List<Order> orders = query.getResultList();
In this way you can execute the code only when you're really sure you want to fetch Customer's orders.
I hope I've understood your problem correctly.
EclipseLink has support for QueryKeys, that allow you to define fields or relationships for querying that are not mapped. Currently there in no annotation support for query keys, but you can define them using the API and a DescriptorCustomizer.
Also you do not need the OneToMany to query on it, just use the inverse ManyToOne to query,
Select distinct c from Customer c, Order o where o.customer = c and o.item = :item
Select distinct o.customer from Order o join o.customer c where o.customer = c and o.item = :item