Facebook SDK API: How to get details on post shares? - facebook

I'm using the FB PHP SDK to get info on a post in a page I manage.
So far I can get:
$result = $facebook->api("/123xx");
$result = $facebook->api("/123xx/likes");
$result = $facebook->api("/123xx/comments");
$result = $facebook->api("/123xx/insights");
This gives me a lot of info, but I'm missing details about 'shares'. All I get is
[shares] => Array
[count] => 13
but no user ids or comments associated with those shares. Is there a way to pull that info with the SDK (or FQL)?
Regarding permissions, my script is asking for 'scope' => 'manage_pages,read_insights' Do I need another param to request this info?
Thanks for any assistance


Facebook graph api returns empty result

I am trying to pull user feeds from facebook, But the array of result i am getting is empty. The code i am using is
$jsonurl = "https://graph.facebook.com/{$user_id}/feed?limit=25&access_token={$access_token}";
$json = file_get_contents($jsonurl,0,null,null);
$user_data = json_decode($json, true);
The result always getting is
Array ( [data] => Array ( ) )
Can anyone help me to find what the issue is?
Thanks in advance
I have tried your give code in my php code.
It is working find. Please check that the USERID which you are posting has a feed.
To test try BMW, FACEBOOK userid so you can find the feeds.
Try below url you will get its feed.

Facebook Friend List Import using fboauth, see for local account and display using views

I am using fboauth for enabling login with facebook for the website. Here is an overview of how I achieve the functionality:
When the user clicks on the facebook login button on the website, he or she is taken to a facebook login page. After logging in with facebook, the user is taken to the app authorization page where the user asks for permission to connect with the app. Once necessary permissions are granted, a local account (account at my website) is automatically created for the user and the user is brought back to a welcome page to set password. The user won't even have to verify their email address. On subsequent visits, when the user clicks on the login link, he/she is taken to the same facebook login page where they supply their login credentials. On successful login, they are brought back to the website. So far, everything works fine with the fboauth module.
What I am trying to achieve now is a functionality similar to what is found with the fbconnect module. The user is provided with a block/page where the user can import the list of his friends who has authorized with the app, and see the links to their local accounts (accounts at the website). How to achieve this functionality? The fboauth module has its own API which can be utilized. Here is what I already have, written using the API of fboauth.
module_load_include('inc', 'fboauth', 'includes/fboauth.fboauth');
module_load_include('module', 'fboauth', 'fboauth');
module_load_include('php', 'fboauth', fboauth.api');
module_load_include('inc', 'fboauth', 'includes/fboauth.field');
module_load_include('inc', 'fboauth', 'includes/fboauth.pages');
module_load_include('inc', 'fboauth', 'includes/fboauth.profile');
* Implements hook_menu().
function mymodule_menu() {
$items['my-friends'] = array(
'title' => t('Your Friends'),
'page callback' => 'friend_import',
'access callback' => TRUE;
return $items;
function friend_import() {
$result = fboauth_graph_query('me/friends?fields=id', $access_token);
drupal_set_message(t('Import complete!'));
$accounts = array();
$output = "";
foreach($result->data as $fbuid){
$accounts[] = user_load(fboauth_uid_load($fbuid->id));
$output = l($account->name, "/user/" . $account->uid);
return $output;
This will import all the friends of a user who have authenticated for the app as an object into $result (having name and user id). However, what I am finding it difficult is to display those names with the user's corresponding local accounts (accounts at the website). This is because of my lack of knowledge in php. What I am looking for is here is the exact lines of code that can be inserted after $result recieves its value so that the names of the users are displayed along with the links to their profile pages at the website.
Ok, so, if you look at the fbconnect module, you will see that there is a table that contains both the fid and uid (FB's and Drupal's). There is also a function you can user, to save you from the work of writing the query yourself:
* Load a Drupal User ID given a Facebook ID.
function fboauth_uid_load($fbid) {
$result = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {fboauth_users} WHERE fbid = :fbid", array(':fbid' => $fbid));
$uid = $result->fetchField();
return $uid ? (int) $uid : FALSE;
So, in order to get all friends, you would first need to call the the function that returns user's friends in FB:
$result = fboauth_graph_query('me/friends?fields=id', $access_token);
Then, iterate through that $result and get the local data:
$accounts = array();
foreach($result->data as $fbuid){
$accounts[] = user_load(fboauth_uid_load($fbuid->id));
So far, I think you had already figured this out.
Next thing we do, depends on how you want the module to behave. If you need a custom page, with an url, implement hook_menu to create that page:
* Implements hook_menu().
function mymodule_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['desired/path'] = array(
'title' => t('My friends'),
'page callback' => 'fb_friends', <-- This function you need to create now
function fb_friends() {
$result = fboauth_graph_query('me/friends?fields=id', $access_token);
$accounts = array();
$output = "";
foreach($result->data as $fbuid){
$accounts[] = user_load(fboauth_uid_load($fbuid->id);
$output .= l($account->name, "/user/" . $account->uid) . </br>;
return $output;
For better formatting, instead of building the $output yourself, you would call theme_table, that does it for you: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!theme.inc/function/theme_table/7
Lastly, I recommend saving the relationships to a user and his friends in a local table, so next time you don't have to go to FB. I think you can take it from the example above. If your problem is showing the friends, it will do, although not very efficient because of going to FB everytime. Hope it helps.
You need either a user id or name or email to match Drupal's corresponding fields. These three fields are unique for a Drupal site. Unless the query to FB return any of those, you won't be able to map a FB user to a Drupal user.
Provided that the name or the user id are the same for drupal app, you can do:
$output = "";
foreach ($result as $u) {
$output .= $u->name , "<br>"; //or $u->id for the id
return $output;
This will work if A) $result contains a list of objects, B) Those are the exact field names.
The other issue is that if you want a custom page with the output, you need to implement the hook_menu so you can provide such custom page in your module.
I recommend you install the Devel module for easily inspection your data. After you install it and enable it, just call dsm($result) from your code, so you have a nice view of what is in the $result variable.
And before actually building that into a module, try simply adding a basic Drupal page, set the format to PHP and write that code, so you can test easily and then move that into the module.
So to recap, the first thing to do is to find out what comes in that variable and in which structure. Then, if any of those fields have the same value for the local users, just write the hook_menu and provide a custom page within your module.
Provided that you have, say, the user id (Drupal's Id) you can build a link to the user account by printing $output .= '' . $name . '<br>'; and then return $output;
If you give me the $result content here, I might come up with a better solution.

facebook graph api check if user is a member of a group using PHP

i want to check if a user is a member of a group using facebook graph api...
i have this:
$group = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/177129325652421/members?access_token=XXXXXXXX");
$group = json_decode($group);
$checkuser = $group->data;
and check the user if is a member by using his facebook id and in_array()
echo "yes";
} else {
echo "no";
can someone help me to correct this please... my code is not working...
Reference: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/
Use the API url:
To get a user's groups. In the above link, change the me/ to the user's FB ID. You must also pass in an Access Token.
The reply will be JSON encoded. Decode it using json_decode to a PHP Associative array. Iterate over it and check for the group you want.
The Graph API does not return all groups at once. You must either use the pagination links at the end of each response to fetch more, or use the limit parameter to request as many as you need.
The following code sample will post the IDs of the Groups you are a part of
$url = "https://graph.facebook.com/me/groups?access_token=AAAAAAITEghMBAMDc6iLFRSlVZCoWR0W3xVpEl1v7ZAxJRI3nh6X2GH0ZBDlrNMxupHXWfW5Tdy0jsrITfwnyfMhv2pNgXsVKkhHRoZC6dAZDZD";
$response = file_get_contents($url);
$obj = json_decode($response);
foreach($obj->data as $value) {
echo $value->id;
echo '<br>';
/* to check for existence of a particular group
foreach($obj->data as $value) {
if ($value->id == $yourID) {
//not found. fetch next page of groups
PS - If running the above code gives you an error stating Could not find wrapper for "https", you need to uncomment/add the PHP extension extension=php_openssl.dll
Was looking into this and found this as first answer in google but the answer seems to be much of a hassle so I dug a bit deeper.
The fastest answer I've found which doesn't require iterating through all of the groups' members uses FQL.
SELECT gid, uid FROM group_member WHERE uid = (user id) AND gid = (group id)
This either returns an empty 'data' object, or a 'data' object with the UID and GID.
It also (from what I see so far) , doesn't require the user_groups permission.
This FQL query returns for me:
"data": [
"gid": "282374058542158",
"uid": "551549780"
This doesn't seem to be possible after Graph API v2.4, because Facebook decided to disallow it:
"the user_groups permission has been deprecated. Developers may continue to use the user_managed_groups permission to access the groups a person is the administrator of. This information is still accessed via the /v2.4/{user_id}/groups edge which is still available in v2.4."
It also states "From October 6, 2015 onwards, in all previous API versions, these endpoints will return empty arrays." But it seems to me that it still works on v2.2 & v2.3.

Facebook GetMutualFriends Method failing for no clear reason

I've an application that runs on a webpage, it has a list of facebook id's and run through them checking if the logged user has any mutual friends with the id's on the list; for making this verificaton I'm using the Rest API with the friends.getMutualFriends metond, I'm using this method becasue in this way I can get the mutual friends without having both users authenticated, I just need the authentication for the origin userid, in the case of FQL or using the Graph API both users should be connected so that I can get the mutual friends, this is why the getMutualFriends method is so useful in this case. The problem that I'm having is that when I try to pull the mutual friends for a user that has a lot of friends then I get this error
"error_code": 18,
"error_msg": "This API call could not be completed due to resource limits",
if I try to do that with a user that has less frineds the in will work, I know that saying less or a lot is novet very accurate , so , lets take a look at this example, if I try to execute this call with a user that has 300 friends the call will work, but if I try to do that exact same thing with a user that has 700 friends it'll return back with the error that I put above, so I thought that it could be the amount of calls per second so I limited that but it did not worked, I tried resetting the app keys, I've tried with several differente users, I've tried to do it with a new application, and even if I just try make one call to compare 2 users it'll fail if the user has a large amout of friends, the code that I'm using for this is
function getMutualFriends($facebook, $uid1, $uid2)
$param = array(
'method' => 'friends.getMutualFriends',
'source_uid' => $uid1,
'target_uid' => $uid2,
'callback'=> ''
$mutualFriends = $facebook->api($param);
return $mutualFriends;
catch(Exception $o)
return serialize($o);
return null;
function getMutualFriendInfo($facebook, $uid1, $uid2)
$mutualfriends=getMutualFriends($facebook, $uid1, $uid2);
if (is_array($mutualfriends))//!=''))
$friend_uids = implode(",",$mutualfriends);
$param = array(
'method' => 'users.getInfo',
'uids' => $friend_uids,
'fields' => 'name,pic_square,pic_big',
'callback' => ''
$friend_info = $facebook->api($param);
return $friend_info;
catch (Exception $o)
return serialize($o);
return serialize($mutualfriends);
So my questions are, is there anything that I'm doing wrong on this cade so that it fails? Is there any othere way to do this besides the friends.GetMutualFriends method? I've already tried with this SELECT uid1 FROM friend WHERE uid2=[targetID] AND uid1 IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=[sourceID]) but it did not worked. Is there any specific origin on this error?
I'm very confused because it works for some users and it doesn't for others, I've searched if there's any api limit but I've not found anything on that, there are no errors on the API dashboard, this code seemed to work before, and if I execute the call on the test console on facebook I'll get the same error,
Thanks for are your help, any idea will be appreciated.
There's a bug reported in facebook.
firstly you should migrate from old rest api to new graph api.... because facebook will obsolete the old rest api soon.
secondly try this query
SELECT uid1 FROM friend WHERE uid2='your user id'
I hope that it will work

Find Facebook user (url to profile page) by known email address

I have an email address and want to find out if there is a Facebook user linked to this address. If there is, then I want to retrieve the url to this users profile page and save it somewhere.
I do not have a facebook application, but, if necessary, I would use existing account data to login to facebook and perform the task.
I thought this would be an easy task, but somehow it's not. I read through the Graph API documentation and there you find instructions on how to search public data. It says the format is:
But trying this with an email address in the q param and user in the type param without further information results in an OAuthException saying "An access token is required to request this resource."
However, if you click the example search links Facebook generates a url with the mentioned access token related to the currently logged on user. Performing searches with this token gives the expected results. But i cannot figure out how to get this user session access token after logging in. Every time I search on how to get an access token I only find information regarding Facebook apps and retrieving permissions for basic or specific data access. This is, as I mentioned, not what I am looking for, as I don't have and don't need a facebook app.
Since Facebook gives me the needed token in the example links I thought it shouldn't be a problem to get it too. Or do they only have it because of home advantage?
Also, the Outlook Social Connector Provider for Facebook is able to retrieve Facebook data just via an email address (and the account data provided). So I thought, if Microsoft can do this stuff I should be also possible to do simliar things.
Last but not least this is the more frustrating since I, theoretically and practically, am already able to find users profile url just by searching for the email address. I don't even have to be logged on to Facebook. And it's not the official API way.
If I perform a web request to http://www.facebook.com/search.php?init=s:email&q=example#domain.com&type=users I get the expected search result. The problem is that I have to parse the HTML code and extract the url (that's okay) and that the result page is possibly subject to change and could easily break my method to extract the url (problematic).
So does anybody has an idea what's the best way to accomplish the given task?
The definitive answer to this is from Facebook themselves. In post today at https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/335452696581712 a Facebook dev says
The ability to pass in an e-mail address into the "user" search type was
removed on July 10, 2013. This search type only returns results that match
a user's name (including alternate name).
So, alas, the simple answer is you can no longer search for users by their email address. This sucks, but that's Facebook's new rules.
Simply use the graph API with this url format:
https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=zuck#fb.com&type=user&access_token=... You can easily create an application here and grab an access token for it here. I believe you get an estimated 600 requests per 600 seconds, although this isn't documented.
If you are doing this in bulk, you could use batch requests in batches of 20 email addresses. This may help with rate limits (I am not sure if you get 600 batch requests per 600 seconds or 600 individual requests).
In response to the bug filed here: http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/167188686695750 a Facebook engineer replied:
This is by design, searching for users is intended to be a user to user function only, for use in finding new friends or searching by email to find existing contacts on Facebook. The "scraping" mentioned on StackOverflow is specifically against our Terms of Service https://www.facebook.com/terms.php and in fact the only legitimate way to search for users on Facebook is when you are a user.
Maybe this is a little bit late but I found a web site which gives social media account details by know email addreess. It is https://www.fullcontact.com
You can use Person Api there and get the info.
This is a type of get : https://api.fullcontact.com/v2/person.xml?email=someone#****&apiKey=********
Also there is xml or json choice.
I've captured the communication of Outlook plugin for Facebook and here is the POST request
access_token=TOKEN&queries={"USER0":"select '0', uid, name, birthday_date, profile_url, pic, website from user where uid in (select uid from email where email in ('EMAIL_HASH'))","PENDING_OUT":"select uid_to from friend_request where uid_from = MY_ID and (uid_to IN (select uid from #USER0))"}
TOKEN - valid access token
EMAIL_HASH - combination of CRC32 and MD5 hash of searched email address in format crc32_md5
MY_ID - ID of facebook profile of access token owner
But when I run this query with different access token (generated for my own application) the server response is: "The table you requested does not exist" I also haven't found the table email in Facebook API documentation. Does Microsoft have some extra rights at Facebook?
I've also been looking for an "email-to-id" ellegant solution and couldn't find one.
However, as you said, screen scraping is not such a bad idea in this case, because emails are unique and you either get a single match or none. As long as Facebook don't change their search page drastically, the following will do the trick:
final static String USER_SEARCH_QUERY = "http://www.facebook.com/search.php?init=s:email&q=%s&type=users";
final static String USER_URL_PREFIX = "http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=";
public static String emailToID(String email)
String html = getHTML(String.format(USER_SEARCH_QUERY, email));
if (html != null)
int i = html.indexOf(USER_URL_PREFIX) + USER_URL_PREFIX.length();
if (i > 0)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char c;
while (Character.isDigit(c = html.charAt(i++)))
if (sb.length() > 0)
return sb.toString();
} catch (Exception e)
return null;
private static String getHTML(String htmlUrl) throws MalformedURLException, IOException
StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
URL url = new URL(htmlUrl);
HttpURLConnection httpConn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
if (httpConn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK)
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpConn.getInputStream()), 8192);
String strLine = null;
while ((strLine = input.readLine()) != null)
return (response.length() == 0) ? null : response.toString();
This is appeared as pretty easy task, as Facebook don't hiding user emails or phones from me. So here is html parsing function on PHP with cURL
Search Facebook without authorization
user name, e-mail, phone, page etc
Types of search
all, people, pages, places, groups, apps, events
Array with facebook page names ( facebook.com/{page} )
By 57ar7up
Date 2016
function facebook_search($query, $type = 'all'){
$url = 'http://www.facebook.com/search/'.$type.'/?q='.$query;
$user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.109 Safari/537.36';
$c = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($c, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $user_agent,
$data = curl_exec($c);
preg_match_all('/href=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/(([^\"\/]+)|people\/([^\"]+\/\d+))[\/]?\"/', $data, $matches);
if($matches[3][0] != FALSE){ // facebook.com/people/name/id
$pages = array_map(function($el){
return explode('/', $el)[0];
}, $matches[3]);
} else // facebook.com/name
$pages = $matches[2];
return array_filter(array_unique($pages)); // Removing duplicates and empty values
Facebook has a strict policy on sharing only the content which a profile makes public to the end user.. Still what you want is possible if the user has actually left the email id open to public domain..
A wild try u can do is send batch requests for the maximum possible batch size to ids..."http://graph.facebook.com/ .. and parse the result to check if email exists and if it does then it matches to the one you want.. you don't need any access_token for the public information ..
in case you want email id of a FB user only possible way is that they authorize ur app and then you can use the access_token thus generated for the required task.
Maybe things changed, but I recall rapleaf had a service where you enter an email address and you could receive a facebook id.
If something was not in there, one could "sign up" with the email, and it should have a chance to get the data after a while.
I came across this when using a search tool called Maltego a few years back.
The app uses many types of "transforms", and a few where related to facebook and twitter etc..
..or find some new sqli's on fb and fb apps, hehe. :)
WARNING: Old and outdated answer. Do not use
I think that you will have to go for your last solution, scraping the result page of the search, because you can only search by email with the API into those users that have authorized your APP (and you will need one because the token that FB provides in the examples has an expiry date and you need extended permissions to access the user's email).
The only approach that I have not tried, but I think it's limited in the same way, is FQL. Something like
SELECT * FROM user WHERE email 'your#email.com'
First I thank you. # 57ar7up and I will add the following code it helps in finding the return phone number.
function index(){
// $keyword = "0946664869";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM phone_find LIMIT 10";
$result = $this->GlobalMD->query_global($sql);
$fb = array();
foreach($result as $value){
$keyword = $value['phone'];
$fb[] = $this->facebook_search($keyword);
function facebook_search($query, $type = 'all'){
$url = 'http://www.facebook.com/search/'.$type.'/?q='.$query;
$user_agent = $this->loaduserAgent();
$c = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($c, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $user_agent,
$data = curl_exec($c);
preg_match('/\{"id":(?P<fbUserId>\d+)\,/', $data, $matches);
if(isset($matches["fbUserId"]) && $matches["fbUserId"] != ""){
$fbUserId = $matches["fbUserId"];
$params = array($query,$fbUserId);
$fbUserId = "";
$params = array($query,$fbUserId);
return $params;