How to use a Liferay service builder jar in other portlets - service

I have a Liferay portal project built using the service builder. In generating the portlet a jar is also created and I want to use that jar in other portlets. From posts here and elsewhere the suggested approach is to just place the myPortletName-portlet-services.jar in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the other portlet. I have also seen where the *-portlet-services.jar is placed in the /lib/ext folder of Tomcat. I have also read where the should be updated with the dependency.
I have tried each approach and each produces a result that is tantalizingly close to working. The service builder built jar references a jndi/jdbc global resource that is different than the LR database and when a method is invoked from that jar, I receive a "user lacks privilege or object not found:" error (I have posted about this elsewhere).
My hunch is that the jar has some dependencies on Spring/Hibernate that are not being met. That, or the jndi/jdbc resource isn't "visible" when the jar is placed outside the service builder deployed portal. In any case, it's obvious that the jar's methods are being found (else the dreaded beanLocator error) so it is now simply a DB connection issue.
The question is: Are there some structural dependencies that are not being met when a jar generated by the service builder is placed outside the originating portal in some other portal?

For use a Liferay service builder jar in other portlets
create ServiceLocator placed in jar in lib of Tomcat (or other aplication server).
set your bean from service builder to service locator by setter as static field in spring context (setter must set static field)
Next implement bean that will use bean from service locator and will delagate calls
simply pass your bean from service builder through class static field placed in tomcat lib (visible everywhere)
place required interfaces also in jar in lib


Wildfly see resources from external jar in different ears

Is it possibile to scan some directories to find all jars and add them as dependencies in ears at runtime?
I'm using wildfly 8.1.0 final.
For example we have two separated ear:
And an external jar with some jsf managed beans, facelets, and static content (images, css, js):
Does exist any way to make all resources in jar1 to be accessible from ear1 and ear2 without put jar1 as module in ear1 or ear2?
I don't know any other way than add jar1 as dependency in ear1 and ear2 and redeploy ear1 and ear2.
Standard Java EE way is create EJB services in war1 module. After this you should use JNDI name lookup in ear1, ear2 and consume EJB interfaces provided by war1. If you need dynamicly add JSF resources (jsf pages, and static files) you should write custom implementation of javax.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper. Your implementation should transfer resource request to war1 module (using EJB interface).
In this case you have weak dependency between ear1,ear2 and war1 modules. Also you can have a set of war modules and some registry with JNDI names or use list method: Wildfly jndi list.
But I am not sure how transfer call to war1 managed bean. I think you should use EJB in war1 module, and write some proxy JSF bean in ear1,ear2.

Websphere Liberty Profile Can't find bundle for base error

I have an EAR installed in eclipse on WLP
This is the EAR entry with a classloader attached:
<enterpriseApplication id="App4EAR" location="App4EAR-4.1.5-SNAPSHOT.ear" name="App4EAR">
<classloader apiTypeVisibility="spec,ibm-api,api" delegation="parentFirst" commonLibraryRef="baseLibraries.app4">
The server is starting without issues. The first jsp page in the application tries to read a properties file which is located in the WAR component. This is where it fails.
SRVE0777E: Exception thrown by application class 'java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException:1427'
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name prop.appadmin, locale nl_BE
The object that reads the properties is located in the web application together with the properties file. The utility class for reading the resource bundle is in a separate jar and is part of a shared library (baseLibraries.app4).
This is an entry from the App4EAR.ear.xml deployment definition that points to folder where the properties file is located:
<dir sourceOnDisk="C:\svn\app4\App4Web\target\classes" targetInArchive="/WEB-INF/classes"/>
When using java.util.ResourceBundle() directly in the application it successfully locates the properties file. But not so when we use the utility class from the shared library.
Why is a shared library not able to access properties resources in the main web application?
Your shared library is loaded in parent classloader, and the classes and also properties in your application are not visible to that classloader thats why they cannot be found. Add property files to the classpath of the library instead of web app.
Packaging the utility jar, that accesses the resource file, in the web application solves the problem.
This solution kind of negates the purpose of shared libraries. Also note that on WAS 8.5 this was not a problem, so something did change in the way shared libraries are exposed/loaded.

Esper deployment on jboss as 7.X, event type or class name not found

I have developed a java ee project to be deployed on jboss as 7 server.
scenario is
A java ee project in which ejb module contains execution classes.
some of the pojo events are defined in another plain java project lets say p1
and p1 is referenced in java ejb module and it appears in ./lib directory
of ear where other jar files exists.
auto-import tag in esper-config.xml has been added for p1 classes.
"cepConfig.cnfigure(esper-config.xml)" executes fine and
I can see all event types as reuired in debug mode.
"EpServiceProvider.getProvider("MyEngine",cepConfig)" results in error
which says "could not find event type or class named p1.mypack.class1"
I have checked reference and deployment settings of projects. p1.jar exists in ./lib directory.
All classes are public and accessible. what other things i need to check?
That class "p1.mypack.class1" would need to be part of the classpath, either the Jboss system classpath or the module classpath.

Shared libraries between web services on Glassfish

I need to deploy multiple web services on a jax-ws application server, glassfish 3. These web services need to have shared libraries, meaning shared instances of the same class.
I know I could do this by dropping a jar in the "~/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib" directory. But I wonder whether this is possible in a more elegant way: I want to place the shared library jar inside a web service war which I deploy and then access that library from another war I deploy on the same application server.
How can I do this?
I found a solution for Glassfish myself: Basically I just deploy a class (SharedClassLoader) which inherits from URLClassLoader as a shared library jar in the above mentioned directory. Then I use this classloader as a bootstrap: On calling the web service, the classloader hierarchy is extended as follows: A SharedClassLoader for an URL is instantiated if it does not exist yet and it is added as a delegate to the DelegatingClassLoader in the classloader tree. By doing this for every web service with the same SharedClassLoader instance, it acts as a bootstrap to pull in more class loading. The jar that SharedClassLoader refers to can also be deployed with one of the web services, because Glassfish unpacks the containers to $AS_HOME/domains/domain1/applications/APPLICATION_NAME/LIBRARY_NAME.jar.
I hope this helps anyone having the same problem. I solved this problem for my Bachelor Thesis. If anyone needs more information, just ask, I can send you my thesis.

Emply EJB and Servlet

After reading about it for so long, I now have chance to get my hand dirty with EJB. I use Glassfish+Eclipse 3.7 on Ubuntu.
I first created an EJB that just returns a greeting message. Then I create the application client to access this EJB using InitialContext. This works exactly like expected.
Then, I created a servlet to access to that EJB. Neither access with #EJB nor InitialContext works.
When I use #EJB, the 404 page appear with this description: "The requested resource () is not available."
When I use InitialContent, an ClassNotFoundException is thrown. Apparently, the class loader of the servlet cannot access to the EJB class. I tried to add EJB jar file to the servlet's lib folder and I got the error message that the JNDI name already exists. Apparently, Glass Fish tries publish the EJB in the Servlet's lib folder too.
The only way to get this to work is to publish the EJB with the servlet. This way, both I can get the servlet and a stand-alone application to access to that EJB. The problem is that I need to always employ the servlet with the EJB which is not desirable since my client may not want to use web front end.
Anyway, my question is what is appropriate way to have the servlet access to the EJB employed outside its class loader without repeatedly publishing the EJB.
P.S. It is also possible that the problem might be the way Eclipse configure and employ those components.
Thank a lot for any helps.
Perhaps you need to treat the EJB component as if it were remote. And maybe it really is since you don't give a lot of detail on how you are deploying. Try the directions at
A few pointers:
you may need to put the webapp and the ejb-jar in an .ear (enterprise application) and deploy it to glassfish
you may need the remote interfaces on the classpath of the webapp (if they are not available at runtime, but they were at compile time, you can't expect it to work)
NetBeans is generally better with enterprise stuff and wizards for creating and deploying applications. Give it a try.
After try out a while, I found that I can do by referring it as "/". This even works with injection.