Watch a sexpr for edits - emacs

I'd like to tell Emacs to 'watch' a particular form (identified by its car) within a buffer and evaluate it whenever I edit it.
One approach I can think of is to add a function to post-self-insert-hook, which would find and parse the targeted form and compare it with its previously stored state.
It doesn't sound too inefficient, especially if a 'calls per second' maximum is enforced (e.g. using current-time).
Is there is a higher level / more idiomatic way to accomplish this? It sounds like the sort of problem that has been solved already.

I think the most natural way is to create an overlay that would span from the beginning to the end of the form.
Overlays have a modification-hooks property, and you can add a watcher function to it.
The overlay will contract or expand appropriately if you modify buffer contents strictly inside it, but you'll need to decide what to do when buffer is edited at the edges of the form. See insert-in-front-hooks, insert-behind-hooks and the last two arguments to make-overlay. I'd probably just re-create the overlay in most of these cases, just to be sure about the new bounds.
About the "calls per second" thing, you can use run-with-idle-timer.

Part of what #Dmitry mentioned can be turn into simple prototype. Mark (message "text") and run M-xeval-on-modify-add
(defun eval-on-modify-add ()
(let ((ov (make-overlay (region-beginning) (region-end))))
(overlay-put ov 'modification-hooks '(eval-on-modify-execute))))
(defun eval-on-modify-execute (ov &optional flag &rest rv)
(if flag
(eval-region (overlay-start ov) (overlay-end ov))))
(message "test")


Overriding buffer-read-only in a region

I want most of a buffer to be read-only, except for one small region (part of a line).
I first tried something like
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(add-text-properties start end '(read-only nil)))
but apparently buffer-read-only takes precedence over the read-only property.
I now have buffer-read-only set to nil, and set the read-only property to t on everything except the editable region. (Or read-only nil is regarded as a no-op.)
Is there a better way?
A more detailed description of my use case is that I want my buffer to display the output of an asynchronous process. The output is mostly for read-only viewing. However, a small part of a line is editable. This part will become input to the process if it is run again.
There's no simple way to do what you need in Emacs 24 and earlier. I agree with your solution to mark everything with the read-only property except the parts that you want to be editable.
Emacs 25 will have the inhibit-read-only property, which does exactly what you want. It was implemented by larsi on 16 November, and is used by eww.

emacs: second toolbar (row)

this is my first question, so apologies for breaking any rules.
I've just started writing some functions in elisp to help me navigate certain types of text files more efficiently. To make these accessible, I've added some buttons to the tool-bar. As it's now becoming busy, I'd like to either: 1) move some of these additional buttons to a second line; or 2) instantiate a second tool-bar that could be placed somewhere else in the frame (either under the existing tool-bar, or perhaps vertically along the side where the scrollbar is).
I've searched high and low but am unable to find an existing example of this and, as I don't yet really know what I'm doing, I wonder if somebody has a code snippet from which I might start to hack a solution together.
Many thanks in advance.
System: CentOS 5/6, emacs for linux 23.1
Thanks for the comment, William. Here's a simple example representing what my tool-bar code might do:
; functions used by the toolbar
(defun copy-paste-whole-line ()
"copies and pastes the whole of the current into a new line underneath"
(set-mark (point))
(setq temp (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))
(message " copying: %s" temp )
(insert temp))
; population of the toolbar:
(when (find-image '((:type xpm :file "copy_paste_line.xpm")))
(unless tool-bar-mode (tool-bar-mode 1))
; (setq tool-bar-map (make-sparse-keymap)) ; <- uncomment this line to have only this button present
:help "copies and pastes the whole of the current line into a new line underneath"))
so, as you can see (actually, I'm not allowed to post images until I have 10 reputation points, so you won't be able to see), the code adds an extra button to the end of the existing tool-bar buttons. I believe this to be a reasonable way to achieve this, but I'm not an experienced elisp programmer, so if you think it's poorly written, please comment - I'd like to understand why... :)
If I only had 1 button, it would be ok like that, however, I have multiple buttons. I would, thus, like to add them to a second instance of a similar tool-bar (or, perhaps a vertical one placed where the scrollbars are).
Thanks again for any input.
Frame parameter tool-bar-lines is supposed to control this. You can, for instance, customize option default-frames-alist if you want to change the number of tool-bar rows to 2 or 3 everywhere. Or you can do this on a mode-by-mode or frame-by-frame basis. You can, for instance, use M-: (set-frame-parameter nil 'tool-bar-lines 3).
Depending on your platform (and toolkit), the behavior might be variable. See the Elisp manual, node Layout Parameters and node Tool Bars.
I believe you are out of luck. It seems to me that (at least on ubuntu and cygwin) only one row of buttons in the tool-bar is supported.
Here is what I have tried without luck on both systems:
(set-frame-parameter nil 'tool-bar-lines 3)
(loop for i from 1 upto 20 do
(setcdr tool-bar-map (cons (cadr tool-bar-map) (cdr tool-bar-map)))))
The following picture shows what I get:
The other buttons appear in a pull-down menu if you click on the little triangle at the right end of the toolbar:
You can restore the old tool-bar with the following commands:
(setq tool-bar-map (make-sparse-keymap))
Finally, I have 3 rows of buttons. This is possible with emacs-w32:
So it is the gtk+ / nextstep problem.

How can I trigger an event when a Yasnippet macro can fire?

I love yasnippet, but it requires time to memorize. What I'd like to do is change the cursor color when I am at a point that can expand a macro (and back again when there is no macro). However, from what I remember about how yasnippet works, that might not exactly be performant.
A friend suggested that what I want here is a yasnippet-can-fire-p, but I'm still not sure as to the best way to go about doing this. What's the cleanest path towards implementing this that won't drive my sistem to a grinding halt?
Took some time to find the function that did the checking whether or not it can expand, but was 'lucky' enough to find it eventually.
The key is that this function would normally expand, or otherwise, perform the fallback behavior. I cloned this function and set the cursor colors in those places instead.
And, surprisingly, it actually does not slow down at all.
;; It will test whether it can expand, if yes, cursor color -> green.
(defun yasnippet-can-fire-p (&optional field)
(setq yas--condition-cache-timestamp (current-time))
(let (templates-and-pos)
(unless (and yas-expand-only-for-last-commands
(not (member last-command yas-expand-only-for-last-commands)))
(setq templates-and-pos (if field
(narrow-to-region (yas--field-start field)
(yas--field-end field))
(set-cursor-color (if (and templates-and-pos (first templates-and-pos))
"green" "red"))))
; As pointed out by Dmitri, this will make sure it will update color when needed.
(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'yasnippet-can-fire-p)
Added this to my lisp collection (I was actually thinking that this would be useful as well).
Update: In latest version of yasnippet [from august 2014, from 0.8.1], yas--current-key function has been renamed into yas--templates-for-key-at-point. cf Issue

How can I open a new frame which always displays the active buffer of its parent frame in emacs?

I want to have a shortcut to create a new frame in emacs which will always display the active buffer of the frame that created it. This way the frame could be moved to another workspace to keep as sort of a small preview of another emacs frame.
The following is my attempt at a function that will get the new frame to always show the parent frame's buffer. get-active-buffer is pseudo-code, but aside from that the rest should do the trick.
(defun display-active-buffer (parent-frame)
(while t
(let ((active-buffer (get-current-buffer parent-frame)))
(cond (/= active-buffer (current-buffer))
(switch-to-buffer-other-frame active-buffer)))))
Really I mostly just want to know what sort of function there is like get-current-buffer, which would act like current-buffer, except it would take a frame as an argument, instead of just using the current frame. I also would need to figure out some way to pass the name of the parent-frame to this function. I'm also not sure how smart it is to be using an infinite while loop for this though. If anybody knows of a better way, please tell.
I feel like this could be a really useful feature to add to emacs, and so if I figure all of this out I'll be sure to edit this post to add my finished code for anybody to use.
I have no idea why you would want to do this, but I think this does what you described:
(defun make-frame-synced-to-current-frame-current-buffer ()
(let ((parent-frame (selected-frame))
(synced-frame (make-frame)))
`(lambda ()
(if (eq (selected-frame) ,parent-frame)
(select-frame ,synced-frame)
(switch-to-buffer (window-buffer
(select-frame ,parent-frame)))))))

Emacs: How to intelligently handle buffer-modified when setting text properties?

The documentation on Text Properties says:
Since text properties are considered part of the contents of the buffer (or string), and can affect how a buffer looks on the screen, any change in buffer text properties marks the buffer as modified.
First, I don't understand that policy. Can anyone explain? The text props are not actually saved in the file, when the buffer is saved. So why mark the buffer as modified? For me, buffer-modified indicates "some changes have not yet been saved." but understanding the policy is just for my own amusement.
More importantly, is there an already-established way that, in code, I can change syntax text properties on the text in a buffer, while keeping the buffer-modified flag set to whatever it was, prior to those changes? I'm thinking of something like save-excursion.
It would be pretty easy to write, but this seems like a common case and I'd like to use the standard function, if possible.
For more on the scenario - I have a mode that does a full text scan and sets syntax-table properties on the text. After opening a buffer, the scan runs, but it results in a buffer with buffer-modified set to t .
As always, thanks.
Newer versions of Emacs include the macro "with-silent-modifications" for this:
C-h f with-silent-modifications
with-silent-modifications is a Lisp macro in `subr.el'.
(with-silent-modifications &rest BODY)
Execute BODY, pretending it does not modify the buffer.
If BODY performs real modifications to the buffer's text, other
than cosmetic ones, undo data may become corrupted.
Typically used around modifications of text-properties which do not really
affect the buffer's content.
Wait! I found this in cc-defs.el
;; The following is essentially `save-buffer-state' from lazy-lock.el.
;; It ought to be a standard macro.
(defmacro c-save-buffer-state (varlist &rest body)
"Bind variables according to VARLIST (in `let*' style) and eval BODY,
then restore the buffer state under the assumption that no significant
modification has been made in BODY. A change is considered
significant if it affects the buffer text in any way that isn't
completely restored again. Changes in text properties like `face' or
`syntax-table' are considered insignificant. This macro allows text
properties to be changed, even in a read-only buffer.
This macro should be placed around all calculations which set
\"insignificant\" text properties in a buffer, even when the buffer is
known to be writeable. That way, these text properties remain set
even if the user undoes the command which set them.
This macro should ALWAYS be placed around \"temporary\" internal buffer
changes \(like adding a newline to calculate a text-property then
deleting it again\), so that the user never sees them on his
`buffer-undo-list'. See also `c-tentative-buffer-changes'.
However, any user-visible changes to the buffer \(like auto-newlines\)
must not be within a `c-save-buffer-state', since the user then
wouldn't be able to undo them.
The return value is the value of the last form in BODY."
`(let* ((modified (buffer-modified-p)) (buffer-undo-list t)
(inhibit-read-only t) (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
before-change-functions after-change-functions
buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename ; Prevent primitives checking
; for file modification
(progn ,#body)
(and (not modified)
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)))))
Perhaps it is simply because they are considered a part of the string... (like the docs say). Remember, Emacs is buffer-centric, not file-centric, so the fact that the contents get saved out on disk is somewhat irrelevant (when thinking buffer-centric).
Also, the properties are undo-able, and that definitely fits with having the buffer marked as modified.
I don't know that there is a standard way of saving the buffer-modified state, but I do see one in the pabbrev.el library:
(defmacro pabbrev-save-buffer-modified-p (&rest body)
"Eval BODY without affected buffer modification status"
`(let ((buffer-modified (buffer-modified-p))
(buffer-undo-list t))
(set-buffer-modified-p buffer-modified)))
It doesn't protect against nonlocal exits, so perhaps you'd want to add a call to unwind-protect, like so:
(defmacro save-buffer-modified-p (&rest body)
"Eval BODY without affected buffer modification status"
`(let ((buffer-modified (buffer-modified-p))
(buffer-undo-list t))
(set-buffer-modified-p buffer-modified))))