MongoDB Query does not return Complete data after creating index - mongodb

I have a MongoDB Colllection which has following data
> db.UpdateQueryRegistry.find({"studyId" : "20130117193010cfab"})
{ "_id":ObjectId("50f95af799ac247d280484dc"),
"eTime": ISODate("2013-01-17T17:03:36.501Z"),
"lastUpdDt": ISODate("2013-01-18T14:23:51.141Z"),
{ "_id":ObjectId("50f95af799ac247d280484db"),
"eTime": ISODate("2013-01-17T19:50:34.392Z"),
"lastUpdDt": ISODate("2013-01-18T14:23:51.141Z"),
{ "_id":ObjectId("50f95af799ac247d280484da"),
"lastUpdDt": ISODate("2013-01-18T14:23:51.141Z"),
The index is created on DB as follows:
> db.UpdateQueryRegistry.stats().indexSizes
"_id_" : 8176,
"studyId_1_status_1" : 24528,
"studyId_1_updateSource_1_updateAction_1_query_1" : 98112
But when I fire query
"studyId" : "20130117193010cfab",
"updateSource" : "ONTOLOGY",
"updateAction" : "instanceDeleteQuery"
I do not get any results but when I fire query
"studyId" : "20130117193010cfab"
I see 3 results displayed above. Please tell me if there is any error in this.


How to add the new field to Object in Purescript

I am first about the Purescript.
I am going to add the new field to Object and send it as a function param.
But I can not find a good solution for this.
For example.
oldFiled = {
title : "title",
description : "d"
newField = {
time : "time"
//result after added new field
oldFiled = {
title : "title",
description : "d",
time : "time"
How can I do it?
If it's just about adding a single field you can use like so:
import Data.Record as Record
import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
oldFiled = {
title : "title",
description : "d"
newFiled = Record.insert (SProxy :: _ "time") "time" oldFiled
If you're merging records look at the merge union and disjointUnion functions in the Data.Record module

Firebase many to many relationship retrieve data

I have the following data structure , users and services have many to many
users : {
user1 : {
name : blah,
email :,
services : {
servicekey1 : true,
servicekey9 : true
services : {
servicekey1 : {
name : blahserve,
category : blahbers,
providers : {
user1 : true,
user7 : true
I want to get the list of user objects for a service. How can this be done with and without angularfire.
I came up with this query (without angularfire) -
var refu = new Firebase("");
var refs = new Firebase("");
var users = s.val();
angular.forEach(users, function(v,k){
refu.child(k).once("value", function(su){
This solves my purpose but I feel there should be a better way to do it , may be with angular fire. Please suggest if there are any other/ better ways to achieve this?

How to find payment collection using response id?

I am developing angularjs nodejs application
Following has Payment Collection find function and result
var collectionId = "5673d6c7da28e94f51277894"
Payment.find({id: collectionId}).exec(function(err,payment)
Console result :
"_id" : ObjectId("5673d6c7da28e94f51277894"),
"response" : {
"status" : "approved",
"id" : "PAY-9N740711P28316116KZX5U4I"
I need to find payment collection using response id
My code here
var paymentId = "PAY-9N740711P28316116KZX5U4I"
Payment.find({ response : {id: paymentId}}).exec(function(err,payment)
Console result :
If you are not clear question, please comment
Hope answer, thanks
It should be:
Payment.find({ '': paymentId }).exec(function(err,payment) {

Meteor queries not working with Meteor.Collection.ObjectID

I'm having a lot of trouble getting query results for certain collections in Meteor.
I have set
idGeneration : 'MONGO'
in the collection definitions, and in the mongo shell these collections look like this :
the document i want, call it documentW (from CollectionA) = {
"_id" : ObjectId("7032d38d35306f4472844be1"),
"product_id" : ObjectId("4660a328bd55247e395edd23"),
"producer_id" : ObjectId("a5ad120fa9e5ce31926112a7") }
documentX (from collection "Products") = {
_id : ObjectId("4660a328bd55247e395edd23")
documentY (from collection "Producers") = {
_id : ObjectId("a5ad120fa9e5ce31926112a7")
If i run a query like this in Meteor
CollectionA.findOne({ product_id : documentX._id, producer_id : documentY._id})
I'm expecting to get my documentW back... but I get nothing.
When I run this query in the mongo shell
db.collectiona.find({ product_id : ObjectId("4660a328bd55247e395edd23"), producer_id :
ObjectId("a5ad120fa9e5ce31926112a7") })
I get my documentW back no problem.
Of course in Meteor if I call
I get this
{ _str : "4660a328bd55247e395edd23" }
Anyone have any ideas what is going on here ? I have tried all kinds of things like
but the search still returns empty...
Running the latest version of Meteor...
I don't know if this answers your question, but I can't put this code in a comment. This code is working for me, trying to follow what I believe you are trying to do:
Products = new Meteor.Collection("products", {
idGeneration: "MONGO"
Producers = new Meteor.Collection("producers", {
idGeneration: "MONGO"
CollectionA = new Meteor.Collection("a", {
idGeneration: "MONGO"
foo: "bar"
fizz: "buzz"
var documentX = Products.findOne();
var documentY = Producers.findOne();
product_id: documentX._id,
producer_id: documentY._id
var documentW = CollectionA.findOne({
product_id: documentX._id,
producer_id: documentY._id
console.log(documentW); // This properly logs the newly created document
This is on Do you see anything in your code that diverges from this?

Removing documents while preserving at least one

I have a MongoDB collection containing history data with id and timestamp.
I want to delete data from the collection older than a specific
timestamp. But for every id at least one
document (the newest) must stay in the collection.
Suppose I have the following documents in my collection ...
{"id" : "11", "timestamp" : ISODate("2011-09-09T10:27:34.785Z")} //1
{"id" : "11", "timestamp" : ISODate("2011-09-08T10:27:34.785Z")} //2
{"id" : "22", "timestamp" : ISODate("2011-09-05T10:27:34.785Z")} //3
{"id" : "22", "timestamp" : ISODate("2011-09-01T10:27:34.785Z")} //4
... and I want to delete documents having a timestamp older than
2011-09-07 then
1 and 2 should not be deleted because they are newer.
4 should be deleted because it is older, but 3 should not be deleted
(although it is older) because
at least one document per id should stay in the collection.
Does anyone know how I can do this with casbah and/or on the mongo
I can think of a couple of ways. First, try this:
var cutoff = new ISODate("2011-09-07T00:00:00.000Z");
db.testdata.find().forEach(function(data) {
if (data.timestamp.valueOf() < cutoff.valueOf()) {
// A candidate for deletion
if (db.testdata.find({"id":, "timestamp": { $gt: data.timestamp }}).count() > 0) {
db.testdata.remove({"_id" : data._id});
This does the job you want. Or you can use a MapReduce job to do it as well. Load this into a text file:
var map = function() {
emit(, {
ref: this._id,
timestamp: this.timestamp
var reduce = function(key, values) {
var cutoff = new ISODate("2011-09-07T00:00:00.000Z");
var newest = null;
var ref = null;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
if (values[i].timestamp.valueOf() < cutoff.valueOf()) {
// falls into the delete range
if (ref == null) {
ref = values[i].ref;
newest = values[i].timestamp;
} else if (values[i].timestamp.valueOf() > newest.valueOf()) {
// This one is newer than the one we are currently saving.
// delete ref
db.testdata.remove({_id : ref});
ref = values[i].ref;
newest = values[i].timestamp;
} else {
// This one is older
// delete values[i].ref
db.testdata.remove({_id : values[i].ref});
} else if (ref == null) {
ref = values[i].ref;
newest = values[i].timestamp;
return { ref: ref, timestamp: newest };
Load the above file into the shell: load("file.js");
Then run it: db.testdata.mapReduce(map, reduce, {out: "results"});
Then remove the mapReduce output: db.results.drop();