Facebook dialog post with embedded swf showing only sometimes - facebook

I'm trying to do a basic facebook wall post with an embedded flash object based on the following documentation:
I'd like to do this using just a direct URL, like (note parameters get encoded):
Although I've also tried it using javascript, with the same result:
FB.init({appId: SOME_APP_ID, status: true, cookie: true});
function postToFeed() {
var obj = {
method: 'feed',
redirect_uri: 'http://www.myregisteredfbdomain.com/someurl',
link: 'http://www.myregisteredfbdomain.com/someurl',
picture: 'http://www.myregisteredfbdomain.com/cfg/media/imagelink.png',
name: 'Flash Test',
description: 'A Description',
source: 'http://www.myregisteredfbdomain.com/facebook/aflashfile.swf'
function callback(response) {
document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = "Post ID: " + response['post_id'];
FB.ui(obj, callback);
When I do the post under my development fb account, the post shows up fine, and I can click on the icon which displays the flash correctly.
However when I post under my own personal fb account, the post shows with the image only, but no flash activation when I click it - it just goes to the link/redirect link I defined.
Can anyone give me any pointers as to why this might be the case?

Found out why - It's because I'm accessing the post to my personal account through a https connection, which doesn't show the flash - it's linked via a http connection.


The posts fo Feed method in FB.ui are not visible in Facebook timeline

I created an Application in facebook and used in my website.
In my page I am using this function to share a photo.
function postToFacebook(url, img) {
method: 'feed',
link: url,
picture: img,
name: "Sample name",
description: 'sample desc'
}, function (response) {
This function is working and sending a ShareLink on my Time line. But nobody can see my post. I just can see the post on my TimeLine !!!
What it is the problem?
I found out the problem myself.
it is because of the Status of Facebook Application.
Do this setting to fix the problem:
Go to Facebook Developer => You Application => Status & Review => set this option to YES:
"Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?"

Custom image in facebook send dialog?

I am trying to send a facebook private message via facebook send dialog in my facebook app, i have a problem while setting the custom image each time user clicks on it, i am sending the parameters as
send msg
and on the function side,
appId: '<?=$this->facebook->getAppID()?>',
xfbml: true,
cookie: true
function send_message(user_id, image_name) {
to: user_id,
method: 'send',
name: 'The Image',
description: 'Description here',
link: 'https://www.something.com/',
picture: '<?=baseurl()?>imagepath/'+image_name
It works fine without picture parameter, but all the time it uses default image that facebook automatically pick from my link.
please your kind help will greatly be appreciated!
Using HTTPS protocol in picture link (if you do so), you might cause your problems. Take a look at Images not working in FB.ui

how to skip the "install page" for a facebook app?

thank you for your time first.
I have a very simple question here,but I can't figure it out for an entire day.
I built an facebook app which just post a message to wall,the problem is it requires user install the app first then request permission,that means 2 clicks,I don't like.
I saw somebody merged the 2 steps into 1,how did he get it?
And this one is mine
Here is the snap of the install page
The issue is that you're using the new enhanced auth dialog in your app, and for some reason it is not honoring the &perms=publish_stream parameter. Since the blog is older, some of the code is out of date with the more current ways of doing things.
I think you may benefit from using the new feed dialog instead: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/feed/
function postToFeed() {
// calling the API ...
var obj = {
method: 'feed',
link: 'https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/',
picture: 'http://fbrell.com/f8.jpg',
name: 'Facebook Dialogs',
caption: 'Reference Documentation',
description: 'Using Dialogs to interact with users.'
function callback(response) {
document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = "Post ID: " + response['post_id'];
FB.ui(obj, callback);
But if you want to continue using the old code, I would suggest the following changes:
you can use the FB.login() call instead of building the string yourself. That way the API is responsible for making the login box correct.
specify a channelUrl in your FB.init() call too. See: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/FB.init/

How can I redirect to my app page after accepted a app request sent from our app?

I have a issue for facebook apprequests (oauth2, graph)
I sent a app request to my friend B.
B logged into facebook and found our request in the app list.
B clicked the accept button
B redirected to the facebook canvas page. I want to rediect to our app, not facebook's canvas, is this doable?
you can put a url in the data param
see here http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/requests/ under properties at bottom.
data Optional, additional data you may pass for tracking. This will
be stored as part of the request objects created.
This will get passed back to you and you can use javascript to location.href to the url in the data.
----------Here is a sample i have used in the past
var thisimg = 'AN_IMG';
var thisurl = 'A_URL';
window.sendrequest = function(){
FB.ui({ method: 'apprequests',
title: 'A request.',
message: 'Rate Me! Request from: ' +thisname+' ',
data: ''+thisimg+' '+thisurl+' ',
filters: ['all'],
---------- Sample from Facebook with data param added.
var thisimg = 'AN_IMG';
var thisurl = 'A_URL';
function sendRequestToManyRecipients() {
FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
message: 'My Great Request',
data: ''+thisimg+' '+thisurl+' ',
}, requestCallback);
function requestCallback(response) {
// Handle callback here
upon callback you can do a window.top.location.href=''; with the url you passed in data.
NOTE: The default redirect for a request is the canvas, this cannot be changed. After user lands on your canvas you will read the data param from the request and redirect them to your external app.
"i do not see any other way to do this, since requests2.0 does not include option for a redirect uri."
As you have already included Facebook javascript SDK in your App and you have writen this code for inviting friend for your App in a script
FB.ui({ method: 'apprequests', redirect_uri: 'APP URL',
message: 'My Message' });
This will redirect to App URL without redirecting to Facebook canvas URL.So this will not work even if you use data parameter such as
FB.ui({ method: 'apprequests', data: 'APP URL',
message: 'My Message' });
Write this code at your App landing page i.e. in index.php
if(!empty($requestid)) {
echo "<script> window.top.location.href='APP URL'; </script>";
This is an old question, but now there is a simpler solution.
In the Facebook app settings under "Facebook Canvas" there is a field titled "Mobile Site URL". When a user tries to open your canvas app from a mobile device (s)he will be redirected to that URL.
That URL should point to a page from which you should redirect to the App Store or Play Store (or coming soon page) based on the browser user agent.

How to publish to my own page's wall on Facebook

I just can't find out how to do this.
I'm building a website in scala (on google app-engine) and I made a facebook page for it and created a facebook application. All I want to do is to post to my own page's wall. I don't want to use java facebook api, 'cause I think it's way too much to do such a simple thing, but I really can't find a simple way to do so.
Is there a "low level" facebook api?? something simpler that works on posts and gets like twitter api for example?
Or any idea or alternative way to do so will be appreciated.
Facebook has an API that you can use, but it isn't quite as straightforward as the Twitter API. It would be a bit of overkill to write in support, unless perhaps you are prototyping something for someone else to use.
For an individual case, you might be best served by using Posterous- if you setup a Posterous account linked to your Facebook Profile, emailing facebook#posterous.com with the sender set as yourself will likely be the easiest way to post content to your wall. With this, you can use any SMTP email-capable library that supports either HTML emails or attachments. An added bonus is that you can also cross-post to twitter and a number of other places from Posterous by altering the destination Posterous email.
Incidentally, Posterous also has an API too, but I don't remember off the top of my head if you can redirect where posted materials are sent through the API. I've only used it for image uploads, myself.
Here is a strait forward out of the box wall feed example using Javascript SDK
SDK connection, just change the appId to your Applications own ID.
<div id="fb-root"></div>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId : '135669679827333',
status : true, // check login status
cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
xfbml : true, // parse XFBML
//channelUrl : 'http://WWW.MYDOMAIN.COM/channel.html', // channel.html file
oauth : true // enable OAuth 2.0
if (window!=window.top) {
(function() {
var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true;
e.src = document.location.protocol +
Post Script, notice the to: parameter, change this to the page you wish to post to. You can edit all other fields as needed.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function feedthis() {
FB.ui({ method: 'feed',
message: 'Testing Feed',
caption: 'This is the Caption value.',
name: 'Testing JS feed dialog on ShawnsSpace',
link: 'http://shawnsspace.com?ref=link',
to: '391793380398',
description: 'Testing property links, and action links via Feed Dialog Javascript SDK',
picture: 'https://shawnsspace.com/ShawnsSpace.toon.nocolor..png',
properties: [{ text: 'Link Test 1', href: 'http://shawnsspace.com?ref=1'},
{ text: 'Link Test 2', href: 'http://shawnsspace.com?ref=2'},
{ text: 'Link Test 3', href: 'http://shawnsspace.com?ref=3'},
{ text: 'Link Test 4', href: 'http://shawnsspace.com?ref=4'}
actions: [
{ name: 'Shawn', link: 'http://ShawnsSpace.com'}
<button onclick="feedthis();">Post to Wall</button>
There are two steps required to do this:
Create a custom Facebook App and add it as a tab to your page
Set this newly added tab as the default when a new user visits your page
Create a custom Facebook App and add it as a tab to your page
This step is tricky but manageable for an average HTML programmer. To illustrate it best, I will point to a great tutorial on this:
Set the tab as default
As the admin, go to your page
In the upper-right corner click on "Edit Page"
Under the heading "Default Landing Tab", select the tab which
contains the application you created earlier.
Well, I found there is a REST-like api:
This means that our Facebook method calls are made over the internet by sending HTTP GET or POST requests to the Facebook API REST server (http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php) . Nearly any computer language can be used to communicate over HTTP with the REST server.
Documentation here: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API