Force a section to always print on odd pages in crystal reports - crystal-reports

I have an invoice that runs off of a crystal report and I want to tweak it, but can't seem to figure it out.
I have paper that has a sticker at the bottom (to put on boxes and such). I have a label which is a report footer on the report that always prints at the bottom of the page so that it will fit on the sticker. On the back of the invoice I print the return policy and other information so we can save on paper. The invoice has a list of items and prices and normally there is no problem. However, every once in a while there are so many items that it forces the label onto the next page (which is the back of the sticker).
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Q:Is there a way to force a report footer to print only on odd pages so that the label will always be on a sticker?
Things I've tried:
On the label section I've tried the "New Page Before" if pagenumber mod 2 = 0
Creating a new report footer section above the label that's the same size as the label that prints a new page after if pagenumber mod 2 = 0 and is suppressed if pagenumber mod 2 = 1. I've tried a couple of variations of this, i.e. making the section always print on the bottom of the page, forcing the label to print of the bottom of the next page and stuff like that but none of it worked.
Perhaps I'm on the right track and missing something simple, or maybe I'm not even close. Either way any help would be much appreciated!

If I understand you right, try this solution
Move the Sticker to the Page Footer and hide it on odd pages.
Open report desing mode
copy the sticker to page footer.
go to Section expert
Suppress [x-2] on formula and place if pagenumber mod 2 = 0
run report


Cross tab with a list of values instead of summation

I want a Cross tab that lists field values and counts them instead of just giving a count for the summation. I know I could make this with groups but I cant list the values vertically that way. From my research I believe I have to use a Display String Formula.
SQL Field Data
| Play # | Formation |Back Set | R/P | PLAY |
| 1 | TREY | FG | R | TRUCK |
| 2 | T | FG | R | RHINO |
| 3 | D | FG | P | 5 STEP |
| 4 | D | FG | P | 5 STEP |
| 5 | K JET | NG | R | DOG |
Desired report structure:
| Backet & Formation | Run | Pass |
| NG K JET | BULLA 1 | |
| | HELL 3 | |
| FG D | | 5 STEP 2 |
| NG K JET | DOG | |
| FG T | RHINO | |
Don't see why a Crosstab is necessary for this - especially if the entire body of the report is just that table.
Group your records by Bracket and Formation - If that's not
something natively configured in your table, make a new Formula field
and group on that.
Drop the 3 relevant fields into whichever section you need to display. (It might be a Footer, based on whether or not you want repeats
Write a formula to determine whether or not Run or Pass are displayed, and place it in their suppression field. (Good luck getting a Crosstab to do that for you! It tends to prefer 0s over blanks.)
If there's more to the report than just this table, you can cheat the system by placing your "table" into a subreport. And of course you can stretch Line objects across the sections and it will stretch to form the table outlines

Combine multiple rows of the same column into one row

I have following data from my database:
| ID | SomeValue | SomeDate | SomeOtherDate |
| 123 | 12345 | 01.01.2017 | 01.01.2018 |
| 123 | 54321 | 01.01.2017 | 01.01.2019 |
| 123 | 25314 | 01.01.2017 | 01.01.2020 |
I want the following format in Crystal Reports:
| ID | SomeValue2018 | SomeValue2019 | SomeValue2020 |
| 123 | 12345 | 54321 | 25314 |
How can I do this, if it's even possible? I've tried multiple examples but cant seem to make it work. I was successfully able to make the headings.
It is difficult to make Crystal Reports evaluate things horizontally. The entire system is designed to evaluate vertically. (Things on the top of a report are evaluated before things below them.)
However you might be able to get a CrossTab to do this. First you'd want to make a new Forumla field for your columns. It would be structured something like:
"SomeValue" + Year({#SomeOtherDate})
When you design the crosstab, you'll want to set ID as the Row, your new formula from above as the Column, and the Summarized Field will be SomeValue. You'll also want to suppress the Grand Totals in the Customize Style.

How to set Group column height in Crystal Report

Actually I am generating receipt and it looks like this in 2 columns:
| Receipt 1 | Receipt 2 | // Group Header Section for Receipt-No
| Item 1 | Item 1 | // Group Detail Section
| Item 2 | Item 2 |
| Item 3 |------------
------------- Receipt2 |
| Receipt1 | Total | // Group Footer Section for Receipt-No
| Total |___________|
When number of items in Detail section are not equal then Group Header-Footer are not displayed in the same line.
How its possible to achieve it in this way:
| Receipt 1 | Receipt 2 |
| Item 1 | Item 1 |
| Item 2 | Item 2 |
| Item 3 | |
| Receipt1 | Receipt2 |
| Total | Total |
Is it possible for you to put the totals and header in different sections from that of item details. This should result in the the totals showing up aligned as expected.
If you are asking help on Crystal Report and it's a design problem, please show your design better, we need to see the lines and the details between each section to help you well.
To achieve what you want, the lines for your Group Detail section needs to be until the beginning of your Group Footer section. ( the line must begin in the GroupDetailSection and finish in the beginning of the GroupFooterSection )

Tableau - Show multiple discrete string (dropdown) dimensions side-by-side in a single table

I have a list of survey results that looks similar to the following:
| Email | Question 1 | Question 2 |
| ----------------- | ---------- | ---------- |
| | Always | Sometimes |
| | Always | Always |
| | Sometimes | Never |
Question 1 and Question 2 (and a few others) have the same discrete set of values (from a dropdown list on the survey).
I want to show the data in the following format in Tableau (a table is fine, but a heatmap or highlight table would be best):
| | Always | Sometimes | Never |
| ---------- | ------ | --------- | ----- |
| Question 1 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| Question 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
How can I achieve this? I've tried various combinations of rows and columns and I just can't seem to get close to this layout. Do I need to use a calculated value?
As far as I know - it is not natively possible with Tableau, because what you have is kind of a pivot table.
What you can do is unpivot the whole table as explained here, then you can load the data into Tableau and create the table you want.
I did some dummy data and tried it.
That's my "unpivoted" table:
And that's how it looks in Tableau:

What is the best way to "paginate" a loooong SVG file on iOS?

I am facing an interesting problem with SVG and iOS.
I need to render very long SVG files (up to about 5mb large), which hasn't been a problem using UIWebView. I also haven't had a problem scrolling them smoothly with JS, but since I'm waiting on my developer program application to be approved I haven't tested the performance on an actual device.
I'm now trying to achieve a page-turning effect like how the iBooks app flips pages. It doesn't have to be as elaborate and intricate, the gist of the idea is that the next section of the svg will "wipe over" the last.
Reason being, I need both "pages" of content to remain static to ease the reading of the content during the "flipping" process. Scrolling very quickly makes the contents of the SVG difficult to read.
Here is a graphic representation of what I would like to achieve:
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Looking forward to some interesting ideas from you veterans!
I haven't rut to such needs, but from what I know, it could be made by two UIViews (or any of their subclasses). All you have to do is a custom animation on flip(a simple one if you interested in flip only, a harder one if you need the animation actually to go one with the finger). And of course you'll need to put corresponding part of your file to those views. Actually I would suggest using 3 views, so you'll be able to put content of the next "page" while it still offscreen. That will make your animation smoother.