Soundcloud API / Downloading sets (playlists) - soundcloud

I'm developing a custom player widget with the SoundCloud API. I want to allow downloading a complete CD/EP that is represented by a set/playlist as a zip package or something alike. The playlist REST request gives a JSON result with a field 'downloadable', but not the field 'download_url' as is the case with a track REST request.
Is it possible to let the widget user download a complete set at once, maybe for premium memberships only? If not, will this become possible in the future for any of the premium accounts?
I think it is very useful for allot of users that want to offer a new released album as a downloadable gift for promotion. Currently a user has to click on the download button for each track seperately.

Let me start with a sidenote: we are not SoundCloud support so telling us you would really really like a feature is not really really going to accomplish much.
Now to your question: I'm sure it is possible with some serverside work. You could download the tracks on the serverside and pack it for the user and make it available to them.


How to get whole tems unreded notifications ( activity + chat, etc)

I'have search inside Microsoft documentation Graph API some method to get any kind of unread notifications from Teams product but I didn't see anything relevant that could I use through a REST API.
IS really possible to get the unreaded notifications?
This badges numbers is what I want
Thanks in advance
IS really possible to get the unreaded notifications?
Of course, the answer is yes. Currently, there are not existing Team API for this, you need to do it by yourself, meanwhile submit an feature request in the UserVoice. A workaround for you: get the message/activity list first, and store the lastModifiedDateTime in your app cache, then use corresponding API to regular interaction with the server to see if any update is available.
The feed aggregates important content from the following:
Apps such as Files, Planner, and your Teams apps
This is on the roadmap but we don't have and dates to share publicly.

Is there a way to use Shopify MetaFields to tag customers with data?

I've been trying to find a way to store a piece of data relative to a customer in my store. Ideally I was hoping to be able to create a Metafield that would store a single numerical value and be retrievable by the customer's id or email.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be really appreciated. Ideally I'd like to be able to handle everything in the liquid layer by editing the html and css of the store directly. A custom app with API integration is another option but less desirable as it doesn't seem necessary and would appear to be a lot more work.
EDIT: Tried piggybacking the order (thinking orders are unique to users) but it doesn't appear that the order object is created until the checkout is complete so that isn't really useful since I want to be able to attribute the user to a session click that led them to the store.
You will want to use an App. First, off, that is the only way for you to alter any objects in Shopify. Secondly, you can easily store simple things like counter values on the Customer resource using metafields. Third, anything you do with metafields on the Customer would be easily visible to the customer, since you can expose those metafields using Liquid. Fourth, if you choose to use JS you must use the App Proxy pattern. Shopify will then send your JS XHR payload to your App endpoint in a secure fashion.
So your needs and how to do are not new, they are old skool in Shopify terms and very straightforward to implement.

Is there a way to dynamically upload catalog items from my database to PayPal Here using the API?

I'm looking to see if it's possible to add catalog items that are always changing with code rather than manually entering them one by one. I want to do this to make use of the barcode scanning feature on the PayPal Here POS app in a store that never sells the same item twice.
Here is the entry page I'm looking to automate with the PayPal API:
image of PayPal interface (was too new to stackoverflow to embed it)
I haven't found a hint of this in the API docs or on the web. Does anyone know if it's possible?

rails beta request signup with social media sharing reward

I would like to build a simple beta request signup page where the user is rewarded with an earlier reward when he is sharing the link to the application as much as possible.
A solution like this is seeable on
User enters email
User gets unique link with his unique code
User shares this link on every signup its a +1 count on him
An admin method throws out the users emails which have shared the link and brought the most people in. I want to use this email list to use in CampaignMonitor.
Anyone knows what could be a good way to achieve this? Or someone wrote such a thing or knows a git repo that has this feature implemented as is to take a look at and learn?
I have already coded a unique code generator for the app that makes unique codes of 10 chars.
Now only this social media sharing is a bit unclear to me on how to approach this in rails, any ideas on that? thx!
Something like this can be achieved pretty easily in any framework, so I think I'll provide a general answer first, and if any specific gems occur to me, I'll mention them:
1) The unique code part is easy, it's just a parameter in a controller that checks the validity of the code — this would be a unique code that's added to the user model for ease of verification and created when the user first enters his email address.
2) Every time the link is visited, it's parsed by the controller and saves an event (don't just increment a field if you want maximum data out of the interaction, you could save IP for country of origin, time of the page hit, etc), just count the click events for that user for his +1s
3) Just write a quick admin site (i used twitter bootstrap for this recently) that lets you see the user's who've interacted with the system and sort by shares, and you can use the createsend gem to add them to whatever list you like.
There are no specific gems I can think of that'll speed this process up, Devise is overkill, you don't really need an activity monitor gem since you're not storing much info, definitely twitter_bootstrap for speeding up building the admin interface. Heroku lets you add an Sendgrid as a plugin, so you're covered there for mail sending.
Am i missing anything in your requirements? Seriously though this should be a 2-4 day dev effort, nothing fancy here.

CMS for anonymous interaction

I need a CMS that allow me to interact with people anonymousely... The site will present some video, some picture... but i need to :
Let ANYBODY without registering send video, post and picture. those media will fall into a queue for approval by real persont that manage the site, and send that to the right category !
So if you know plugin or extension for joomla, drupal or wordpress that do that or another cms that will allow the flexibility to do that...
Dont tell me it's dangerous to let anybody upload photo, i can get porn, but it will be filter by human, and registering under false name do the same thing
Sure, that's easily enough done in Drupal.
Set up standard drupal. Get CCK, and the video modules necessary for how you want to handle video - filefield/imagefield is probably pretty close to what you need.
Set up the content types you want the users to be able to create. Give the anonymous user role the create permissions for the types you want anonymous users to use. Unset the published check box in the content type forms, so that new nodes will not be published.
I would then snag a copy of the workflow module, which will allow you to define states for the nodes to be in (such as 'waiting for review', 'approved', or 'rejected') and set up roles for your moderator(s) to review the content and approve. Workflow's a pretty easy module to get working.
And there you go - anyone can create a new node, but the node won't be seen by visitors to the site until after it's been approved by a moderator.
A final thought - including a module like spam or mollom might work with preventing new nodes that are only spam from bothering your moderators. Captcha might be helpful too, although that does get bypassed at times.