Progress display long field (frame/form) - progress-4gl

How can i display a long field on screen.
For each cust :
Display remarks.
The remarks field has 300characters to display. The display statement gives an error that the field is too long to display.
I already tried form and frame definitions. With the width-option this doesn't work.
Now i tried with size 300 by 2 but then it show me 80 chars and scroll bars to see the rest.
How can i display the field completely on the screen without scrolling etc?

I'm assuming that a "remarks" field is free form text and that word wrapping is ok.
define variable remarks as character no-undo.
remarks = "This is a lot of text. Hopefully enough to prove the point. I don't really have much to say but I am kind of curious
why all the down votes? It seems like a reasonable enough question to ask.".
display remarks view-as editor inner-chars 60 inner-lines 10.

Display Remarks view-as editor size 78 by 15.
Where 78 is the width and 15 the number of lines.
If you want just to display and not be able to update:
def var remarks as char.
form remarks view-as editor size 10 by 10
with frame f.
remarks:read-only in frame f = true.
update remarks
with frame f.


Fillable Pdf multi-line, Allow rich text formatting in Acrobat Pro DC: but it ignores line spacing/leading set in More

I'm on Win10, using Acrobat Pro DC 2021.011... to edit and Reader DC (same version) to test.
From experience and from reading forums etc, forms in these apps are maddening... but I have not been able to find any discussion (or solutions) to the following behavior...
The form I'm building for other employees' use has a large edit text box set to Multi-line and Allow Rich Text Formatting. It is set to a default font, Calibri and size 50pt. For most situations this will work for them; provides 2-3 lines for a short product description. But occasionally they want a smaller font and more lines... They know how to get the ctrl+e properties bar. But in my testing of this alternative situation they'll need sometimes, I'm finding it's impossible to get the smaller font size and more lines to work. Here's my process.
tab into text box. Ctrl+E for properties bar.
before typing I set the font size to 24
then I type in my 4 lines of text
then I tab to my next form field...
and kaboom... the field I just's line height is so large it's pushed some of the content invisible. I assume this is coming from the field's default font size, 50
And if I try to adjust the line height, by selecting all the text and then choosing in More...>Form Field Text Properties>Paragraph>Line Spacing
If I set it to Single and click Close/click into another field I get the very large leading (presumably for 50pt font (same as pic above after point 5)
If I choose Exactly and set to point size slightly larger, click Close/out of field, I get another ridiculous result where the 2/3 line have the height I set, but the space between the 1 & 2 second line is way too much and the space between the last line and 3rd line is way too small...
before tabbing or clicking out of field to another field
Good lord.. what is that! 3 different leading values in the same field; just after applying 1 value to all lines, all text in the field...
It makes no sense... it doesn't look like it regards your input at all, and just comes up with it's own random leading... I've fiddled with Space before/after and combinations of Line Height and nothing comes close to what we need... At this point I'm convinced the Acrobat tools for a stylizing text in a multi-line, allow formatting text field are useless. I'd be better off with my employees they can't format anything, ever. Just type one line and hit Tab or Enter...
What is going on! I'm trying to make a simple fillable form for other employees to use, but this kind of behavior makes that impossible (It's enough of a stretch to teach them to use the ctrl+E and do some styling of their text but this is bonkers and completely unteachable... there's not rhyme or pattern to teach!)
Hope someone can help or has seen this behavior too.

How to render a "View More" link if text in a widget is too long to fit in a specified nr of lines

I am working on an app with a chat feature that shows messages in a ListView. The size of each "message" depends on the amount of text in that particular message.
I would like to put a limit on the number of lines, say 10 lines max. If a particular message happens to take up more than the limit, the text should be truncated near the end of the 10th line and a "FlatButton" with the text 'more...' be provided, which allows the user to open up that message to see all the text. For messages that fit, this button will not be shown.
The part I am struggling with is being able to truncate the text at the right point.
Currently I am thinking that guessing the number of lines a message might take up based on the number of characters and the font size would be the best approach, with the limitation that sometimes it might be off by a couple of lines. That is probably acceptable in this application.
As a bonus I also would like to render the "more..." button "inline" at the end of the text, but that is probably a separate question.
Did you try the maxLines property of Text widget? This in combination with overflow should solve your problem.
maxLine property
overflow property

Put Alphabetical series in formula using HTML as Text interpretation

I am using a 3 way formula to put notes below the group footer of my Crystal Report. Please see below example for illustration
1. Text
a. Text
b. Text
2. Text
a. Text
b. Text
3. Text
a. Text
b. Text
c. Text
I was able to put the numerical series using a variable and increment it by 1, however in letters, I have seen a code to something like
chrw(96 + i) //where i is 1 based
But that wont work because my text interpretation is on HTML, are there alternatives? or conversion of the code for it to take effect in my formula.
chrw(ascw("`") + (var2 := var2+1))
the code above worked for me!, just set the variable var2 and initialize to 0 value. Do some conditioning to create an indention effect.

Detail band longer than necessary in iReport

I have a detail band with text fields and a table. In the designer view I have fit all the band, but when I see the preview the lowest text field is higher than the first text field in the next band (i.e. I have empty space between band 1 and band 2).
The empty space is due by the table, in fact if I remove it I have no empty space. Below the designer view and preview.
The question is: how I can avoid the empty space between the bands? Thanks.
EDIT2: Now that the report is shown, it's clear. Make the table bigger in the report layout. Stretch it all the way to the bottom. When you don't, JR is careful to include as much space below it as you have left there.
EDIT: I think the key issue is that the band height should be "20" to match the height of the elements in it.
Old answer containing trivia that might or might not matter:
Some of your "text fields" are textFields. This is good. Some of your "text fields" are staticText. This is bad. Convert the static text to real text fields. You can right-click them and automatically transform them.
stretchType is bad. Turn that off. (Actually, it's good and useful... but it's not what you want.)
isStretchWithOverflow is good. Turn it on. Your text says that it's already on, but your code shows that it is not.
isPrintWhenDetailOverflows is bad. Turn it off. Your text makes no mention of it, but your code shows that it is on. (It's probably irrelevant... but you should turn it off to be clear that it's not what you think it is.)

How to handle variable width FieldObjects in Crystal Reports

I have a Crystal Report which is viewed via a CrystalReportViewer control on an .aspx page (using VS2008).
The report has two data-driven FieldObjects (which can contain a variable number of chars) which I would like to display on the same line beside each other.
Problem is when the text in the first FieldObject is too long it overlaps the text in the second FieldObject.
I have tried setting the 'CanGrow=True' and 'MaxNumberOfLines=1' on the first FieldObject to 'push' the second FieldObject further to the right, but this didn't work.
How do I get the second FieldObject to always display immediately after the first FieldObject regardless of the length of the text in the first?
Cheers in advance of any knowledge you can drop.
you can add a text object to the report. And while editing the text of the text object, drag the field you want to show from the object explorer into the text box. Then hit space, then drag the second field in to the same text box. Your two fields will always be one space a part. You could, of course, add more spaces or any other text you want.
Or you can create a function which returns field1 + " " + field2 and add the function to the report.