When I start my eclipse, it gives following error :
An internal error occurred during:
"Repository registry initialization".
Does anyone know how can I solve this error.??
Once suggestion for this workspace is to rename
.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi to something else,
then try and startup. This resets the basic perspectives and the views that
are open (and removes all open editors).
It won't reset the workspace. This should reset the plugin configuration, that is causing this issue. (The solution I am specifying is a generic solution to startup eclipse problems)
I added a spring tools 4 plugin in eclipse. However after restarting eclipse, it continuously builds the workspace with the following error:
An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
Receiver class org.eclipse.egit.core.Activator$EclipseSystemReader does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method 'abstract org.eclipse.jgit.lib.StoredConfig getUserConfig()' of abstract class org.eclipse.jgit.util.SystemReader.
Another error which is seen is:
An internal error occurred during: "Auto share git projects".
Receiver class org.eclipse.egit.core.Activator$EclipseSystemReader does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method 'abstract org.eclipse.jgit.lib.StoredConfig getUserConfig()' of abstract class org.eclipse.jgit.util.SystemReader.
This however does not occur if I close all projects. I think it has something to do with egit and I am trying to turn it off but when I right click project and hover over the team options it shows nothing.
I think the reason for this error was, while installing the spring tools 4 plugin I initially quit eclipse abruptly without seeing the installation progress which might have broken things. When I opened eclipse the plugin was not installed so I again installed and after a restart it started showing this error.
The error was annoying so as a last resort I uninstalled and reinstalled eclipse and it fixed the issue. Also I am able to see team options now.
This is a kind of weird problem. We cannot blame GIT nor IDE's (eclipse or spring tool suite).
Best possible way to come out of this hiccup is to do a fresh git clone of the project into a new folder. Then create a new workspace and IMPORT the project from the IDE into the newly created workspace.
I'm trying to open my Maven project with Eclipse Juno, but I'm getting this error:
An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project".
Preference node "org.eclipse.wst.validation" has been removed.
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
Same probleme here, there the solution I fix it
Open the .project file with your prefered text editor.
delete the node that is about "org.eclipse.wst.validation"
Close your project
Open your project
Launch Maven Update...
Should be good.
Another way to fix it, if you don't want to change your .project config
(or if you had several projects that must be fixed)
Close your workspace (or eclipse)
-move out <WorkspaceDir>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects from the workspace directory
-reopen you workspace
close it again
-move back the .projects dir (say yes to replace questions ? )
open you workspace
Launch Maven Update
Should be good
Simpler fix:
Close Project
Open Project
Project > Clean
Run Maven Update
I was using Eclipse Mars and in my case, just close and reopen my IDE did the work.
Dont know, if you still have this problem, but here is the solution worked for me:
It appears that deleting the file org.eclipse.wst.validation.prefs in
the directory .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings
(default settings for workspace) or .settings in each individual
project will cause the settings for validation to be reset to their
original settings. You can then use validation without getting error
messages and try resetting the options from there. However, I'm not
sure what combination of settings would cause the problem to reappear.
However, if it does, you can repeat the process.
got this from here: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=355012
in my case i didnt have the mentioned file in this folder, but i had a bunch of other org.eclipse.wst.* files. deleting them all did the trick for me.
The problem is not related to the .projects folder as mentioned in another answer.
The solution is to add a file called org.eclipse.wst.validation.prefs in the .settings folder. This will restore the eclipse validation node.
The content of the file, depending on your eclipse version, might look like this:
Another Solution is too simple , deleting .project file then clean the project and maven update will success surely
I think this is one error that could be caused by multiple different sources. I just had the same error however, and just figured out why. In my situation, I just tried to force update some code by deleting a few temporary files. Turned out I accidentally deleted that file as well. I thankfully had it under source control, so I pulled the file back and updated the project with Maven. I also made sure any other errors were fixed so that the project would clean / update successfully.
I'm not sure if this will solve your problem, but I hope it helps! Good luck!
I have Eclipse Juno and Force.com IDE. When I try to create new classes they always show: failed to create the part's controls. It worked for the first time, but now they always show this. Same happens if I create them inside the force.com platform.
Error details:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: assertion failed:
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert.isTrue(Assert.java:110)
etc ...
I would appreciate all help.
I had the same error. I fixed it by switching the eclipse workspace. Go to menu File->Switch Workspace->Other, and then select the same workspace you were working with. Eclipse will restart and you should not get the error.
I faced the same issue my default editor for JSP was Web page editor. Which I changed to JSP editor and everything is fine.
PS: To change to JSP editor
Right click on JSP page -->open with jsp .
I got the "failed to create the part's controls" error one day when I opened Eclipse and tried to view a java file I had been working on. When I opened the file I needed, it showed a red X and NullPointerException instead of the code. The error log mentioned "event loop exception" for some reason.
I restarted Eclipse, and the error was still there. I cleaned the project, updated the project, deleted and re-imported the project, deleted and re-imported the file, and the error still was there. As a last resort, I restarted Eclipse again and then the file was fine. So one of the clean/update/delete/import steps worked but I don't know which one.
Use eclipse -clean from command prompt to solve this problem.
I solved my problem like this:
This problem occur because of in eclipse default editor is not able to identify extension of that file. If you right click on file and open it with respective text editor ,problem will be solved
In ecllipse, every file types has some associated default formats and one of the default format set to the particular file type.
You can see this in General -> Editors -> File Associations-
This issue generally occurs when we open any file in the format which is not the default format of the particular types.
I got same issue when I opened one of the Java file in text format in ecllipse and then I started getting the same issue. After research, I observed that AspectJ/Java Editor was setting as default. After reset it to Java Editor, the problem got resolved.
Steps :
1. General -> Editors -> File Associations-
2. Select the content type and choose the default format for it.
3. Restart the ecllipse.
In general, it is some default file format that set in ecllipse causing the same issue.
in my case problem was that the server was resin and I didn't have the resin server extension installed
I solved the problem.
(1)Open the filed with TXT.
(2)Search and Delete the underline between number like:
int a = 10_000;
It works when i compile and run as others used, but it will fail if i save and open again.
I also had for the same problem and fixed it by updating eclipse. Help > Check for Updates.
This worked for me---->
Right click on pom.xml-->open with-->xml editor
Had a similar stacktrace on failed to create the part's controls while trying to open Git repositories view in Git perspective.
My case (cause) is different since I was migrating an Eclipse workspace from an Ubuntu VM to Windows.
Many thing were copied like projects, .git folders, or also .metadata Eclipse folder.
Tried with no success:
uninstall all egit component (installation details, then, install new software
restart eclipse -clean
reset Git repository perspective
I searched and found this invalid UNIX : separator in .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\org.eclipse.egit.core.prefs file.
Here, the : is invalid path separator on Windows.
I simply removed the value in this line, saved file, and restarted Eclipse:
(alternative: if needed, try to migrate those linux paths to their Windows equivalent too)
Git repositories view is back.
I received an error about how Eclipse was caught in a loop and something about garbage collecting...after I finally got it closed, I tried reopening and it won't work. I tried the following from the command line:
eclipse -clean
and it still doesn't work. I posted the error log at
This is a fresh error log (single attempt to open eclipse)
Anyone know about eclipse errors that can help me out?
Delete the .metadata folder from the workspace or change the workspace folder.
To make the eclipse ask where should your workspace be follow the steps below.
Find the file org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs in your eclipse\configuration.settings folder.
I had a similar crash and starting eclipse with -clean option did not help. I ended up deleting the .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench file, which fixed this problem.
Sometimes your workspace becomes corrupted and Eclipse can't open that workspace.
Can you open/create another workspace?
I ended up just reinstalling eclipse...
I was getting an issue where Eclipse wouldn't start. The splash screen appeared for a second, but never showed the workspace select screen, just like the OP said. I was about to reinstall when I took one last look at my eclipse.ini file. I found that I had left the m off one of the memory allocation settings. This caused it to crash with no error messages. So, perhaps malformed ini files can cause this issue.
I have a little problem with Eclipse, which is driving me insane.
i cannot figure out why, but Eclipse won't refresh any of my projects. it always reports following error:
An internal error occurred during: "Refreshing workspace".
java.lang.String cannot be cast to [Lorg.eclipse.core.resources.FileInfoMatcherDescription;
Well ... google did not helped so far. I tried to close all my projecst and open them again. I also deleted my whole workspace and set up a new Eclipse. It helped for about 2 hours.
has anyone occured the same problem?
Look at your Eclipse log file (/.metadata/.log) to get the full stack trace and see if that helps you (it probably won't). But then take it and file a bug at eclipse.org, someone will look at it and might have a workaround or something.