Coffeescript for loop - coffeescript

I am trying to convert some apple chart examples from javascript to coffeescript. Having a tough time trying to figure out how to write this for loop in coffee script. Thanks for any help in advance
for (scale = maxVal; scale >= 0; scale -= stepSize) {...}

This loop will increment by the negative of stepSize.
maxVal = 10
stepSize = 1
for scale in [maxVal..0] by -stepSize
console.log scale
However, if stepSize is actually 1, then
maxVal = 10
for scale in [maxVal..0]
console.log scale
would produce the same result

scale = maxVal
while scale >= 0
scale -= stepSize
There's a good tool for converting JS to Coffeescript:


Extrapolate Animation Curve (Endless game balancing curve)

I need a curve editor to make balancing of endless game then I tried to use AnimationCurve.
I need to set a curve to a certain range ex. [0;1] and if I want a value over 1, the result of the Evaluation have to extrapolate the curve. I want to be able to compute Y from X and X from Y.
The problem is AnimationCurve have only 3 WrapMode (Clamp, PingPong, Loop).
How to extrapolate an AnimationCurve ?
Is there a better tool to make curve with extrapolation (post and pre curve) ?
For real extrapolation I think you'd have to implement your own system based on Bézier mathematics. Me at least am not aware of unity providing it out of the box.
A work around for it could be to just define values beyond the 0 to 1 range to cover the extents, animation curves do allow this, I don't think there are to many issues with that.
Another solution, to stay in 0 to 1 range still but achieve the same effect, would be to model the curve from 0 to 1 so that it would cover extreme values within that range and remap the time for curve evaluation given by the object to a 0 to 1 range.
// define range extents
float rangeMin = -5f, rangeMax = 5f;
var range = 10f;
// range could be calculated at runtime if necessary:
// [to] (higher value) - [from] (lower value) = [range]
// 5f - -5f = 10f
var timeRaw = 0; // variable provided value
var time01 = (timeRaw - rangeMin) / range;
// reult by timeRaw = 0: (0 - -5) / 10 = 0.5
// reult by timeRaw = 5: (5 - -5) / 10 = 1.0
// reult by timeRaw = -5: (-5 - -5) / 10 = 0.0
Combining both solutions allow you to cover even more extreme values.

Plotting speed and distance calculated using accelerometer

I am working on basic distance calculation using accelerometer by dragging object on a single axis for physics class in MATLAB and have problem with plotting data.
My steps are:
1) After calibrating device to read zero g on every axis, I eliminate drift errors:
X_real = X_sample - X_calibrated;
if(X_real <= X_drift )
X_real = 0;
Where X_drift is 2 mg (From datasheet of accelerometer)
2) Calculate velocity:
velocity = 0; % On start
% Integration
v(i) = v(i-1) - x(i-1)-(x(i)+x(i-1)+x(i-2)+x(i-3))/4;
%Check if we stopped
if(x(i-1)==0 && x(i)==0)
%Check if velocity is under 0 (Not allowed)
if(v(i) < 0)
velocity = velocity + v(i);
3) Calculate distance:
distance = 0; % On start
s(i) = s(i-1) + v(i-1) + (v(i)-v(i-1)-v(i-2)-v(i-3))/4;
distance = distance + s(i);
After testing this by dragging accelerometer on table 20 cm i got these results:
velocity = 0.09 m/s
distance = 0.21 m
time = 3.2s
Error of 1 cm is OK for classroom.
Chart tells something different:
I tried to plot distance after this:
s(i) = s(i)+s(i-1);
And got 21 cm on chart but after 6 s not after 4 s where it should be.
What am I doing wrong?
*UPDATE: Position y value is in mm not cm! Sorry
Im sorry for asking for help, i thought my formulas were ok, but they didn't. After step by step calculations my final solution is:
1) Velocity:
v(i) = v(i-1) - x(i-1)-(x(i)+x(i-1))/2;
2) Distance:
s(i) = s(i-1) + v(i-1)+(v(i)+v(i-1))/2;
And chart is:
Sorry once more time. I hope this will help someone calculating velocity and distance. It surely helped me as lesson to better study my code next time before asking for help.

Trouble with the assignment of values to pixels

I'm currently trying to write a function in MatLab which loops over each pixel, takes the mean intensity of the pixels within a radius around it and then applies that intensity to the central pixel, effectively blurring the image.
I start by declaring the function and finding the maximum width and height of the image, nx and ny:
function [] = immean(IMAGE, r)
[nx, ny] = size(IMAGE);
I then create a completely black image of the same size as the image variable IMAGE. This is so that I can store the value of each pixel, once the mean intensity of its neighbourhood has been found.
average = zeros(size(IMAGE));
I then loop through the image:
for x = 1:nx
for y = 1:ny
and apply a series of if-statements to deal with cases where the radius of the circle around the pixel does not fit the image. (For example, a pixel at (1,1) with a radius of 5 would have a starting point of -4, which would cause an error):
if x-r <= 0
startx = 1;
startx = x-r;
if x+r > nx
endx = nx;
endx = x+r;
if y-r <= 0
starty = 1;
starty = y-r;
if y+r > ny
endy = ny;
endy = y+r;
This effectively creates a square of values that may fall under the domain of the circular sample, which speeds up the program dramatically. After that, I iterate through the values within this square and find any pixels which fall within the radius of the central pixel. The intensities of these pixels are then added to a variable called total and the count pixelcount increments:
total = 0;
pixelcount = 0;
for xp = startx : endx
for yp = starty : endy
if (x-xp)^2 + (y-yp)^2 <= r^2
total = total + uint64(IMAGE(xp, yp));
pixelcount = pixelcount + 1;
I then find the mean intensity of the circular sample of pixels, by dividing total by pixelcount and then plug that value into the appropriate pixel of the completely black image average:
mean = total / pixelcount;
average(x,y) = mean;
The trouble is: this isn't working. Instead of a blurred version of the original image, I get an entirely white image instead. I'm not sure why - when I take the ; from the last line, it shows me that mean constitutes many values - it's not like they're all 255. So I figure that there must be something wrong with the assignment line average(x,y) = mean;, but I can't find out what that is.
Can anyone see why this is going wrong?

Rotation of image manually in matlab

I am trying to rotate the image manually using the following code.
m1 = imread('owl','pgm'); % a simple gray scale image of order 260 X 200
newImg = zeros(500,500);
newImg = int16(newImg);
rotationMatrix45 = [cos((pi/4)) -sin((pi/4)); sin((pi/4)) cos((pi/4))];
for x = 1:size(m1,1)
for y = 1:size(m1,2)
point =[x;y] ;
product = rotationMatrix45 * point;
product = int16(product);
newx =product(1,1);
newImg(newx,newy) = m1(x,y);
Simply I am iterating through every pixel of image m1, multiplying m1(x,y) with rotation matrix, I get x',y', and storing the value of m1(x,y) in to `newImg(x',y')' BUT it is giving the following error
??? Attempted to access newImg(0,1); index must be a positive integer or logical.
Error in ==> at 18
newImg(newx,newy) = m1(x,y);
I don't know what I am doing wrong.
Part of the rotated image will get negative (or zero) newx and newy values since the corners will rotate out of the original image coordinates. You can't assign a value to newImg if newx or newy is nonpositive; those aren't valid matrix indices. One solution would be to check for this situation and skip such pixels (with continue)
Another solution would be to enlarge the newImg sufficiently, but that will require a slightly more complicated transformation.
This is assuming that you can't just use imrotate because this is homework?
The problem is simple, the answer maybe not : Matlab arrays are indexed from one to N (whereas in many programming langages it's from 0 to (N-1) ).
Try newImg( max( min(1,newX), m1.size() ) , max( min(1,newY), m1.size() ) ) maybe (I don't have Matlab at work so I can tell if it's gonna work), but the resulting image will be croped.
this is an old post so I guess it wont help the OP but as I was helped by his attempt I post here my corrected code.
basically some freedom in the implementation regarding to how you deal with unassigned pixels as well as wether you wish to keep the original size of the pic - which will force you to crop areas falling "outside" of it.
the following function rotates the image around its center, leaves unassigned pixels as "burned" and crops the edges.
function [h] = rot(A,ang)
rotMat = [cos((pi.*ang/180)) sin((pi.*ang/180)); -sin((pi.*ang/180)) cos((pi.*ang/180))];
centerW = round(size(A,1)/2);
centerH = round(size(A,2)/2);
h=255.* uint8(ones(size(A)));
for x = 1:size(A,1)
for y = 1:size(A,2)
point =[x-centerW;y-centerH] ;
product = rotMat * point;
product = int16(product);
newx =product(1,1);
if newx+centerW<=size(A,1)&& newx+centerW > 0 && newy+centerH<=size(A,2)&& newy+centerH > 0
h(newx+centerW,newy+centerH) = A(x,y);

How to swap negative rotation values over to positive rotation values?

Example: I have a circle which is split up into two halfs. One half goes from 0 to -179,99999999999 while the other goes from 0 to 179,99999999999. Typical example: transform.rotation.z of an CALayer. Instead of reaching from 0 to 360 it is slip up like that.
So when I want to develop a gauge for example (in theory), I want to read values from 0 to 360 rather than getting a -142 and thinking about what that might be on that 0-360 scale.
How to convert this mathematically correctly? Sine? Cosine? Is there anything useful for this?
Isn't the normalization achieved by something as simple as:
assert(value >= -180.0 && value <= +180.0);
if (value < 0)
value += 360.0;
I'd probably put even this into a function if I'm going to need it in more than one place. If the code needs to deal with numbers that might already be normalized, then you change the assertion. If it needs to deal with numbers outside the range -180..+360, then you have more work to do (adding or subtracting appropriate multiples of 360).
while (x < 0) {
x = x + 360;
while (x > 360) {
x = x - 360;
This will work on any value, positive or negative.
((value % 360) + 360) % 360
The first (value % 360) makes it to -359 to 359.
The + 360 removes any negative number: Value now 1 to 719
The last % 360 makes it to 0
to 359
Say x is the value with range (-180, 180), y is the value you want display,
y = x + 180;
That will change shift reading to range (0, 360).
If you don't mind spending a few extra CPU cycles on values that are already positive, this should work on any value -360 < x < 360:
x = (x + 360) % 360;
I provide code to return 0 - 360 degree angle values from the layer's transform property in this answer to your previous question.