visualization of light waves superposition in matlab - matlab

I wrote some quick code for visualization of superposition of two waves with different amplitudes in space, point source geometry. this works at khanacademy CS platform. but i cant reproduce the exact phenomena in matlab. all i get is a noisy image. Is this something to do with difference in random number generation? I have no idea how different random(0,1)(in JS) and rand(in matlab) are.
here is the matlab code
A wave superposition function for a point x,y on image plane
function S = Super(refamp,objamp,x,y,a,lambda)
r1 = sqrt(a*a+x*x+y*y); %a is in z-axis
S = refamp+(objamp*cos(2*pi*r1/(lambda/(10^6))));
The test script
close all;
clear all;
a=10; %distance from source to image plane
width = 1024;
height =1024;
im = zeros(width); % the image
A0 = 3; % amplitude of reference wave
A1 = 1; % amplitude of object wave A0>>A1: A0/A1>=3
lambda = 632; % wavelength in nanometers
% generate the superposition in space width*height at a along z-axis
for y=1:height
for x=1:width
s = Super(A0,A1,x-(width/2),y-(height/2),a, lambda);
im(x,y) = 1;
%display the image
title('test image')

The main problem is that your scales are off, so you aren't seeing the interference pattern. If you play around with how big/far everything is, it will work out right and you can see the pattern.
The second problem is that your code would really benefit from vectorization. I've shown this below - doing it this way speeds up the execution dramatically.
function Interference
a=1000 * 10^-9; #% distance from source to image plane
width = 10000 * 10^-9;
height= 10000 * 10^-9;
size = 700;
A0 = 3; %# amplitude of reference wave
A1 = 1; %# amplitude of object wave A0>>A1: A0/A1>=3
lambda = 632 * 10^-9; #% wavelength in nanometers
x=linspace(0,width,size); #% vector from 0 to width
y=linspace(0,height,size); #% vector from 0 to height
[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); #% matrices of x and y values at each position
s=Super(A0, A1, X-(width/2), Y-(height/2), a, lambda); #% size-by-size (700x700)
r=rand(size); #% 700x700 matrix of random values on [0 1]
im = zeros(size);
im(r<(s/(A0+A1))) = 1; %# do this all at once instead of pixel-by-pixel
#% display the image
title('test image')
end #% end of function Interference
#% Super is now vectorized, so you can give it a matrix of values for x and y
function S = Super(refamp,objamp,x,y,a,lambda)
r1 = sqrt(a.*a+x.*x+y.*y); #% dot notation: multiply element-wise
S = refamp+(objamp*cos(2*pi*r1/(lambda)));
end #% end of function Super

function i = Interference(width, height, sizeh,sizev,z)
% parameters explained
% width: is the horizontal pixel pitch in microns
% height: is the vertical pixel pitch in microns
% size is the width=height of the CCD in number of pixels
% z is distance from source to image plane
A0 = 3; %# amplitude of reference wave
A1 = 1; %# amplitude of object wave A0>>A1: A0/A1>=3
lambda = 635 * 10^-9; % wavelength in nanometers
%the linspace was wrong
x=linspace(0,width*sizeh,sizeh); % vector from 0 to width of size 'size'
y=linspace(0,height*sizev,sizev); % vector from 0 to height of size 'size'
[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); % matrices of x and y values at each position
s=Super(A0, A1, X-((width*sizeh)/2), Y-((height*sizev)/2), z, lambda); % size-by-size (1024x1024)
r=rand(size); % 1024x1024 matrix of random values on [0 1]
im = zeros(size);
im(r<(s/(A0+A1))) = 1; %# do this all at once instead of pixel-by-pixel
end % end of function Interference
% Super is now vectorized, so you can give it a matrix of values for x and y
function S = Super(refamp,objamp,x,y,a,lambda)
r1 = sqrt(a.*a+x.*x+y.*y); % dot notation: multiply element-wise
S = refamp+(objamp*cos(2*pi*r1/(lambda)));
end % end of function Super
usage of the function
width = 2.8 * 10^-6;
height= 2.8 * 10^-6; %pixel size
% sizeh = 16; %image size in pixels
% sizev = 16;
sizeh = 1600; %image size in pixels
sizev = 1200;
int_z = 100*10^-3; % z dist in m
% xes1 = 100;
%xes2 = ;
int_im = Interference(width,height,sizeh, sizev,int_z);
int_im = int_im/max(max(int_im)); % normalize
int_im = (int_im-0.5)*2; % enhance visualy
% display the image


Fancy Correlation Plots in MATLAB

I'm trying to find a way to generate these pretty correlation plots in MATLAB. These are generated in R using 'corrplot' function, but couldn't find any similar code in MATLAB. Any help would be appreciated.
As a quick description, this function will create a color scale of the correlation values, and create circles in each cell of the correlation matrix/plot with the associated color. The size of the circles is also an indicator of the magnitude of the correlation, with larger circles representing a stronger relationship (positive or negative). More details could be found here.
you can use plot-corrmat (or modify it, depending how articulate you are in matlab), to obtain similar visualizations of correlation matrices (top pic). Or use Correlation circles , that looks somewhat similar as well (bottom pic)...
I could write the below code to generate a similar graph, based on the code provided here
% Produce the input lower triangular matrix data
C = -1 + 2.*rand(12,12);
C = tril(C,-1);
C(logical(eye(size(C)))) = 1;
% Set [min,max] value of C to scale colors
clrLim = [-1,1];
% load('CorrColormap.mat') % Uncomment for custom CorrColormap
% Set the [min,max] of diameter where 1 consumes entire grid square
diamLim = [0.1, 1];
myLabel = {'ICA','Elev','Pr','Rmax','Rmin','Srad','Wspd','Tmin','Tmax','VPD','ET_o','AW'};
% Compute center of each circle
% This assumes the x and y values were not entered in imagesc()
x = 1 : 1 : size(C,2); % x edges
y = 1 : 1 : size(C,1); % y edges
[xAll, yAll] = meshgrid(x,y);
xAll(C==0)=nan; % eliminate cordinates for zero correlations
% Set color of each rectangle
% Set color scale
cmap = jet(256);
% cmap = CorrColormap; % Uncomment for CorrColormap
Cscaled = (C - clrLim(1))/range(clrLim); % always [0:1]
colIdx = discretize(Cscaled,linspace(0,1,size(cmap,1)));
% Set size of each circle
% Scale the size between [0 1]
Cscaled = (abs(C) - 0)/1;
diamSize = Cscaled * range(diamLim) + diamLim(1);
% Create figure
fh = figure();
ax = axes(fh);
% colormap(CorrColormap) %Uncomment for CorrColormap
tickvalues = 1:length(C);
x = zeros(size(tickvalues));
text(x, tickvalues, myLabel, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right');
x(:) = length(C)+1;
text(tickvalues, x, myLabel, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right','Rotation',90);
% Create circles
theta = linspace(0,2*pi,50); % the smaller, the less memory req'd.
h = arrayfun(#(i)fill(diamSize(i)/2 * cos(theta) + xAll(i), ...
diamSize(i)/2 * sin(theta) + yAll(i), cmap(colIdx(i),:),'LineStyle','none'),1:numel(xAll));
axis off
The exact graph is available here:
Fancy Correlation Plots in MATLAB

Ploting a simple binaryThresholding function graph in matlab as shown in image and figure

How can I correct this code, I have been trying to do it from 2 day but unable to do it still. Please help.
function BinaryThresholding(I)
%Reading minimum and maximum intensity values of Image I.
Min = min(I(:));
Max = max(I(:));
%Finding the middle value (thresholding) A.K.A m below.
m = (Min+Max)/2;
%For ploting the thresholding tranformation function we will also
%define X and Y (Ranges) parameters based upon min and max range and the
%process them according to our transformation algoritm as below.
x = (Min/Max):(Max/Max); %input range.
y = x;
% Now we will apply alogithm to threshold the threshold I at
% the middle intensity,thresholdingValue, of its dynamic
% range [minValue maxValue]. G is our processed image.
[Rows, Columns, Channels] = size(I);
%First we will check if the image is gray-scale and conver it if not.
I = rgb2gray(I);
%Processing Image.
for i=1:1:Rows
for j=1:1:Columns
if( I(i,j)< m)
G(i,j) = 0;
G(i,j) = 1;
% Algorithm works great :D --> Testingw with : figure, imshow(G);
%Displaying image on a new figure window.
figure('Name','Image Thresholding','NumberTitle','on'),
subplot(1,3,1); imshow(I); title(['Input Image - Dynamic Range: [',num2str(Min),' ',num2str(Max),']']);
subplot(1,3,2); imshow(G); title(['Output Image - Threshold:' num2str(m)]);
subplot(1,3,3); plot(x,y); title('Plot of Thresholding Transformation Function');
%Let pixel info to be shown on the figure.
%Writing the image G as a .png file to the current folder (Drive D:/).
% imwrite(G,'D:/G.png');
endDesired output
Actual output
From the title of outputs I think you want to fix this line
subplot(1,3,3); plot(x,y); title('Plot of Thresholding Transformation Function');
which means only correct these couple of lines
x = (Min/Max):(Max/Max); %input range.
y = x;
that means: x is equally spaced from min to max... and Y is also equally spaced from min to max (as you can see from your actual output). Try something like:
x = (Min/Max):(Max/Max); %input range.
y = zeros(length(x));
for i=1:length(x)
if (x > m)
y(i) = 1;

Graphing the Short-time Fourier Transform (note the window size and step) in matlab

Need help since kind of lost on this. I am trying to graph the code below i have in which I made a white noise and used STFT to do the bandpass filtering but now I need to graph the signal in to two graphs for each channel. The result should be graphs. For graph 1a., the horizontal axis should be frequency, the vertical axis should be amplitude. For (2).b, the horizontal axis should be time, the vertical axis should be frequency, and express the amplitude using color.
function newwhitenoise()
L = 5000; %Sample length for the random signal
Pause = 10000; %Sample Pause Gap
mu = 0;
sigma = 2;
%Need to see left signal is not displaying
Left_signal = sigma*randn(L,1) + mu;
Right_signal = sigma*randn(L,1) + mu;
Long_signal = [Left_signal zeros(L,1); zeros(Pause,2); zeros(L,1) Right_signal];
%Player Object
disp([Left_signal zeros(L,1)]);
%sound(Long_signal, Fs);
%Plots subplots in graph
%plot(Left_signal, 'b'); grid on;
%plot(Right_signal, 'r'); grid on;
function signalplayer(signal)
fs = 44100; %Sample Frequency
obj = audioplayer(signal,fs);
function soundRecord (signal)
fs = 44100; %Sample Frequency
recObj = audiorecorder(44100, 16, 2);
%save sound to wave file
%filename = 'location.flac';
audiowrite('input.wav',signal, fs);
if ~exist('inFile')
inFile = 'input.wav';
if ~exist('outFile')
outFile = 'output.wav';
if ~exist('frameWidth')
frameWidth = 4096; % size of FFT frame, better be a power of 2
frameHop = frameWidth/2;
analWindow = hanning(frameWidth);
[inBuffer, Fs] = wavread(inFile);
x = [inBuffer(:,1); linspace(0, 0, frameWidth)']; % use left channel only, zeropad one frame at the end
clear inBuffer;
numSamples = length(x);
numFrames = floor(numSamples/frameHop)-1;
% disp(frameWidth);
% disp(numSamples);
% disp(frameHop);
% disp(numFrames);
% disp(size(analWindow));
% disp(size(transpose(analWindow)));
y = linspace(0, 0, numSamples)';
n = 0; % init sample pointer. unlike MATLAB, i like counting from 0
for frameIndex = 1:numFrames
xWindowed = x(n+1:n+frameWidth) .* analWindow; % get and window the input audio frame
X = fft(fftshift(xWindowed)); % do the FFT
Y = X; % copy the input spectrum to output
% do whatever processing to Y that you like
yWindowed = fftshift(real(ifft(Y))); % convert back to time domain, toss the imaginary part
y(n+1:n+frameWidth) = y(n+1:n+frameWidth) + yWindowed;
n = n + frameHop;
wavwrite(y, Fs, 'output.wav');
For graph 1 try pwelch and for graph 2 try spectrogram.
pwelch is basically the average of the squared magnitude of the STFT. The spectrogram function returns the STFT of the signal thus it operates on the signal in the time domain.
Both functions are called with the same input parameters and when called with no output, plot the result on the current axes.
If you want the frequency axis to be the vertical (y) in graph 2, use the option 'yaxis' in the call for spectrogram. I suggest you look at the documentation of both functions.

super resolution of low resolution images using delaunay triangulation, negative pixel values for the resultant High resolution image

i have to do super resolution of two low resolution images to obtain a high resolution image.
2nd image is taken as base image and the first image is registered with respect to it . i used SURF algorithm for image registration . A Delaunay triangulation is
constructed over the points using a built-in MATLAB delaunay
function . The HR grid of size is
constructed for a prespecified resolution enhancement factor R Then HR algorithm for interpolating the pixel values on the
HR grid is summarized next.
HR Algorithm Steps:
1. Construct the Delaunay triangulation
over the set of scattered vertices in the
irregularly sampled raster formed from the
LR frames.
Estimate the gradient vector at each
vertex of the triangulation by calculating the unit normal vector of neighbouring vector using cross product method.Sum of the unit normal vector of each triangle multiplied by its area is divided by summation of area of all neighbouring triangles to get the vertex normal.
Approximate each triangle patch in
the triangulation by a continuous and,
possibly, a continuously differentiable
surface, subject to some smoothness constraint.
Bivariate polynomials or splines
could be the approximants as explained
Set the resolution enhancement factor
along the horizontal and vertical directions
and then calculate the pixel value
at each regularly spaced HR grid point to
construct the initial HR image
The bivariate polynomial i used is mentioned in the code, using pixel values at each vertex of a triangle and corresponding gradient in x and y directions i calculated the nine constants associated with each triangle then defined a high resolution grid , calculated the pixel values at each point using the constants calculated
i am attaching my code with it, the problem i am facing is that i am just getting a gray image as out put HR image , because the constants i have calculated have negative values resulting in negative pixel values
another problem i realized with my code is in gradient estimation i get a lot of 'NaN' as a result of gradient calculation.
if any one can please spent some time to help me out
close all
clear all
K = 2;
P1 = imread('C:\Users\Javeria Farooq\Desktop\project images\a.pgm');
%reads the image to be registered
P2 = imread('C:\Users\Javeria Farooq\Desktop\project images\b.pgm');
%reads the base image
image1_gray = makelr(P1, 1, 100, 1/2);
%image1_gray = P1;
% makes lr image of first
image2_gray= makelr(P2, 1, 100, 1/2);
%image2_gray= P2;
%makes lr image of second
axis on;
grid on;
title('Unregistered image');
axis on;
grid on;
title('Base image ');
% both image displayed with pixel info
hold on
points_image1= detectSURFFeatures(image1_gray, 'NumScaleLevels', 100, 'NumOctaves', 12, 'MetricThreshold', 500 );
%detects surf features of first image
points_image2 = detectSURFFeatures(image2_gray, 'NumScaleLevels', 100, 'NumOctaves', 12, 'MetricThreshold', 500 );
%detects surf features of second image
[features_image1, validPoints_image1] = extractFeatures(image1_gray, points_image1);
[features_image2, validPoints_image2] = extractFeatures(image2_gray, points_image2);
%extracts features of both images
indexPairs = matchFeatures(features_image1, features_image2, 'Prenormalized', true) ;
% get matching points
matched_pts1 = validPoints_image1(indexPairs(:, 1));
matched_pts2 = validPoints_image2(indexPairs(:, 2));
figure; showMatchedFeatures(image1_gray,image2_gray,matched_pts1,matched_pts2,'montage');
%matched features of both images are displayed
legend('matched points 1','matched points 2');
% Compute the transformation matrix
tform = estimateGeometricTransform(matched_pts1,matched_pts2,'projective')
%calculate transformation matrix using projective transform
[N1 N2]=size(image2_gray)
registeredPts = zeros(N1*N2,2);
% s= zeros(N1*N2,2);
pixelVals = zeros(N1*N2,1);
[N1 N2]=size(image2_gray)
for row = 1:N1
for col = 1:N2
pixNum = (row-1)*N2 + col;
pixelVals(pixNum,1) = image2_gray(row,col);
registeredPts(pixNum,:) = [col,row];
%coordinates of base image
for row = 1:N1
for col = 1:N2
pixNum = N1*N2 + (row-1)*N2 + col;
pixelVals(pixNum,1) = image1_gray(row,col);
registeredPts(pixNum,:) = [r1(row,1),r2(row,1)];
% all pixel values are saved in pixelVals
%all registered points are saved first base image then unregistered image
%delaunay triangulation of all coordinates passing x and y coordinates from registered Points
tri = delaunay(registeredPts(:,1),registeredPts(:,2));
figure(3), triplot(tri,registeredPts(:,1),registeredPts(:,2))
save tri
% Estimate the gradient vector at each vertex
[totalTris,three] = size(tri);
[totalPoints,two] = size(registeredPts);
vGradientVecs = zeros(totalPoints,2);
triAreas = zeros(totalTris,1);
triUnitNormals = zeros(totalTris,3);
vUnitNormals = zeros(totalPoints,3);
% 1. Find the unit normal vectors and the areas of all triangles,
% then find the product of these two numbers for each triangle
for triNum = 1:totalTris
v = tri(triNum,:);
% 3D triangle points: x,y,pixel
p = [registeredPts(v,:),b];
% triangle area
triAreas(triNum) = polyarea([p(:,1)],[p(:,2)]);
% directional vectors representing the surface of the plane
d1 = p(2,:)-p(1,:);
d2 = p(3,:)-p(1,:);
% cross product of these vectors
crossp = cross(d1,d2);
% If u = [u1 u2 u3] and v = [v1 v2 v3], we know that the product w is defined as w = [(u2v3 – u3v2) (u3v1 - u1v3) (u1v2 - u2v1)]
% normalized cross product = unit normal vector for the triangle
dist = sqrt(sum(crossp.^2));
triUnitNormals(triNum,:) = crossp./dist;
% %2. %Estimate the unit normal vector at each vertex
% a. Find the triangle patches that neighbor the vertex
% b. Find the unit normal vectors of these regions
% c. Multiply each of these vectors by the area of the
% associated region, then sum these numbers and divide
% by the total area of all the regions
for pointNum = 1:totalPoints
[neighbors,x] = find(tri==pointNum);
areas = triAreas(neighbors);
areas3 = [areas,areas,areas];
triNormsSum = sum(triUnitNormals(neighbors,:).*areas3);
triAreasSum = sum(areas);
vUnormalized = triNormsSum./triAreasSum;
vUnitNormals(pointNum,:) = ...
if( triAreasSum == 0 )
triAreasSum = 0.0001;
vUnormalized = triNormsSum./triAreasSum;
% re-normalize
vUnitNormals(pointNum,:) = ...
% 3. Find the gradients along the x and y directions for each vertex
% vertex's unit normal: n = [nx,ny,nz]
% x-direction gradient: dz/dx = -nx/nz
% y-direction gradient: dz/dy = -ny/nz
for pointNum = 1:totalPoints
nz = vUnitNormals(pointNum,3);
if( nz == 0 )
nz = 0.0001;
vGradientVecs(pointNum,1) = -vUnitNormals(pointNum,1)./nz;
vGradientVecs(pointNum,2) = -vUnitNormals(pointNum,2)./nz;
% end
% 1. Find the 3 equations for each vertex, and
% place them in c_equations matrix;
% c_equations = [A for vertex 1;
% A for vertex 2; ...
% A for vertex totalPoints]
% c(point,row,:) gives one row from an A matrix
Btotal = zeros(3,totalPoints);
c_equations = zeros(3*totalPoints,3,9);
for pointNum = 1:totalPoints
% % B = [pixVal; x gradient; y gradient] at this vertex
z = pixelVals(pointNum);
B = [z; vGradientVecs(pointNum,1); vGradientVecs(pointNum,2)];
% % Compile all B matrices into a vector
Btotal(:,pointNum) = B;
% B = Ac to calculate c which is c=[c1 c2 .....c9]' take invA and
% multiply by B
x = registeredPts(pointNum,1);
y = registeredPts(pointNum,2);
A = [1 x y x^2 y^2 x^3 (x^2)*y x*(y^2) y^3; ...
0 1 0 2*x 0 3*(x^2) 2*x*y y^2 0; ...
0 0 1 0 2*y 0 x^2 2*x*y 3*(y^2)];
% Compile all A matrices into a vector
c_equations(pointNum,1,:) = A(1,:);
c_equations(pointNum,2,:) = A(2,:);
c_equations(pointNum,3,:) = A(3,:);
% 2. Find the c values for each triangle patch
c = zeros(totalTris,9);
c9 = zeros(9,9);
for triNum = 1:totalTris
p1 = tri(triNum,1);
p2 = tri(triNum,2);
p3 = tri(triNum,3);
B9 = [Btotal(:,p1); Btotal(:,p2); Btotal(:,p3)];
c9 = [(c_equations(p1,1,:)); (c_equations(p1,2,:)); (c_equations(p1,3,:)); ...
(c_equations(p2,1,:)); (c_equations(p2,2,:));( c_equations(p2,3,:)); ...
(c_equations(p3,1,:)); (c_equations(p3,2,:));( c_equations(p3,3,:))];
c(triNum,:) = pinv(C9)*B9; %linsolve(c9,B9);
% xc = findBPolyCoefficients1(tri,registeredPts,pixelVals,vGradientVecs);
% save xc
% % 2. For each point on the HR grid, find the associated triangle patch,
% % extract its c values, and use these values as the coefficients
% % in a bivariate polynomial to calculate the HR pixel value at
% % each grid point (x,y)
[totalTris,three] = size(tri);
M = N1*R-1;
N = N2*R-1;
HRimage = zeros(M,N);
HRtriangles = zeros(M,N);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:1/R:N2,1:1/R:N1);
% Check all the triangles in order noting in which triangle each HR
% grid point occurs.
for triNum = 1:totalTris
pts = registeredPts(tri(triNum,:),:);
IN = inpolygon(X,Y,pts(:,1),pts(:,2)); % NxM
HRtriangles(ind2sub(size(IN),find(IN==1))) = triNum;
% there is a problem with this part of code ,
for y = 1:M % row
for x = 1:N % col
% For testing, average the pixels from the vertices of the
% triangle the HR point is in.
% pix = pixelVals(tri(HRtriangles(x,y),:));
% HRimage(x,y) = (pix(1) + pix(2) + pix(3))/3;
% Extract appropriate set of 9 c values
HRptC = c(HRtriangles(x,y),:);
% Bivariate polynomial
HRimage(x,y) = sum(HRptC.*[1,x,y,x^2,y^2,x^3,(x^2)*y,x*(y^2),y^3]);
%changd xy with yx
% HRimage = estimateGridVals1(tri,registeredPts,R,N1,N2,pixelVals);
% %Estimating Grid values at each patch
% %save HRimage

how to produce this particular 3D graph from scalar data in Matlab?

I am trying to produce this graph using Matlab. The built-in ellipsoid function is confusing. For this problem I have two variables ( width and length ) and a constant height.
to make it very simple I want to show that the width is changing while we approach the tip but height is constant. w,x,h are the variables shown in the graph.
I would really appreciate it if someone can help.
The following code gets you a long way, I think. See example output:
I added enought comments that you should be able to take it from here...
% plot ellipsoid in 3D
% height and width of ellipsoid:
e_h = 10;
e_w = 3;
% position where the "quivers" (arrows) go:
q_offset = 2; % distance from axis
q_scale = 0.5; % multiplier to give parabola some size
q_spacing = 0.5; % distance between arrows
q_height = 2.5; % height above XY plane where arrows are drawn
N = 1000; % number of points for drawing
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, N); % parameter to help drawing ellipse
zerov = zeros(1, N); % array of zeros that I will need
% coordinates of main ellipse:
x = e_w * sin(theta);
y = zeros(size(x));
z = e_h * cos(theta);
% plot main ellipse:
plot3(x, y, z)
% secondary plot
y2 = q_scale*(e_w.^2 - x.^2) + 2; % offset parabola - what your plot looked like...
hold on
plot3(x, y2, zerov+q_height); % plotting the parabola in the XY plane at height
axis equal % make the plot dimensions isotropic
% add quivers
q_base = -e_w:q_spacing:e_w; % x coordinate; y and z are fixed
q_length = (e_w.^2 - q_base.^2)*q_scale; % length of quiver - just an equation I chose
q0 = zeros(size(q_base)); % another vector I will need multiple times
q1 = ones(size(q_base)); % ditto
% plot the arrows: the "-1" argument means "don't scale"
quiver3(q_base, q0+q_offset, q_height*q1, q0, q_length, q0, -1)