Lazarus: How do I find detailed docs (class info) of objects? - class

Is there a way to find complete class info of an object in Lazarus. F1 doesn't work.
For example, I want to know the methods, events and properties of TSQLQuery. More specifically, I'm trying to find what constants I can use with the state property.
The docs I've found so far aren't really much help in this context.
I've also tried the menu that says 'object browser' but it simply points to the properites window.

TSQLQuery and its unit sqldb is not documented.
The state property however is from the base tdataset ancestor of sqlquery, and that IS documented.
Try typing TDatasetstate or tdataset and press F1

The best documentation is the source code. After you dropped a TSQLQuery on the form CTRL-click on the identifier "TSQLQuery" in the source editor. Lazarus will open the corresponding source file at the position where TSQLQuery is declared. Scroll down to the public methods or published properties to see everything you need. Identifiers usually are self-explanatory - the chm file often does not contain more info. And the source is always up-to-date.
You can do the same with any identifier. Depending on the Lazarus version you may land in the implementation part of the unit. In this case, just press SHIFT-CTRL Up/Down to go to the interface.


Cannot set reference to RefEdit Form Control

When dealing with UserForm input, I prefer to create objects and set them equal to the various controls. Despite my best efforts, I cannot set a reference to a RefEdit control without triggering a compile error. I have checked that I have the correct references, tried both the options provided in Intellisense and exhausted my google-fu. What am I doing wrong?
The RefEdit in your intellisense menu (highlighted) is the object library - and you need the data type (which is the one listed below it in the same menu).
Dim cellSelectionBox As RefEdit.RefEdit

Use command line to browse LinearModel object properties

I'm following the regression tutorial at In particular, I am browsing the object Fit=fitlm(X,logY). I know I can double-click the object in the Workspace window, but I often don't want more windows. I might just want to list the members at the command line. According to, I should be able to do this with the get method. However, Matlab informs me that the Linear Model class doesn't have a get method [tried Fit.get, Fit.get(), and get(Fit)]. What am I missing?
As for browsing the properites using the GUI window, I'm finding that the Residuals property is not present. According to, it should be present. Thanks for any light that can be shed on my misunderstanding of the class.
I've posted this at:!topic/comp.soft-sys.matlab/b0jHdrX6_ZY
You can list all the property names of an object using the properties function. In your case:

what makes a variable be visible (intellij idea)

With intellij idea, how do I find out what makes a variable be visible?
An example of when it is hard:
Suppose you look at class A, and you see a variable something. If you jump to source you see that it's defined in trait X. But you don't extend trait X directly. What do you extend, then, that makes this variable visible? If you have a deeply nested hierarchy, tracking can be hard.
Any recommendations or solutions?
EDIT: Please vote for the feature if you're interested:
I don't think that IntelliJ IDEA has any shortcut for "finding what makes a variable visible".
However you can determine it using the "Find Usages" option (Alt + F7). For example:
import java.nio._
object TempObj extends App {
def func = 2
val p = file.Paths.get("some-path")
So Find Usages on "file", tells you that its from the Package "file" (in heading of the new Tab it also shows the complete package name, ex: Find Usages of java.nio.file in Project Files).
Whereas Find Usages on func will tell you that its a Method (And the Tab heading now says: Find Usages of func() in Project and Libraries)
So now in way you can determine, what exactly makes the variable visible. This also works for imports since it shows the package from which it is imported and you can then look for import of that packages.
I know of two almost-solutions to this problem.
Go-to-declaration, as you mentioned, solves this problem in the case of local variables.
More generally, the "find usages" feature gives you a neat little breakdown by type and file of different uses of the variable. From this you can see if it's involved in a static import.
It's not perfect, but with a moment's thought these two are generally sufficient to figure out what you want.
Use ctrl+b or F4 to jump to source code. Alternatively you can use ctrl+shift+a to get option/action. You can find shortcuts at as well. Hope it will help.
From what I understood you want to see the code that creates an Object you use, for instance Mystery someMystery;.
That gives you two options to populate someMystery:
someMystery = ... where ... is your code to populate
someMystery and if that is the case you should follow
that code (with ctrl+B as far as you need to) to the point where it
actually creates the Mystery object.
Use CDI to populate that object instance for you, in which case you should look into the CDI mechanism in order to see in what way the object instance is populated.
In either way IMO there is no way to know for sure if the someMystery instance is of some more concrete class than Mystery, because it is decided in runtime, not in compile time, so your next bet would be to run the program in debug and see what object goes into someMystery, although you are not guaranteed to get the same type of object every time.
PS. My answer is based entirely on my java understanding of the topic, can't say if it is valid for scala also.
This might not be exactly the answer you were hoping to get.
However, quoting yourself,
If you have a deeply nested hierarchy, tracking can be hard.
Have you considered using composition over inheritance? Perhaps this would remove the need for the feature you are looking for.
Deeply nested hierarchy doesn't sound good. I understand your pain about that.
When you override vals or defs there is a little circle next to the line number that shows where it is from even when it is from nested hierarchy. Hovering over vals with the command key down also shows you a little tooltip where it is from.
Does this help?
if you want class, field or method to be visible, you need to implement them as public. If it was your question.

MATLAB doesn't show help for user-created class private methods and properties

This is the problem:
Create a class and set the access to be private for some of the properties or methods.
Use the doc command for the created class. This will auto-generate documentation from your comments and show it in the built-in help browser.
doc classname
The problem is that documentation for the private properties and methods is not shown in the help browser. Is there any way to overcome this problem?
So I spent like 10 minutes using the debugger, jumping from one function to the next, tracing the execution path of a simple doc MyClass call.
Eventually it lead me to the following file:
This function is called during the process of generating documentation for a class to determine if the class elements (including methods, properties, and events) are publicly accessible and non-hidden. This information is used later on to "cull" the elements.
So if you are willing to modify MATLAB's internal functions, and you want the docs to always show all methods and properties regardless of their scope, just rewrite the function to say:
function b = isAccessible(classElement, elementKeyword)
b = true;
% ... some more code we'll never reach!
Of course, don't forget to make a backup of the file in case you changed your mind later :)
(on recent Windows, you'll need to perform this step with administrative privileges)
As a test, take the sample class defined in this page and run doc someClass. The result:
This behaviour is by design - the auto-generated documentation is intended for users of the class, who would only be able to access the public properties and methods.
There's no way that I'm aware of to change this behaviour.
You could try:
Use an alternative system of auto-generating documentation such as this from the MATLAB Central File Exchange (which I believe will document all properties, not just public).
Implement your own doc command. Your doc command should accept exactly the same inputs as the built-in doc command, detect if its inputs correspond to your class/methods/properties etc, and if so display their documentation, otherwise pass its inputs straight through to the built-in doc. Make sure your command is ahead of the built-in on the path.

GhostDoc Equivalent for Eclipse(Java)

I'm a big fan of GhostDoc's automatic comment generation in Visual Studio so am looking for an plugin that does the same job with my Java code in Eclipse. Any recommendations?
You can check JAutodoc (
From the author:
JAutodoc is an Eclipse Plugin for
automatically adding Javadoc and file
headers to your source code. It
optionally generates initial comments
from element name by using Velocity
templates for Javadoc and file
This one is the one I've found closest to GhostDoc.
It is basically the equivalent of Javadoc, which can be generating in eclipse with the shortcut:
(when you are within the Java function you wish to add javadoc for)
From there, if you really want XML format, you can try and use a JELDoclet
GhostDoc has a nice extra feature that infers a description of what the method does by parsing the method name and providing this as skeletal documentation. For example, using GhostDoc on a method named GetDocumentName() might return the phrase "Gets the document name". While this is hardly more information than provided by the method name, it adds method documentation where previously none existed. Some might argue that this is barely useful. I argue to the contrary because it supports generating documentation from the source code (e.g., for tools like NDoc or SandCastle).
In my opinion the greatest benefit of GhostDoc over eclipse's "Generate Element Comment" is that it encourages programmers to begin adding documentation comments by adding an extremely fast and reliable way create this. The programmer can accept the inferred text, (suitable in 50 - 80% of cases), or expand on this for more complex methods. For the junior programmer who is not as familiar with how documentation comments are used, this can quickly shorten the learning curve and encourage good programming practices.
Javadoc is not like GhostDoc my friend. Javadoc only creates the structure so one can write the documentation from scratch. GhostDoc actually fills up the information according to the Method/Property name.
/// <summary>
/// Gets the user from id.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">The id.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string GetUserFromId(string id);
JAutoDoc is the closest I've found so far but it's not as magical as GhostDoc.
Never used GhostDoc, so not sure what extra functionality it gives, but if it's about generating type and method comments based on the name, parameters, return type etc. then eclipse has it built in, so no extensions needed.