Velocity of touches - iphone

I'm making a simple physics game in cocos2d and want to launch a particle on swipe a the speed of the swipe. To get the velocity I need to take two touches and determine the (difference in position)/(difference in timestamp). My problem is that I can't get two touches. I tried a few methods but none of them are working out.
I tried storing the first touch
#property (nonatomic, strong) UITouch *firstTouch;
- (void)ccTouchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
[self setFirstTouch:touch];
NSLog(#"first touch time 1: %f", self.firstTouch.timestamp);
-(void)ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
NSLog(#"touch ended");
NSLog(#"first touch time 2: %f", self.firstTouch.timestamp);
NSLog(#"end of touch time: %f", touch.timestamp);
but this gives me a difference in timestamps of 0 every time. It seems to replace the firstTouch with the most recent touch
Am I doing something wrong with pointers that this is replaced?
Perhaps I can take the last two touches from ccTouchesMoved?

A far easier way of doing what you are trying to do is adding a UIPanGestureRecognizer to your [CCDirector sharedDirector].openGLView and then use the velocityInView property of the gesture recognizer.
UIPanGestureRecognizer* gestureRecognizer = [[[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(handleSwipe:)] autorelease];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector].openGLView addGestureRecognizer:gestureRecognizer];
and then:
- (void)handleSwipe:(UIPanGestureRecognizer*)recognizer {
... recognizer.velocity...
If you want do follow your approach based on ccTouches..., it seems to me that possibly there is a misunderstanding about a swipe gesture, in that it is not made of 2 touches: it is just one touch that has a begin, some moves, and an end. So you need to track the movement of your finger in ccTouchesMoved:; then in touchesEnded determine whether it is a horizontal or vertical swipe, the direction, and send out the bullet.
Hope either of these suggestions may help.


Jittery movement when using CGAffineTransformMakeRotation

I'm having a problem with a jumping movement with using CGAffineTransformMakeRotation. It seems to work fine until I get to the top of quadrants 1 and 2. Below is the code I am using and youtube link that shows what happens. Any insight would be really appreciated.
My goal is to rotate a UIWebView with an svg inside. Since I can't easily detect touch on the UIWebView alone, I'm putting a blank UIImageView over it. This allows me to detect the touch and prevent the copy dialog from popping up.
- (void)touchesMoved: (NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
[super touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event];
NSArray *allTouches = [touches allObjects];
CGPoint location = [[allTouches objectAtIndex:0] locationInView:self.view];
if(selected == 1) {
CGFloat rads = atan2f(location.y - (grid1.frame.size.height/2),location.x - (grid1.frame.size.width/2));
grid1.transform = grid1Btn.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(rads);
- (void) touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
[super touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event];
NSArray *allTouches = [touches allObjects];
CGPoint location = [[allTouches objectAtIndex:0] locationInView:self.view];
if(CGRectContainsPoint(grid1Btn.frame, location))
selected = 1;
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
selected = -1;
You use some frame.size.* in your computations. Note, that those values (unlike bounds.size.*) are affected by transform. Use instead. It is also more logical (you rotate around center).
The next thing you need to fix is that it should not jump to new position when touches start :)
The jerkiness is caused by the inherent inaccuracy of touch event locations.
Touch events that are located sufficiently close to the center of the frame have a high likelihood of straying to the diagonally opposite quadrant of the frame whilst a circle is being traced about the center of the frame.
This will result in a sudden jump of 90 degrees as observed in your video.
One way to avoid the problem is to introduce a dead zone about the center of the frame. Any touch that is located within a given radius of the center of the frame would not trigger the rotation to be recalculated.
Hope this helps.

iPhone - ignoring the second touch on an area

I have a view that the users are allowed to finger paint. The code is working perfectly if the area is touched with one finger. For example: I touch it with one finger and move the finger. Then, a line is drawn as I move the first finger. If I touch with a second finger the same view, the line that was being drawn by the first finger stops.
I would like to ignore any touch beyond the first, i.e., to track the first touch but ignore all others to the same view.
I am using touchesBegan/moved/ended.
I have used this to detect the touches
UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
lastPoint = [touch locationInView:myView];
I have also tried this
lastPoint = [[touches anyObject] locationInView:myView];
but nothing changed.
How do I do that - track the first touch and ignore any subsequent touch to a view?
NOTE: the view is NOT adjusted to detect multiple touches.
A given touch will maintain the same memory address as long as it is in contact with the screen. This means you can save the address as an instance variable and ignore any events from other objects. However, do not retain the touch. If you do, a different address will be used and your code won't work.
Add currentTouch to your interface:
#interface MyView : UIView {
UITouch *currentTouch;
Modify touchesBegan: to ignore the touch if one is already being tracked:
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if(currentTouch) return;
currentTouch = [touches anyObject];
Modify touchesMoved: to use currentTouch instead of getting a touch from the set:
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if(!currentTouch) return;
CGPoint currentPoint = [currentTouch locationInView:myView];
Modify touchesEnded: and touchesCancelled: to clear currentTouch, but only if currentTouch has ended or been cancelled.
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if(currentTouch && currentTouch.phase == UITouchPhaseEnded) {
currentTouch = nil;
- (void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if(currentTouch && currentTouch.phase == UITouchPhaseCancelled) {
currentTouch = nil;
yourView.multipleTouchEnabled = NO;
From the reference documents on UIView
A Boolean value that indicates whether
the receiver handles multitouch
#property(nonatomic, getter=isMultipleTouchEnabled) BOOL
multipleTouchEnabled Discussion
When set to YES, the receiver receives
all touches associated with a
multitouch sequence. When set to NO,
the receiver receives only the first
touch event in a multitouch sequence.
The default value of this property is
Other views in the same window can
still receive touch events when this
property is NO. If you want this view
to handle multitouch events
exclusively, set the values of both
this property and the exclusiveTouch
property to YES.

Handling touches on Iphone

Im having a little problem on handling touches in my apps.
I set my touchesBegan like this:
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UITouch *currentTouch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
touchPoint = [currentTouch locationInView:self.view];
if (CGRectContainsPoint(image1.frame, touchPoint)) {
image1IsTouched = YES;
Then i set my touch move like this:
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UITouch *currentTouch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
currentPoint = [currentTouch locationInView:currentTouch.view];
if(image1IsTouched == YES) { = CGPointMake(currentPoint.x,currentPoint.y);
Now i tried my app on actual unit and thats where i notice my problem. While im touching the image1 with 1 finger the app is doing ok and its checking for collision everytime i drag my finger. The problem occurs when i touch the screen with another finger while touching/dragging the image. The image im currently touching will jump to the other finger. I've tried [myView setMultipleTouchEnable:NO]; & using NSArray on touches and comparing the [touches count] with the touch but its not working. Can someone show me how to set a uiimageview to act on single touch only. Thanks.
First, you should use UITouch *currentTouch = [touches anyObject]; to get the current touch.
Second, you should check that touches.count == 1 to make sure there's only one finger on the screen, and ignore touch input if there's more than one, unless you wanted to support multitouch.

UIScrollView touches vs subview touches

Please can someone help sort a noob out? I've posted this problem on various forums and received no answers, while many searches for other answers have turned up stackOverflow, so I'm hoping this is the place.
I've got a BeachView.h (subclass of UIScrollView, picture of a sandy beach) covered with a random number of Stone.h (subclass of UIImageView, a random PNG of a stone, userInteractionEnabled = YES to accept touches).
If the user touches and moves on the beach, it should scroll.
If the user taps a stone, it should call method "touchedStone".
If the user taps the beach where there is no stone, it should call method "touchedBeach".
Now, I realize this sounds dead simple. Everyone and everything tells me that if there's something on a UIScrollView that accepts touches that it should pass control on to it. So when I touch and drag, it should scroll; but if I tap, and it's on a stone, it should ignore beach taps and accept stone taps, yes?
However, it seems that both views are accepting the tap and calling both touchedStone AND touchedBeach. Furthermore, the beach tap occurs first, so I can't even put in a "if touchedStone then don't run touchedBeach" type flag.
Here's some code.
On BeachView.m
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if (self.decelerating) { didScroll = YES; }
else { didScroll = NO; }
UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
CGPoint touchLocation = [touch locationInView:touch.view];
NSLog(#"touched beach = %#", [touch view]);
lastTouch = touchLocation;
[super touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event];
-(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
didScroll = YES;
[super touchesMoved:touches withEvent:event];
-(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if (didScroll == NO && isPaused == NO) {
[self touchedBeach:YES location:lastTouch];
[super touchesEnded:touches withEvent:event];
On Stone.m
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
[parent stoneWasTouched]; // parent = ivar pointing from stone to beachview
-(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
CGPoint touchLocation = [touch locationInView:touch.view];
NSLog(#"touched stone = %#", [touch view]);
[parent touchedStone:YES location:touchLocation];
After a stone tap, My NSLog looks like this:
Touched beach = <BeachView: 0x1276a0>
ran touchedBeach
Touched Stone = <Stone: 0x1480c0>
ran touchedStone
So it's actually running both. What's even stranger is if I take the touchesBegan and touchesEnded out of Stone.m but leave userInteractionEnabled = YES, the beachView registers both touches itself, but returns the Stone as the view it touched (the second time).
Touched beach = <BeachView: 0x1276a0>
ran touchedBeach
Touched beach = <Stone: 0x1480c0>
ran touchedBeach
So PLEASE, I've been trying to sort this for days. How do I make it so a tapped stone calls only touchedStone and a tapped beach calls only touchedBeach? Where am I going wrong?
Is true, iPhone SDK 3.0 and up, don't pass touches to -touchesBegan: and -touchesEnded: **UIScrollview**subclass methods anymore. You can use the touchesShouldBegin and touchesShouldCancelInContentView methods that is not the same.
If you really want to get this touches, have one hack that allow this.
In your subclass of UIScrollView override the hitTest method like this:
- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UIView *result = nil;
for (UIView *child in self.subviews)
if ([child pointInside:point withEvent:event])
if ((result = [child hitTest:point withEvent:event]) != nil)
return result;
This will pass to you subclass this touches, however you can't cancel the touches to UIScrollView super class.
Prior to iPhone OS 3.0, the UIScrollView's hitTest:withEvent: method always returns self so that it receives the UIEvent directly, only forwarding it to the appropriate subview if and when it determines it's not related to scrolling or zooming.
I couldn't really comment on iPhone OS 3.0 as it's under NDA, but check your "iPhone SDK Release notes for iPhone OS 3.0 beta 5" :)
If you need to target pre-3.0, you could override hitTest:withEvent: in BeachView and set a flag to ignore the next beach touch if the CGPoint is actually in a stone.
But have you tried simply moving your calls to [super touches*:withEvent:] from the end of your overridden methods to the start? This might cause the stone tap to occur first.
I had a similar problem with a simpleView and it is added to a scrollView , and whenever I touched the simpleView , the scrollView used to get the touch and instead of the simpleView , the scrollView moved . To avoid this , I disabled the srcolling of the scrollView when the user touched the simpleView and otherwise the scrolling is enabled .
- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UIView *result = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event] ;
if (result == simpleView)
scrollView.scrollEnabled = NO ;
scrollView.scrollEnabled = YES ;
return result ;
This could be related to a bug in iOS7 please review my issue (bug report submitted)
UIScrollView subclass has changed behavior in iOS7

How can I detect touch in cocos2d?

I am developing a 2d game for iPhone by using cocos2d.
I use many small sprite (image) in my game. I want to touch two similar types of sprite(image) and then both sprite(image) will be hidden.
How can I detect touch in a specific sprite(image) ?
A better way to do this is to actually use the bounding box on the sprite itself (which is a CGRect). In this sample code, I put all my sprites in a NSMutableArray and I simple check if the sprite touch is in the bounding box. Make sure you turn on touch detection in the init. If you notice I also accept/reject touches on the layer by returning YES(if I use the touch) or NO(if I don't)
- (BOOL)ccTouchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
CGPoint location = [self convertTouchToNodeSpace: touch];
for (CCSprite *station in _objectList)
if (CGRectContainsPoint(station.boundingBox, location))
DLog(#"Found sprite");
return YES;
return NO;
Following Jonas's instructions, and adding onto it a bit more ...
- (void)ccTouchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event
UITouch* touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint location = [[[Director sharedDirector] convertCoordinate: touch.location];
CGRect particularSpriteRect = CGMakeRect(particularSprite.position.x, particularSprite.position.y, particularSprite.contentSize.width, particularSprite.contentSize.height);
if(CGRectContainsPoint(particularSpriteRect, location)) {
// particularSprite touched
return kEventHandled;
You may need to adjust the x/y a little to account for the 'centered positioning' in Cocos
In your layer that contains your sprite, you need to say:
self.isTouchEnabled = YES;
then you can use the same events that you would use in a UIView, but they're named a little differently:
- (void)ccTouchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event
UITouch* touch = [touches anyObject];
//in your touchesEnded event, you would want to see if you touched
//down and then up inside the same place, and do your logic there.
#david, your code has some typos for cocos 0.7.3 and 2.2.1, specifically CGRectMake instead of CGMakeRect and [touch location] is now [touch locationInView:touch.view].
here's what I did:
- (BOOL)ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UITouch * touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint location = [[Director sharedDirector] convertCoordinate: [touch locationInView:touch.view]];
CGRect myRect = CGRectMake(sprite.position.x, sprite.position.y, sprite.contentSize.width, sprite.contentSize.height);
if(CGRectContainsPoint(myRect, location)) {
// particularSprite touched
return kEventHandled;
#Genericrich: CGRectContainsPoint works in CocosLand because of the call 2 lines above:
[[Director sharedDirector] convertCoordinate:]
The Cocos2D objects will be using the OpenGL coordinate system, where 0,0 is the lower left, and UIKit coordinates (like where the touch happened) have 0,0 is upper left. convertCoordinate: is making the flip from UIKit to OpenGL for you.
Here's how it worked for me...
Where spriteSize is obviously the sprite's size... :P
- (BOOL)ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UITouch * touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint location = [[Director sharedDirector] convertCoordinate: [touch locationInView:touch.view]];
CGRect myRect = CGRectMake(sprite.position.x-spriteSize/2, sprite.position.y-spriteSize/2, spriteSize, spriteSize);
if(CGRectContainsPoint(myRect, location)) {
// particularSprite touched
return kEventHandled;
this is a good tutorial explaining the basic touch system
first, write
self.isTouchEnabled = YES;
then, you need to implement the functions ccTouchesEnded, ccTouchesBegan, etc
from what I understood, you want to be able to 'match' two sprites that can be on different coordinates on the screen.
a method for doing this.. : (im sure theres many other methods)
consider having 2 global variables.
so everytime a touch touches a sprite, you use the CGRectContainsPoint function that is mentioned several times to find which sprite has been touched. then, you can save the 'tag' of that sprite in one of the global variables.
You do the same for the second touch, and then you compare the 2 global variables.
you should be able to figure out the rest but comment if you have problems.