How to get LIKE button url from Facebook webpage - facebook

I would like to synchronize LIKE buttons on Facebook with other webpage. Simply after I post on FB some article/video, there is a LIKE button. How do I get url of it, so I could add it to that other webpage with same article/video? I would like to archieve when somebody click LIKE button on FB or that webpage, they will be counted to the same list.
What URL I need to use to create a LIKE button, that would add people to this list:

I think you want to put a like button on your webpage that syncs with the corresponding facebook page. Check this link :
Scroll down the page, and go to Step1 ..
Enter the URL of your facebook page (eg : in the widget and click submit, it will give you the code (HTML,IFRAME etc) which you can add to your webpage and the likebox will sync!


Like button for Facebook page

Is possible to add on a website a like button where user likes a specific Facebook Page? Or this action is only possible when the user accesses my Facebook Page?
Check this out :
You can specify the page you want people to like, the size, everything.
You can also make a page plugin, which allow your users to like a Facebook page, see who likes it, etc :

like facebook app page via url

i am using facebook like button in my site, if someone click like count of people my site url( will increases
if you look in the 1st image i attached, there is another link find us on facebook
( )
i want it be liked automatically
just imagine this url is working -> or true
and and page liked automatically will looks like this
is there any solution for this and both not working.

specific fb page will not work with like button

I've had this like button/box setup for this specific page for some time. But now it;s stopped working:
Using code generated (for iframe) on this page:
to display this fb page:
does not display/work. If I amend the like button url in the iframe to another fb page, it does work. I'm not tryinig to use a button/plugin that requires an app. Just a plain 'ol simple button. But it appears to me there is an issue with this specific fb page (johnpurkiss one above)
Any advice/help greatly appreciated.
The problem here is that the "page" you linked to is in actual fact a personal user.
You can not "like" a user in the same way that
you can not add a page as a friend...
or "poke" an event...
or subscribe to a photo...
You'll gave to provide an actual page to be liked.
As you can see from the screenshot below taken from the link you provided, there is no like button to be found.
Only an "Add Friend" and "Subscribe" button. I'm not sure if converting your profile into a page is the way you want to go, but it is possible. You can learn how at this link.

Facebook Like Button as Share Button

I need use a facebook like button on my site. But this site have a dinamicall data.
Exists any thing to use a facebook like as facebook share whit metadata params:
Eaxmple :
I use a share button like this:[title]=titulo&p[summary]=descripcion&p[url]=[images][0]=
The is being deprecated. You should use the new Like button (
If you have your OG tags specified correctly, the user who clicks the like button will be presented with a "share" dialog which will post a link to the site onto the user's feed. Anyone subscribed to that feed will see the link.

How do I specify the URL of your Facebook page in the href parameter of the button?

I have a like button on my website and I created it prior to having a fb fan page for my website. Now that I have a fanpage, I want to link my website with my fan page. How do I do that? It says:
Simply specify the URL of your Facebook page in the href parameter of the button
- but I have no idea how to do this.
I'd suggest starting from scratch since you cannot find your like button code. See Configure the like button to your desires, and copy the code from there.