How to Show a String instead of address in textView - iphone

i am trying to get a random string from database i have tried to convert array in a String but when i click button i only get address can anyone help me how to show that string in my button action?
- (IBAction)randBtn:(id)sender {
SendQuoteVC *svc= [[SendQuoteVC alloc]initWithNibName:#"SendQuoteVC" bundle:nil];
DBHandler *db =[[DBHandler alloc]init];
arr =[db randomQuote];
NSMutableString * show = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
for (NSObject * obj in arr)
[show appendString:[obj description]];
NSLog(#"The concatenated string is %#", show);
NSString *rs =[NSString stringWithFormat:#" %#",show];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:svc animated:YES];
and my log message is
2012-12-26 17:02:46.062 SendQuote[2281:c07] QUERY: SELECT * FROM quotes ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1
2012-12-26 17:02:46.097 SendQuote[2281:c07] txtQuote is (
"<quoteDC: 0xa9a94c0>"
2012-12-26 17:02:46.100 SendQuote[2281:c07] rand is (
"<quoteDC: 0xa9a94c0>"
i have changed my user entity class to quoteDC class and my Db function is
-(NSMutableArray *)randomQuote{
NSMutableArray *dataArray =[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
NSString * sqlStr=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"SELECT * FROM quotes ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1"];
sqlite3_stmt *ReturnStatement = (sqlite3_stmt *) [self getStatement: sqlStr];
while (sqlite3_step(ReturnStatement)==SQLITE_ROW)
quoteDC *worddc = [[quoteDC alloc] init];
NSString *userid = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char *)sqlite3_column_text(ReturnStatement, 0)];
NSString *name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char *)sqlite3_column_text(ReturnStatement, 1)];
worddc.quote_id=[userid integerValue];
[dataArray addObject:worddc];
#catch (NSException *ept) {
NSLog(#"Exception in %s, Reason: %#", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [ept reason]);
return dataArray;

the [db randomQuote] method returns an array of users not strings, you can typecast it to user object than get your desired property out of it!

It seems like your array is an array of objects of some user class rather than array of strings.
Hence the call to
[obj description]
is returning an object instead of a string.
You would need to override the description method in your user class, and return string.

This code makes the issue:
for (NSObject * obj in arr)
[show appendString:[obj description]];
Because your entity class don't have a property like description.
Instead of this write:
for (quoteDC * obj in arr)
[show appendString:[obj quotes]];

Try this i think it work for u...
- (IBAction)randBtn:(id)sender {
SendQuoteVC *svc= [[SendQuoteVC alloc]initWithNibName:#"SendQuoteVC" bundle:nil];
DBHandler *db =[[DBHandler alloc]init];
arr =[db randomQuote];
NSString *rs =(NSString *)arr;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:svc animated:YES];

Instead of for (NSObject * obj in arr) use the object that is stored in arr.
I guess it is some DBHandler object. So use
for (DBHandler * dbh in arr){
[show appendString:[dbh thePropertyYouWantToAppend]];


String not getting split giving unrecognized selector error

Trying to split the string in to array, but it is giving error "[__NSArrayI componentsSeparatedByString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x11741b20'". The string contains the value, that comes from first index of array then the string needs to be split and store in array.
This is array value.
NSString *strr = [[NSString alloc]init];
strr = [self.mCommArr objectAtIndex:indexVal];
NSArray *arr2 = [str componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
Here is the complete method in which i am using this.
NSLog(#"arrLike:%d", [self.mArrLike count]);
NSLog(#"arrPid:%d", [self.mArrPid count]);
status = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"get"];
[self.mButtonsStatusDict setObject:status forKey:#"status"];
[self.mButtonsPidDict setObject:[self.mArrPid objectAtIndex:indexVal] forKey:#"pid"];
[self.activityIndicator startAnimating];
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0ul);
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
NSString *status = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"get"];
[self.mButtonsStatusDict setObject:status forKey:#"status"];
[self.mButtonsPidDict setObject:[self.mArrPid objectAtIndex:indexVal] forKey:#"pid"];
self.mButtonsCommentsDict = [MyEventApi showComments:self.mButtonsPidDict];
self.mButtonsDict = [MyEventApi likeDislike:self.mButtonsUidDict post:self.mButtonsPidDict postStatus:self.mButtonsStatusDict];
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.activityIndicator stopAnimating];
NSLog(#"buttons data dict:%#", self.mButtonsDict);
if([self.mButtonsDict count] == 0)
NSLog(#"server problem no response");
[self.mArrLike addObject: #"0"];
[self.mArrDislike addObject: #"0"];
[self.mArrLike addObject: [self.mButtonsDict valueForKey:#"like"]];
[self.mArrDislike addObject: [self.mButtonsDict valueForKey:#"dislike"]];
if([self.mButtonsCommentsDict count] == 0)
NSLog(#"server problem no response");
[self.mCommArrTot addObject: #"0"];
self.dictComm = [self.mButtonsCommentsDict valueForKey:#"comments"];
[self.mCommArr addObject:[self.dictComm valueForKey:#"comment"]];
NSLog(#"count:%d",[self.mCommArr count]);
// NSString *strTot = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",tot];
// [self.mCommArrTot addObject:strTot];
NSLog(#"dictcomm:%#", self.dictComm );
NSLog(#"mcommarr:%#", [self.mCommArr objectAtIndex:indexVal]);
strr = [[NSString alloc]init];
strr = [self.mCommArr objectAtIndex:indexVal];
//NSString *strr = [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [self.mCommArr objectAtIndex:indexVal]];
// NSArray *arr1 = [self string:strr];
// NSArray *splitArray=[self.mCommArr[0] componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
//[strr componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
// NSLog(#"arrSep:%#", arr1);
//int count = [arr1 count];
//NSLog(#"arrcount:%d", count);
// NSString *strTot = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",count];
// [self.mCommArrTot addObject:strTot];
//NSLog(#"mcommarrtot:%#", [self.mCommArrTot objectAtIndex:indexVal]);
// NSLog(#"arrLike:%#", [self.mArrLike objectAtIndex:indexVal]);
// NSLog(#"arrDisLike:%#", [self.mArrLike objectAtIndex:indexVal]);
[self.mPublicFriendTable reloadData];
#catch (NSException *exception) {
NSLog(#"main: Caught %#: %#", [exception name], [exception reason]);
#finally {
It get killed when try to split. Why so, i am not getting. If anyone has faced such situation please guide what is wrong her.
You can split the string into an NSArray like below...
NSString *yourString = #"comment,comment,comment";
NSArray *strArray = [yourString componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
NSLog(#"\n\n Array is ==>> %#",strArray);
"[__NSArrayI componentsSeparatedByString:]:
Your error says you tried to send the above method to NSArray, which doesn't has.
As you want to split the array at index 0. you should probably do as :
NSArray *splitArray=[yourArray[0] componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
Here yourArray is the array that you get from Server.
NSString *strr = [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [self.mCommArr objectAtIndex:indexVal]];
NSArray *arr2 = [strr componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
I think you are passing str right now, which can be an array (as your error points out).
Let me know the results.

Extracting Unique Objects from a Data Array

I want to add names in a data array only if the name does not previously exist in the data array. When I attempt to print these names, I do get repetitions. Is there a way to solve this?
-(NSMutableArray *)autoComplete
NSMutableArray *dataArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#45.25,-95.25&limit=100&client_id=Von0J4Bu6INiez5bGby2R&client_secret=50sUjSbg7dba8cQgtpdfr5Ns7wyYTqtmKpUU3khQ",kWSURL];
NSDictionary * returnDict = (NSDictionary *) [self callWebService:url];
if([returnDict objectForKey:#"success"])
NSArray *responceArray = [returnDict objectForKey:#"response"];
for (NSDictionary *dict in responceArray) {
placeDC *place = [[placeDC alloc]init];
NSDictionary *placeDict = (NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:#"place" ];
NSDictionary *loctionDict =(NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:#"loc"];
NSString * name =[placeDict objectForKey:#"name"];
NSString * stateFull =[placeDict objectForKey:#"stateFull"];
NSString * countryFull =[placeDict objectForKey:#"countryFull"];
NSString *latitude =[loctionDict objectForKey:#"lat"];
NSString *longitude = [loctionDict objectForKey:#"long"];
NSLog(#"%# ",stateFull);
place.latitude=[latitude doubleValue];
place.longitude=[longitude doubleValue];
[dataArray addObject:place];
return dataArray;
First Check that is there any response from the Server side or not, to check response use NSLog() or Break Points.
if response is ok then put a the following check your code
if (![dataArray containsObject:#"Some Name"])
// add Object
You could add the name NSString to an NSSet and check in every cycle whether it contains it or not.
Inside your if you could write something like:
NSArray *responceArray = [returnDict objectForKey:#"response"];
NSSet *names = [[NSSet alloc] init];
for (NSDictionary *dict in responceArray) {
NSDictionary *placeDict = (NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:#"place" ];
NSString * name =[placeDict objectForKey:#"name"];
if (![names containsObject:name]) {
[names addObject:name];
placeDC *place = [[placeDC alloc]init];
NSDictionary *loctionDict =(NSDictionary *)[dict objectForKey:#"loc"];
NSString * stateFull =[placeDict objectForKey:#"stateFull"];
NSString * countryFull =[placeDict objectForKey:#"countryFull"];
NSString *latitude =[loctionDict objectForKey:#"lat"];
NSString *longitude = [loctionDict objectForKey:#"long"];
NSLog(#"%# ",stateFull);
place.latitude=[latitude doubleValue];
place.longitude=[longitude doubleValue];
[dataArray addObject:place];
Hope this helps!
Do one thing, add your dict in another array and search in this array that data already exist or not,
[tempAry addObject: dict];
and before insertion
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"name == %#", name];
NSArray *filteredArray = [tempAry filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
if ([filteredArray count] == 0)
[dataArray addObject:place];
//Already exist
Why don't you create a separate dictionary, as an ivar or property of you class, for storing our required value, say it as :
NSMutableDictionary *uniqueValueDict=[NSMutableDictionary new];
And keep storing your required value and key as:
[uniqueValueDict setObject:stateFull forKey:uniqueValueDict];
Your work will be done.
This is the easiest solution that i have applied and this should get you going in picking up unique elements out of array.
NSArray * claimedOfferArray = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"A",#"B",#"A",#"C",#"B" nil];
NSArray * distinctArray = [[NSArray alloc]init];
distinctArray =[[NSSet setWithArray:claimedOfferArray] allObjects];
This code will also work with NSMutableArray
Let me know if it works for you..:).

How to get original special characters from SQLite db using iPhone SDK?

I am inserting HTML content (which has special characters like bullets, etc) into the SQLite database.
When I try to get the content on a view, it does not show the special characters correctly. It shows me junk text.
How can I ensure that whatever text I insert in database, it is displayed correctly on the view.
My Insertion code:
// This query method implementation is in different file
- (NSArray *)executeQuery:(NSString *)sql arguments:(NSArray *)args {
sqlite3_stmt *sqlStmt;
if (![self prepareSql:sql inStatament:(&sqlStmt)])
return nil;
int i = 0;
int queryParamCount = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(sqlStmt);
while (i++ < queryParamCount)
[self bindObject:[args objectAtIndex:(i - 1)] toColumn:i inStatament:sqlStmt];
NSMutableArray *arrayList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // By Devang
int columnCount = sqlite3_column_count(sqlStmt);
while ([self hasData:sqlStmt]) {
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
for (i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i) {
id columnName = [self columnName:sqlStmt columnIndex:i];
id columnData = [self columnData:sqlStmt columnIndex:i];
[dictionary setObject:columnData forKey:columnName];
[arrayList addObject:dictionary];
//[arrayList addObject:[dictionary autorelease]];
return arrayList;
// now call this method by make object for this file
NSString *inserQuery =[NSString stringWithFormat:#"insert into feedtest (title,summary,image,id) values ('%#','%#','%#',%d)",cell.textLabel.text,source,returnURL,indexPath.row];
NSLog(#"query - %#",inserQuery);
[database executeQuery:inserQuery];
// Retrive the data
NSString *sd=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Select title,summary from feedtest"];
NSMutableArray *p=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
p=[[database executeQuery:sd ] mutableCopy];
[database close];
NSString *titleHTML = [[p objectAtIndex:i]valueForKey:#"title"];
NSString *postHTML =[[p objectAtIndex:i]valueForKey:#"summary"];
You can check your local database using FireFox plugin SQLite. But, sometimes on retrieving we faced strange problem like what is present in the storage not coming properly and sometime, there is crash. So my suggestion is what you should check encoding scheme(normally, it's not matter more) and while getting data use this:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%s",(const char*)sqlite3_column_text(statement, 4)] ;
instead of:
[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(const char*)sqlite3_column_text(statement, 4)];
Hope, this is what you're looking for. Any concern get back to me. :)

Adding custom defined objects to NSMutableArray overwrite the whole array

-(id) initWithData:(NSString *)lastName: (NSString *)firstName{
self->firstname = firstName;
self->lastname = lastName;
return self;
-(void) printData {
NSLog(#"firstname: %#", firstname);
NSLog(#"lastname: %#", lastname);
so whenever I create a new object using the above init function. And Add objects to a NSMutableArray, using the addObject function.
NSMutableArray *objectArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
CustomObject *tempObject = [[CustomObject alloc] initWithData: #"smith": #"john"];
CustomObject *tempObjectb = [[CustomObject alloc] initWithData: #"brown": #"william"];
[objectArray addObject:tempObject];
[objectArray addObject:tempObjectb];
[[objectArray objectAtIndex:0] printData];
[[objectArray objectAtIndex:1] printData];
objects at index 1, and 0 always equal the whichever object was added to the array last.
This also happens if I use a for loop, or have more than 2 objects, all values when printed, turn to the values of the last added object to the objectArray. Let me know if there is any information that I am missing.
Is there something that I am missing?
Fix your initWithData:lastName: implementation as following:
-(id) initWithData:(NSString *)lastName: (NSString *)firstName
self = [super init];
if ( nil != self ) {
self->firstname = [firstName retain];
self->lastname = [lastName retain];
return self;

AWS SimpleDB Select Expression iPhone

I need to construct a selectExpression for SimpleDB where I only want items with attributes = to X, sorted in descending order by attribute Y. All I have so far is this:
NSString *selectExpression = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"select itemName() from `%#`",domainString];
#try {
SimpleDBSelectRequest *selectRequest2 = [[[SimpleDBSelectRequest alloc] initWithSelectExpression:selectExpression] autorelease];
SimpleDBSelectResponse *selectResponse = [[Constants sdb] select:selectRequest2];
if (items == nil) {
items = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[selectResponse.items count]];
else {
[items removeAllObjects];
for (SimpleDBItem *item in selectResponse.items) {
[items sortUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)];
#catch (AmazonServiceException *exception) {
NSLog(#"Exception = %#", exception);
I would prefer to only select items (above) with attributes X by Y rather than get all items and then sort. How do I add this? Does it go in the selectExpression string or somewhere else. Many thanks!
Try this out --
Select x,y from <domain_name> where itemName() is not null order by itemName() asc
NSString *selectExpression = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"select itemName() from `%#` where X = '%#' order by 'X' descending",domainName,attributeValue];