FBLoginView iPhone View - iphone

Using the FBLoginView in the current 3.1 Facebook SDK doesn't produce what I believe it should be producing as an output. Generating a basic [[FBLoginView alloc] init]; and the frame the size of the current view controllers frame, it only shows the below WITHOUT the "Login" button:
What does it take to make the FBLoginView show properly?

Try this:
In .h file:
Use this delegate <FBLoginViewDelegate>
FBLoginView *loginview;
In.m file in someMethod:
loginView = [[FBLoginView alloc] initWithPermissions:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"publish_actions, user_photos,status_update"]]; // Whatever permissions you need
loginview.frame = self.view.bounds; //whatever you want
loginview.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:loginview];
Add these methods:
- (void)loginViewShowingLoggedInUser:(FBLoginView *)loginView {
NSLog(#"Logged In");
- (void)loginViewFetchedUserInfo:(FBLoginView *)loginView
user:(id<FBGraphUser>)user {
NSLog(#"user Id %#",user.id);
- (void)loginViewShowingLoggedOutUser:(FBLoginView *)loginView {
// Called after logout
NSLog(#"Logged out");
Hope this helps.

I noticed that I was missing FacebookSDKResources.bundle in my project. When I added it, it started working.


Put FBLoginView in ViewDidLoad crash the app

I have put Facebook loginview code like this
(void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Create Login View so that the app will be granted "status_update" permission.
loginview = [[FBLoginView alloc] init];
loginview.frame = CGRectOffset(loginview.frame, 5, 5);
loginview.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:loginview];
[loginview sizeToFit];
on first time when i logged in it works fine.But after logged in when i jump to this view from another view it crash the app.
What is the problem?I didn't get it.
I had this same problem. I fixed it by doing this:
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
// This isn't public, so you need to use performSelector...
[fbLoginView performSelector:#selector(unwireViewForSession)];
This is based on a bug report here:
maybe you could try this:
static id sharedInstance = self;
loginview.delegate = sharedInstance;
By creating your delegate view instance as static, you store it in the same scope than the facebook login view (which is created in static scope). You avoid bad access error.
I have quit a same problem while dismissing ViewController with FBLoginView.
I solved this problem by setting FBLoginView delegate to nil before calling dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion:
self.loginFBView.delegate = nil;
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil];

facebook login using FBloginView not showing in ios 6

i am trying create login button for facebook using FBloginView.
Following is the code i wrote.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
loginview = [[FBLoginView alloc] initWithPermissions:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"publish_actions, user_photos,status_update"]]; // Whatever permissions you need
loginview.frame = self.view.bounds; //whatever you want
loginview.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:loginview];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view from its nib.
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
- (void)loginViewShowingLoggedInUser:(FBLoginView *)loginView {
NSLog(#"Logged In");
- (void)loginViewFetchedUserInfo:(FBLoginView *)loginView
user:(id<FBGraphUser>)user {
NSLog(#"user Id %#",user.id);
- (void)loginViewShowingLoggedOutUser:(FBLoginView *)loginView {
// Called after logout
NSLog(#"Logged out");
but its not showing login button.
what is the problem with my code. in console am getting "Logged out".
I had FacebookSDKResources.bundle added but still I got the error "Unknown class FBLoginView in interface builder" appearing in the xcode output pane.
To fix this I added the following line to didFinishLaunchingWithOptions :
[FBLoginView class];
This is explained in https://developers.facebook.com/ios/login-ui-control/
As noted by #rajath above, the resolution is to add the FacebookSDKResources.bundle to your project.

Adding view onto Window of Twitter

Hi i am facing a strange problem. I have a class which is NSObject type, and on same class i want to share image on Facebook and Email and also on Twitter. I successfully done FB and Email, On Email i use [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] addSubview:mailer.view]; to show Mail controller onto Window instread of Presenting Model view controller and same as on Dismiss i use Remove from super view. But when i do same with twitter controller then twitter controller just show me few mili seconds and then hide. I also add new View controller onto Window and then Present its controller onto that View controller but same output. Don't know what going wrong. Please help on that. Thanks in advance. This will be great for me :)
if (_engine != nil) {
_engine = nil;
[_engine release];
_engine = [[SA_OAuthTwitterEngine alloc] initOAuthWithDelegate: self];
_engine.consumerKey = kOAuthConsumerKey;
_engine.consumerSecret = kOAuthConsumerSecret;
UIViewController *controller = [SA_OAuthTwitterController controllerToEnterCredentialsWithTwitterEngine:_engine delegate: self];
if (controller) {
NSLog(#"Sharing on Twitter on loading controller of twitter");
[[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow addSubview:controller.view];
else {
NSLog(#"Sharing on Twitter in else condition");
[self sharetoTwitter:screenImg];
- (void) sharetoTwitter:(UIImage *)img {
NSString *response = [_engine _uploadImage:img requestType:MGTwitterPublicTimelineRequest responseType:MGTwitterStatus];
NSLog(#"twitter post notification");
I used Add subview to load view instead of Presenting View.
Have you tried this
UIWindow *window = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow];
[window addSubView:controller.view];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];//important line dont forget to set this line

GADInterstitial custom ads not working

i have a problem in getting the GADInterstitial custom ads i have tried this code
if(nil != m_pBannerView)
m_pBannerView.delegate = nil;
[m_pBannerView release];
m_pBannerView = nil;
m_pBannerView = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner];
m_pBannerView.delegate = self;
m_pBannerView.rootViewController = self;
m_pBannerView.adUnitID = #"AdMob Publisher ID";
m_pBannerView.rootViewController = self;
[self.view addSubview:m_pBannerView];
GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
request.testing = YES;
[m_pBannerView loadRequest:request];
if(nil != m_pInterstitial)
[m_pInterstitial release];
m_pInterstitial = nil;
m_pInterstitial = [[GADInterstitial alloc] init];
m_pInterstitial.delegate = self;
m_pInterstitial.adUnitID = #"INTERSTITIAL_AD_UNIT_ID";
GADRequest *interstialRequest = [GADRequest request];
interstialRequest.testing = YES;
[m_pInterstitial loadRequest: interstialRequest];
And in GADInterstitial Delegates i am calling [ad presentFromRootViewController:self];
but still i am not able to get the custom ads please help me.
You have to use your own unique id for adUnitID property
GADInterstitial is an interesting way to show ads in your Apps, and kind of a tricky one too. Following this example, lets pursue the following steps:
First we need to set up the environment for them to show at all.
Download the GoogleAdMobAdsSdkiOS, preferably the latest. Add
the SDK to your project, but do remember to delete the example
Projects in the AddOns folder in the SDK.
Next, add the following frameworks in your Project>>Build
Phases>>Link Binary With Libraries:
AdSupport.framework (select Optional if catering for < iOS7)
libGoogleAdMobAds.a (placed in the SDK folder)
The basics are complete. Now we need to select the ViewController we wish to see our Ads in. So here's some code, here we import the header for GADInterstitialDelegate and extend it with our MainViewController.h:
#import "GADInterstitialDelegate.h"
#define kSampleAdUnitID #"/6253334/dfp_example_ad/interstitial"
#class GADInterstitial;
#class GADRequest;
#interface MainViewController : UIViewController<GADInterstitialDelegate>
BOOL isLoaded_;
NSTimer *quickie_;
#property(nonatomic, strong) GADInterstitial *interstitial;
//Make sure the delegate is handled properly.
Now we need to move to the implementation i.e. in MainViewController.m:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
[self initializeAds];
quickie_ = [[NSTimer alloc] init];
quickie_ = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:#selector(showAdd) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
if(isLoaded_ && [quickie_ isValid])
[quickie_ invalidate];
quickie_ = nil;
[self.interstitial presentFromRootViewController:self];
- (GADRequest *)request
GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
return request;
// Create a new GADInterstitial each time. A GADInterstitial will only show one request in its
// lifetime. The property will release the old one and set the new one.
self.interstitial = [[GADInterstitial alloc] init];
self.interstitial.delegate = self;
// Note: kSampleAdUnitId is a staticApId for example purposes. For personal Ads update kSampleAdUnitId with your interstitial ad unit id.
self.interstitial.adUnitID = kSampleAdUnitID;
[self.interstitial loadRequest:[self request]];
- (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews
[super viewWillLayoutSubviews];
self.loadingSpinner.center = CGPointMake(CGRectGetWidth(self.view.bounds) / 2, self.loadingSpinner.center.y);
- (void)interstitialDidReceiveAd:(GADInterstitial *)interstitial
isLoaded_ = YES;
- (void)interstitial:(GADInterstitial *)interstitial didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(GADRequestError *)error
isLoaded_ = NO;
The timer "quickie_" here constantly checks if the Ad has successfully loaded and when it does, it shoots the Ad on the ViewController if the user still is on it. The static kSampleAdUnitID is a sampleId that always works. Thats it. Run your code and find your Interstitial Ad on your ViewController of choice.
Hope I helped. Cheers! :)

How to post tweet from iPhone without PIN using SA_OAuthTwitterEngine?

I am developing a iPhone application which sends tweets to twitter. For this I am using SA_OAuthTwitterEngine + MGTwitterEngine classes.
I register applicaiton to www.twitter.com/apps and pass Consumer key and Consumer secret to controller my code is this.
_engine = [[SA_OAuthTwitterEngine alloc] initOAuthWithDelegate:self];
_engine.consumerKey = slPcFUjUh5y1hex0zvEhPg;
_engine.consumerSecret = u6ydovMdP9yeiVqDukVhIzZPgJR9XDPUwfxymzNs;
UIViewController *controller = [SA_OAuthTwitterController controllerToEnterCredentialsWithTwitterEngine:_engine delegate:self];
if (controller){
[self presentModalViewController: controller animated: YES];
intTwitterFlag = 1;
Previously on twitter.com/apps I select Application type = client and my application will generate PIN and accessToken. But when i change my Application type = Browser it cannot generate PIN and accessToken.
Previously when application type is client i am giving user name and password and then control return to my application from the webview but now after entering user name and password it cannot dismissModalViewController but showing Select and Copy the PIN.
Thank you for your time and any help you can give me!
Here it is:just replace the method in SA_OAuthTwitterController.m:
- (void) webViewDidFinishLoad: (UIWebView *) webView {
_loading = NO;
//[self performInjection];
if (_firstLoad) {
[_webView performSelector: #selector(stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:) withObject: #"window.scrollBy(0,200)" afterDelay: 0];
_firstLoad = NO;
} else {
NSString *authPin = [self locateAuthPinInWebView: webView];
NSLog(#"authPin: %#", authPin);
if (authPin.length) {
[self gotPin: authPin];
NSString *formCount = [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: #"document.forms.length"];
if ([formCount isEqualToString: #"0"]) {
[self showPinCopyPrompt];
// This is to bypass the pin requirement
// in case the call back URL is set in Twitter settings
[_engine requestAccessToken];
if ([_delegate respondsToSelector: #selector(OAuthTwitterController:authenticatedWithUsername:)])
[_delegate OAuthTwitterController: self authenticatedWithUsername: _engine.username];
[self performSelector: #selector(dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:) withObject: (id) kCFBooleanTrue afterDelay: 1.0];
//[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
[UIView beginAnimations: nil context: nil];
_blockerView.alpha = 0.0;
[UIView commitAnimations];
if ([_webView isLoading]) {
_webView.alpha = 0.0;
} else {
_webView.alpha = 1.0;
I too faced the same issue, and i just removed callback url from the twitter app settings. For my surprise login proceeds without any issue.
The replacement for this method
(void) webViewDidFinishLoad: (UIWebView *) webView
in the class SA_OAuthTwitterController.m works well.
Its better to use xAuth route for mobile apps
check XAuthTwitterEngine which implements xauth for the MGTwitterEngine