CVS keeps adding code at the end of the file I want to commit - version-control

I have trouble with 4 files in my CVS project. Each time I commit one of those files, CVS keeps adding the same line of code at the end of it. This line of code is a repeated line of the current file (but not the last line of it).
I've try several things : update, delete lines and commit, delete all lines and commit, adding lines and commit, adding header and commit. But I always get the same line of code added to the end of my file. I could delete all files and recreate those, but I would lost all my history data.
I find it awkward that CVS is modifying my file when I commit. Is it not counter productive as it may add errors in a compliant code?
I could add that my file is a .strings (text file, unicode). I'm working on a branch, but recently merge it in the trunk.
More Details:
I'm using TortoiseSVN on a virtual Windows machine, which has access to my Documents folder of Mac OS X via a Network Drive between those two.
It turns out that my colleague, which has the same project but on a real Windows folder, could commit without any problem.
And now that he done that, the problem is solve for me too.
But I have no idea what happen. My only clue would be a hidden character in Mac OS X that would breaks TortoiseSVN. Is it possible?

I haven't experienced this issue with CVS, but note that you mention that the file you are editing is Unicode text (you don't mention if this means UTF8 or UTF16, but either can cause issues).
Depending on how your CVS server was built, and how (and on what platform) it is being run, it is highly possible that the server is not Unicode-aware. This can cause a whole range of possible issues, including expanding RCS-style $ tags in places where the second (or later) byte of a Unicode character is equal to ASCII '$'.
The workaround for this is to mark Unicode source files as binary objects. From the command line, this can be done using
cvs add -kb file-name
when adding a new file, or
cvs admin -kb file-name
for an existing file (replace file-name with the name of your file).
In the latter case, I'd recommend removing the (local copy of the) file and running 'cvs update' to get it back after changing the type.
Note that doing this is unlikely to help with changes you're already seeing in the file, so make sure to check the file, and fix any existing problem after making this change.


Hash of a textual file for integrity purposes

I have a more general requirement to track changes in asset files that are committed into source code and deployed inside the binaries, but for now I am implementing it in unit testing context and facing a potential problem for the future. Before asking the TLDR question I will show a lot of contextual information.
Some application assets are loaded from CSV files committed into Git repository via ClasspathResource[1] and they may sometime change. Change occurs across commits, but for a runtime application the change occurs across different versions of the application.
My test solution
I have implemented the following mechanism to alert me about changes in the resource:
public void setUp() throws Exception
assertEquals("Resource file has changed. Make sure the test reflects the changes in the file and update the checksum", MD5_OF_FILE,
DigestUtils.md5Hex(new ClassPathResource("META-INF/resources/assets.csv").getInputStream()));
Basically, I want my unit tests to fail until I explicitly code the checksum of the file. When I run md5sum assets.txt I hardcode the result into the code so tests know they are working with a fixed version of the file.
I ran the tests on my own Windows box and worked like a charm. Switching to Linux, I found that they failed. Immediately I realized that it may be due to line endings, which I totally forgot.
In the specific case, Git is configured to commit files LF but checkout (in Windows) CRLF. This configuration is reasonable for working with source code.
So I need to check if the asset file has changed in a smart way that allows a box to change/reinterpret the line endings. This is especially true for the runtime application which will store the file hash and will compare the actual assets file (which may have changed), performing corrective actions on differences ==> reloading the assets.
Given a textual file of which I can extract and store any hash (not just cryptographic, I used MD5), how can I tell that it has changed regardless of the environment the file is processed into, which may modify the line endings?
I have requirement not to use a versioning system in the asset itself (e.g. first row has incremental version, since developers will fail to update correctly).
[1] Spring framework tool wrapping Class.getResourceAsStream
A solution could be normalizing the file to chosen line endings, i.e. always CRLF or always LF, then compute the cryptographic hash over that normalized content.
E.g. compute md5sum | dos2unix file and use a proper Stream in code that normalizes the file on the fly

Edmx update model add blank lines from autogeneration

I have an annoying problem and can't seem to figure out what's causing it. On my machine when I try to use Update Model from Database... on Edmx file in EF Database first approach the autogenerated model has blank lines between properties. This doesn't seem to occure on other developers machines even though we have same versions of VS , extensions etc.
Problem is that even when I add for example one new table the refresh automatically adds blank lines for all mapped tables. Later all of this is visible as conflict during merge operations in GIT.
Would really appreciate any help since I did't find a single shred of information on this issue anywhere and this really disrupts work.
I checked the files ( on my machine and my friends) using Notepad++ comparer and it said there are no differences but the encoding is different. When I copied manually and did the update the blank lines were gone.... Must be some kind of quirk.
Posting as an answer since I wasted few hours on this and someone might have simmilar problem.
What worked for me
💡Turns out it was how my OS was ending lines
Working in Windows. Earlier disabled "auto carriage returns (CR) + line feeds (LF) line endings" in global Git configuration, reenabled:
git config --global core.autocrlf true
FYI 'nix/Mac ends lines w/ LFs only, Windows end lines w/ CRs + LFs
Opened up * and * in Notepad++
Edit > EOL Conversions > Windows (CR LF) > Save
Refresh EDMX
Looking for a better terminal-based solution, sounds like dos2unix will come in to play at some point. Will amend this as soon as I've ironed this out.

.emacs.d: should I version control the archive-contents files under elpa/archives?

I am not sure whether I should version control the following files under my .emacs.d:
[lucas#lucas-ThinkPad-W520]/home/lucas/.emacs.d$ file elpa/archives/marmalade/archive-con
elpa/archives/marmalade/archive-contents: HTML document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very lo
ng lines, with no line terminators
[lucas#lucas-ThinkPad-W520]/home/lucas/.emacs.d$ file elpa/archives/gnu/archive-contents
elpa/archives/gnu/archive-contents: ASCII text
As shown above, marmalade/archive-contents is an HTML document while gnu/archive-contents is ASCII text. Are these safe to include in my version control or should I remove them from my index?
For example, I use emacs across different platforms like Ubuntu Linux and Windows 7, and I would like to keep my emacs environment consistent. It works so far, but I want to avoid future problems. I am ignoring files like *.elc, but I don't know whether archive-contents under version control will help or hinder my cross-platform emacs environment.
I looked at other .emacs.d/ repositories, like this one, and examined their .gitignore files, but I don't know if they are doing correctly either. Any suggestions or resources on how to manage the .emacs.d/ version control for cross-platform development would be great.
Here is my current .gitignore:
This seems to be an iffy topic, but it seems that the significant majority do not version control their entire elpa/ folder even though it may take a hit on their initial load time (immediately after cloning). I think I will follow that advice, and I'm willing to live with it rather than spending more time managing the extra issues of a pre-compiled repository.
I do not commit .emacs.d/elpa at all. My init.el automatically reinstalls missing packages on startup. I did not have any issues yet, even though I exclusively use unstable packages from MELPA.
I don't think including archive-contents should cause any problems. I don't make much use of package.el, but I have that file in my repo, and haven't noticed any issues.
Byte-compiled .elc files are portable. I recommend that you do include them in your repository, otherwise you risk ending up with uncompiled elisp when you clone your repo, and Emacs will run your config awfully slowly.
Remember that none of the default recompilation commands will compile a .el file if it doesn't already have a .elc file, so you'd be left needing to decide whether or not it was valid to forcibly compile everything (which isn't necessarily a safe thing to do), or manually pick and choose. Neither is a good option.
The exceptions I make are for the elisp files which I edit myself (init file, etc) as there's more chance of causing problems when you're editing files in multiple places, and merging. So I do .gitignore these files (and forcibly compile them for new deployments). However I use (Highly recommended) to automatically ensure that the compiled versions of these (and indeed all) .elc files is always up to date, so that when I merge the modified .el files, Emacs won't load the outdated .elc file instead.
FWIW my .gitignore looks like this (although some of the names are custom). It's pretty much a case of adding stuff as you encounter a need for it, though, so I wouldn't suggest that you copy this.
These files are created by package.el (more specific, the package-update-contents function), and contain the index of packages for each ELPA repository. Checking them into VC might be annoying because they get updated frequently and you have to deal with merge, which is meaningless since they will be updated by package.el eventually.

Eclipse won't ignore CRLF in team synchronization

First, let me explain what I am doing. I have a CVS repository that I store 5,000 Data Definition Language files in. These 5,000 files are generated from an external data modeling application, they are text and have windows CRLFs. During development, if I need to make a change, I re-generate the 5,000 files and then overwrite the contents of my local CVS workspace in eclipse. The full overwrite/replacement is to make sure that I don't miss any updates to files. After overwriting/replacing the files, I use eclipse to do a team < synchronize with repository. When I do this, the comparison flags every single file as an outgoing change because it looks to not be ignoring CRLFs in its comparison. I have "Ignore white space" checked off and the eclipse documentation states that it should be ignoring CRLFs:
Ignore whitespace option:
Causes the comparison to ignore differences which are whitespace characters
(spaces, tabs, etc.). Also causes differences in line terminators ( LF
versus CRLF) to be ignored.
When I open the files in text compare, it shows no diffs but there is an extra CRLF at top of one of the files. Is this a bug or is there an option I am missing in eclipse? It looks like the problem is that it doesn't ignore CRLFs that are on their own line.
The Eclipse compare dialog doesn't have a bug; you're just confused because you're seeing the output of several, independent problems.
The option "ignore whitespace" only reduces the amount of changes that the compare dialog shows; it has no effect whatsoever on the differences that CVS sees. So as long as the files have the wrong line ending, CVS will complain.
Some version control systems allow you to specify converters to solve this issue, CVS doesn't. So you really need to generate files with the correct line endings.
The "single file with extra CRLF" really has a an extra CRLF. Find out why and fix that to make the difference go away.
When generating files, you should never use PrintStream or PrintWriter. It is tempting but these two have many bugs (like close() doesn't flush(), violating their API contract) plus they use platform dependent line endings which is almost never what you want. Yes, it might work by accident but trust me on this, that's not what you want. You don't want you pay check filed on accident, either, right?
If you don't use PrintStream nor PrintWriter, then avoid the System property line.separator for the same reasons.
I suggest to wrote a helper class which has many of the methods of PrintStream / PrintWriter but none of the bugs. Plus it should allow you to set the line delimiter to whatever you need.
Note: If you use a Writer, make sure you also specify the charset / encoding or the "UTF-8 to bytes" conversion will be as random as the line endings.

Mercurial/Kiln how can I get a deleted file without affecting my other files?

I have a file that was deleted a few changesets ago. As you can imagine, the other files in my project have changed since then. How can I get back that file (it's actually 2 files) without reverting all the other source files?
Use hg revert for just that file:
hg revert -r REV path/to/deleted/file
From the help for hg revert
If a file has been deleted, it is restored. If the executable mode of a file was changed, it is reset.
If names are given, all files matching the names are reverted. If no arguments are given, no files are reverted.
Another approach to this is to use the Kiln website. You can search for a changeset by changeset id, or just use a date search, .e.g. date:2011-10-01..2011-10-31
That will then give you a list of changesets, click the one that will show the version of the code you want to recover, and then if you click the Browse files at [changeset id] link on the right hand side you will then get a list of the folders and files at that point in time.
You can then just add new files to your project and cut and paste the code back into those new files.
Admittedly this isn't as nice an approach for recovering a whole file, but it's handy if you only want to recover part of the code, or if someone has subsequently added a new file with the name of the old file.